  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
I am Brazilian, and I found this forum a good alternative help. If by chance there was an error on my English I would forgive me.

I'm trying to save the disk image but it is generating me this error.

Here is my bean class

here's my Web.xml file

wondered why is giving the error message, and I would like to correct and resolve the issue.

The problem lies in the web page (xhtml)

For uploading file forms the form tag looks like

Also since you are using Primeface's UploadedFile, to get the filename you need to do something like:

Given getUploadedFile() returns the Primeface's UploadedFile object.

getUploadFile().getFileName() alone will not do especially if users are using different browser.