  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
Print this help text. get [--user | current] NAMESPACE KEY Retrieve the current value of KEY. put [--user | current] NAMESPACE KEY VALUE [TAG] [default] Change the contents of KEY to VALUE. TAG to associate with the setting. {default} to set as the default, case-insensitive only for global/secure namespace delete [--user | current] NAMESPACE KEY Delete the entry for KEY. reset [--user | current] NAMESPACE {PACKAGE_NAME | RESET_MODE} Reset the global/secure table for a package with mode. RESET_MODE is one of {untrusted_defaults, untrusted_clear, trusted_defaults}, case-insensitive list [--user | current] NAMESPACE Print all defined keys. NAMESPACE is one of {system, secure, global}, case-insensitive

二、列出 list

adb shell settings list system
adb shell settings list secure
adb shell settings list global

可以用 list 命令,列出配置文件里有哪些配置项。
根据配置项的键 来修改值


三、获取 get

adb shell settings get system
adb shell settings get secure
adb shell settings get global

四、更新 put

adb shell settings put system
adb shell settings put secure
adb shell settings put global
adb shell settings delete system
adb shell settings delete secure
adb shell settings delete global

六、恢复默认 reset

adb shell settings reset system
adb shell settings reset secure
adb shell settings reset global