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I logged on to ActiveState and created a project for ActivePerl 5.34.0 for Windows 10 (and supporting Server 2019). I copied the download link and logged on to Server 2019 and pasted the link into a Command prompt window. I got the following error message:
Something Went Wrong
x Could not activate runtime environment
x Failure encountered in active subshell

Need More Help?
• Run → state activate --help for general help
• Visit the Forum → State Tool - ActiveState Community

Something Went Wrong
x Could not forward your command after auto-updating, please manually run your command again.

Need More Help?

I do not understand what to do now? Since the installation began by complaining that the state function might be old I ran state update after the failed installation. I received the output that state was up to date.

What can I do now to get ActivePerl 5.34.0 to work on the Server 2019 virtual computer?

With regards,
/m-o r

Hi @mats-olov - just to confirm, you’re talking about this project here right - ActiveState ?

I’ve posted your issue to the command line tool team and will let you when I hear back.

Yes. That was the project I created with all packages included to be able to migrate a couple of Perl projects from a Windows Server 2008 R2 computer running on ActivePerl The older computer is to be retired due to both the operating system being unsupported by Microsoft and the computer performance being too puny.

I tried to install ActivePerl version 5.28 and 5.32 in August but failed when I attempted to add the Perl modules the projects depended on. As I remember it was Server 2019 not among the supported operating systems at that time but I may be wrong on that count. I used Server 2019 app installation on all attempted earlier ActivePerl installation attempts before attempting the 5.34.0 installation.

With regards,
/m-o r

Hi @mats-olov . Would you be able to supply us with some information to debug your issue?

First, could you share the output of the command: state --version .

Second, please share the result of state update -v .

This should hopefully help us figure out why it’s failing for you. In the meantime, you could also try resetting your state tool installation by running state clean uninstall and then reinstalling the State Tool. But please share the result of the above two commands before you do this.

Thank you, and apologies for the inconvenience.

Hi Nathan

I hope this message reaches you since I wan not allowed to answer more tiems on my own post? I do have a log file with the output from state --version, state update -v and state clean uninstill. How can I provide that to you? This forum only seems to allow upload of pictures?

With regards,
/m-o r

ActiveState-bug search 2021-10-19 #1 1920×1040 66.7 KB

I have tried to take 2 snapshots of the command windows with the output from the commands you suggested. This is the first. Please let me know if the necessary information is contained in the pictures.

With regards,
/m-o r

Hi @mats-olov , it does not seem like that command reproduced the issue. Are you still having the original issue you filed? If so, can you reproduce it and simply include the -v flag when you run the command, in order to get the log?

From the error you received from state clean uninstall I suspect a permission issue. Did you by chance install the State Tool as an administrator? If so you may run into issues when using the State Tool as a non-admin (ie. not inside an elevated prompt). In this case I would try uninstalling it as an admin, and then reinstalling it as a regular user.

Where in the string powershell -Command “& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘ https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/pdli01/install.ps1 ’))) -activate-default mats-olov/Perl-5.34.0-Windows” should I insert -v flag?

The virtual server computer was created with an administrative account which I have used all the time when trying to install ActivePerl and then install the required Perl modules. There are a number of other user accounts on the server. All of these accounts are members of the server’s Administrators group.

With regards,
/m-o r

You can just append the flags at the end of that string.

Whether your user has admin access is irrelevant when it comes to running commands. Even if you are an administrator you have to have started the command prompt with elevated permissions in order for your commands to be ran with admin privileges.

To be clear; State tool prefers to -not- be ran with admin privileges.

I tried to add -v at the end with the following result:

C:\Users\asftadmin>powershell -Command "& $([scriptblock]::Create((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://platform.activestate.com/dl/cli/pdli01/install.ps1'))) -activate-default mats-olov/Perl-5.34.0-Windows -v"
Missing an argument for parameter 'v'. Specify a parameter of type 'System.String' and try again.
At line:1 char:181
+ ... 01/install.ps1'))) -activate-default mats-olov/Perl-5.34.0-Windows -v
+                                                                        ~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingArgument

If state tool doesn’t work as well with an administrative account will it not work very well on our server computer. All user accounts will be administrative on it.

With regards,
/m-o r


I re-ran the installation command as given on your web site. The end of the output ended with:

Installing                              629/629
The default activation is added to the environment of user ASFT-Swedav2\asftadmin.  The project may be inaccessible when run with Administrator privileges or authenticated as a different user.
Something Went Wrong
 x Could not activate runtime environment
 x Failure encountered in active subshell
Need More Help?
 • Run → `state activate --help` for general help
 • Visit the Forum → https://community.activestate.com/c/state-tool/

It looks to me as everything installed. A lot of package names was shown as being downloaded and installed. But then it failed at the end as you can see. Is there anything else I can do? I tried to add -v flag at the end of the site given string. I also tried to add the -v inside the last ". Both gave the syntax errors.

With regards,
/m-o r

Could you share the full output of running the following command:

state activate -v ASFT-Swedav2\asftadmin

For what it’s worth; I tried your project myself on my Windows machine and it successfully activated.

How can I attach a text file with the requested output to this forum or send it directly to you either in this forum or by e-mail?

The forum dislikes program output. Now it complained that new users are only allowed to post 2 links whatever that means?

With regards,
/m-o r

Hi @mats-olov ,

I’ve increased your membership level on the forums, let me know if that helps?

If that didn’t help, we could maybe move this to the github issues section: Issues · ActiveState/cli · GitHub


my second attempt to paste the output from the command line you suggested in an eralier post:
C:\Users\asftadmin>state activate -v ASFT-Swedav2\asftadmin
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.914281800, main.go:142] ConfigPath: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.914808900, main.go:143] CachePath: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Local\activestate\cache
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.915866900, exeutils.go:149] Executing: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Local\activestate\StateTool\release\state-svc.exe [start]
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.929882100, projectfile.go:512] Parsed URL: {mats-olov Perl-5.34.0-Windows 63a703c2-95cf-407f-afd6-ab0a649e558d main}
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.949519400, subshell.go:102] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.951551900, subshell.go:134] Using binary: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.965266100, secrets.go:35] Gcloud Secretmanager failed to initialize (ignore if you’re not trying to use gcloud): google: could not find default credentials. See Authenticating as a service account  |  Authentication  |  Google Cloud for more information.
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.966324000, svcmanager.go:57] Waiting for state-svc
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.966324000, svcmanager.go:59] Attempt 1
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.971367400, projectfile.go:512] Parsed URL: {mats-olov Perl-5.34.0-Windows 63a703c2-95cf-407f-afd6-ab0a649e558d main}
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:03.990601100, secrets.go:61] secrets-api scheme=https host=platform.activestate.com base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:04.002658800, projectfile.go:512] Parsed URL: {mats-olov Perl-5.34.0-Windows 63a703c2-95cf-407f-afd6-ab0a649e558d main}
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:04.020411400, secrets.go:61] secrets-api scheme=https host=platform.activestate.com base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:04.024253500, checker.go:112] Getting update info: https://platform.activestate.com/sv/state-update/api/v1/info?channel=release&platform=windows&source=update

Auto Update
Updating State Tool from 0.30.3-SHA63e4968 to 0.30.3-SHAfbd1211.
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:04.442583100, autoupdate.go:62] Auto updating to 0.30.3-SHAfbd1211
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:04.443143900, updater.go:100] InstallBlocking path: , args:
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:04.443691900, fetcher.go:24] Fetching update: https://state-tool.s3.amazonaws.com/update/state/release/0.30.3-SHAfbd1211/windows-amd64/state-windows-amd64-0.30.3-SHAfbd1211.zip
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:06.178261800, fetcher.go:34] Preparing target dir: C:\Users\ASFTAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\state-update772030567
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:07.474448000, updater.go:82] Using installer: C:\Users\ASFTAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\state-update772030567\state-install\state-installer.exe
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:07.475451100, exeutils.go:120] Executing command: C:\Users\ASFTAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\state-update772030567\state-install\state-installer.exe, [C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Local\activestate\StateTool\release --source-path C:\Users\ASFTAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\state-update772030567\state-install]
• Installing Update… :heavy_check_mark: Done
Update installed. Forwarding input to updated State Tool.

(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:16.162621200, exeutils.go:120] Executing command: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Local\activestate\StateTool\release\state.exe, [activate -v ASFT-Swedav2\asftadmin]
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.270863600, main.go:142] ConfigPath: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Roaming\activestate\cli-release
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.270863600, main.go:143] CachePath: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Local\activestate\cache
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.273866500, exeutils.go:149] Executing: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Local\activestate\StateTool\release\state-svc.exe [start]
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.890635000, projectfile.go:512] Parsed URL: {mats-olov Perl-5.34.0-Windows 63a703c2-95cf-407f-afd6-ab0a649e558d main}
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.924879900, subshell.go:102] Detected SHELL: cmd
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.926514900, subshell.go:134] Using binary: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.942972900, secrets.go:35] Gcloud Secretmanager failed to initialize (ignore if you’re not trying to use gcloud): google: could not find default credentials. See Authenticating as a service account  |  Authentication  |  Google Cloud for more information.
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.944223200, svcmanager.go:57] Waiting for state-svc
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.944765300, svcmanager.go:59] Attempt 1
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.952518100, projectfile.go:512] Parsed URL: {mats-olov Perl-5.34.0-Windows 63a703c2-95cf-407f-afd6-ab0a649e558d main}
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.981371800, secrets.go:61] secrets-api scheme=https host=platform.activestate.com base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:17.995244100, projectfile.go:512] Parsed URL: {mats-olov Perl-5.34.0-Windows 63a703c2-95cf-407f-afd6-ab0a649e558d main}
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.103792000, secrets.go:61] secrets-api scheme=https host=platform.activestate.com base_path=/api/secrets/v1
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.107403100, autoupdate.go:91] Not running auto updates because we’re in a forward
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.177382600, deprecation.go:201] Using cached deprecation information
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.193394800, errors.go:96] Returning input error:
Invalid namespace: [NOTICE]ASFT-Swedav2\asftadmin[/RESET]. Should be in the format of [NOTICE]ORGANISATION_NAME/PROJECT_NAME[/RESET], and can optionally contain a [NOTICE]#COMMIT_ID[/RESET] suffix. Names should be alphanumeric and may contain dashes and periods.
Created at:
(PID 13104) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.193965500, exeutils.go:149] Executing: C:\Users\asftadmin\AppData\Local\activestate\StateTool\release\state-svc.exe [_event x-action=activate&x-category=run-command&x-custom10=mats-olov%2FPerl-5.34.0-Windows&x-custom11=&x-custom12=74dabeb7-3d90-4d24-8c6c-c3c50ea983c3&x-custom13=&x-custom14=&x-custom15=-v&x-custom2=0.30.3-SHAfbd1211&x-custom3=release&x-custom4=&x-custom5=plain&x-custom6=Windows&x-custom7=10.0.17763&x-custom8=msi-ui&x-custom9=f2197769-dbe3-43c1-9eeb-9cfa7ae557c2&x-label=]

Something Went Wrong
x Invalid namespace: ASFT-Swedav2\asftadmin. Should be in the format of ORGANISATION_NAME/PROJECT_NAME, and can optionally contain a #COMMIT_ID suffix. Names should be alphanumeric and may contain dashes and periods.

Need More Help?
• Run → state activate --help for general help
• Visit the Forum → State Tool - ActiveState Community
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.233947600, exeutils.go:132] Executing command returned error: exit status 1
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.233947600, autoupdate.go:142] Forwarded command after auto-updating failed. Exit code: 1
(PID 13740) [DEBUG Oct 29 13:35:18.337533300, errors.go:88] Suppressing silent failure: forwardExitError


I hope that is informative. I can see at least one error in this sequence of output.

With regards,
/m-o r


Can you try “state activate ASFT-Swedav2/asftadmin” instead? I believe the backslash may be causing at least some of your problem.

This was the output from your suggested command alternative:
C:\Users\asftadmin>state activate ASFT-Swedav2/asftadmin

Auto Update
Updating State Tool from 0.30.3-SHAfbd1211 to 0.30.4-SHA7d10037.
• Installing Update… :heavy_check_mark: Done
Update installed. Forwarding input to updated State Tool.

█ Creating a Virtual Environment for your Project’s Packages

Something Went Wrong
x The requested project ASFT-Swedav2/asftadmin could not be found. If this is a private project you may need to authenticate with ‘state auth’.

Need More Help?
• Run → state activate --help for general help
• Visit the Forum → State Tool - ActiveState Community


Does your installation write to My documents? I discovered last week that Server 2019 blocks writes to files under My documents unless from an “authorized app”. This feature which I had never heard of caused another application to crash when it tried to write files under its own configuration folder under My documents.

With regards,
/m-o r

Should I interpret the lack of a response from the company for 25 days that it is impossible or too difficult to install Perl 5.34.0 platform Windows 10 on Windows Server 2019?

With regards,
/m-o r

No, it writes to AppData. That could possibly be protected too, but would seem to be counter productive.

The error message indicates ASFT-Swedav2 doesn’t exist on The Platform. Did you log in and create an account?