Hello! I have been starting to play with nng and I have a question about the performance of ipc vs tcp. 🙂
The setup is relatively simple: a client and server running on the same machine, the client sends a number of 128 byte messages to a server and the server returns the same messages. Testing this scenario with both tcp and icp.
Benchmarking ipc - Data Size = 128
ipc: 19525.846832071937 request_reply/s
ipc: 51.214168 µs/request_reply
Benchmarking tcp - Data Size = 128
tcp: 22674.175476849814 request_reply/s
tcp: 44.103037 µs/request_reply
So, I'm curious about why ipc
, which from what I understand in nng is relying on named pipes on Windows, seems to be 10% slower than the local tcp socket version. Any ideas?
(It could be that I wrote something completely wrong, details at the bottom)
** Environment Details **
NNG version 1.5.2
Windows 11 x64 -
VS2019 x 64
Shared library
Additional context
Code details in C#
I don't have a C program, but I wrote a C# program with my own raw wrapper of nng, which should look like very similar to a C version, it is a basic req/rep example with a loop around the receiv/send part
using System.Diagnostics;
using static nng;
const int count = 100000;
if (args.Length == 2)
switch (args[0])
case "--server":
foreach (var size in new int[] { 128, 1024, 16384 })
Benchmark($"ipc:///tmp/SharpNngBenchmarks_{Guid.NewGuid():N}.ipc", size);
Benchmark($"tcp://", size);
static void Benchmark(string ipcName, int size)
var benchKind = ipcName.Substring(0, ipcName.IndexOf(':'));
Console.WriteLine($"Benchmarking {benchKind} - Data Size = {size}");
var process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName, $"--server {ipcName}")
RedirectStandardError = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
UseShellExecute = false,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
CreateNoWindow = true
process.ErrorDataReceived += server_ErrorDataReceived;
process.OutputDataReceived += server_OutputDataReceived;
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
var clock = Stopwatch.StartNew();
bool processTerminated = false;
Client(ipcName, 128);
processTerminated = true;
Console.WriteLine($"{benchKind}: {((double)count) / clock.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} request_reply/s");
Console.WriteLine($"{benchKind}: {clock.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * 1000.0 / (double)count} μs/request_reply");
if (!processTerminated)
static void Server(string ipcName)
nng_socket sock = default;
long sizeInBytesReceived = 0;
int result = nng_rep0_open(ref sock);
Console.Out.WriteLine($"Server: Starting {ipcName}");
nng_listener listener = default;
result = nng_listen(sock, ipcName, ref listener, 0);
Console.Out.WriteLine("Server: Listening");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// Receive the buffer
result = nng_recv(sock, out var buffer);
sizeInBytesReceived += buffer.Length;
// Send the same buffer back
result = nng_send(sock, buffer.AsSpan());
Console.WriteLine($"Server: Closed ({sizeInBytesReceived} bytes received)");
static void Client(string ipcName, int size)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Client: Started");
nng_socket sock = default;
int result = nng_req0_open(ref sock);
var buffer = new byte[size];
nng_dialer dialer = default;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = nng_dial(sock, ipcName, ref dialer, 0);
if (result == 0) break;
Console.WriteLine("Client: dial failed, waiting for server to listen - sleep 100ms");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Client: Connected");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Client: Sending");
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
result = nng_send(sock, buffer);
result = nng_recv(sock, out var recvbuffer);
if (recvbuffer.Length != buffer.Length) throw new InvalidOperationException("Size is not matching");
Console.WriteLine("Client: Closed");
static void server_ErrorDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.Data == null) return;
static void server_OutputDataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.Data == null) return;
The answer to this really buried in the implementation of TCP vs Named Pipes on your system I think. It would be fairly easy to make a sample test that just benchmarked sending 128 byte messages over streams built using these two transport types. My guess is you would find a similar difference. I also suspect if you chose a non loop back address for TCP the results would be different.
Modern systems have a lot of effort spent in optimizing TCP. I'm not sure that the same effort has been invested in named pipes.
Reopening as I ran some benchmarks on my Windows 11 x64 machine using:
Unix Domain Sockets
Plain TCP Sockets (loopback)
and here are the results of a simple request/reply sequence of 128 bytes:
unix domain socket server: 84359.45360719337 request_reply/s
unix domain socket server: 11.854036 µs/request_reply
tcp socket server (loopback): 63809.05472181582 request_reply/s
tcp socket server (loopback): 15.671757 µs/request_reply
namedpipe server: 114980.23432281874 request_reply/s
namedpipe server: 8.697147 µs/request_reply
So you can see that namedpipe
compare to tcp socket
is almost twice faster on my machine...
The difference with nng is that I don't have a multithreading queue, so I don't pay the cost of the all the kernel switches syncs between threads, + I don't have a complex protocol (just request/reply on the same stream/pipe)
But in theory, I would expect to save around 7µs using nng+namedpipes compare to the socket version, so there is something going on...
For the record while I have an interest in this and if it turns out something easy to fix I will do so, I'm probably not super interested in investing a ton in this as it's a very niche use case. Almost nobody uses this transport on Windows and I suspect fewer still in performance sensitive contexts.
There are a few possible answers:
Differences in the context switches needed. (Named Pipes are very different than the others) -- I am using thread context switches and that will make your results somewhat less predictable -- especially if the system under test is doing anything else. (Hint: Windows machines are always doing something else. :-)
The message size -- for IPC messages we add a little bit of header and that might disadvantage something that occurs at 128 even bytes. This is probably a stretch, but one could test with different message sizes to see if there is a surprise.
It would be good to have more information about how reliable these results are. It might inform some opportunities to improve the performance of this transport -- although as I indicated earlier I'm not aware that folks are using it much in contexts where this level of sensitivity is a concern. (Typically you care about a < 10 us when doing high frequency trading.)