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This is the reference documentation of MapStruct, an annotation processor for generating type-safe, performant and dependency-free bean mapping code. This guide covers all the functionality provided by MapStruct. In case this guide doesn’t answer all your questions just join the MapStruct Google group to get help.
You found a typo or other error in this guide? Please let us know by opening an issue in the MapStruct GitHub repository , or, better yet, help the community and send a pull request for fixing it!
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
MapStruct is a Java annotation processor for the generation of type-safe bean mapping classes.
All you have to do is to define a mapper interface which declares any required mapping methods. During compilation, MapStruct will generate an implementation of this interface. This implementation uses plain Java method invocations for mapping between source and target objects, i.e. no reflection or similar.
Compared to writing mapping code from hand, MapStruct saves time by generating code which is tedious and error-prone to write. Following a convention over configuration approach, MapStruct uses sensible defaults but steps out of your way when it comes to configuring or implementing special behavior.
Compared to dynamic mapping frameworks, MapStruct offers the following advantages:
Compile-time type safety: Only objects and attributes mapping to each other can be mapped, no accidental mapping of an order entity into a customer DTO etc.
Clear error-reports at build time, if
mappings are incomplete (not all target properties are mapped)
mappings are incorrect (cannot find a proper mapping method or type conversion)
MapStruct is a Java annotation processor based on JSR 269 and as such can be used within command line builds (javac, Ant, Maven etc.) as well as from within your IDE.
It comprises the following artifacts:
For Maven based projects add the following to your POM file in order to use MapStruct:
If you are working with the Eclipse IDE, make sure to have a current version of the M2E plug-in . When importing a Maven project configured as shown above, it will set up the MapStruct annotation processor so it runs right in the IDE, whenever you save a mapper type. Neat, isn’t it?
To double check that everything is working as expected, go to your project’s properties and select "Java Compiler" → "Annotation Processing" → "Factory Path". The MapStruct processor JAR should be listed and enabled there. Any processor options configured via the compiler plug-in (see below) should be listed under "Java Compiler" → "Annotation Processing".
If the processor is not kicking in, check that the configuration of annotation processors through M2E is enabled.
To do so, go to "Preferences" → "Maven" → "Annotation Processing" and select "Automatically configure JDT APT".
Alternatively, specify the following in the
section of your POM file:
Also make sure that your project is using Java 1.8 or later (project properties → "Java Compiler" → "Compile Compliance Level"). It will not work with older versions.
implementation " org.mapstruct:mapstruct: ${ mapstructVersion } " annotationProcessor " org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor: ${ mapstructVersion } " // If you are using mapstruct in test code testAnnotationProcessor " org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor: ${ mapstructVersion } "
Add the
task configured as follows to your
file in order to enable MapStruct in your Ant-based project. Adjust the paths as required for your project layout.
The MapStruct code generator can be configured using annotation processor options .
When invoking javac directly, these options are passed to the compiler in the form
. When using MapStruct via Maven, any processor options can be passed using an
element within the configuration of the Maven processor plug-in like this:
If set to
, the creation of a time stamp in the
annotation in the generated mapper classes is suppressed.
If set to
, MapStruct in which MapStruct logs its major decisions. Note, at the moment of writing in Maven, also
needs to be added due to a problem in the maven-compiler-plugin configuration.
If set to
, the creation of the
attribute in the
annotation in the generated mapper classes is suppressed. The comment contains information about the version of MapStruct and about the compiler used for the annotation processing.
The name of the component model (see Retrieving a mapper ) based on which mappers should be generated.
Supported values are:
: the mapper uses no component model, instances are typically retrieved via
: the generated mapper is an application-scoped CDI bean and can be retrieved via
: the generated mapper is a singleton-scoped Spring bean and can be retrieved via
: the generated mapper is annotated with {@code @Named} and can be retrieved via
, e.g. using Spring
If a component model is given for a specific mapper via
, the value from the annotation takes precedence.
The type of the injection in mapper via parameter
. This is only used on annotated based component models
such as CDI, Spring and JSR 330.
Supported values are:
When CDI
a default constructor will also be generated.
If a injection strategy is given for a specific mapper via
, the value from the annotation takes precedence over the option.
The default reporting policy to be applied in case an attribute of the target object of a mapping method is not populated with a source value.
Supported values are:
If a policy is given for a specific mapper via
, the value from the annotation takes precedence.
MapStruct can be used with Java 9 (JPMS), support for it is experimental.
A core theme of Java 9 is the modularization of the JDK. One effect of this is that a specific module needs to be enabled for a project in order to use the
is added by MapStruct to generated mapper classes to tag them as generated code, stating the date of generation, the generator version etc.
To allow usage of the
annotation the module
must be enabled. When using Maven, this can be done like this:
export MAVEN_OPTS="--add-modules java.xml.ws.annotation"
If the
annotation is not available, MapStruct will detect this situation and not add it to generated mappers.
In Java 9
was added (part of the
if this annotation is available then it will be used.
In this section you’ll learn how to define a bean mapper with MapStruct and which options you have to do so.
To create a mapper simply define a Java interface with the required mapping method(s) and annotate it with the
annotation causes the MapStruct code generator to create an implementation of the
interface during build-time.
In the generated method implementations all readable properties from the source type (e.g.
) will be copied into the corresponding property in the target type (e.g.
When a property has the same name as its target entity counterpart, it will be mapped implicitly.
When a property has a different name in the target entity, its name can be specified via the
Fluent setters are also supported. Fluent setters are setters that return the same type as the type being modified.
public Builder seatCount(int seatCount) { this.seatCount = seatCount; return this;
To get a better understanding of what MapStruct does have a look at the following implementation of the
method as generated by MapStruct:Example 7. Code generated by MapStructif ( car.getFeatures() != null ) { carDto.setFeatures( new ArrayList<String>( car.getFeatures() ) ); carDto.setManufacturer( car.getMake() ); carDto.setSeatCount( car.getNumberOfSeats() ); carDto.setDriver( personToPersonDto( car.getDriver() ) ); carDto.setPrice( String.valueOf( car.getPrice() ) ); if ( car.getCategory() != null ) { carDto.setCategory( car.getCategory().toString() ); carDto.setEngine( engineToEngineDto( car.getEngine() ) ); return carDto; @Override public PersonDto personToPersonDto(Person person) { //... private EngineDto engineToEngineDto(Engine engine) { if ( engine == null ) { return null; EngineDto engineDto = new EngineDto(); engineDto.setHorsePower(engine.getHorsePower()); engineDto.setFuel(engine.getFuel()); return engineDto;The general philosophy of MapStruct is to generate code which looks as much as possible as if you had written it yourself from hand. In particular this means that the values are copied from source to target by plain getter/setter invocations instead of reflection or similar.
As the example shows the generated code takes into account any name mappings specified via
. If the type of a mapped attribute is different in source and target entity, MapStruct will either apply an automatic conversion (as e.g. for the price property, see also Implicit type conversions) or optionally invoke / create another mapping method (as e.g. for the driver / engine property, see also Mapping object references). MapStruct will only create a new mapping method if and only if the source and target property are properties of a Bean and they themselves are Beans or simple properties. i.e. they are notCollection
type properties.Collection-typed attributes with the same element type will be copied by creating a new instance of the target collection type containing the elements from the source property. For collection-typed attributes with different element types each element will be mapped individually and added to the target collection (see Mapping collections).
MapStruct takes all public properties of the source and target types into account. This includes properties declared on super-types.
3.2. Mapping Composition (experimental)
MapStruct supports the use of meta annotations. The
annotation supports now@Target
in addition toElementType#METHOD
. This allows@Mapping
to be used on other (user defined) annotations for re-use purposes. For example:@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) @Mapping(target = "id", ignore = true) @Mapping(target = "creationDate", expression = "java(new java.util.Date())") @Mapping(target = "name", source = "groupName") public @interface ToEntity { }public interface StorageMapper { StorageMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( StorageMapper.class ); @ToEntity @Mapping( target = "weightLimit", source = "maxWeight") ShelveEntity map(ShelveDto source); @ToEntity @Mapping( target = "label", source = "designation") BoxEntity map(BoxDto source);Still, they do have some properties in common. The
assumes both target beansShelveEntity
have properties:"id"
. It furthermore assumes that the source beansShelveDto
always have a property"groupName"
. This concept is also known as "duck-typing". In other words, if it quacks like duck, walks like a duck its probably a duck.This feature is still experimental. Error messages are not mature yet: the method on which the problem occurs is displayed, as well as the concerned values in the
annotation. However, the composition aspect is not visible. The messages are "as if" the@Mapping
would be present on the concerned method directly. Therefore, the user should use this feature with care, especially when uncertain when a property is always present.A more typesafe (but also more verbose) way would be to define base classes / interfaces on the target bean and the source bean and use
to achieve the same result (see Mapping configuration inheritance).3.3. Adding custom methods to mappers
In some cases it can be required to manually implement a specific mapping from one type to another which can’t be generated by MapStruct. One way to handle this is to implement the custom method on another class which then is used by mappers generated by MapStruct (see Invoking other mappers).
Alternatively, when using Java 8 or later, you can implement custom methods directly in a mapper interface as default methods. The generated code will invoke the default methods if the argument and return types match.
As an example let’s assume the mapping from
requires some special logic which can’t be generated by MapStruct. You could then define the mapper from the previous example like this:Example 8. Mapper which defines a custom mapping with a default methodThe class generated by MapStruct implements the method
. The generated code incarToCarDto()
will invoke the manually implementedpersonToPersonDto()
method when mapping thedriver
attribute.A mapper could also be defined in the form of an abstract class instead of an interface and implement the custom methods directly in the mapper class. In this case MapStruct will generate an extension of the abstract class with implementations of all abstract methods. An advantage of this approach over declaring default methods is that additional fields could be declared in the mapper class.
The previous example where the mapping from
requires some special logic could then be defined like this:Example 9. Mapper defined by an abstract classpublic abstract CarDto carToCarDto(Car car); public PersonDto personToPersonDto(Person person) { //hand-written mapping logic3.4. Mapping methods with several source parameters
MapStruct also supports mapping methods with several source parameters. This is useful e.g. in order to combine several entities into one data transfer object. The following shows an example:
Example 10. Mapping method with several source parameterspublic interface AddressMapper { @Mapping(source = "person.description", target = "description") @Mapping(source = "address.houseNo", target = "houseNumber") DeliveryAddressDto personAndAddressToDeliveryAddressDto(Person person, Address address);The shown mapping method takes two source parameters and returns a combined target object. As with single-parameter mapping methods properties are mapped by name.
In case several source objects define a property with the same name, the source parameter from which to retrieve the property must be specified using the
public interface AddressMapper { @Mapping(source = "person.description", target = "description") @Mapping(source = "hn", target = "houseNumber") DeliveryAddressDto personAndAddressToDeliveryAddressDto(Person person, Integer hn);@Mapping
annotation as shown for thedescription
property in the example. An error will be raised when such an ambiguity is not resolved. For properties which only exist once in the given source objects it is optional to specify the source parameter’s name as it can be determined automatically.3.5. Mapping nested bean properties to current target
If you don’t want explicitly name all properties from nested source bean, you can use
as target. This will tell MapStruct to map every property from source bean to target object. The following shows an example:Example 12. use of "target this" annotation "."public interface CustomerMapper { @Mapping( target = "name", source = "record.name" ) @Mapping( target = ".", source = "record" ) @Mapping( target = ".", source = "account" ) Customer customerDtoToCustomer(CustomerDto customerDto);The generated code will map every property from
directly, without need to manually name any of them. The same goes forCustomer.account
.When there are conflicts, these can be resolved by explicitely defining the mapping. For instance in the example above.
occurs inCustomerDto.record
and inCustomerDto.account
. The mapping@Mapping( target = "name", source = "record.name" )
resolves this conflict.This "target this" notation can be very useful when mapping hierarchical objects to flat objects and vice versa (
).3.6. Updating existing bean instances
In some cases you need mappings which don’t create a new instance of the target type but instead update an existing instance of that type. This sort of mapping can be realized by adding a parameter for the target object and marking this parameter with
. The following shows an example:Example 13. Update methodpublic interface CarMapper { void updateCarFromDto(CarDto carDto, @MappingTarget Car car);The generated code of the
method will update the passedCar
instance with the properties from the givenCarDto
object. There may be only one parameter marked as mapping target. Instead ofvoid
you may also set the method’s return type to the type of the target parameter, which will cause the generated implementation to update the passed mapping target and return it as well. This allows for fluent invocations of mapping methods.For
Collection- or map-typed properties of the target bean to be updated will be cleared and then populated with the values from the corresponding source collection or map. Otherwise, ForCollectionMappingStrategy.ADDER_PREFERRED
the target will not be cleared and the values will be populated immediately.3.7. Mappings with direct field access
MapStruct also supports mappings of
fields that have no getters/setters. MapStruct will use the fields as read/write accessor if it cannot find suitable getter/setter methods for the property.A field is considered as a read accessor if it is
orpublic final
. If a field isstatic
it is not considered as a read accessor.A field is considered as a write accessor only if it is
. If a field isfinal
it is not considered as a write accessor.Small example:
Example 14. Example classes for mappingpublic interface CustomerMapper { CustomerMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( CustomerMapper.class ); @Mapping(source = "customerName", target = "name") Customer toCustomer(CustomerDto customerDto); @InheritInverseConfiguration CustomerDto fromCustomer(Customer customer); public Customer toCustomer(CustomerDto customerDto) { // ... customer.setId( customerDto.id ); customer.setName( customerDto.customerName ); // ... @Override public CustomerDto fromCustomer(Customer customer) { // ... customerDto.id = customer.getId(); customerDto.customerName = customer.getName(); // ...MapStruct also supports mapping of immutable types via builders. When performing a mapping MapStruct checks if there is a builder for the type being mapped. This is done via the
SPI. If a Builder exists for a certain type, then that builder will be used for the mappings.The default implementation of the
assumes the following:The type has a parameterless public static builder creation method that returns a builder. So for example
has a public static method that returnsPersonBuilder
.The builder type has a parameterless public method (build method) that returns the type being built. In our example
has a method returningPerson
.In case there are multiple build methods, MapStruct will look for a method called
, if such method exists then this would be used, otherwise a compilation error would be created.A specific build method can be defined by using
In case there are multiple builder creation methods that satisfy the above conditions then a
will be thrown from theDefaultBuilderProvider
SPI. In case of aMoreThanOneBuilderCreationMethodException
MapStruct will write a warning in the compilation and not use any builder.If such type is found then MapStruct will use that type to perform the mapping to (i.e. it will look for setters into that type). To finish the mapping MapStruct generates code that will invoke the build method of the builder.
public class PersonMapperImpl implements PersonMapper { public Person map(PersonDto dto) { if (dto == null) { return null; Person.Builder builder = Person.builder(); builder.name( dto.getName() ); return builder.create();Lombok - It is required to have the Lombok classes in a separate module. See for more information at rzwitserloot/lombok#1538 and to set up Lombok with MapStruct, refer to Lombok.
Immutables - When Immutables are present on the annotation processor path then the
would be used by defaultFreeBuilder - When FreeBuilder is present on the annotation processor path then the
would be used by default. When using FreeBuilder then the JavaBean convention should be followed, otherwise MapStruct won’t recognize the fluent getters.It also works for custom builders (handwritten ones) if the implementation supports the defined rules for the default
. Otherwise, you would need to write a customBuilderProvider
MapStruct supports using constructors for mapping target types. When doing a mapping MapStruct checks if there is a builder for the type being mapped. If there is no builder, then MapStruct looks for a single accessible constructor. When there are multiple constructors then the following is done to pick the one which should be used:
If a constructor is annotated with an annotation named
(from any package, see Non-shipped annotations) it will be used.If a single public constructor exists then it will be used to construct the object, and the other non public constructors will be ignored.
If a parameterless constructor exists then it will be used to construct the object, and the other constructors will be ignored.
If there are multiple eligible constructors then there will be a compilation error due to ambiguous constructors. In order to break the ambiguity an annotation named
protected Vehicle() { } // MapStruct will use this constructor, because it is a single public constructor public Vehicle(String color) { } public class Car { // MapStruct will use this constructor, because it is a parameterless empty constructor public Car() { } public Car(String make, String color) { } public class Truck { public Truck() { } // MapStruct will use this constructor, because it is annotated with @Default @Default public Truck(String make, String color) { } public class Van { // There will be a compilation error when using this class because MapStruct cannot pick a constructor public Van(String make) { } public Van(String make, String color) { }@Default
(from any package, see Non-shipped annotations) can used.When using a constructor then the names of the parameters of the constructor will be used and matched to the target properties. When the constructor has an annotation named
(from any package, see Non-shipped annotations) then this annotation will be used to get the names of the parameters.When an object factory method or a method annotated with
public class PersonMapperImpl implements PersonMapper { public Person map(PersonDto dto) { if (dto == null) { return null; String name; String surname; name = dto.getName(); surname = dto.getSurname(); Person person = new Person( name, surname ); return person;@ObjectFactory
exists, it will take precedence over any constructor defined in the target. The target object constructor will not be used in that case.4.1. The Mappers factory (no dependency injection)
When not using a DI framework, Mapper instances can be retrieved via the
class. Just invoke thegetMapper()
method, passing the interface type of the mapper to return:Example 23. Using the Mappers factoryBy convention, a mapper interface should define a member called
which holds a single instance of the mapper type:Example 24. Declaring an instance of a mapper (interface)public abstract class CarMapper { public static final CarMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( CarMapper.class ); CarDto carToCarDto(Car car);This pattern makes it very easy for clients to use mapper objects without repeatedly instantiating new instances:
Example 26. Accessing a mapper4.2. Using dependency injection
If you’re working with a dependency injection framework such as CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection for JavaTM EE) or the Spring Framework, it is recommended to obtain mapper objects via dependency injection and not via the
class as described above. For that purpose you can specify the component model which generated mapper classes should be based on either via@Mapper#componentModel
or using a processor option as described in Configuration options.Currently there is support for CDI and Spring (the latter either via its custom annotations or using the JSR 330 annotations). See Configuration options for the allowed values of the
attribute which are the same as for themapstruct.defaultComponentModel
processor option. In both cases the required annotations will be added to the generated mapper implementations classes in order to make the same subject to dependency injection. The following shows an example using CDI:Example 27. A mapper using the CDI component modelThe generated mapper implementation will be marked with the
annotation and thus can be injected into fields, constructor arguments etc. using the@Inject
annotation:Example 28. Obtaining a mapper via dependency injection4.3. Injection strategy
When using dependency injection, you can choose between field and constructor injection. This can be done by either providing the injection strategy via
annotation.Example 29. Using constructor injection@Mapper(componentModel = "cdi", uses = EngineMapper.class, injectionStrategy = InjectionStrategy.CONSTRUCTOR) public interface CarMapper { CarDto carToCarDto(Car car);
The generated mapper will inject all classes defined in the uses attribute. When
is used, the constructor will have the appropriate annotation and the fields won’t. WhenInjectionStrategy#FIELD
is used, the annotation is on the field itself. For now, the default injection strategy is field injection, but it can be configured with Configuration options. It is recommended to use constructor injection to simplify testing.Not always a mapped attribute has the same type in the source and target objects. For instance an attribute may be of type
in the source bean but of typeLong
in the target bean.Another example are references to other objects which should be mapped to the corresponding types in the target model. E.g. the class
might have a propertydriver
of the typePerson
which needs to be converted into aPersonDto
object when mapping aCar
object.In this section you’ll learn how MapStruct deals with such data type conversions.
5.1. Implicit type conversions
MapStruct takes care of type conversions automatically in many cases. If for instance an attribute is of type
in the source bean but of typeString
in the target bean, the generated code will transparently perform a conversion by callingString#valueOf(int)
, respectively.Currently the following conversions are applied automatically:
Between all Java primitive data types and their corresponding wrapper types, e.g. between
etc. The generated code isnull
aware, i.e. when converting a wrapper type into the corresponding primitive type anull
check will be performed.Between all Java primitive number types and the wrapper types, e.g. between
.Converting from larger data types to smaller ones (e.g. from
public interface CarMapper { @Mapping(source = "manufacturingDate", dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy") CarDto carToCarDto(Car car); @IterableMapping(dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy") List<String> stringListToDateList(List<Date> dates);long
) can cause a value or precision loss. TheMapper
annotations have a methodtypeConversionPolicy
to control warnings / errors. Due to backward compatibility reasons the default value is 'ReportingPolicy.IGNORE`.Between Jodas
. A format string as understood byjava.text.SimpleDateFormat
can be specified via thedateFormat
option (see above).Between Jodas
.Between Jodas
from Java 8 Date-Time package andString
. A format string as understood byjava.text.SimpleDateFormat
can be specified via thedateFormat
option (see above).Between
from Java 8 Date-Time package andString
using theparse
method in each class to map fromString
and usingtoString
to map intoString
from Java 8 Date-Time package andjava.util.Date
where, when mapping aZonedDateTime
from a givenDate
, the system default timezone is used.Between
from Java 8 Date-Time package andjava.util.Date
where timezone UTC is used as the timezone.Between
from Java 8 Date-Time package andjava.util.Date
where timezone UTC is used as the timezone.Between
from Java 8 Date-Time package andjava.util.Date
from Java 8 Date-Time package andjava.util.Calendar
When converting from a
, omittingMapping#dateFormat
, it leads to usage of the default pattern and date format symbols for the default locale. An exception to this rule isXmlGregorianCalendar
which results in parsing theString
according to XML Schema 1.0 Part 2, Section 3.2.7-14.1, Lexical Representation.Between
.When converting from a
, the value needs to be a valid ISO-4217 alphabetic code otherwise anIllegalArgumentException
is thrown5.2. Mapping object references
Typically an object has not only primitive attributes but also references other objects. E.g. the
class could contain a reference to aPerson
object (representing the car’s driver) which should be mapped to aPersonDto
object referenced by theCarDto
class.In this case just define a mapping method for the referenced object type as well:
Example 33. Mapper with one mapping method using anotherThe generated code for the
method will invoke thepersonToPersonDto()
method for mapping thedriver
attribute, while the generated implementation forpersonToPersonDto()
performs the mapping of person objects.That way it is possible to map arbitrary deep object graphs. When mapping from entities into data transfer objects it is often useful to cut references to other entities at a certain point. To do so, implement a custom mapping method (see the next section) which e.g. maps a referenced entity to its id in the target object.
When generating the implementation of a mapping method, MapStruct will apply the following routine for each attribute pair in the source and target object:
If source and target attribute have the same type, the value will be simply copied direct from source to target. If the attribute is a collection (e.g. a
) a copy of the collection will be set into the target attribute.If source and target attribute type differ, check whether there is another mapping method which has the type of the source attribute as parameter type and the type of the target attribute as return type. If such a method exists it will be invoked in the generated mapping implementation.
If no such method exists MapStruct will look whether a built-in conversion for the source and target type of the attribute exists. If this is the case, the generated mapping code will apply this conversion.
If no such method exists MapStruct will apply complex conversions:
mapping method, the result mapped by mapping method, like this:
target = method1( method2( source ) )
built-in conversion, the result mapped by mapping method, like this:
target = method( conversion( source ) )
mapping method, the result mapped by build-in conversion, like this:
target = conversion( method( source ) )
If no such method was found MapStruct will try to generate an automatic sub-mapping method that will do the mapping between the source and target attributes.
If MapStruct could not create a name based mapping method an error will be raised at build time, indicating the non-mappable attribute and its path.
A mapping control (
) can be defined on all levels (@MapperConfig
), the latter taking precedence over the former. For example:@Mapper( mappingControl = NoComplexMapping.class )
takes precedence over@MapperConfig( mappingControl = DeepClone.class )
work similar as@Mapping
. MappingControl is experimental from MapStruct 1.4.MappingControl
has an enum that corresponds to the first 4 options above:MappingControl.Use#DIRECT
the presence of which allows the user to switch on a option. The absence of an enum switches off a mapping option. Default they are all present enabling all mapping options.The user has full control over the mapping by means of meta annotations. Some handy ones have been defined such as
which only allows direct mappings. The result: if source and target type are the same, MapStruct will make a deep clone of the source. Sub-mappings-methods have to be allowed (default option).During the generation of automatic sub-mapping methods Shared configurations will not be taken into consideration, yet. Follow issue #1086 for more information.
5.3. Controlling nested bean mappings
As explained above, MapStruct will generate a method based on the name of the source and target property. Unfortunately, in many occasions these names do not match.
The ‘.’ notation in an
source or target type can be used to control how properties should be mapped when names do not match. There is an elaborate example in our examples repository to explain how this problem can be overcome.In the simplest scenario there’s a property on a nested level that needs to be corrected. Take for instance a property
which has an identical name inFishTankDto
. For this property MapStruct automatically generates a mapping:FishDto fishToFishDto(Fish fish)
. MapStruct cannot possibly be aware of the deviating propertieskind
. Therefore this can be addressed in a mapping rule:@Mapping(target="fish.kind", source="fish.type")
. This tells MapStruct to deviate from looking for a namekind
at this level and map it totype
.Example 34. Mapper controlling nested beans mappings Ipublic interface FishTankMapper { @Mapping(target = "fish.kind", source = "fish.type") @Mapping(target = "fish.name", ignore = true) @Mapping(target = "ornament", source = "interior.ornament") @Mapping(target = "material.materialType", source = "material") @Mapping(target = "quality.report.organisation.name", source = "quality.report.organisationName") FishTankDto map( FishTank source );The same constructs can be used to ignore certain properties at a nesting level, as is demonstrated in the second
rule.MapStruct can even be used to “cherry pick” properties when source and target do not share the same nesting level (the same number of properties). This can be done in the source – and in the target type. This is demonstrated in the next 2 rules:
@Mapping(target="ornament", source="interior.ornament")
and@Mapping(target="material.materialType", source="material")
.The latter can even be done when mappings first share a common base. For example: all properties that share the same name of
are mapped toQualityDto
. Likewise, all properties ofReport
are mapped toReportDto
, with one exception:organisation
is left empty (since there is no organization at the source level). Only thename
is populated with theorganisationName
. This is demonstrated in@Mapping(target="quality.report.organisation.name", source="quality.report.organisationName")
Coming back to the original example: what if
would be beans themselves? In that case MapStruct would again generate a method continuing to map. Such is demonstrated in the next example:Example 35. Mapper controlling nested beans mappings IIpublic interface FishTankMapperWithDocument { @Mapping(target = "fish.kind", source = "fish.type") @Mapping(target = "fish.name", expression = "java(\"Jaws\")") @Mapping(target = "plant", ignore = true ) @Mapping(target = "ornament", ignore = true ) @Mapping(target = "material", ignore = true) @Mapping(target = "quality.document", source = "quality.report") @Mapping(target = "quality.document.organisation.name", constant = "NoIdeaInc" ) FishTankWithNestedDocumentDto map( FishTank source );Note what happens in
@Mapping(target="quality.document", source="quality.report")
does not exist as such on the target side. It is mapped fromReport
. MapStruct continues to generate mapping code here. That mapping itself can be guided towards another name. This even works for constants and expression. Which is shown in the final example:@Mapping(target="quality.document.organisation.name", constant="NoIdeaInc")
.MapStruct will perform a null check on each nested property in the source.
Instead of configuring everything via the parent method we encourage users to explicitly write their own nested methods. This puts the configuration of the nested mapping into one place (method) where it can be reused from several methods in the upper level, instead of re-configuring the same things on all of those upper methods.
In some cases the
that is going to be used for the generated nested method would beIGNORE
. This means that it is possible for MapStruct not to report unmapped target properties in nested mappings.5.4. Invoking custom mapping method
Sometimes mappings are not straightforward and some fields require custom logic.
The example below demonstrates how the properties
can be mapped to theVolumeDto
bean, which is a member ofFishTankWithVolumeDto
contains the propertiesvolume
. Custom logic is achieved by defining a method which takesFishTank
instance as a parameter and returns aVolumeDto
. MapStruct will take the entire parametersource
and generate code to call the custom methodmapVolume
in order to map theFishTank
object to the target propertyvolume
.The remainder of the fields could be mapped the regular way: using mappings defined defined by means of
annotations.Example 36. Manually implemented mapping methodpublic abstract class FishTankMapperWithVolume { @Mapping(target = "fish.kind", source = "source.fish.type") @Mapping(target = "material.materialType", source = "source.material") @Mapping(target = "quality.document", source = "source.quality.report") @Mapping(target = "volume", source = "source") abstract FishTankWithVolumeDto map(FishTank source); VolumeDto mapVolume(FishTank source) { int volume = source.length * source.width * source.height; String desc = volume < 100 ? "Small" : "Large"; return new VolumeDto(volume, desc);5.5. Invoking other mappers
In addition to methods defined on the same mapper type MapStruct can also invoke mapping methods defined in other classes, be it mappers generated by MapStruct or hand-written mapping methods. This can be useful to structure your mapping code in several classes (e.g. with one mapper type per application module) or if you want to provide custom mapping logic which can’t be generated by MapStruct.
For instance the
class might contain an attributemanufacturingDate
while the corresponding DTO attribute is of type String. In order to map this attribute, you could implement a mapper class like this:Example 37. Manually implemented mapper classpublic String asString(Date date) { return date != null ? new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) .format( date ) : null; public Date asDate(String date) { try { return date != null ? new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) .parse( date ) : null; catch ( ParseException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e );In the
annotation at theCarMapper
interface reference theDateMapper
class like this:Example 38. Referencing another mapper classWhen generating code for the implementation of the
method, MapStruct will look for a method which maps aDate
object into a String, find it on theDateMapper
class and generate an invocation ofasString()
for mapping themanufacturingDate
attribute.Generated mappers retrieve referenced mappers using the component model configured for them. If e.g. CDI was used as component model for
would have to be a CDI bean as well. When using the default component model, any hand-written mapper classes to be referenced by MapStruct generated mappers must declare a public no-args constructor in order to be instantiable.5.6. Passing the mapping target type to custom mappers
When having a custom mapper hooked into the generated mapper with
, an additional parameter of typeClass
(or a super-type of it) can be defined in the custom mapping method in order to perform general mapping tasks for specific target object types. That attribute must be annotated with@TargetType
for MapStruct to generate calls that pass theClass
instance representing the corresponding property type of the target bean.For instance, the
could have a propertyowner
of typeReference
that contains the primary key of aPerson
entity. You could now create a generic custom mapper that resolves anyReference
objects to their corresponding managed JPA entity instances.Example 39. Mapping method expecting mapping target type as parameterprivate EntityManager entityManager; public <T extends BaseEntity> T resolve(Reference reference, @TargetType Class<T> entityClass) { return reference != null ? entityManager.find( entityClass, reference.getPk() ) : null; public Reference toReference(BaseEntity entity) { return entity != null ? new Reference( entity.getPk() ) : null; @Mapper(componentModel = "cdi", uses = ReferenceMapper.class ) public interface CarMapper { Car carDtoToCar(CarDto carDto); Car car = new Car(); car.setOwner( referenceMapper.resolve( carDto.getOwner(), Owner.class ) ); // ... return car;5.7. Passing context or state objects to custom methods
Additional context or state information can be passed through generated mapping methods to custom methods with
parameters. Such parameters are passed to other mapping methods,@ObjectFactory
methods (see Object factories) or@BeforeMapping
methods (see Mapping customization with before-mapping and after-mapping methods) when applicable and can thus be used in custom code.
parameters are searched for@ObjectFactory
methods, which are called on the provided context parameter value if applicable.
parameters are also searched for@BeforeMapping
methods, which are called on the provided context parameter value if applicable.Note: no
checks are performed before calling before/after mapping methods on context parameters. The caller needs to make sure thatnull
is not passed in that case.For generated code to call a method that is declared with
parameters, the declaration of the mapping method being generated needs to contain at least those (or assignable)@Context
parameters as well. The generated code will not create new instances of missing@Context
parameters nor will it pass a literalnull
instead.Example 41. Using@Context
parameters for passing data down to hand-written property mapping methodspublic abstract CarDto toCar(Car car, @Context Locale translationLocale); protected OwnerManualDto translateOwnerManual(OwnerManual ownerManual, @Context Locale locale) { // manually implemented logic to translate the OwnerManual with the given Locale
//GENERATED CODE public CarDto toCar(Car car, Locale translationLocale) { if ( car == null ) { return null; CarDto carDto = new CarDto(); carDto.setOwnerManual( translateOwnerManual( car.getOwnerManual(), translationLocale ); // more generated mapping code return carDto;
5.8. Mapping method resolution
When mapping a property from one type to another, MapStruct looks for the most specific method which maps the source type into the target type. The method may either be declared on the same mapper interface or on another mapper which is registered via
. The same applies for factory methods (see Object factories).The algorithm for finding a mapping or factory method resembles Java’s method resolution algorithm as much as possible. In particular, methods with a more specific source type will take precedence (e.g. if there are two methods, one which maps the searched source type, and another one which maps a super-type of the same). In case more than one most-specific method is found, an error will be raised.
When working with JAXB, e.g. when converting a
to a correspondingJAXBElement<String>
, MapStruct will take thescope
attributes of@XmlElementDecl
annotations into account when looking for a mapping method. This makes sure that the createdJAXBElement
instances will have the right QNAME value. You can find a test which maps JAXB objects here.5.9. Mapping method selection based on qualifiers
In many occasions one requires mapping methods with the same method signature (apart from the name) that have different behavior. MapStruct has a handy mechanism to deal with such situations:
). A ‘qualifier’ is a custom annotation that the user can write, ‘stick onto’ a mapping method which is included as used mapper and can be referred to in a bean property mapping, iterable mapping or map mapping. Multiple qualifiers can be ‘stuck onto’ a method and mapping.So, let’s say there is a hand-written method to map titles with a
return type andString
argument amongst many other referenced mappers with the sameString
return type -String
argument signature:Example 43. Several mapping methods with identical source and target typesAnd a mapper using this handwritten mapper, in which source and target have a property 'title' that should be mapped:
Example 44. Mapper causing an ambiguous mapping method errorWithout the use of qualifiers, this would result in an ambiguous mapping method error, because 2 qualifying methods are found (
) and MapStruct would not have a hint which one to choose.Enter the qualifier approach:
Example 45. Declaring a qualifier type@Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface TitleTranslator {And, some qualifiers to indicate which translator to use to map from source language to target language:
Example 46. Declaring qualifier types for mapping methods@Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface EnglishToGerman { @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface GermanToEnglish {Please take note of the target
on type level,EnglishToGerman
on method level!Then, using the qualifiers, the mapping could look like this:
Example 47. Mapper using qualifierspublic interface MovieMapper { @Mapping( target = "title", qualifiedBy = { TitleTranslator.class, EnglishToGerman.class } ) GermanRelease toGerman( OriginalRelease movies );In many occasions, declaring a new annotation to aid the selection process can be too much for what you try to achieve. For those situations, MapStruct has the
annotation. This annotation is a pre-defined qualifier (annotated with@Qualifier
itself) and can be used to name a Mapper or, more directly a mapping method by means of its value. The same example above would look like:Example 49. Custom mapper, annotating the methods to qualify by means of@Named("EnglishToGerman") public String translateTitleEG(String title) { // some mapping logic @Named("GermanToEnglish") public String translateTitleGE(String title) { // some mapping logic public interface MovieMapper { @Mapping( target = "title", qualifiedByName = { "TitleTranslator", "EnglishToGerman" } ) GermanRelease toGerman( OriginalRelease movies );@Named
The mapping of collection types (
etc.) is done in the same way as mapping bean types, i.e. by defining mapping methods with the required source and target types in a mapper interface. MapStruct supports a wide range of iterable types from the Java Collection Framework.The generated code will contain a loop which iterates over the source collection, converts each element and puts it into the target collection. If a mapping method for the collection element types is found in the given mapper or the mapper it uses, this method is invoked to perform the element conversion. Alternatively, if an implicit conversion for the source and target element types exists, this conversion routine will be invoked. The following shows an example:
Example 51. Mapper with collection mapping methodsSet<String> integerSetToStringSet(Set<Integer> integers); List<CarDto> carsToCarDtos(List<Car> cars); CarDto carToCarDto(Car car);The generated implementation of the
performs the conversion fromInteger
for each element, while the generatedcarsToCarDtos()
method invokes thecarToCarDto()
method for each contained element as shown in the following:Example 52. Generated collection mapping methods//GENERATED CODE @Override public Set<String> integerSetToStringSet(Set<Integer> integers) { if ( integers == null ) { return null; Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); for ( Integer integer : integers ) { set.add( String.valueOf( integer ) ); return set; @Override public List<CarDto> carsToCarDtos(List<Car> cars) { if ( cars == null ) { return null; List<CarDto> list = new ArrayList<CarDto>(); for ( Car car : cars ) { list.add( carToCarDto( car ) ); return list;
Note that MapStruct will look for a collection mapping method with matching parameter and return type, when mapping a collection-typed attribute of a bean, e.g. from
(of typeList<Person>
) toCarDto#passengers
(of typeList<PersonDto>
).Example 53. Usage of collection mapping method to map a bean propertySome frameworks and libraries only expose JavaBeans getters but no setters for collection-typed properties. Types generated from an XML schema using JAXB adhere to this pattern by default. In this case the generated code for mapping such a property invokes its getter and adds all the mapped elements:
Example 54. Usage of an adding method for collection mapping//GENERATED CODE carDto.getPassengers().addAll( personsToPersonDtos( car.getPassengers() ) );
6.1. Mapping maps
Also map-based mapping methods are supported. The following shows an example:
Example 55. Map mapping method@MapMapping(valueDateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy") Map<String, String> longDateMapToStringStringMap(Map<Long, Date> source);Similar to iterable mappings, the generated code will iterate through the source map, convert each value and key (either by means of an implicit conversion or by invoking another mapping method) and put them into the target map:
Example 56. Generated implementation of map mapping method//GENERATED CODE @Override public Map<Long, Date> stringStringMapToLongDateMap(Map<String, String> source) { if ( source == null ) { return null; Map<Long, Date> map = new HashMap<Long, Date>(); for ( Map.Entry<String, String> entry : source.entrySet() ) { Long key = Long.parseLong( entry.getKey() ); Date value; try { value = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd.MM.yyyy" ).parse( entry.getValue() ); catch( ParseException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); map.put( key, value ); return map;
6.2. Collection mapping strategies
MapStruct has a
, with the possible values:ACCESSOR_ONLY
.In the table below, the dash
Table 2. Collection mapping strategy options-
indicates a property name. Next, the trailings
indicates the plural form. The table explains the options and how they are applied to the presence/absence of aset-s
and / orget-s
method on the target object:Some background: An
method is typically used in case of generated (JPA) entities, to add a single element (entity) to an underlying collection. Invoking the adder establishes a parent-child relation between parent - the bean (entity) on which the adder is invoked - and its child(ren), the elements (entities) in the collection. To find the appropriateadder
, MapStruct will try to make a match between the generic parameter type of the underlying collection and the single argument of a candidateadder
. When there are more candidates, the pluralsetter
name is converted to singular and will be used in addition to make a match.The option
should not be used explicitly. It is used to distinguish between an explicit user desire to override the default in a@MapperConfig
from the implicit Mapstruct choice in a@Mapper
. The optionDEFAULT
is synonymous toACCESSOR_ONLY
.When working with an
method and JPA entities, Mapstruct assumes that the target collections are initialized with a collection implementation (e.g. anArrayList
). You can use factories to create a new target entity with intialized collections instead of Mapstruct creating the target entity by its constructor.6.3. Implementation types used for collection mappings
When an iterable or map mapping method declares an interface type as return type, one of its implementation types will be instantiated in the generated code. The following table shows the supported interface types and their corresponding implementation types as instantiated in the generated code:
Table 3. Collection mapping implementation typesThe mapping of
is done in a similar way as the mapping of collection types, i.e. by defining mapping methods with the required source and target types in a mapper interface.The generated code will contain the creation of a
from the providedIterable
/array or will collect the providedStream
into anIterable
/array. If a mapping method or an implicit conversion for the source and target element types exists, then this conversion will be done inStream#map()
. The following shows an example:Example 57. Mapper with stream mapping methodspublic interface CarMapper { Set<String> integerStreamToStringSet(Stream<Integer> integers); List<CarDto> carsToCarDtos(Stream<Car> cars); CarDto carToCarDto(Car car);The generated implementation of the
performs the conversion fromInteger
for each element, while the generatedcarsToCarDtos()
method invokes thecarToCarDto()
method for each contained element as shown in the following:Example 58. Generated stream mapping methods//GENERATED CODE @Override public Set<String> integerStreamToStringSet(Stream<Integer> integers) { if ( integers == null ) { return null; return integers.map( integer -> String.valueOf( integer ) ) .collect( Collectors.toCollection( HashSet<String>::new ) ); @Override public List<CarDto> carsToCarDtos(Stream<Car> cars) { if ( cars == null ) { return null; return cars.map( car -> carToCarDto( car ) ) .collect( Collectors.toCollection( ArrayList<CarDto>::new ) );
If a mapping from a
to anIterable
or an array is performed, then the passedStream
will be consumed and it will no longer be possible to consume it.The same implementation types as in Implementation types used for collection mappings are used for the creation of the collection when doing
mapping.8.1. Mapping enum to enum types
MapStruct supports the generation of methods which map one Java enum type into another.
By default, each constant from the source enum is mapped to a constant with the same name in the target enum type. If required, a constant from the source enum may be mapped to a constant with another name with help of the
annotation. Several constants from the source enum can be mapped to the same constant in the target type.The following shows an example:
Example 59. Enum mapping methodpublic interface OrderMapper { OrderMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( OrderMapper.class ); @ValueMappings({ @ValueMapping(source = "EXTRA", target = "SPECIAL"), @ValueMapping(source = "STANDARD", target = "DEFAULT"), @ValueMapping(source = "NORMAL", target = "DEFAULT") ExternalOrderType orderTypeToExternalOrderType(OrderType orderType); @Override public ExternalOrderType orderTypeToExternalOrderType(OrderType orderType) { if ( orderType == null ) { return null; ExternalOrderType externalOrderType_; switch ( orderType ) { case EXTRA: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.SPECIAL; break; case STANDARD: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.DEFAULT; break; case NORMAL: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.DEFAULT; break; case RETAIL: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.RETAIL; break; case B2B: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.B2B; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected enum constant: " + orderType ); return externalOrderType_;By default an error will be raised by MapStruct in case a constant of the source enum type does not have a corresponding constant with the same name in the target type and also is not mapped to another constant via
. This ensures that all constants are mapped in a safe and predictable manner. The generated mapping method will throw an IllegalStateException if for some reason an unrecognized source value occurs.MapStruct also has a mechanism for mapping any remaining (unspecified) mappings to a default. This can be used only once in a set of value mappings and only applies to the source. It comes in two flavors:
. They cannot be used at the same time.In case of source
MapStruct will continue to map a source enum constant to a target enum constant with the same name. The remainder of the source enum constants will be mapped to the target specified in the@ValueMapping
source.MapStruct will not attempt such name based mapping for
and directly apply the target specified in the@ValueMapping
source to the remainder.MapStruct is able to handle
sources andnull
targets by means of the<NULL>
can be used in combination with@ValueMappings
will be ignored in that case.Example 61. Enum mapping method, <NULL> and <ANY_REMAINING>public interface SpecialOrderMapper { SpecialOrderMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( SpecialOrderMapper.class ); @ValueMappings({ @ValueMapping( source = MappingConstants.NULL, target = "DEFAULT" ), @ValueMapping( source = "STANDARD", target = MappingConstants.NULL ), @ValueMapping( source = MappingConstants.ANY_REMAINING, target = "SPECIAL" ) ExternalOrderType orderTypeToExternalOrderType(OrderType orderType); @Override public ExternalOrderType orderTypeToExternalOrderType(OrderType orderType) { if ( orderType == null ) { return ExternalOrderType.DEFAULT; ExternalOrderType externalOrderType_; switch ( orderType ) { case STANDARD: externalOrderType_ = null; break; case RETAIL: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.RETAIL; break; case B2B: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.B2B; break; default: externalOrderType_ = ExternalOrderType.SPECIAL; return externalOrderType_;8.2. Mapping enum-to-String or String-to-enum
MapStruct supports enum to a String mapping along the same lines as is described in enum-to-enum types. There are similarities and differences:
enum to
Similarity: All not explicit defined mappings will result in each source enum constant value being mapped a
value with the same constant value.Similarity:
> stops after handling defined mapping and proceeds to the switch/default clause value.Difference:
will result in an error. It acts on the premise that there is name similarity between enum constants in source and target which does not make sense for a String type.Difference: Given 1. and 3. there will never be unmapped values.
Similarity: All not explicit defined mappings will result in the target enum constant mapped from the
value when that matches the target enum constant name.Similarity:
> stops after handling defined mapping and proceeds to the switch/default clause value.Similarity:
will create a mapping for each target enum constant and proceed to the switch/default clause value.Difference: A switch/default value needs to be provided to have a determined outcome (enum has a limited set of values,
has unlimited options). Failing to specify<ANY_REMAINING>
> will result in a warning.8.3. Custom name transformation
When no
(s) are defined then each constant from the source enum is mapped to a constant with the same name in the target enum type. However, there are cases where the source enum needs to be transformed before doing the mapping. E.g. a suffix needs to be applied to map from the source into the target enum.Example 63. Enum typespublic interface CheeseMapper { CheeseMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( CheeseMapper.class ); @EnumMapping(nameTransformationStrategy = "suffix", configuration = "_TYPE") CheeseTypeSuffixed map(CheeseType cheese); @InheritInverseConfiguration CheeseType map(CheeseTypeSuffix cheese); case BRIE: cheeseTypeSuffixed = CheeseTypeSuffixed.BRIE_TYPE; break; case ROQUEFORT: cheeseTypeSuffixed = CheeseTypeSuffixed.ROQUEFORT_TYPE; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected enum constant: " + cheese ); return cheeseTypeSuffixed; @Override public CheeseType map(CheeseTypeSuffixed cheese) { if ( cheese == null ) { return null; CheeseType cheeseType; switch ( cheese ) { case BRIE_TYPE: cheeseType = CheeseType.BRIE; break; case ROQUEFORT_TYPE: cheeseType = CheeseType.ROQUEFORT; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected enum constant: " + cheese ); return cheeseType;By default, the generated code for mapping one bean type into another or updating a bean will call the default constructor to instantiate the target type.
Alternatively you can plug in custom object factories which will be invoked to obtain instances of the target type. One use case for this is JAXB which creates
classes for obtaining new instances of schema types.To make use of custom factories register them via
as described in Invoking other mappers, or implement them directly in your mapper. When creating the target object of a bean mapping, MapStruct will look for a parameterless method, a method annotated with@ObjectFactory
, or a method with only one@TargetType
parameter that returns the required target type and invoke this method instead of calling the default constructor:Example 66. Custom object factoriespublic class EntityFactory { public <T extends BaseEntity> T createEntity(@TargetType Class<T> entityClass) { return // ... custom factory logic public class CarMapperImpl implements CarMapper { private final DtoFactory dtoFactory = new DtoFactory(); private final EntityFactory entityFactory = new EntityFactory(); @Override public CarDto carToCarDto(Car car) { if ( car == null ) { return null; CarDto carDto = dtoFactory.createCarDto(); //map properties... return carDto; @Override public Car carDtoToCar(CarDto carDto) { if ( carDto == null ) { return null; Car car = entityFactory.createEntity( Car.class ); //map properties... return car;
@Mapper(uses = { DtoFactory.class, EntityFactory.class, CarMapper.class } ) public interface OwnerMapper { OwnerMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( OwnerMapper.class ); void updateOwnerDto(Owner owner, @MappingTarget OwnerDto ownerDto); void updateOwner(OwnerDto ownerDto, @MappingTarget Owner owner); public class OwnerMapperImpl implements OwnerMapper { private final DtoFactory dtoFactory = new DtoFactory(); private final EntityFactory entityFactory = new EntityFactory(); private final OwnerMapper ownerMapper = Mappers.getMapper( OwnerMapper.class ); @Override public void updateOwnerDto(Owner owner, @MappingTarget OwnerDto ownerDto) { if ( owner == null ) { return; if ( owner.getCar() != null ) { if ( ownerDto.getCar() == null ) { ownerDto.setCar( dtoFactory.createCarDto() ); // update car within ownerDto else { ownerDto.setCar( null ); // updating other properties @Override public void updateOwner(OwnerDto ownerDto, @MappingTarget Owner owner) { if ( ownerDto == null ) { return; if ( ownerDto.getCar() != null ) { if ( owner.getCar() == null ) { owner.setCar( entityFactory.createEntity( Car.class ) ); // update car within owner else { owner.setCar( null ); // updating other propertiesIn addition, annotating a factory method with
lets you gain access to the mapping sources. Source objects can be added as parameters in the same way as for mapping method. The@ObjectFactory
annotation is necessary to let MapStruct know that the given method is only a factory method.Example 68. Custom object factories with@ObjectFactory
This chapter describes several advanced options which allow to fine-tune the behavior of the generated mapping code as needed.
10.1. Default values and constants
Default values can be specified to set a predefined value to a target property if the corresponding source property is
. Constants can be specified to set such a predefined value in any case. Default values and constants are specified as String values. When the target type is a primitive or a boxed type, the String value is taken literal. Bit / octal / decimal / hex patterns are allowed in such a case as long as they are a valid literal. In all other cases, constant or default values are subject to type conversion either via built-in conversions or the invocation of other mapping methods in order to match the type required by the target property.A mapping with a constant must not include a reference to a source property. The following example shows some mappings using default values and constants:
Example 69. Mapping method with default values and constantspublic interface SourceTargetMapper { SourceTargetMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( SourceTargetMapper.class ); @Mapping(target = "stringProperty", source = "stringProp", defaultValue = "undefined") @Mapping(target = "longProperty", source = "longProp", defaultValue = "-1") @Mapping(target = "stringConstant", constant = "Constant Value") @Mapping(target = "integerConstant", constant = "14") @Mapping(target = "longWrapperConstant", constant = "3001") @Mapping(target = "dateConstant", dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy", constant = "09-01-2014") @Mapping(target = "stringListConstants", constant = "jack-jill-tom") Target sourceToTarget(Source s);If
s.getStringProp() == null
, then the target propertystringProperty
will be set to"undefined"
instead of applying the value froms.getStringProp()
. Ifs.getLongProperty() == null
, then the target propertylongProperty
will be set to-1
. The String"Constant Value"
is set as is to the target propertystringConstant
. The value"3001"
is type-converted to theLong
(wrapper) class of target propertylongWrapperConstant
. Date properties also require a date format. The constant"jack-jill-tom"
demonstrates how the hand-written classStringListMapper
is invoked to map the dash-separated list into aList<String>
.10.2. Expressions
By means of Expressions it will be possible to include constructs from a number of languages.
Currently only Java is supported as a language. This feature is e.g. useful to invoke constructors. The entire source object is available for usage in the expression. Care should be taken to insert only valid Java code: MapStruct will not validate the expression at generation-time, but errors will show up in the generated classes during compilation.
The example below demonstrates how two source properties can be mapped to one target:
Example 70. Mapping method using an expressionpublic interface SourceTargetMapper { SourceTargetMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( SourceTargetMapper.class ); @Mapping(target = "timeAndFormat", expression = "java( new org.sample.TimeAndFormat( s.getTime(), s.getFormat() ) )") Target sourceToTarget(Source s);The example demonstrates how the source properties
are composed into one target propertyTimeAndFormat
. Please note that the fully qualified package name is specified because MapStruct does not take care of the import of theTimeAndFormat
class (unless it’s used otherwise explicitly in theSourceTargetMapper
). This can be resolved by definingimports
on the@Mapper
annotation.Example 71. Declaring an importpublic interface SourceTargetMapper { SourceTargetMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( SourceTargetMapper.class ); @Mapping(target = "timeAndFormat", expression = "java( new TimeAndFormat( s.getTime(), s.getFormat() ) )") Target sourceToTarget(Source s);10.3. Default Expressions
Default expressions are a combination of default values and expressions. They will only be used when the source attribute is
.The same warnings and restrictions apply to default expressions that apply to expressions. Only Java is supported, and MapStruct will not validate the expression at generation-time.
The example below demonstrates how two source properties can be mapped to one target:
Example 72. Mapping method using a default expressionpublic interface SourceTargetMapper { SourceTargetMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( SourceTargetMapper.class ); @Mapping(target="id", source="sourceId", defaultExpression = "java( UUID.randomUUID().toString() )") Target sourceToTarget(Source s);The example demonstrates how to use defaultExpression to set an
field if the source field is null, this could be used to take the existingsourceId
from the source object if it is set, or create a newId
if it isn’t. Please note that the fully qualified package name is specified because MapStruct does not take care of the import of theUUID
class (unless it’s used otherwise explicitly in theSourceTargetMapper
). This can be resolved by defining imports on the @Mapper annotation (see Expressions).10.4. Determining the result type
When result types have an inheritance relation, selecting either mapping method (
) or a factory method (@BeanMapping
) can become ambiguous. Suppose an Apple and a Banana, which are both specializations of Fruit.Example 73. Specifying the result type of a bean mapping methodThe mechanism is also present on iterable mapping and map mapping.
is used to select the mapping method with the desired element in the resultingIterable
. For the@MapMapping
a similar purpose is served by means of#MapMapping#keyTargetType
.10.5. Controlling mapping result for 'null' arguments
MapStruct offers control over the object to create when the source argument of the mapping method equals
. By defaultnull
will be returned.However, by specifying
nullValueMappingStrategy = NullValueMappingStrategy.RETURN_DEFAULT
, or globally on@Mapper
, the mapping result can be altered to return empty default values. This means for:Bean mappings: an 'empty' target bean will be returned, with the exception of constants and expressions, they will be populated when present.
Iterables / Arrays: an empty iterable will be returned.
Maps: an empty map will be returned.
10.6. Controlling mapping result for 'null' properties in bean mappings (update mapping methods only).
MapStruct offers control over the property to set in an
annotated target bean when the source property equalsnull
or the presence check method results in 'absent'.By default the target property will be set to null.
By specifying
nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.SET_TO_DEFAULT
, the mapping result can be altered to return default values. ForList
MapStruct generates anArrayList
, forMap
, for arrays an empty array, forString
and for primitive / boxed types a representation offalse
. For all other objects an new instance is created. Please note that a default constructor is required. If not available, use the@Mapping#defaultValue
.By specifying
nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE
, the mapping result will be equal to the original value of the@MappingTarget
annotated target.Some types of mappings (collections, maps), in which MapStruct is instructed to use a getter or adder as target accessor (see
), MapStruct will always generate a source property null check, regardless of the value of theNullValuePropertyMappingStrategy
, to avoid addition ofnull
to the target collection or map. Since the target is assumed to be initialised this strategy will not be applied.direct setting of source value to target value when target is primitive and source is not.
applying type conversion and then:
calling the setter on the target.
calling another type conversion and subsequently calling the setter on the target.
calling a mapping method and subsequently calling the setter on the target.
First calling a mapping method on the source property is not protected by a null check. Therefore generated mapping methods will do a null check prior to carrying out mapping on a source property. Handwritten mapping methods must take care of null value checking. They have the possibility to add 'meaning' to
. For instance: mappingnull
to a default value.The option
nullValueCheckStrategy = NullValueCheckStrategy.ALWAYS
will always include a null check when source is non primitive, unless a source presence checker is defined on the source bean.The strategy works in a hierarchical fashion.
will override@BeanMapping#nullValueCheckStrategy
will override@Mapper#nullValueCheckStrategy
will override@MaperConfig#nullValueCheckStrategy
.10.8. Source presence checking
Some frameworks generate bean properties that have a source presence checker. Often this is in the form of a method
being a property on the source bean in a bean mapping method. MapStruct will call thishasXYZ
instead of performing anull
check when it finds suchhasXYZ
method.Some types of mappings (collections, maps), in which MapStruct is instructed to use a getter or adder as target accessor see
, MapStruct will always generate a source property null check, regardless the value of theNullValueCheckStrategy
to avoid addition ofnull
to the target collection or map.10.9. Exceptions
Calling applications may require handling of exceptions when calling a mapping method. These exceptions could be thrown by hand-written logic and by the generated built-in mapping methods or type-conversions of MapStruct. When the calling application requires handling of exceptions, a throws clause can be defined in the mapping method:
Example 74. Mapper using custom method declaring checked exceptionpublic class HandWritten { private static final String[] GEAR = {"ONE", "TWO", "THREE", "OVERDRIVE", "REVERSE"}; public String toGear(Integer gear) throws GearException, FatalException { if ( gear == null ) { throw new FatalException(" null is not a valid gear"); if ( gear < 0 && gear > GEAR.length ) { throw new GearException("invalid gear"); return GEAR[gear];MapStruct now, wraps the
in atry-catch
block and rethrows an uncheckedRuntimeException
. MapStruct delegates handling of theGearException
to the application logic because it is defined as throws clause in thecarToCarDto
method:Example 76. try-catch block in generated implementationpublic CarDto carToCarDto(Car car) throws GearException { if ( car == null ) { return null; CarDto carDto = new CarDto(); try { carDto.setGear( handWritten.toGear( car.getGear() ) ); catch ( FatalException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); return carDto;Some notes on null checks. MapStruct does provide null checking only when required: when applying type-conversions or constructing a new type by invoking its constructor. This means that the user is responsible in hand-written code for returning valid non-null objects. Also null objects can be handed to hand-written code, since MapStruct does not want to make assumptions on the meaning assigned by the user to a null object. Hand-written code has to deal with this.
This chapter discusses different means of reusing mapping configurations for several mapping methods: "inheritance" of configuration from other methods and sharing central configuration between multiple mapper types.
11.1. Mapping configuration inheritance
Method-level configuration annotations such as
, etc., can be inherited from one mapping method to a similar method using the annotation@InheritConfiguration
:Example 77. Update method inheriting its configurationpublic interface CarMapper { @Mapping(target = "numberOfSeats", source = "seatCount") Car carDtoToCar(CarDto car); @InheritConfiguration void carDtoIntoCar(CarDto carDto, @MappingTarget Car car);The example above declares a mapping method
with a configuration to define how the propertynumberOfSeats
in the typeCar
shall be mapped. The update method that performs the mapping on an existing instance ofCar
needs the same configuration to successfully map all properties. Declaring@InheritConfiguration
on the method lets MapStruct search for inheritance candidates to apply the annotations of the method that is inherited from.One method A can inherit the configuration from another method B if all types of A (source types and result type) are assignable to the corresponding types of B.
Methods that are considered for inheritance need to be defined in the current mapper, a super class/interface, or in the shared configuration interface (as described in Shared configurations).
In case more than one method is applicable as source for the inheritance, the method name must be specified within the annotation:
@InheritConfiguration( name = "carDtoToCar" )
.A method can use
and override or amend the configuration by additionally applying@Mapping
, etc.11.2. Inverse mappings
In case of bi-directional mappings, e.g. from entity to DTO and from DTO to entity, the mapping rules for the forward method and the reverse method are often similar and can simply be inversed by switching
.Use the annotation
to indicate that a method shall inherit the inverse configuration of the corresponding reverse method.Example 78. Inverse mapping method inheriting its configuration and ignoring some of thempublic interface CarMapper { @Mapping(source = "numberOfSeats", target = "seatCount") CarDto carToDto(Car car); @InheritInverseConfiguration @Mapping(target = "numberOfSeats", ignore = true) Car carDtoToCar(CarDto carDto);Here the
method is the reverse mapping method forcarToDto()
. Note that any attribute mappings fromcarToDto()
will be applied to the corresponding reverse mapping method as well. They are automatically reversed and copied to the method with the@InheritInverseConfiguration
annotation.Specific mappings from the inversed method can (optionally) be overridden by
in the mapping, e.g. like this:@Mapping(target = "numberOfSeats", ignore=true)
.A method A is considered a reverse method of a method B, if the result type of A is the same as the single source type of B and if the single source type of A is the same as the result type of B.
Methods that are considered for inverse inheritance need to be defined in the current mapper, a super class/interface.
If multiple methods qualify, the method from which to inherit the configuration needs to be specified using the
property like this:@InheritInverseConfiguration(name = "carToDto")
takes, in case of conflict precedence over@InheritInverseConfiguration
.Configurations are inherited transitively. So if method
defines a mapping@Mapping( target = "x", ignore = true)
defines a mapping@Mapping( target = "y", ignore = true)
, then ifA
inherits fromB
inherits fromC
will inherit mappings for both propertyx
are excluded (silently ignored) in@InheritInverseConfiguration
is only applied when@Mapping#source
is also present in@InheritInverseConfiguration
.Reverse mapping of nested source properties is experimental as of the 1.1.0.Beta2 release. Reverse mapping will take place automatically when the source property name and target property name are identical. Otherwise,
should specify both the target name and source name. In all cases, a suitable mapping method needs to be in place for the reverse mapping.11.3. Shared configurations
MapStruct offers the possibility to define a shared configuration by pointing to a central interface annotated with
. For a mapper to use the shared configuration, the configuration interface needs to be defined in the@Mapper#config
annotation has the same attributes as the@Mapper
annotation. Any attributes not given via@Mapper
will be inherited from the shared configuration. Attributes specified in@Mapper
take precedence over the attributes specified via the referenced configuration class. List properties such asuses
are simply combined:Example 79. Mapper configuration class and mapper using it@MapperConfig( uses = CustomMapperViaMapperConfig.class, unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.ERROR public interface CentralConfig {@Mapper(config = CentralConfig.class, uses = { CustomMapperViaMapper.class } ) // Effective configuration: // @Mapper( // uses = { CustomMapperViaMapper.class, CustomMapperViaMapperConfig.class }, // unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.ERROR public interface SourceTargetMapper {The interface holding the
annotation may also declare prototypes of mapping methods that can be used to inherit method-level mapping annotations from. Such prototype methods are not meant to be implemented or used as part of the mapper API.Example 80. Mapper configuration class with prototype methods@MapperConfig( uses = CustomMapperViaMapperConfig.class, unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.ERROR, mappingInheritanceStrategy = MappingInheritanceStrategy.AUTO_INHERIT_FROM_CONFIG public interface CentralConfig { // Not intended to be generated, but to carry inheritable mapping annotations: @Mapping(target = "primaryKey", source = "technicalKey") BaseEntity anyDtoToEntity(BaseDto dto);@Mapper(config = CentralConfig.class, uses = { CustomMapperViaMapper.class } ) public interface SourceTargetMapper { @Mapping(target = "numberOfSeats", source = "seatCount") // additionally inherited from CentralConfig, because Car extends BaseEntity and CarDto extends BaseDto: // @Mapping(target = "primaryKey", source = "technicalKey") Car toCar(CarDto car)implementation "org.mapstruct:mapstruct:${mapstructVersion}" implementation "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.16" annotationProcessor "org.projectlombok:lombok-mapstruct-binding:0.1.0" annotationProcessor "org.mapstruct:mapstruct-processor:${mapstructVersion}" annotationProcessor "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.16" public interface SourceTargetMapper { SourceTargetMapper MAPPER = Mappers.getMapper( SourceTargetMapper.class ); @Mapping( source = "test", target = "testing" ) Target toTarget( Source s );
(default): the configuration will only be inherited, if the target mapping method is annotated with@InheritConfiguration
and the source and target types are assignable to the corresponding types of the prototype method, all as described in Mapping configuration inheritance.
: the configuration will be inherited automatically, if the source and target types of the target mapping method are assignable to the corresponding types of the prototype method. If multiple prototype methods match, the ambiguity must be resolved using@InheritConfiguration(name = …)
to be ignored.
: the inverse configuration will be inherited automatically, if the source and target types of the target mapping method are assignable to the corresponding types of the prototype method. If multiple prototype methods match, the ambiguity must be resolved using@InheritInverseConfiguration(name = …)
to be ignored.
: both the configuration and the inverse configuration will be inherited automatically. The same rules apply as forAUTO_INHERIT_FROM_CONFIG
.Sometimes it’s needed to apply custom logic before or after certain mapping methods. MapStruct provides two ways for doing so: decorators which allow for a type-safe customization of specific mapping methods and the before-mapping and after-mapping lifecycle methods which allow for a generic customization of mapping methods with given source or target types.
12.1. Mapping customization with decorators
In certain cases it may be required to customize a generated mapping method, e.g. to set an additional property in the target object which can’t be set by a generated method implementation. MapStruct supports this requirement using decorators.
public interface PersonMapper { PersonMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( PersonMapper.class ); PersonDto personToPersonDto(Person person); AddressDto addressToAddressDto(Address address);The decorator must be a sub-type of the decorated mapper type. You can make it an abstract class which allows to only implement those methods of the mapper interface which you want to customize. For all non-implemented methods, a simple delegation to the original mapper will be generated using the default generation routine.
shown below customizes thepersonToPersonDto()
. It sets an additional attribute which is not present in the source type of the mapping. TheaddressToAddressDto()
method is not customized.Example 82. Implementing a decoratorpublic abstract class PersonMapperDecorator implements PersonMapper { private final PersonMapper delegate; public PersonMapperDecorator(PersonMapper delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; @Override public PersonDto personToPersonDto(Person person) { PersonDto dto = delegate.personToPersonDto( person ); dto.setFullName( person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName() ); return dto;The example shows how you can optionally inject a delegate with the generated default implementation and use this delegate in your customized decorator methods.
For a mapper with
componentModel = "default"
, define a constructor with a single parameter which accepts the type of the decorated mapper.When working with the component models
, this needs to be handled differently.12.1.1. Decorators with the Spring component model
When using
on a mapper with component modelspring
, the generated implementation of the original mapper is annotated with the Spring annotation@Qualifier("delegate")
. To autowire that bean in your decorator, add that qualifier annotation as well:Example 83. Spring-based decorator@Override public PersonDto personToPersonDto(Person person) { PersonDto dto = delegate.personToPersonDto( person ); dto.setName( person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName() ); return dto;The generated class that extends the decorator is annotated with Spring’s
annotation. To autowire the decorated mapper in the application, nothing special needs to be done:Example 84. Using a decorated mapper12.1.2. Decorators with the JSR 330 component model
JSR 330 doesn’t specify qualifiers and only allows to specifically name the beans. Hence, the generated implementation of the original mapper is annotated with
(please note that when using a decorator, the class name of the mapper implementation ends with an underscore). To inject that bean in your decorator, add the same annotation to the delegate field (e.g. by copy/pasting it from the generated class):Example 85. JSR 330 based decorator@Override public PersonDto personToPersonDto(Person person) { PersonDto dto = delegate.personToPersonDto( person ); dto.setName( person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName() ); return dto;Unlike with the other component models, the usage site must be aware if a mapper is decorated or not, as for decorated mappers, the parameterless
annotation must be added to select the decorator to be injected:Example 86. Using a decorated mapper with JSR 33012.2. Mapping customization with before-mapping and after-mapping methods
Decorators may not always fit the needs when it comes to customizing mappers. For example, if you need to perform the customization not only for a few selected methods, but for all methods that map specific super-types: in that case, you can use callback methods that are invoked before the mapping starts or after the mapping finished.
Callback methods can be implemented in the abstract mapper itself, in a type reference in
, or in a type used as@Context
parameter.Example 87. Mapper with @BeforeMapping and @AfterMapping hooks@BeforeMapping protected void flushEntity(AbstractVehicle vehicle) { // I would call my entity manager's flush() method here to make sure my entity // is populated with the right @Version before I let it map into the DTO @AfterMapping protected void fillTank(AbstractVehicle vehicle, @MappingTarget AbstractVehicleDto result) { result.fuelUp( new Fuel( vehicle.getTankCapacity(), vehicle.getFuelType() ) ); public abstract CarDto toCarDto(Car car); // Generates something like this: public class VehicleMapperImpl extends VehicleMapper { public CarDto toCarDto(Car car) { flushEntity( car ); if ( car == null ) { return null; CarDto carDto = new CarDto(); // attributes mapping ... fillTank( car, carDto ); return carDto;A parameter annotated with
is populated with the target instance of the mapping.A parameter annotated with
is populated with the target type of the mapping.Parameters annotated with
are populated with the context parameters of the mapping method.Any other parameter is populated with a source parameter of the mapping.
For non-
methods, the return value of the method invocation is returned as the result of the mapping method if it is notnull
.As with mapping methods, it is possible to specify type parameters for before/after-mapping methods.
Example 88. Mapper with @AfterMapping hook that returns a non-null value@AfterMapping protected <T> T attachEntity(@MappingTarget T entity) { return entityManager.merge(entity); public abstract CarDto toCarDto(Car car); // Generates something like this: public class VehicleMapperImpl extends VehicleMapper { public CarDto toCarDto(Car car) { if ( car == null ) { return null; CarDto carDto = new CarDto(); // attributes mapping ... CarDto target = attachEntity( carDto ); if ( target != null ) { return target; return carDto;All before/after-mapping methods that can be applied to a mapping method will be used. Mapping method selection based on qualifiers can be used to further control which methods may be chosen and which not. For that, the qualifier annotation needs to be applied to the before/after-method and referenced in
.The order of the method invocation is determined primarily by their variant:
methods without an@MappingTarget
parameter are called before any null-checks on source parameters and constructing a new target bean.
methods with an@MappingTarget
parameter are called after constructing a new target bean.
methods are called at the end of the mapping method before the lastreturn
statement.Methods from types referenced in
, in the order of the type declaration in the annotation.Methods declared in one type are used after methods declared in their super-type.
Important: the order of methods declared within one type can not be guaranteed, as it depends on the compiler and the processing environment implementation.
Important: when using a builder, the
annotated method must have the builder as@MappingTarget
annotated parameter so that the method is able to modify the object going to be build. Thebuild
method is called when the@AfterMapping
annotated method scope finishes. MapStruct will not call the@AfterMapping
annotated method if the real target is used as@MappingTarget
annotated parameter.13.1. Custom Accessor Naming Strategy
MapStruct offers the possibility to override the
via the Service Provider Interface (SPI). A nice example is the use of the fluent API on the source objectGolfPlayer
below.Example 89. Source object GolfPlayer with fluent API.public GolfPlayer withHandicap(double handicap) { this.handicap = handicap; return this; public String name() { return name; public GolfPlayer withName(String name) { this.name = name; return this; public GolfPlayerDto withHandicap(double handicap) { this.handicap = handicap; return this; public String name() { return name; public GolfPlayerDto withName(String name) { this.name = name; return thisWe want
to be mapped to a target objectGolfPlayerDto
similar like we 'always' do this:Example 91. Source object with fluent API.public interface GolfPlayerMapper { GolfPlayerMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper( GolfPlayerMapper.class ); GolfPlayerDto toDto(GolfPlayer player); GolfPlayer toPlayer(GolfPlayerDto player);This can be achieved with implementing the SPI
as in the following example. Here’s an implementedorg.mapstruct.ap.spi.AccessorNamingStrategy
:Example 92. CustomAccessorNamingStrategy* A custom {@link AccessorNamingStrategy} recognizing getters in the form of {@code property()} and setters in the * form of {@code withProperty(value)}. public class CustomAccessorNamingStrategy extends DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy { @Override public boolean isGetterMethod(ExecutableElement method) { String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString(); return !methodName.startsWith( "with" ) && method.getReturnType().getKind() != TypeKind.VOID; @Override public boolean isSetterMethod(ExecutableElement method) { String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString(); return methodName.startsWith( "with" ) && methodName.length() > 4; @Override public String getPropertyName(ExecutableElement getterOrSetterMethod) { String methodName = getterOrSetterMethod.getSimpleName().toString(); return IntrospectorUtils.decapitalize( methodName.startsWith( "with" ) ? methodName.substring( 4 ) : methodName );The
makes use of theDefaultAccessorNamingStrategy
(also available in mapstruct-processor) and relies on that class to leave most of the default behaviour unchanged.To use a custom SPI implementation, it must be located in a separate JAR file together with the file
with the fully qualified name of your custom implementation as content (e.g.org.mapstruct.example.CustomAccessorNamingStrategy
). This JAR file needs to be added to the annotation processor classpath (i.e. add it next to the place where you added the mapstruct-processor jar).Mapping Exclusion Provider
MapStruct offers the possibility to override the
via the Service Provider Interface (SPI). A nice example is to not allow MapStruct to create an automatic sub-mapping for a certain type, i.e. MapStruct will not try to generate an automatic sub-mapping method for an excluded type.The
import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.lang.model.element.Name; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import org.mapstruct.ap.spi.MappingExclusionProvider; public class CustomMappingExclusionProvider implements MappingExclusionProvider { private static final Pattern JAVA_JAVAX_PACKAGE = Pattern.compile( "^javax?\\..*" ); @Override public boolean isExcluded(TypeElement typeElement) { Name name = typeElement.getQualifiedName(); return name.length() != 0 && ( JAVA_JAVAX_PACKAGE.matcher( name ).matches() || name.toString().equals( "org.mapstruct.ap.test.nestedbeans.exclusions.custom.Target.NestedTarget" ) );DefaultMappingExclusionProvider
will exclude all types under thejava
packages. This means that MapStruct will not try to generate an automatic sub-mapping method between some custom type and some type declared in the Java class library.To use a custom SPI implementation, it must be located in a separate JAR file together with the file
with the fully qualified name of your custom implementation as content (e.g.org.mapstruct.example.CustomMappingExclusionProvider
). This JAR file needs to be added to the annotation processor classpath (i.e. add it next to the place where you added the mapstruct-processor jar).13.2. Custom Builder Provider
MapStruct offers the possibility to override the
via the Service Provider Interface (SPI). A nice example is to provide support for a custom builder strategy.Example 97. Custom Builder Provider which disables Builder supportimport javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; public class NoOpBuilderProvider implements BuilderProvider { @Override public BuilderInfo findBuilderInfo(TypeMirror type) { return null;13.3. Custom Enum Naming Strategy
MapStruct offers the possibility to override the
via the Service Provider Interface (SPI). This can be used when you have certain enums that follow some conventions within your organization. For example all enums which implement an interface namedCustomEnumMarker
are prefixed withCUSTOM_
and the default value for them when mapping fromnull
Example 98. Normal EnumWe want
to be mapped without the need to manually define the value mappings:Example 100. Custom enum mappingThis can be achieved with implementing the SPI
as in the following example. Here’s an implementedorg.mapstruct.ap.spi.EnumMappingStrategy
:Example 101. Custom enum naming strategy@Override public String getDefaultNullEnumConstant(TypeElement enumType) { if ( isCustomEnum( enumType ) ) { return "UNSPECIFIED"; return super.getDefaultNullEnumConstant( enumType ); @Override public String getEnumConstant(TypeElement enumType, String enumConstant) { if ( isCustomEnum( enumType ) ) { return getCustomEnumConstant( enumConstant ); return super.getEnumConstant( enumType, enumConstant ); protected String getCustomEnumConstant(String enumConstant) { if ( "UNSPECIFIED".equals( enumConstant ) ) { return MappingConstantsGem.NULL; return enumConstant.replace( "CUSTOM_", "" ); protected boolean isCustomEnum(TypeElement enumType) { for ( TypeMirror enumTypeInterface : enumType.getInterfaces() ) { if ( typeUtils.asElement( enumTypeInterface ).getSimpleName().contentEquals( "CustomEnumMarker" ) ) { return true; return false; case UNRECOGNIZED: cheeseType = null; break; case CUSTOM_BRIE: cheeseType = CheeseType.BRIE; break; case CUSTOM_ROQUEFORT: cheeseType = CheeseType.ROQUEFORT; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected enum constant: " + cheese ); return cheeseType; @Override public CustomCheeseType map(CheeseType cheese) { if ( cheese == null ) { return CustomCheeseType.UNSPECIFIED; CustomCheeseType customCheeseType; switch ( cheese ) { case BRIE: customCheeseType = CustomCheeseType.CUSTOM_BRIE; break; case ROQUEFORT: customCheeseType = CustomCheeseType.CUSTOM_ROQUEFORT; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected enum constant: " + cheese ); return customCheeseType;13.4. Custom Enum Transformation Strategy
MapStruct offers the possibility to other transformations strategies by implementing
via the Service Provider Interface (SPI). A nice example is to provide support for a custom transformation strategy.Example 103. Custom Enum Transformation Strategy which lower-cases the value and applies a suffiximport org.mapstruct.ap.spi.EnumTransformationStrategy; public class CustomEnumTransformationStrategy implements EnumTransformationStrategy { @Override public String getStrategyName() { return "custom"; @Override public String transform(String value, String configuration) { return value.toLowerCase() + configuration;14.1. Non-shipped annotations
There are various use-cases you must resolve ambiguity for MapStruct to use a correct piece of code. However, the primary goal of MapStruct is to focus on bean mapping without polluting the entity code. For that reason, MapStruct is flexible enough to interact with already defined annotations from third-party libraries. The requirement to enable this behavior is to match the name of such annotation. Hence, we say that annotation can be from any package.
The annotations named
are currently examples of this kind of annotation.If such named third-party annotation exists, it does not guarantee its
matches with the intended placement. Be aware of placing a third-party annotation just for sake of mapping is not recommended as long as it might lead to unwanted side effects caused by that library.A very common case is that no third-party dependency imported to your project provides such annotation or is inappropriate for use as already described. In such cases create your own annotation, for example:
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; @Target(ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) public @interface Default {14.2. Lombok
MapStruct works together with Project Lombok as of MapStruct 1.2.0.Beta1 and Lombok 1.16.14.
MapStruct takes advantage of generated getters, setters, and constructors and uses them to generate the mapper implementations.
Lombok 1.18.16 introduces a breaking change (changelog). The additional annotation processor
<groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok-mapstruct-binding</artifactId> <version>0.1.0</version> </path>lombok-mapstruct-binding
(Maven) must be added otherwise MapStruct stops working with Lombok. This resolves the compilation issues of Lombok and MapStruct modules.14.2.1. Set up
The set up using Maven or Gradle does not differ from what is described in Set up. Additionally, you need to provide Lombok dependencies.
Example 104. Maven configuration<properties> <org.mapstruct.version>1.4.2.Final</org.mapstruct.version> <org.projectlombok.version>1.18.16</org.projectlombok.version> <maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source> <maven.compiler.target>1.8</maven.compiler.target> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.mapstruct</groupId> <artifactId>mapstruct</artifactId> <version>${org.mapstruct.version}</version> </dependency> <!-- lombok dependency should not end up on classpath --> <dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> <version>${org.projectlombok.version}</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.8.1</version> <configuration> <source>1.8</source> <target>1.8</target> <annotationProcessorPaths> <groupId>org.mapstruct</groupId> <artifactId>mapstruct-processor</artifactId> <version>${org.mapstruct.version}</version> </path> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> <version>${org.projectlombok.version}</version> </path> <!-- additional annotation processor required as of Lombok 1.18.16 --> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok-mapstruct-binding</artifactId> <version>0.1.0</version> </path> </annotationProcessorPaths> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>