#include "absl/random/random.h"
Bit Generators and Distribution Functions
The Abseil Random library provides a variety of distribution function
templates, which produce randomly sampled values from particular
distributions. They obtain their randomness from a user-supplied uniform
random bit generator (URBG, or bit generator for short), which should be
treated as an opaque object unless you’re implementing a distribution function.
is the preferred bit generator for most use cases.
absl::BitGen bitgen;
size_t index = absl::Uniform(bitgen, 0u, elems.size());
double fraction = absl::Uniform(bitgen, 0, 1.0);
bool coin_flip = absl::Bernoulli(bitgen, 0.5);
Never Use A Random Bit Generator Directly
Bit generators produce values with the function-call operator, but this
interface should never be used directly in application code.
Properly sampling from a distribution can be surprisingly subtle; it requires
knowledge of the underlying URBG algorithm, and the range of values that it
produces. This range of values may or may not be the full space of values
representable by the output data type. Getting these details wrong can result in
biased sampling.
// Don't sample directly from a bit generator's output. If bitgen() produces
// values in the range [0,7], then this code will produce 1 and 2 twice as often
// as other values.
uint32_t die_roll = 1 + (bitgen() % 6);
// Use a distribution function instead:
uint32_t die_roll = absl::Uniform(absl::IntervalClosed, gen, 1, 6);
Always use the Abseil Random library’s distribution functions instead.
Reuse Generators When Possible
Try to avoid continuously re-instantiating bit generators.
for (auto& elem : v_) {
absl::BitGen gen; // Newly instantiated for every element.
elem = absl::Uniform(gen, 0, 1.0);
It’s better to reuse generator instances, unless those generators will be called
very infrequently.
class Server {
absl::BitGen bitgen_;
void Method() {
for (auto& elem : v_) {
elem = absl::Uniform(bitgen_, 0, 1.0);
The most common use case for a random value library is also the most simple:
“Give me a number between A and B”.
int digit = absl::Uniform(gen, 0, 10); // Samples an integer from [0, 10)
or perhaps:
double less_than_1 = absl::Uniform(gen, 0, 1.0); // Samples from [0.0, 1.0)
or if we want to explicitly specify the desired numerical type, then perhaps:
// Casts arguments to the specified type, before sampling.
auto index = absl::Uniform<size_t>(gen, 0, v.size());
In the absence of an explicitly specified return type, the absl::Uniform()
function will use the more general of the two endpoints’ data types. Note that
if neither of these types can represent the other without loss of precision,
then the function call will not compile.
size_t index = absl::Uniform(gen, 0u, v.size()); // Both are unsigned types
auto index = absl::Uniform<size_t>(gen, 0, v.size()); // Also fine
size_t index = absl::Uniform(gen, 0, v.size()); // Error: int vs size_t
You might sometimes find that sampling from the half-open distribution [a, b)
isn’t a natural fit for your application. For such cases, we allow endpoint
semantics to be explicitly specified, by providing one of the following
identifiers as the first function call argument:
absl::IntervalClosed // Sample from [a, b]
absl::IntervalOpen // Sample from (a, b)
absl::IntervalOpenClosed // Sample from (a, b]
absl::IntervalClosedOpen // Sample from [a, b) … (Default)
Some examples might include:
int die_roll = absl::Uniform(absl::IntervalClosed, gen, 1, 6);
double jitter = absl::Uniform(absl::IntervalOpen, gen, -0.25, 0.25);
Choose whichever endpoints and semantics most naturally fit to your use case.
One final note - Omitting the endpoints when sampling an unsigned integer
provides a shorthand syntax for sampling from the entire type.
auto byte = absl::Uniform<uint8_t>(bitgen); // From [0, 255]
: A Type-Erased URBG Interface
An instance of the BitGenRef
class can be thought of as a type-agnostic
“reference” to an
instance. Functions which accept an absl::BitGenRef
can be invoked using any
type of URBG, such as absl::BitGen
, absl::InsecureBitGen
, etc.
int TakesBitGenRef(absl::BitGenRef bitgen){
int v = absl::Uniform<int>(bitgen, 0, 1000);
has implicit conversion constructors from any URBG&
. A
does not copy or own the underlying URBG, to which it
points, and so the underlying URBG must outlive the BitGenRef
Testing Random Behavior with MockingBitGen
Importantly, absl::BitGenRef
allows mocking through the compatible
type. When testing we might want to mock to provide
deterministic results. The MockingBitGen
provides such a mock for URBG
absl::MockingBitGen bitgen;
ON_CALL(absl::MockUniform<int>(), Call(bitgen, 1, 10000))
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Uniform<int>(bitgen, 1, 10000), 20);
EXPECT_CALL(absl::MockUniform<double>(), Call(bitgen, 0.0, 100.0))
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Uniform(bitgen, 0.0, 100.0), 5.0);
EXPECT_EQ(absl::Uniform(bitgen, 0.0, 100.0), 6.5);
has full support for Googletest matchers and actions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Are The Abseil Random Generator Types Seeded?
acquires seed data from an an underlying entropy pool managed by
the Randen pseudorandom generator, initially
seeded from /dev/urandom
Why Do You Recommend absl::BitGen
Over absl::InsecureBitGen
The use of values produced by insecure bit generators in security-sensitive
contexts may introduce occasional (but dangerous) security issues. Although
is not suitable for cryptographic applications such as key
generation, it provides guarantees strong enough to be resilient to misuse.
What About Instances Shared Across Multiple Threads?
Like the C++ standard library random engines, neither absl::BitGen
nor absl::InsecureBitGen
are thread safe.
Efficiently leveraging a bit generator shared between multiple threads can be
tricky and subtle. Use of locally-instantiated generators are preferred to
global application-owned bit generators protected by a Mutex
and shared across
multiple threads.
Can I Use Abseil’s Distribution Functions With Other Bit Generator Types?
Yes - the distribution functions are compatible with any type conforming to the
named requirement, as defined by C++11. This includes std::
types (e.g.
and std::mt19937_64
I Need My Variate Sequences To Be The Same Every Time!
We recognize that there are use cases which inherently require universally
stable (ie. seed-stable) variate generation, but this represents a narrow class
of applications within Google. Such use cases require stability of both
generator algorithms and distribution algorithms; in some cases, they require
this stability across multiple platforms, as well. Providing this would
completely freeze our ability to update and improve the Abseil Random library
for the (much larger) class of applications which neither require nor benefit
from these constraints. We hope to revisit the question of how to provide for
these use cases in the future, but for now, we (by design) offer no API that
indefinitely provides the same Seed→SequenceVariate mappings.
Stability of Generated Sequences
Most applications and unit tests do not need to explicitly depend on the
sequence of variates generated by a given seed. If you believe that your binary
is an exceptional use case, Abseil Random may not be the right library for you.
That said, there is method to our “nondeterministic-seed” madness, and it’s
worth outlining.
Our experience has taught us that random value generators are the ultimate
victims to Hyrum’s Law. The details of a generator’s
implementation (i.e. the algorithm for generating values) is effectively
equivalent to its interface (i.e. the values generated). There have been
instances in which attempts to improve existing algorithms, such as the routine
for sampling pseudorandom floating-point values, have been foiled by thousands
of unit tests throughout Google which have become dependent on the sequences of
values generated. Thus, the API and implementation for previous iterations of
generators within Google is, in many respects, effectively frozen in place and
cannot be improved.
Classes of Generator Stability
In order to prevent this from befalling the Abseil Random library, we have
implemented a scheme whereby the seed material used to derive the initial state
of a generator (absl::BitGen
, absl::InsecureBitGen
) is mixed with
non-deterministic data. We refer to the conditions under which a generator
promises to produce the same variates from a fixed seed sequence, as the
stability of the generator.
In the course of our discussions, we found it useful to define the following
categories of generator stability:
Process Stability: Given a fixed seed sequence S, and a collection of
generator-instances g1(S), …, gn(S) constructed
within the same process execution, all generators gk will
produce the same sequences of variates.
Seed Stability: Given a fixed seed sequence S, and a collection of
generator instances g1(S), …, gn(S), all generators
gk will produce the same sequence of variates, across all
instances of any binaries.
Guarantees provided by the Abseil Random library
Our generator types provide Process Stability.
There is currently no generator type in the Abseil Random library which
provides Seed Stability. The motivation for this decision is as much
philosophical as it is practical: The legitimate use cases for an eternally
unchanging pseudorandom sequence are uncommon within Google.
The Abseil family of distribution classes and distribution functions (e.g.
) should be considered to have
Process Stability.
We hope to provide support for seed-stable distributions in the future, but at
the moment, no API from the Abseil Random library guarantees this contract.