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If you find any issues with this page or its content – a typo, a missing step, or a technical error – please let us know!
This monthly release includes all previous generally available patches for Talend Studio 7.3.1.
If your Talend Studio version is greater than R2023-03 and if it fails to clone a large Git repository via SSH with an error
, you can try to resolve the issue by installing the R2023-06 Studio monthly update or a later one, adding the
parameter in the corresponding
file under your Talend Studio installation directory according to your operating system, and restarting your Talend Studio.
Consider the following requirements for your system:
Before applying an update to Talend Studio, check:
After installing the patch, if you want to fetch a license from Cloud AWS - Australia, which is not in the host list in Talend Studio, do the following:
1) Open "{your_patch_zip}/plugins".
2) Open "{Studio_home}/configuration/org.talend.configurator/bundles.info".
3) Change the version of org.talend.license.gui and org.talend.license.gui.talend in bundles.info(in the last two lines) to the version of the jars in plugins.
The jars in plugin folder of the patch zip are "org.talend.license.gui 0656-patch.jar" and "org.talend.license.gui.talend 0656-patch.jar", modify them in bundles.info file to "org.talend.license.gui, 0656-patch,plugins/org.talend.license.gui 0656-patch.jar,4,false" and "org.talend.license.gui.talend, 0656-patch,plugins/org.talend.license.gui.talend 0656-patch.jar,4,false"
NOTE: As Talend CommandLine as a Server is deprecated, this installation mode is not recommended.
Execute the following commands to install the patch:
Talend-Studio-win-x86_64.exe -nosplash -application org.talend.commandline.CommandLine -consoleLog -data commandline-workspace startServer -p 8002 --talendDebug
initRemote {tac_url} -ul {TAC login username} -up {TAC login password}
checkAndUpdate -tu {TAC login username} -tup {TAC login password}
After installing the patch, you need to stop CommandLine and clean the org.eclipse.osgi folder under the {Talend-Studio}/configuration directory, where {Talend-Studio} is the installation directory of your Talend Studio.
Installing the patch using Continuous Integration
To install the patch using Talend CI builder, use the -Dpatch.path
option at build time. See Building and Deploying for details.
It is strongly recommended to resynchronize poms after installing the patch by clicking the Force full re-synchronize poms button in the Build -> Maven view in the Project Settings dialog box in Talend Studio.
Use Talend CI Builder version 7.3.11 in your CI commands or pipeline scripts for this Studio monthly update.
From version 7.3.10 onwards, Talend CI Builder is available in the official Talend repository.
New features in R2023-08
TDI-49800 - Support keep leading/trailing spaces in SAP tsaptableinput and teltsapmap components
CVEs fixed in R2023-08
CVE-2017-1000487 (plexus-utils-3.0.8.jar), impacted:
CVE-2023-34455,CVE-2023-34453,CVE-2023-34454 (snappy-java:, impacted:
APPINT components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2023-2976 (com.google.guava:guava:30.0-jre), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2017-9735 (jetty-security/jetty-util:9.3.24.v20180605), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-2191 (jetty-io:11.0.6), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-37714 (jsoup:1.13.1), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-34169 (xalan:2.7.0), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-24839 (nekohtml:1.9.21), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2019-12402 (commons-compress:1.18), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2017-12612 (spark-launcher_2.10:1.6.1), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2012-0881 (xercesImpl:2.8.0), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-42004 (jackson-databind:, impacted:
DQ Libraries
Other issues fixed in R2023-08
TUP-39563 - [7.3.1][DI]Issue while using DBBulk components for snowflake in Joblets
TUP-39582 - Filter differences in tmap not showing up in the job compare tool
TBD-15489 - hadoop-yarn-common- flagged as malware in Reserve Bank of India
TBD-15351 - Cloudera CDP 7.x built-in distribution still reference log4j-web-2.10.0.jar library
TBD-15330 - tImpalaConnection - throws error - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hive/service/cli/thrift/TCLIService$Client
TDI-49718 - SalesForce Connection in joblet can't be used in a job
New features in R2023-07
CVEs fixed in R2023-07
CVE-2022-29599 (maven-surefire-plugin-2.20.jar), impacted:
CVE-2023-30535 (snowflake-jdbc:3.13.28), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-1436 (jettison-1.5.3.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2023-20860 (spring-webmvc-5.3.20.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
Other issues fixed in R2023-07
TUP-38235 - Job in a project that references other projects load very slowly in Studio
TUP-37805 - Studio UI showing the wrong job execution message
TUP-39223 - Bump version of json-smart:2.4.11
TBD-15341 - 'Username' and 'password' should not be visible in Impala components when kerberos is used
TBD-15237 - [7.3.1] For tSqoopImport the Hadoop property setting "yarn.resourcemanager.principal" is overridden by default value
TBD-15075 - Code error in tHiveWarehouseOutput when used Stream Job with "Enable Hive Partitions"
TDQ-21255 - tRules: Fixed the issue preventing from using XSL files
TDQ-21241 - Reports: Fixed the issue causing the run to fail when using a PostgreSQL datamart
TBD-15366 - tSqoopMerge - Java API mode java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.avro.mapred.Pair
TDI-49872 - Jobs using tExtractJSONFields fail with net.minidev.json.parser.ParseException
New features in R2023-06
CVEs fixed in R2023-06
CVE-2023-1370 (json-smart-2.4.7.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-1436 (jettison-1.5.3.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-30535 (snowflake-jdbc:3.13.8), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2023-06
TDI-49749 - json-smart-2.4.7 update for javajet components
TDI-49771 - Cell format is not date
TDI-49752 - tMap performance issue after migration to v8.0
TDI-49665 - tSalesforceInput component is not retrieving deleted records
TUP-38912 - Context Parameters is not visible in when using Publisher
TUP-39027 - [731 Studio] user unable to access one project from Talend studio
TBD-15114 - compilation error on batch job for Cassandra component with EMR62
TBD-15074 - tCassandraOutput compilation error for all Universal spark local
New features in R2023-05
APPINT-35470 - App & API Integration - Studio Metrics gathering
APPINT-35472 - App & API Integration - Studio Metrics gathering: Runtime features
APPINT-35490 - App & API Integration - Studio Metrics gathering: build types & APIs usage
CVEs fixed in R2023-05
CVE-2023-1370 (json-smart:2.4.7.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2020-11987 (batik-all:1.10.jar), impacted:
DQ Components
CVE-2022-42003,CVE-2022-42004 (jackson-databind-2.11.4.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-45688 (json-20140107.jar , json-20090211.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-45143 (tomcat-catalina-9.0.68.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2023-24998 (commons-fileupload-1.4.jar), impacted:
DI Components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (core-io-1.7.23.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2023-05
TUP-38334 - job showing error when running from studio on remote jobserver
TUP-38561 - [performance] Studio crash when continuously run more than 2hours from automation test
TUP-38316 - Duplicate Parameter error in the artifact and creating the task
TUP-38361 - Update Detection issue - Not all changes are propogated at once.
TUP-38758 - m2 folder was not updated after patch was installed.
TDM-9930 - Upgrade to swagger-parser 2.1.12
TBD-13259 - DBR64 - Simple job with Date or Short schema type fails
TBD-14987 - tHadoopConfManagertHiveConnection1 Hadoop configuration jar not found
TBD-15040 - Failed to generate code for tFileOutputPositional
TBD-15049 - cassandra job have an exeception on spl30
TBD-15054 - Compile error with tFileStreamInputJson in 7.3
TBD-15069 - ClassNotFoundException when I run spark batch job with tCacheOut and set lzf for compress code
TBD-15108 - Missing migration task for tKafkaInput in 7.3
Other issues fixed in R2023-04v2
TBD-15075 - Code error in tHiveWarehouseOutput when used Stream Job with "Enable Hive Partitions"
New features in R2023-04
CVEs fixed in R2023-04
CVE-2022-3171 (libphonenumber-7.2.8.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-45688 (json-20140107.jar , json-20090211.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Components
CVE-2022-41881 (netty-all: 4.1.77.Final.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-23710 CVE-2022-23708(elasticsearch:7.16.2.jars), impacted:
CVE-2022-1471 (org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.31,1.32.jar), impacted:
CVE-2023-26464 (log4j:1.2.17.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (org.ops4j.pax.url:pax-url-aether:2.6.(2,11)), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2023-04
TDI-49487 - tBigQuerySqlRow error : index must be less than size if BigQuery request contains a FOR statement
TDI-49549 - BigQuery statement throws null pointer exception
TDI-49340 - Guess schema / list tables does work snowflake component when using authentication using Okta
TDI-49341 - Snowflake component in Talend 8 not loading data to Snowflake, same job works in Talend 7
TDI-49313 - [Security]: SQL Inject risk
TDI-49458 - Skip empty row not working in tfileInputPositional
TDI-49446 - tFTPPut is transferring the file to the remote directory but the current status shows "No file transfered."
TUP-38282 - Guess Schema doesn't show Context options
TUP-37379 - tAzureStorage Components issue in Studio
TUP-38093 - Studio 8.0.1 hangs in "Loading user component" after patch R2023-01
TUP-37227 - Issue building when items names too long
TBD-14973 - Compile error for tKafkaInputAvro with spark local 3.0
TBD-14926 - Java Compilation Errors with tTopBy Component after applying R202209 Patch
TBD-14918 - Code error in tHiveWarehouseOutput when used with Stream Job
TBD-14905 - Mongo Atlas Connection : Error After applying patch "R2022-09-7.3.1"
TBD-14879 - custom rowkey doesn't work in tHbaseOutput component on Spark Batch job
TBD-14746 - Job fails to generate Java code with complex tMap
New features in R2023-03
CVEs fixed in R2023-03
CVE-2021-23926 (xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2023-22899 (zip4j-2.10.0.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-41881 (netty-codec-haproxy-4.1.77.Final.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2018-10899 (jolokia-core-1.6.0.jar), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2023-03
TDI-49284 - tFileInputMSPositional gives junk/error output
TDI-49454 - tSCP and tSSH components cannot work with redhat server
TUP-37860 - Git Connectivity - SHA2 support for 7.3.1
TUP-37874 - [Security]: SQL inject risk
TUP-37920 - SQLite: Table list shouldn't be empty while retrieving schema
TUP-35060 - tWarn does not show the TalendDate.TO_CHAR method
TBD-11985 - [Spak Streaming] BigQuery Ouput compile error
TBD-13171 - NPE error when I run - TBD-13036 attachment job and check use dataset API
TBD-13671 - Kerberos configuration is missing in hadoop cluster metadata with Knox
TBD-14439 - some jars can't download
TBD-14694 - Compile error when spark streaming job if use InParallel line
TBD-14735 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/text/lookup/StringLookupFactory in cdh 6.1
TBD-14745 - Talend 8/7.3 - Databricks: rename Transient cluster and Interactive cluster
TBD-14790 - "7.3.1: Compilation error "rdd_row2 cannot be resolved to a variable" in tUnite component
TBD-14798 - 2 compile errors on Spark jobs in RDD
TBD-14849 - tHiveWarehouseConfiguration - username and pwd getting printed out in the CDP cluster yarn/spark logs
New features in R2023-02
CVEs fixed in R2023-02
CVE-2022-45693 (jettison-1.5.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-40151 (xstream-1.4.19.jar), impacted:
DI Components
APPINT Components
DQ Components
CVE-2022-31692 (spring-security-web-5.6.5.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2020-13936 (velocity-1.7.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2023-02
TUP-37723 - Patch Installation: Need restart to generate correct jar version in pom after new patch has been installed
TUP-37425 - Performance: Not Responding while Retrieving schema and the database contains many tables
TBD-14695 - tHiveWarehouseConfiguration - Unable to create PoolableConnectionFactory
TBD-14720 - Hadoop conf Jar is not found
New features in R2023-01
CVEs fixed in R2023-01
CVE- (bctls-jdk15on-1.68.jar, bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar), impacted:
BD Components
CVE-2012-5785 (axis2-kernel-1.7.8.jar), impacted:
CVE-2012-0881 (xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-46364 (cxf-core-3.4.4.jar, cxf-core-3.4.7.jar), impacted:
DI Components
APPINT Components
MDM Components
CVE-2022-3171 (protobuf-java-3.4.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-40152 (woodstox-core-6.2.6.jar,woodstox-core-6.2.7.jar,woodstox-core-6.2.8.jar,woodstox-core-5.2.0jar,woodstox-core-5.3.0jar), impacted:
DI Components
MDM Components
APPINT Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-45047 (sshd-common-2.8.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-45685,CVE-2022-45693 (jettison-1.5.1.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-1415 (drools-compiler-6.2.0.Final.jar), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2023-01
TDI-48876 - tAccessInput/Output/Row is unable to work in Java 11 if the AccessDB is configured with password
TDI-49026 - Improve stream closing in javajet code for tFileInputPositional
TDI-49004 - tMap BigDecimal lookup fails after upgrading Java
TDI-48900 - [Studio7.3.1]Component tXSLT uses deprecated code java.io.StringBufferInputStream
TDI-48775 - Salesforce Connection - Session reuse option not working with Mutual Auth
TUP-37467 - [8.0.1&7.3.1] custom component are no more build as snapshot but releases since june/july patch
TUP-37644 - Add jfrog artifactory as repository-type to commandline document
TBD-12530 - [BUG] A lot of compile errors in Spark Streaming jobs with several pipelines working in parallel with some components
TBD-13230 - NullPointerException on Spark job with tCollectAndCheck if "Path or table name" uses context
TDQ-20878 - tMatchGroup: BigDecimal match key with 'Store on disk' not work
APPINT-35237 - [7.3.1] tRESTClient does not send json as an array if only one array element
APPINT-35261 - "Set-Cookie" information are no more exited in header
New features in R2022-12
TDI-48543 - Issue to get Authorization Token tMicrosoftCrmInput (ROPC)
CVEs fixed in R2022-12
CVE-2022-40149 (jettison-1.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-37865 (ivy-2.4.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-3171 (protobuf-java-3.19.2.jar), impacted:
DI Components
BD Components
CVE-2022-34917 (kafka-clients-2.8.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2022-34169 (xalan-2.7.2.jar), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2022-42920 (bcel-5.2.jar, bcel-6.3.1.jar), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2022-41704 (batik-bridge-1.15.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-42890 (batik-script-1.15.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-25857 (snakeyaml-1.26.jar), impacted:
Other issues fixed in R2022-12
TUP-37268 - Can't retrieve configuration from cloudera by jobserver
TUP-37228 - Studio errors when attempting to create a Cloudera Dynamic Distro when repository.apache.org port 80 is blocked
TUP-36933 - [7.3.1] import dependencies is not working when we do a copy from branch
TDI-48810 - Job build fails with : Duplicate nested type CompareUtil after R2022-10v2
TBD-12765 - [BUG] UI: Move the "Use Knox" checkbox to "Connection" section
TBD-14091 - Compile error on Spark Batch job with tCassandra components on Spark Local 3.0
TBD-14331 - CDP knox doesn't show by default in metadata
TBD-14332 - Knox Timeout doesn't update from metadata
TBD-14413 - Customer is having issue building there Spark job in Studio 7.3.1 R2022-06
TBD-14414 - Customer getting random class errors after upgrading to R2022-03
TBD-14424 - Compile errors on Spark job with tAvroMap component
TBD-14499 - Issue with Use Kerberos authentication checkbox in tImpalaConnection and tImpalaInput components
TBD-14509 - wrong jar name and maven URI for commons-pool jar
TBD-14526 - ClassNotFoundException when I select Impala driver for impala connection
TBD-14528 - Joblets configuration not recognized in the batch job
TBD-14555 - org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: out CDP 7.1.7 in thivewarehouseoutput
APPINT-35134 - Link about "validation details" of warning still there when switch to error API definition
APPINT-35154 - Unable to run Neo4jV4 component in the Microservice mode
TDQ-20819 - Business rule: Fixed the issue preventing from running an analysis after updating the Where Clause setting
TDQ-20834 - tRulesurvivorship: Fixed the issue preventing the component from working properly
New features in R2022-11
TDI-48660 - Backport TDI-48332 to 7.3(Oracle components requires orai18n.jar when Oracle 19c is in specific character set like JA16SJISTILDE)
TUP-36340 - Studio requires orai18n.jar when Oracle 19c is in specific character set like JA16SJISTILDE
CVEs fixed in R2022-11
CVE-2022-42003, CVE-2022-42004 (jackson-databind-, impacted:
DQ Libraries
APPINT Components
DI Components
CVE-2022-42889 (commons-text-1.9.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
BD Components
CVE-2022-3171 (protobuf-java-3.19.2.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-25857 (snakeyaml-1.26.jar), impacted:
Talend Metadata Bridge
Warning: To fix this CVE, the Talend Metadata Bridge plugin must be installed before installing the patch. For more information about installing the Talend Metadata Bridge plugin, see Getting Started with the Talend Metadata Bridge.
CVE-2022-39135 (calcite-core-1.26.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-11
TDI-48569 - tSalesforceInput - Dynamic Schema doesn't output reference field
TDI-48676 - Limitation size of context variable file can hold
TDI-48407 - tGoogleDriveList component does not handle 'include shared folders/files' param
TDI-48546 - tSalesforceOutput component throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when the Parallelization is enabled
TDI-48659 - Backport TDI-48213 to 7.3(Improve stream closing in javajet code)
TUP-36833 - DB Common folder not showing under Palette tab
TUP-36726 - "Support NLS" works unstable
TUP-36712 - Schema lost when convert DeltaLake job to spark
TUP-36820 - Metadata -File Xml -Import is not responding in the Studio
TBD-13422 - [Random] NoClassDefFoundError exception when I run a spark job with EMR515
TBD-14171 - tS3Configuration within EMR6.2.0 unable use China endpoint for spark job
TBD-14317 - tHiveInput component issue in patch R2022-02
TBD-14328 - ClassNotFoundException when check service for CDP 7.x knox
TBD-14339 - implement fix from TBD-14194 into 7.3 Studio
TBD-14365 - spark.hadoop.fs.s3.impl Spark settings are overridden when using tS3Configuration component
TBD-14407 - No option to change instalation CLASSPATH for CDP in spark job
TBD-14206 - check hive connection failed for CDP 7.x build in that is connecting CDP 7.1.6
TBD-14428 - NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.RetryingMetaStoreClient.getProxy on emr 6.2.x
APPINT-35024 - Improve API bridge dependencies management
APPINT-35079 - route fails in error when running as microservice
New features in R2022-10
TDI-48343 - Change TDS component (tdatastewardshiptaskinput) to support the new pagination approach
CVEs fixed in R2022-10
CVE-2022-25857 (snakeyaml-1.27.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-40155 (xstream-1.4.19.jar), impacted:
DQ libraries
CVE-2022-40149 (jettison-1.1.jar), impacted:
DQ libraries
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-25168 (hadoop-common-3.2.3.jar), impacted:
DQ libraries
CVE-2022-23437 (xercesImpl-2.12.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-36373 (ant-1.10.9.jar), impacted:
DI Components
TDQ-20610 - org.apache.lucene:lucene-core upgraded to 8.11.2
CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-44832, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105 (tadt-definitions.translator-14.1.8-jar-with-dependencies.jar), impacted:
APPINT API translator
Other issues fixed in R2022-10
TDI-48547 - tSplunkEventCollector encoding issue
TDI-48550 - tDBSCD component does not change date(time) fields to NULL
TDI-48473 - Job using tLDAPInput with Protocol=LDAPS fails in MDM server : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: talend.ssl.AdvancedSocketFactory
TDI-48458 - Component tDBCDC keeps "old" Schema value after option "Use an existing connection" is checked
TDI-48448 - tDBOutput - BigDecimal values rounded when "Enable parallel execution" activated
TDI-48434 - java.lang.NullPointerException at com.talend.excel.xssf.event.ColumnUtil.calculateIndexOfColumn(ColumnUtil.java:12) when using tFileInputExcel
TDI-48417 - tGoogleDriveGet to log message when it does nothing
TDQ-20718 - tHashInput: Limit of 65,535 bytes have been extended
TDQ-20694 - Azure Databricks table: Improved the performance to preview the column data for BD
TDQ-20725 - Reference project: Fixed the issue preventing from finding the Drools package
TBD-6693 - Commenting last line of tJava prevents compilation
TBD-12267 - cloumn value will be changed to false if I set header value >1 when I use boolean as first column type for tFileInputDelimited
TBD-12300 - [BUG]Compile error if spark streaming job with tFileInputDelimited and specify data to s3
TBD-12332 - [Spark Local 3.0.1] Compile error on job with tKinesisInputAvro component
TBD-12751 - Could not find or load main class when I use custom conf jar for CDP713
TBD-14013 - Runtime exception on CDP Spark job when Date/Timestamp is used in tMap
TBD-14207 - [7.3] Hadoop username is ignored when job has no Kerberos properties and hadoop-conf jar is used
TBD-14224 - NPE exception while opening BigData Streaming Job
APPINT-33614 - Not able to retrieve the cookies from trestclient
APPINT-34943 - Secure Jolokia and Spring-Boot actuator endpoints exposed by Microservices
APPINT-35054 - Add optional mechanism to align project models BUILD_TYPE (fix for APPINT-34908 Talend 7.3.1 jobs failing after applying June patch)
APPINT-34816 - Talend Studio R2022-05 Patch Fails to start Microservice with error "Unable to start embedded Tomcat"
New features in R2022-09
TDI-48456 - Add Microsoft Exchange as credential type to tPOP
TDI-47369 - include the modern authentification of Microsoft in tSendMail XOAUTH2
TDI-47447 - include the modern authentification of Microsoft in tPOP
CVEs fixed in R2022-09
CVE-2022-31197 (org.postgresql:postgresql:42.2.25), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2015-6420 (commons-collections:commons-collections:3.1), impacted:
CVE-2022-21724 (postgresql-42.2.25.jar), impacted:
DQ components
CVE-2022-34169 (xalan-2.7.2.jar), impacted:
DI components
DQ libraries
CVE-2022-29885 (tomcat-embed:9.0.62 jars), impacted:
APPINT Components
PRISMA-2021-0193 (flatpack-4.0.5.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-2048 (jetty:9.4.43.v20210629), impacted:
APPINT Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-09
TUP-36118 - AMC page unable to load all projects
TUP-36483 - Code generation fails with : Caused by: org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList$BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException: index=6, size=6
TUP-36593 - Nexus proxy password is stored in clear text in project setting preference
TDI-48293 - COPY command executing before the PUT command completes in tsnowflakeoutputbulkexec
TDI-48093 - Google Drive component is not working with huge files.
TDI-48082 - None of the tGreenplum components other then tGreenplumConnection has the additional JDBC Parameters option
TDI-48255 - tDynamoDBInput failing with "#" in column
TDI-48431 - Component tChronometerStop reports java.nio.BufferOverflowException when running on a Jobserver
TDI-48461 - Dynamics CRM ON-PREMISE with OAuth 2.0 authentication - backport on 7.3.1
TBD-13939 - org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: out Hive Error with CDP 7.X Distribution
TBD-14115 - Filters and Expressions in tMap component throws error in Spark streaming job
TBD-14138 - CDH 6.1.1 Built-in and spark local 3.0 - NoClassDef when using s3
TBD-14177 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.ByteBufferPositionedReadable
TDM-9561 - Incorrect parsing of EDIFACT data
TDQ-20485 - tRuleSurvivorship/tRules/tBRMS: Drools jars upgraded to 7.73.0.Final
TDQ-20362 - Analyses: Fixed the issue causing a column loss after renaming the JDBC connection
TDQ-20649 - Building Jobs: Fixed the issue causing the Items folder to be exported when not selected
TDQ-20698 - Fixed the issue preventing from running a Job using tMDMConnection and tSOAP
APPINT-34738 - Integrate Talend-customized Microsoft MQ driver jar with improved native library loading
APPINT-34925 - Bundle are being refreshed in all routes
APPINT-34856 - Upgrade translator library for API imports
APPINT-34973 - Missing jar when running SOAP service in Studio with wsp:Policy in WSDL
CVEs fixed in R2022-08
CVE-2022-33980 (commons-configuration2:2.1.0-2.7.0), impacted:
DI components
BD components
DQ Libraries
MDM components
CVE-2019-16869 (core-io-1.6.2.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2021-40690 (xmlsec:2.1.2), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2021-22573 (google-oauth-client-1.31.0-1.31.5), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2022-25647 (com.google.code.gson:gson:2.2.4-2.8.5), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2021-30468 (CXF-3.4.7), impacted:
BD components
CVE-2020-36518 (com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.11.4), impacted:
MDM components
CVE-2021-37714 (org.jsoup:jsoup:1.13.1-1.14.2), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2017-18640 (org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.15/1.23-1.30), impacted:
APPINT components
Other issues fixed in R2022-08
TUP-18979 - Migration tasks including mapping files
TUP-36128 - tELTmap component error in Talend 8.0
TUP-36157 - Error when install Bigtable in studio: Illegal character in query
TDI-47908 - 'Stats&Logs' can't handle 'java.lang.Error' (TPS-5299)
TDI-48259 - ClassNotFoundException: com.microsoft.aad.msal4j.IClientCredential
TDI-47976 - Fix some potential NPEs in the javajet code
TDI-48221 - tDBBulkExec (MYSQL) Failing with error
TDI-48024 - Performance issues when running job using jobserver after applying log4j2 patches.
TDI-48203 - routines.system.JSONObject(Object bean) use reflect to call method invoke, that's dangerous for evil script inject
TDI-48043 - tFileOutputParquet sanitize field name for parquet schema
TDI-48209 - Upgrade tCloudXXX components libraries.
TDI-48197 - java.lang.security.audit.xxe.documentbuilderfactory-disallow-doctype-decl-missing.documentbuilderfactory-disallow-doctype-decl-missing
TDQ-20547 - tMDMBulkLoad: bulkloadclient jar file upgraded to 6.3
TDQ-20577 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue preventing from using analysis and database from the reference project
TBD-12926 - [EMR 6.2] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error on Spark job with Hive table, which location is on S3
TBD-13372 - knox: check service failed when using cdp dynamic with knox
TBD-13375 - NoSuchMethodError with tHiveInput when reading from external table on EMR 6.2
TBD-13433 - Compile error when I run a simple spark streaming job with Yarn Cluster on EMR62
TBD-13998 - Issue with Use Kerberos authentication checkbox in tImpalaConnection and tImpalaInput components
TBD-14020 - Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: in Talend 7.3.1
TBD-14022 - [7.3.1] R2022-05 or higher tS3Configuration component check box "Inherit credentials from AWS" no longer works
TBD-14108 - tMap - Compile error if output uses a Date with "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" pattern
TBD-14128 - Can't generate code when using tS3Config and distribution different than EMR
APPINT-34729 - tRestClient/tESBConsumer Dynamic settings don't work with context variables
APPINT-34875 - Error page returned when accessing Prometheus url for route published from GUI as Microservice
APPINT-34876 - Error page returned when accessing Prometheus url for route published via CI as Microservice
APPINT-34916 - Compilation error when using tesbConsumer/tRESTClient + Dynamic Settings (Authentication Type is removed)
CVEs fixed in R2022-07
CVE-2022-29599 (maven-shared-utils:3.2.1), impacted:
CVE-2016-2510 (bsh:2.0b4), impacted:
CVE-2022-25647 (com.google.code.gson:gson:2.2.4-2.8.5), impacted:
BD Components
CVE-2016-3506 (ojdbc6.jar), impacted:
BD Components
CVE-2020-36518 (com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:, impacted:
CVE-2022-22970 (spring-messaging-5.3.19.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2018-1000180 (bcprov-jdk15on-1.59.jar), impacted:
APPINT components
CVE-2022-21449 (com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt:8.11), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-07
TDI-47895 - Exception in component tDBOutput_1 when retrieving the FLOAT datatype from the Oracle Database using Dynamic schema type.
TDI-48095 - tAzureAdlsGen2Input fails : {"error":"invalidclient","errordescription":"AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret provided.
TDI-48104 - Oracle float field errors out while writing to Parquet file using Dynamic schema
TDI-48117 - SAP Filters do not work with SAP FTP option for tsapinfocubeinput
TDI-48115 - CosmosDB--->Action:Upsert with set not work as expected
TDI-44576 - tMongodboutput: 'Update all documents' not work when 'Bulk write' with 'Set' or "Upsert and set" action on data
TUP-31721 - [7.3.1] CommonExceptionHandler ... is duplicated
TUP-35777 - [7.3.1] last.patch into org.talend.core.tis.prefs may contains different information if patch is applied manually or via TAC/nexus
TUP-35887 - "build job" working in 7.2.1 fails in 8.0.1: Failed to generate code : NPE org.talend.designer.dbmap.language.oracle.OracleGenerationManager.addQuoteForSpecialChar
TUP-35979 - Adjust nimbus-jose-jwt-9.3.jar to nimbus-jose-jwt-9.22.jar in the MSSQL Metadata (MSSQL Driver Only)
TUP-35942 - Job design will be reverted when changing a joblet name
TDM-9460 - [7.3.1] tHmap hangs while generating code while mapping from IDOC to UBL xsd
TDM-9338 - Execution status print twice with the new runtime
TDM-9456 - SAP IDoc importer creates elements with names starting with a digit
TDQ-20360 - need manually to load jar when run analysis which base on snowflake JDBC connection with context model
TDQ-20233 - tBRMS: failed to run on JBoss BRMS 6.2 and Redhat BRMS 6.2
TDQ-20442 - tRuleSurvivorship: get NPE on standard job and databrick when run with spark 3.1
TDQ-20574 - Failure to create an artifact task
TBD-13890 - Spark Job Execution fails with error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field "var1" does not exist"
TBD-13907 - Missing Username Field in Spark configuration for CDP 7.X distribution.
TBD-13925 - Missing library in spark streaming job from kafka
TBD-13991 - Hive metadata cannot be created for EMR 62
APPINT-34694 - [7.3.1] ClassNotFoundException when running routelet
APPINT-34693 - cAggregate must be updated to allow customer to configure "persistentFileName" and "levelDBFile" / "hawtDBFile" options
APPINT-34489 - Compile error when CI publish MS route with Prometheus as docker image
APPINT-34673 - [7.3.1 R2022-05] camel-core-2.24.2.jar and camel-cxf-2.24.2.jar still existing in \plugins\org.talend.libraries.esb7.3.1.202205111437-patch\lib
APPINT-34575 - "Use Selected Routelet Context" not work as expeced for routelet
APPINT-34845 - The method getContext() is undefined for the type in route TestCase
CVEs fixed in R2022-06
CVE-2022-21724 (postgresql-42.2.14.jar), impacted:
DI components
CVE-2021-23926 (xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar,xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2022-22968 (org.springframework:spring-core:5.3.18), impacted:
CVE-2022-21449 (com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt:7.9), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-25647 (com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-24823 (io.netty:netty-common:4.1.59.Final), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.6.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2019-17495 (swagger-ui-2.2.10.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-06
TDI-47452 - Error when generating a job with tXmlMap , if a field contains some special characters
TDI-47796 - CXF upgrade to 3.4.7
TDI-47803 - Compile error after applying Patch20220107R2022-01_v1-7.3.1
TDI-47989 - tFileInputParquet throwing error with Dynamic schema
TUP-31233 - Routine pom is not updated after installed the required jar of user routine
TUP-35611 - detectCVE: SystemRoutine doesn't exist in cveindex.csv in 731-2022-R05
TUP-35518 - Talend Studio 7.3 R2022-03 Linux(CentOS) - Designer UI Issues
TUP-35608 - Stat and Logs screen - Database connection dropdown incorrect
TUP-33047 - Broken link in Studio metadata wizard
TUP-35367 - [7.3.1] MDM perspective NullPointerExceptions-Dialog
TUP-35245 - CXF upgrade to 3.4.7
TUP-35514 - MDM: Met some issue when add Reference Entity in "Edit Business Element" dialog on 7.3.1 patch
TUP-35310 - [Studio 7.3] after installed patch studio can only delete single version bundle if we have updated one bundle for multi-times
TBD-12250 - tRestWebServiceOutput has compile error on DBR7.3 (Streaming job)
TBD-12251 - tRestWebServiceLookupInput has compile error on DBR7.3 (Streaming job)
TBD-12327 - tKinesisOutput has compile error on dbr7.3 and other distributions
TBD-12815 - maven URI is wrong for hadoop-aws-2.6.0-cdh5.13.0.jar
TBD-13423 - [spark streaming] it gets NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.rewind()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer when write bytearray
TBD-13488 - Parquet files are not created with Snappy or Gzip compression
TBD-13600 - Issue with tFileInputXML component in Big Data Spark Job
TBD-13605 - [EMR 5.29] Compile error on Spark job with Snowflake components
TBD-13706 - Runtime exception when I run attachment job with spark local 24
TBD-13812 - CDP7.1.7.0-551 dynamic distribution missing config guava-28.1-jre.jar while testing Hadoop cluster connection
TBD-13814 - Log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate class [org.apache.hadoop.metrics.jvm.EventCounter]
TBD-13830 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.ByteBufferPositionedReadable
TBD-13894 - httpcore error with EMR 5 version with latest patch
TBD-13897 - Missing jars for EMR 6.2.0 hive jdbc connection
TDM-9428 - Greater function does not work with numbers
TDM-9454 - Combination of distinct and filtering on same loop does not work
TDM-9145 - Distinct on Attribute of type integer is sorted by String
TDQ-20369 - PostgreSQL: Fixed the issue causing datamart and view tables to be generated under the wrong schema
TDQ-20065 - CVE: CXF 3.3.X upgraded to 3.4.X
TDQ-20446 - CVE: io.netty:netty-all upgraded to 4.1.77.Final
APPINT-34618 - sqljdbc_auth.dll already loaded in another classloader
APPINT-34416 - CXF upgrade to 3.4.7
APPINT-34663 - Feature xml is not created for providers
APPINT-34660 - Default value of Image Name is null/nullnull when publish route as docker microservice
APPINT-34565 - Migration issue - Wrong statement displayed for tRESTClient timeout parameters
APPINT-34521 - [ADLSGen2][Studio] Log4j 1.2.* jar are loaded to the local studio .m2 again when build the job in the Microservice Mode
New features in R2022-05
TDI-43829 - Add support for zip4j 2.x libraries to tFileArchive/unArchive components
APPINT-34429 - Add missing password decryption support for microservice builds
APPINT-34469 - Detect CVE for Route
CVEs fixed in R2022-05
CVE-2022-26612 (hadoop-common:3.2.3),impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-43859 (xstream-1.4.18.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2020-36518 (jackson-databind:,2.11.4,2.12.0,2.12.1), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Libraries
APPINT Components
CVE-2022-26612 (hadoop-common:3.2.1), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-39239 (jena-core-2.13.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-41766 (org.apache.karaf.management.server-4.2.7.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
TDI-47287 - tFTPPut - throws null pointer exception when no existing file
TDI-47641 - Issue Pulling data from NetSuite CreditMemo and Invoice Record Type
TDI-47802 - "Parameter Type Conflict" reported when using tOracleSP component with CLOB/AUTO-MAPPING
TDI-47687 - tSCP component reuse session
TDI-47538 - tAzureAdlsGen2Output component converts BigDecimal to String
TDI-47819 - tJDBCInput component results in error with Dynamic schema inTalend latest versions
TDI-47810 - [7.3.1] Talend Studio : massive performance issues
TDI-46584 - tServiceNowInput Limit disable option in Advanced settings not working
TUP-34822 - [bug] Forward slash in path of -DcveIndexFilePath and -DcveReportFilePath cannot be recognized correctly
TUP-35180 - [CI] detectCVE can't use relative paths
TUP-34987 - Identify Jobs having CVEs remediated improvement.
TUP-35368 - DetectCVE: tRESTRequest cannot be deteced in report
TUP-35049 - Talend 7.3.1 is not restoring joblet from older version to new version
TUP-35238 - Drag and drop Redshift metadata to list components lost some components
TUP-35142 - Using "-" in at the beginning of passwords for TAC users cannot be parsed by Commandline
TUP-35219 - Nullpointer exception with building job on commandline-script mode
TUP-35078 - tJDBCSCDELT does not work correctly on Snowflake
TUP-34109 - [7.3.1] slow project export compared to studio 6.5.1
TUP-35048 - Job takes about 30-60 minutes to build in Studio
TUP-28656 - Run restclient job get error 'Error: Could not find or load main class' when using jdk11
TUP-35541 - log4j-1.2.17 is used in mssql and SAS metadata
TUP-35505 - Listing of Preparations fails with Talend 8.0.1 R2022-04 Release
TBD-13324 - Talend Job to add partitions on S3 glue table fails after the patch update to R2021-09
TBD-13377 - [7.3.1] Spark EMR job perf issue when migrating from R2021-02 to R2021-09
TBD-13587 - CDP Private Cloud/Public Cloud: Add zookeeper libraries to HiveServer2 HA components for standard components
TBD-13702 - Migration from v7.0.1 to v7.3 , incorrectly sets 'Action' parameter in hdfs components
TBD-13730 - Compile error on tHDFSConnection on DI job with ERM62 cluster
TBD-13737 - The thdfsconnection doesnt include Hadoop-Auth jar in the build for CDP 7.1.1 inbuilt distribution
TBD-13740 - [7.3.1-TPS-5153] TalendDate.getPartOfDate function fails with error Syntax error on token "YEAR", invalid AssignmentOperator
TBD-13744 - THDFSoutput does not keep the ACTION status
TDM-9285 - [tHMap]Using a tUnite as an output connection causes an NPE during code generation
TDM-9289 - Remove ExecutionProperties from the ExecutionStatus
TDM-9303 - Optimize MapExecutor usage in tHMap
TDM-9394 - [tHMap]Deactivated output connection loses its metadata table
TDM-9408 - [tHMap]Save the Execution Status and Severity in the local globalMap
TDM-9425 - [tHMap]Save and cleanup MapExecutionCommand and OutputResults in local concurrentHashMap
TDM-9405 - ConcurrentModificationException - on job data as service in runtime ESB
TDQ-20325 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the issue causing some jars to be installed
TDQ-20303 - Melissa Data components: Fixed the issue preventing from getting failure info in the Stats and Logs tables as configured in Project Settings
TDQ-20304 - tMDMBulkLoad: Fixed the dependency issue from R2022-04
TDQ-20206 - tDqReportRun: Improved an error message
TDQ-20222 - Reports: Fixed the issue preventing from running reports on a cloud or remote engine
APPINT-34523 - Issue with tRestRequest component when Multipart is being selected
APPINT-32309 - Diff rest endpoint when dropping API definition from metadata view (tRESTRequest)
APPINT-32536 - Fail to Run Microservice when context include Date type
APPINT-33830 - Wrong statement displayed for tRESTClient timeout parameters
APPINT-34277 - Cannot create two AMQP Connections in same route
APPINT-34382 - cSoap is echoing client request headers
APPINT-34491 - Missing jar when running SOAP service in Studio
APPINT-34497 - Message showed twice when switching from built-in to property in tRESTRequest
APPINT-34604 - Issue deploying a micro-service to RE
New features in R2022-04
TDM-9033 - Add representation options to reduce size of JSON output
TUP-34906 - 7.3 - Detect identified CVE's in jobs using CI
CVEs fixed in R2022-04
CVE-2019-4055 (com.ibm.mq.allclient-, impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-30129 (sshd-core-2.8.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2017-5929 (logback-classic-1.2.10.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-43859 (xstream-1.4.18.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
CVE-2020-25649 (jackson-databind-,impacted:
BD Components
CVE-2022-23305 CVE-2022-23302 CVE-2021-4104 CVE-2019-17571 (log4j1.x), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Components
BD Compoents
CVE-2022-22950 CVE-2022-22965 (spring-core), impacted:
APPINT Components
DQ Components
BD Compoents
Other issues fixed in R2022-04
TDI-46768 - [TCK][Studio] Unable to run ADLSGen2 in the ESB runtime (OSGI Mode) with 731 R2021-09
TDI-47651 - Redshiftoutput component takes more time to insert
TDI-47670 - tFileInputXML: result of XPath "count" depends on XML formatting
TDI-47201 - Studio not connecting via proxy when snowflake connection uses oauth
TDI-47600 - net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: Cannot convert value in the driver
TDI-47589 - "Write Excel 2007 format" leads to tFileOutputExcel poor performance
TDI-47385 - tMap error when tenary operator is used in join condition of column with Date type
TDM-9334 - With Flat representation Decimal property is not working as expected
TDM-9278 - [OldRuntime]Execution status is accumulated when there are multiple executions for a tHMap
TDM-9307 - JSON Reader looses first escaped quotes
TBD-12119 - Inherit credentials option in tS3Configuration should be hidden for all distributions except EMR and Databricks (AWS)
TBD-13500 - Spark tFileInputDelimited ExtractDelimited_Function.call NumberFormatException
TBD-13619 - Job fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field does not exist with Patch R2022-02_v1-7.3.1
TBD-13654 - Compilation issues when using tRunjob component in mapReduce
TBD-13681 - Authentication with IDBroker failed when running spark job with S3 on CDP PC AWS
TBD-13701 - Fail to generate code when job uses tMap with advanced expressions
TUP-35034 - CI - stop the build if custom component is missing
TUP-30599 - tMap drag and drop does not work seamlessly in Linux GUI as it does in Windows
TUP-34930 - Talend Studio 7.3 font color issues
TUP-34645 - Send username and password via http request body
APPINT-34414 - Build Route as MS ZIP will package useless joblet/code folders in ZIP root
APPINT-34443 - Jar mismatch issue when using trest and tresclient in Talend Runtime
APPINT-34310 - Unexpected "lib" folder at root of ZIP microservices builds
APPINT-34428 - [7.3.1] Add back support for separate logs in TMC for individual Data Services/Routes
APPINT-34517 - Limit microservices available endpoints to info, health and jolokia
TDQ-20215 - CVE: Log4j1.x replaced by Reload4j
TDQ-19622 - Analysis from Hive connection: Fixed the issue causing the tables to be displayed twice in the Column selector wizard
TDQ-20225 - Job generated from report: Fixed the issue causing a Data Integration child Job containing tFileInputExcel to fail
CVEs fixed in R2022-03
CVE-2021-43859 (xstream-1.4.18.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2022-23221 (h2-2.0.206.jar), impacted:
CVE-2021-22096 (spring-core-5.2.15.RELEASE.jar), impacted:
APPINT Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-03
TDI-47437 - tPostgreSqlOutput can't support additional columns column with upsert
TDI-47436 - tPostgreSqlOutput doesn't support dynamic column with upsert
TDI-47435 - tPostgreSqlOutput compile errors when 'Debug query mode' and 'Upsert'
TDI-47440 - Cannot connect to Salesforce with password starting with double-quotes
TDI-47477 - Issue with tExtractPositionalFields in 7.3.1 version
TDI-47524 - tPostgreSqlOutput can't work when columns include dynamic and replace one non-dynamic column
TDI-47493 - tSAPInfoObjectOutput can't handle medium and long texts
TDI-47484 - TDS job became slow when large retry number is used
TDI-47396 - tSCPGet doesn't always close session
TDI-47230 - OOM caused by org.talend.transform.runtime.lib.MapExecutorImpl From tHmap
TDI-47401 - MSSQL database getting data as "True" and "false" instead of "0" and "1"
TUP-34652 - Sybase CDC query that is generated groups by all columns
TUP-34156 - UI is broken for TCK Table structures in 8.0.1 + nighty
TUP-34769 - Error fields for Rejects get dropped from tSalesforceOutput after Sync Columns
TUP-34609 - Cannot retrieve Module Name in tSalesforceInput with password starting with double-quotes
TUP-34593 - Cannot connect to Salesforce with password starting with double-quotes
TUP-34654 - There's compile error for new created spark job when run with Dataproc1.4
TDM-9261 - run DI job return NPE error
TDM-9263 - Mapping builds fine in Studio, but fails within CI (TPS-5133)
TDM-9219 - Not able to build a Talend Data Mapper job on 7.3.1 from Commandline
TDM-9226 - Null item in JSON array is omitted on output
TDM-7427 - data type optional segment is in test run result
TDM-8705 - Batch job in main project run fail when use joblet(thmapinput) of reference project
TDM-8927 - One xml structure show as csv get error
TDM-9178 - CVE: org.hibernate:hibernate-core:[5.0.9-5.3.20.Final]
TDM-9213 - Enum numericity in exported avro schema is needed for most writers
TDM-9302 - Performance Issues with Talend Jobs after applying Talend Studio Patch R2021_12, suspecting tHMap (TPS-5126)
TDQ-20053 - Simple Analysis: Fixed the error preventing from creating a Simple Analysis from a Parquet format file
TDQ-20106 - Report: Fixed the error preventing from running a report from a Basic Column Analysis
TDQ-19508 - tMatchGroup with T-Swoosh algorithm: Improved the interface to inform about Sort the output data by GID in Multi-passing mode
TDQ-20023 - Fixed log4j issues by upgrading to log4j 2.x
APPINT-34313 - Error when dropping routelet to route
APPINT-33481 - Cannot auto create component: jetty when execute microservice jar of chttp
APPINT-33070 - tRestClient Accept Multipart results in row1 code generation error
APPINT-34318 - [backport] Deployment in Runtime fails with - "javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource@541b668d'. Use a StreamSource or ObjectSource"
APPINT-34344 - [7.3.1] API Designer - Issue with tRestRequest
TBD-13325 - CVE on protobuf-java-2.5.0
TBD-13419 - Class not found happen in spark job calling a standard job when Spark Mode value as "YARN Cluster"
TBD-13437 - "Inherit credentials from AWS" option in tS3Configuration component for S3 authentication not working
TBD-13511 - [7.3] extra column in schema vs hive sql using thiveinput (Patch: R202201-log4j) error out
TBD-13528 - CDH Dynamic Distribution doesn't fetch list
TBD-13617 - Regression Testing on the TDI-47419 from BD side
CVEs fixed in R2022-02
CVE-2020-25638 (maven-shared-utils:[0.4,0.1]), impacted:
CVE-2021-40690 (xmlsec-2.1.0.jar), impacted:
CVE-2021-44832 (log4j-core-2.17.0.jar), impacted:
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.15-TALEND,jackson-core-asl-1.9.15-TALEND), impacted:
DQ Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-02
TBD-10632 - AvroParquetOutputFormat issue with tSqoopImport on HDP31
TBD-12184 - Password field missing for tImpalaRow
TBD-12644 - [SPL30] Spark Streaming job with S3Configuration component fails with "Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found" error
TBD-13285 - Talend Azure Synapse HDFS component issues
TBD-13323 - Unable to compile Talend Big Data job having data type as BigDecimal in 'tDeltaLakeOutput' component.
TBD-13374 - tImpalaConnection - Use Kerberos authentication checkbox does not work
TBD-13381 - Simplify drop-down naming for Cloudera CDP distribution
TBD-13441 - [QA] Check TUP-34053 Can't fetch correct Parquet file schema when using 'Create Simple Analysis'
TBD-13466 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName
TBD-13498 - [7.3 ,R2022-01 ]UPPER case context variables getting converted to LOWER cases with thiveinput (Patch: R202201-log4j)
TBD-13503 - [QA] Verify TUP-34535 with Patch20220128TPS-5104_v1-7.3.1
TBD-13507 - Hard-coded value in hql is transformed to unexpected case in target parquet file
TBD-13512 - DataProc Standard job fails with "GoogleJsonResponseException: 401 Unauthorized upon running jobs on dataproc cluster"
TBD-13519 - Error "Syntax error on token "class", Identifier expected" after applying temp patch Patch20220113TBD-13323_v1-7.3.1
TBD-13529 - java.sql.SQLException: Illegal conversion after applying latest studio patch
TUP-34535 - DataProc job with R2022-01 patch - "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter.convertLevel"
TDI-46410 - [7.3.1] issue with tadvancedfileoutputXML after upgrade from 6.1.1
TDI-47319 - tKafkaOutput compile error version Kafka
TDI-47325 - Cannot create data source(SAP BW version 7.5)
TDI-47395 - tPostgresqlOutput cannot select Insert as Action on Data when disable the Log4j
TUP-34401 - Detect Dependencies is not working
TUP-34053 - Can't fetch correct Parquet file schema when using 'Create Simple Analysis'
TUP-34383 - Studio not responding on 'publish to Cloud'
TUP-34390 - Wrong file selection dialog title for "Export custom settings" in Modules view
TDM-9200 - the special characters generated in the output XML file in 7.3.1
TDM-9227 - [7.3.1] Trim on value no more working in DataMapper field with fixed length in structure (Regression)
TDM-8488 - Flattening map throw error when choose blank structure
TDM-9225 - [7.3.1] Apply TDM-9142 Missing/Incomplete MANIFEST.MF
TDQ-20000 - Column Set Analysis: Fixed the error preventing from generating a report into Snowflake datamart
TDQ-19925 - tDataMasking: Fixed the NoClassFound error when using the function Bank account generation on Amazon EMR 6.2
TDQ-19421 - Semantic-aware analysis: "Check Connection" in preference page will restore the data in elastic search server
APPINT-34245 - RESTFUL Endpoint Job with tDBOutput is failing
APPINT-31044 - Data service's endpoint can't be updated if passed as a context variable
APPINT-33765 - ClassNotFoundException in runtime when DB connection (SQLServer) in joblet without using alias
New features in R2022-01
TDI-46936 - Data Stewardship component add retry on timeout and timeout config options
CVEs fixed in R2022-01
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.15-TALEND,jackson-core-asl-1.9.15-TALEND), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2012-0881 (xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar), impacted:
CVE-2021-35517 (commons-compress-1.18.jar), impacted:
DQ Components
BD Components
CVE-2021-45105 (log4j-core-2.16.0.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-42340 (tomcat-websocket-8.0.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2015-5237 (protobuf-java.2.5.0), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2022-01
TUP-34111 - [7.3.1] slow studio build time for remote execution, compared to local exec, or build job with R2021-01 or higher
TUP-33966 - Studio/commandline fails to generate code for the job, throws "Invalid thread access"
TUP-33882 - Data preview failed if tSnowflakeInput using exist connection
TUP-33962 - Error in handling default value as NULL
TUP-33863 - Update of Metadata Hadoop Cluster does not change spark version when propagated
TUP-33185 - [CI] Cannot read .project file
TUP-33830 - [7.3] ref project compilation error
TUP-34312 - Remove the signer from CI builder
TUP-33709 - "Failed to create assembly" when compile a BD job with studio commandline
TUP-33445 - Add configurable parameters for MDM Service Request
TUP-33443 - The method tFileInputDelimited1onSubJobError(Exception, String, Map<String,Object>) is undefined for the type xxxxx
TUP-33214 - Migrated 731 project could not show the build popup for job build operation and gives error(IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!) in macOS
TDI-47231 - tAzureAdlsGen2XX can't find legacy field delimiter TABULATION
TDI-47179 - tPostgresqlOutput: enable "Batch" checkbox for Upsert action.
TDI-47228 - tPostgresqlOutput: Upsert action not visible when using existing connection.
TDI-47005 - In tsalesforceoutput component UPSERT is working even though columns were not aligned
TDI-47272 - tfileinputparquet issue with parquet file metadata
TDI-47213 - AzureAdslGen2Output migration failed with regular expression
TDI-47234 - Job using tXSLT add cache source with memory option and migration task
TDI-47122 - Metadata details are not loaded from Snowflake
TDQ-20005 - The Business Rule Name remains the same in the Data Mart after the update
TDQ-17188 - Random issue: remote project run report with 8 analyses gets unexpected dialog "Can't Execute Now"
TDQ-19846 - Improve the performance of DQ Datamart on Snowflake
APPINT-34217 - [7.3.1 Backport] cloudpublisher-maven-plugin fails with context variables of type Resource
APPINT-34052 - Character "=" being truncated when overriding a microservice context parameters.
APPINT-34077 - RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/cxf/databinding/DataBinding
APPINT-34095 - [7.3.1/8.0.1 Backport] tRESTRequest doesn't accept to have multipart as optional
APPINT-34088 - [CI] Mvn deploy job to tmc failed when use default environment
TDM-9151 - [7.3.1] Remove XPath expressions in generated flattening map
TDM-9148 - [7.3]Backport translations from 8.0.1 for new features
TDM-8894 - Update can't be detected when delete invalid element which used by function
TDM-9142 - Missing/Incomplete MANIFEST.MF
TDM-9176 - Upgrade codehaus.jackson dependency to 1.9.16-TALEND
TBD-13327 - "Duplicate field in record" error while opening spark job in studio
TBD-13306 - Header is loaded into target file as a record though hive query has ignored the header
TBD-13303 - tImpalaConnection - Impala driver ClassNotFoundException
TBD-13301 - Expression within tMap doesn't compile due to invalidAssignmentOperator; even though the column exists in the input schema
TBD-13297 - Unable to compile and build the job after R2021-11 patch
TBD-13283 - Snowflake - upgrade spark connector and jdbc driver
TBD-13268 - Class not Found encountered when running Spark job against S3
TBD-13262 - HWC/Knox job is not able to connect to cluste
TBD-13244 - Failed to add json-smart-2.4.7-LATEST.jar to Spark environment
TBD-13144 - Upgrade kafka to 2.4.0
TBD-13242 - [Spark Streaming] tFileOutputDelimited components sometimes doesn't write byte[] data
TBD-13203 - Compile error when tCassandraOutput/tCassandraInput in streaming job
TBD-12809 - Compile error on Spark job with Hive components using EMR 5.29 cluster
CVEs fixed in R2021-12v2
CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046 (log4j-core-2.12.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Components
APPINT Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-12v2
Upgraded log4j2 to 2.16.0 for CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046
New features in R2021-12
TDI-44717 - [tPostgresqlOutput] Support upsert using "on conflict" clause to enable batch size
TDI-45016 - Add a configurable Query Timeout field to AS400 connection components
TDI-45940 - Workday Raas/Soap supporting Oauth
CVEs fixed in R2021-12
CVE-2021-37714 (jsoup-1.11.2.jar), impacted:
DI Components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (oauth2-oidc-sdk-6.5.jar,adal4j-1.6.5.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Microsoft SQL Server database metadata
CVE-2015-5237 (protobuf-java-3.3.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-28168 (jersey-common-2.30.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CWE-327(bcprov-jdk15on-1.69.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-37137 (netty-codec-4.1.48.Final.jar), impacted:
ESB Components
CVE-2021-40690 (xmlsec-2.1.6.jar), impacted:
ESB Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-12
TUP-32838 - Custom value in a table column with suggestable values is not allowed
TUP-33084 - TCK component patch / install problems
TUP-33807 - Sybase ASE Triggers generated by CDC don't work when multiple lines are affected
TUP-33617 - java.io.OptionalDataException on tAvroInput
TUP-33497 - Bug in tDBOutput component when linking rejects to tMap
TUP-33717 - Add a checkbox Run the process with admin permissions for beforeSaving process
TDI-46930 - compile error on tFileOutputDelimited after installing the cumulative patch
TDI-46903 - Class cast exception after R2021-09 patch in tsapconnection component
TDI-46834 - Additional columns in tDBOutput doesn't generate code properly for MySQL and Oracle
TDI-46912 - [tELTOutput] "Drop table if exists and create” does not work
TDI-46791 - tBigQueryInput - Component returning extra row of NULL values
TDI-46984 - tFTPGet component unable to get file from FileZilla Server, with a particular Filemask in Studio, after September patch, Patch20210924R2021-09_v2-7.3.1
TDI-46850 - Upgrade ActiveMQ Jars
TDI-47078 - Multiple SQL Statements in SQL Template => Duplicate local variable
TDI-46962 - tAmazonAuoraOutput compilation errors
TDI-46992 - Could the fix for TDI-46373 might have introduced a regression - a limit to the content log - java.nio.BufferOverflowException
TDI-46932 - tSAPInput component parses TIMS Midnight as null when using dynamic schema
TDI-46905 - tFTPPut cannot put files under /(root) directory
TDI-47170 - tFTPPut treat absolute path sFTP server.
TDI-47072 - tssh - timeout parameter issue
TDM-9139 - tHMap will get the error when first time run if "unroll from loop"
TDM-9133 - regression: retest TDM-8173 and will return error
TDM-9134 - Relax controls on parent looping expressions for grouping nested loops
TDM-9150 - [7.3.1] Accessibility in new Flattening map wizard
APPINT-34090 - Studio esb/osgi-exclude.properties doesn't work any more
APPINT-33788 - Unexpected waiting for javax.sql.DataSource dependencies (part 2)
APPINT-33900 - Talend 7.3.1 CXFRS jackson json provider issue
APPINT-34008 - [7.3.1]Fail to start VMSpringDemo as Microservice with error "Unable to start embedded Tomcat"
APPINT-33899 - tRestClient with option "Convert response to DOM document" throw error when receiving 204 response
APPINT-33851 - Cannot deploy route with cTalendJob after building from CI/CD
APPINT-34130 - Missing activemq jar for VMSpringDemo
TDQ-19856 - DQ data mart: Improved the performances on Snowflake
TDQ-19920 - tMatchGroup: Job failed when using a shared connection
TDQ-19849 - tVerifyEmail: Job couldn't be executed on some networks when Check with mail server callback was selected
TDQ-19884 - Fixed the error preventing to import from talend Exchange
TBD-13098 - Simplify Spark versionning
TBD-13100 - Databricks job fails due to missing avro_mapred jar file
TBD-13175 - EMR 6.2 fails when job contains tDatamasking component
TBD-13198 - Wrong tunning properties field name in Synapse wizard
TBD-13220 - Nullpointerexception using Cross Join in Spark
TBD-13227 - java.math.BigDecimal is not a valid external type for schema of int
TBD-13231 - Compile error when tHiveInput in streaming job
TBD-13199 - Wrong driver cores value is set in spark config when Synapse from repository is used
TBD-13232 - java.lang.String is not a valid external type for schema of bigint
TBD-13238 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field "entity_name" does not exist.
TBD-13373 - User did not initialize spark context when I run a simple spark job with HDI4
TBD-13201 - Spark job running on Synapse failed with IllegalStateException
New features in R2021-11
TDM-8946 - Add capability to put and get values in a hashmap saved in the Runtime ExecutionProperties
TDI-45710 - tXSLT support for streaming input and output
CVEs fixed in R2021-11
CVE-2021-26117 (activemq-jaas-5.15.10.jar), impacted:
ESB Components
CVE-2020-11998 (activemq-client-5.15.10.jar), impacted:
ESB Components
CVE-2021-39154 (xstream-1.4.17.jar), impacted:
DI Components
ESB Components
CVE-2021-36090 (commons-compress-1.16.1.jar, commons-compress-1.19.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-11
TUP-33606 - NPE when change job version for JETL
TUP-32812 - Mvn package fail for route use custom routine jar/custom bean jar.
TUP-33485 - [tELTMap] Delimited identifiers does not work for Snowflake
TUP-33427 - [CI] Start to sign artifact step fails silently
TUP-33449 - tPreJob trigger fails with GSS exception when "Set path to custom hadoop jar" is checked in 7.3.1
TDI-46790 - OutOfMemory when downloading large file using tGSGet
TDM-8820 - Improve 'Expand All' in flattening map
TDM-8912 - All connections should be shown when left hand side element is selected in map editor
TDM-9029 - NullPointerException on Show Document for JSON not matching data
TDM-9048 - Flattening map: optimize label of collapse button
APPINT-30374 - P2 : CI Builder does not deploy a feature.xml
APPINT-30784 - [Route debugging] Debugging for routes fails with Java11 (7.3.1)
APPINT-33932 - "Component must have a valid id" when adding <cxf:bus> element in route's spring tab
APPINT-33558 - Disable chunked encoding is not present in the tRestClient for PATCH method
APPINT-33760 - Add setting of owner ESB task as MDC for logging of REST routes and services
TDQ-19651 - Report: Fixed the issue preventing from having all analysis information in the pdf report
TDQ-19786 - tALSModel, local Spark: Fixed the issue causing the error: java.lang.StackOverflowError: null
TBD-13102 - Data Load from kafka to Data Bricks in spark streaming job
TBD-13138 - A schema mismatch detected when writing to the Delta table
TBD-13139 - Default value defined in tAggregateRow is not taken into account
TBD-13010 - Issue on tFileInputDelimited in Big Data Batch Job (Last Column is blank)
TBD-13194 - Databricks launcher reuploads already existing libs
TBD-13148 - Decimal precision needs to be provided in tHiveOutput schema Component in 7.3.1
New features in R2021-10
TDI-43170 - tSnowflakeOutputBulkExec to connect to S3 through roles.
TDI-45110 - Access "Shared drives" with GoogleDrive components
TDI-45864 - Support File components with ORC file format (DI)
TDI-45939 - Workday Raas/SOAP supporting X509 certificate
TDQ-19764 - Reports: Added information about the blocking and matching keys into PDF reports
CVEs fixed in ## R2021-10
CVE-2021-35515 (commons-compress-1.19.jar,commons-compress-1.20.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-39153 (xstream-1.4.17.jar), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.6.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-37714 (jsoup-1.13.1.jar,jsoup-1.11.2.jar), impacted:
DI Components
ESB Components
CVE-2015-5237 (protobuf-java.2.5.0), impacted:
DI Components
DQ Libraries
Other issues fixed in R2021-10
TUP-32616 - Remove and replace MD5
TUP-32758 - Amazon MySQL required in the Metadata DB connections dropdown
TUP-32857 - MongoDB metadata connection failed
TUP-33067 -tAmazonAuroraInput and tAmazonAuroraOutput list multiple different version driver moudules
TUP-32947 - tELTOUTPUT: Concatenating context variables in the "Default schema" field not working
TDI-46766 - Add "JCenter" repo for the "Marklogic-runtime" build.
TDI-46084 - Align jersey-core and jersey-client between tcompv0,REST and neo4j
TDI-46759 - Error while transform data from Boolean to BIT in MSSQL Server using tDBOutputBulkExec
TDI-46720 - tSalesforceOutput dispaly the time with LOCAL time zone rather the time in salesforce time
TDI-46721 - studio patch introduced compilation error for the job
TDI-46777 - tBigQueryOutput automatically converts the time from PM to AM when dynamic datatype is used
TDI-46682 - Can't send e-mails via smtp.office365.com need to upgrade mail-1.4.7.jar to latest version
TDI-46869 - Continue to TDI-46692 (The wrong decimal point is given for the Parquet Data where Logical Type is Decimal and Primitive Type is INT32/64))
TDI-46840 - The tMongoDBInput assigns null for empty value field, instead of empty
TDI-46774 - tS3Put doesn't copy the whole file over if using cache
TDM-9032 - Spark job on GCP Dataproc using TDM components in BD batch framework for using tGSConfiguration
TDM-8974 - Improve performances in case of nested distinct elements
TDM-9060 - Remove lgpl dependency from org.talend.transform.flattener
TDM-9069 - Add double quote to new messages in 7.3.1
APPINT-33694 - Route Splitter is not working with "XPATH"
APPINT-33842 - NPE in tDB* when selecting "data source alias"
TBD-13071 - Cannot pass a global variable of type date to a spark subjob using tRunJob after R2021-06
TBD-13030 - Failed to generate code occurs on tSqoopImport with avro format
TBD-13010 - Issue on tFileInputDelimited in Big Data Batch Job (Last Column is blank)
TBD-12939 - tFileInputDelimited + tLogRow batch job get compile error
TBD-13145 - java.lang.Character cannot be cast to java.lang.String
TDQ-19726 - tFirstNameMatch: Old Job fails
TDQ-19353 - tKMeans(Str)Model, tPredict: Fixed the error when running an Azure Databricks Job with Model computed in the current Job selected
TDQ-19385 - tSynonymSearch, Spark components: Fixed the error when searching more than one column
New features in R2021-09
TDI-42314 - tAmazonAuroraRow Component
TDI-46568 - Bump component-runtime to 1.36.1
TDI-45468 - Support streaming append in tfileoutputexcel for xlsx format
TDI-46348 - Support DSR (Delta Standalone Reader) to read data from Databricks Delta tables
CVEs fixed in R2021-09
CVE-2021-35515 (commons-compress-1.19.jar,commons-compress-1.20.jar), impacted:
Build, publish docker images
Excel metadata
DQ Libraries
CVE-2009-4611 (jetty-6.1.26.jar, jetty-util-6.1.26.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-20328 (mongo-java-driver-3.12.0.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-09
TUP-31359 - Maven URI is wrong for hadoopcluster-runtime-*.jar and pop up missing asm-3.1.jar when check BD connection
TUP-31910 - Duplicating component with Existing connection resets the connection setting
TUP-32548 - Fix Table widget columns for Advanced panel
TUP-32567 - Value including TAB in tForeach will be corrupted after clicking Jobscript tab
TUP-32620 - Update the metadata of MySql following TDI-46252
TUP-32658 - Table name cannot be renamed after selecting "choose from repository" when creating job by "create job from templates"
TUP-32677 - Studio set tRunJob, but miss job version info
TUP-32682 - [Zendesk Studio] Unable to create Zendesk Metadata
TUP-30342 - Studio misplaces the component dragged from Metadata to a job with many components
TUP-32573 - Routines are not updated after doing a pull and merge
TUP-32790 - StackOverflowError occurs by tELTMap when table name is directly input in Japanese with escaped double quote
TUP-32671 - AS400 Special character (pound sign £) in table column names causing errors
TUP-32744 - Job latest revision version doesn't match the correct latest SVN revision
TUP-32872 - MDM Server Connection failed: missing t_stoken
TDI-46496 - tFTPConnection shows Password textbox with Public Key authentication mode
TDI-45788 - tAzureStorageOutput store the memory adress of byte[] for JSON
TDI-45850 - TCK components CosmosSQLAPI and Netsuite metadata cannot be connected for master
TDI-46567 - If "Use custom connection parameters" is true, but don't add any parameter, it will throw NPE error
TDI-46059 - Change mvn url to official mvn url for tServiceNowXXX components
TDI-46270 - tFileList log message is misleading
TDI-46481 - Strange behaviour with "Batch size" in tJiraInput"
TDI-46333 - tFtpFileList unable to list files from some directories in AS 400
TDI-46031 - Adding tRedshiftConnection component impacts the performance of job
TDI-46615 - Run job on JobServer fail when studio and jobserver are different JDK
TDI-46591 - tFTPGet will create infinite folder when retrieve all file but access deny
TDI-46660 - Null values are being replaced with the last available value in tDynamoDBOutput
TDI-46531 - When exporting a schema from tDBCDC, Date pattern for TALENDCDCCREATION_DATE in the XML file contains "null"
TDI-46678 - tGoogleDrive* Advanced settings / DataStore Path visibility
TDI-46610 - No logout for tFTPGet working in the FTPS mode
TDI-46471 - tKafkaOutput possible data loss
TDI-46612 - 'ERROR_MESSAGE' after variable' is not set after tMySQLRow component execution
TDI-46625 - [7.3.1 SAP]Bapi Function "YYMEQHISFAILNOTIFRFC" failed
TDI-46643 - DSO and Infoobjects writes in any namespace
TDI-46692 - Encountered error from tFileInputParquet component "org.talend.parquet.data.simple.IntegerValue cannot be cast to org.talend.parquet.data.simple.BinaryValue"
TDI-46511 - [7.3.1] tMomInput: "Sleeping time" parameter is not used in code generated for Websphere MQ
TDI-46315 - Need import 2 times sapjco3.jar
TDI-46599 - Parquet file generated with varchar data is shown as Hex values
TDI-46587 - tParquetOutput - DI Job - Dynamic Issue
TDI-46527 - Dataloss with Parquet components for timestamp field with nano seconds
TDI-46635 - Some SAPHANA input types are converted to Varchar in the DDL when job run remotely
TDI-46555 - Unrecognized type id_byte[] while doing dynamic schema mapping
TDI-46252 - Studio: MySQL Connection issues due to TLS 1.2 after java upgrade to 1.8.0_292
TDI-46600 - Failure in SAP Transport Archive TBDK900118 (for BW 7.3)
TDM-8971 - [cMap]Invalid error requiring a main input connection is shown when trying to create a map
TDM-8851 - Option to wrap the output to the array even if there is a single object
TDM-8903 - Expression with combination of 0-scale Decimal and Trim input option fails
TDM-8951 - Restarting ESB Runtime produces 'Resource is not open' error in log
TDM-8904 - studio hang when run thmap job which miss main link
TDP-10295 - [7.3.1 TDP] New Date Formatted column values in TDP are empty when outputted via tDataPrepRun in Spark Batch Job
APPINT-33092 - Unexpected waiting for javax.sql.DataSource dependencies
APPINT-33503 - '@' not generated with tRESTResponse after migration
APPINT-33605 - Customers are facing errors when publishing new versions of existing artifacts
APPINT-33638 - Datasource ignored when DB components in Joblet
APPINT-33623 - Secure sensitive parameters are not cleaned inside published artifact object
APPINT-33649 - Native Library .dll already loaded in another classloader
TBD-12737 - date type failed write to Hive when using comma separator of csv file
TBD-12780 - Error happens in BD job when writing data to Hive
TBD-12872 - Input file having comma(,) within the column value is truncated by tFileInputfullRow component in 7.3.1
TBD-12885 - Spark job fails with MultiObjectDeleteException on S3 bucket
TBD-12891 - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.spark.network.util.JavaUtils.byteStringAs(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/apache/spark/network/util/ByteUnit;)J
TBD-12901 - Big-data-batch job fails with "Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.knox.gateway.shell.AbstractCloudAccessBrokerRequest" in 7.3.1
TDQ-18796 - Fixed performance issues on Data Profiling
TDQ-19701 - Datamart: End date pushed to 2050, Dec 31st
TDQ-19328 - Generating a report: Enhanced the behavior of Analysis execution between
TDQ-19687 - Upgraded mysql5 driver to 5.1.49
TDQ-19683 - tPersonator: Enhanced security when connecting to the API
New features in R2021-08
TDI-46357 - Support for SCRAM-SHA-256 Authentication Mechanism for MongoDB 4.X.X
TDI-42593 - Allow couchbase components to pass timeout parameters in Couchbase Connection
TDI-46542 - Bump component-runtime to 1.35.1
TDI-46423 - tSQSOutput - Get Amazon SQS Response - "Message ID"
TDI-45536 - Multiple SAP Connections from SAP RFC Server
TDI-46231 - tSapTableInput - data type mapping from SAP(NUMC) to Talend
TDI-46475 - Deprecate the list of components in 7.3
TUP-30465 - Feature to remove older versions of jobs
CVEs fixed in R2021-08
CVE-2018-1002200 (plexus-archiver-3.4.jar, plexus-archiver-3.5.jar), impacted:
Build, publish docker images
ESB Components
CVE-2021-26291 (maven-compat-3.0.jar, maven-compat-3.3.1.jar, maven-compat-3.3.9.jar, maven-compat-3.6.3.jar), impacted:
Build, Build/publish docker images
CVE-2021-26291 (maven-core-3.0.jar, maven-core-3.3.1.jar, maven-core-3.3.9.jar, maven-core-3.6.0.jar, maven-core-3.6.1.jar, maven-core-3.6.3.jar), impacted:
Build, Build/publish docker images
CVE-2021-28165 (jetty-all-9.4.36.v20210114-uber.jar), impacted:
ESB Components
CVE-2021-28168 (jersey-core-common-2.30.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-34428 (jetty-server-11.0.2.jar), impacted:
DQ Libraries
CVE-2021-27807 (pdfbox-2.0.19.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-28657 (tika-parsers-1.24.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-08
TUP-32001 - Tacokit slow to start
TUP-32120 - tELTMap:left join works as inner join
TUP-32384 - can't select job from the master when comparing the job
TUP-32444 - Parquet components are not available after upgrading with latest Studio June patch (Patch20210623R2021-06_v2-7.3.1)
TUP-32464 - tdboutput issue with data viewer
TUP-32383 - Migration executed at every logon
TUP-32333 - Unable to access a repository resource file in TMC
TUP-32310 - Migration task for checkbox to "true" for existing components will make the components from deactive to active.
TUP-32307 - Studio Integration plugin: Support of "Table" values in TCK components.
TUP-32133 - CI: execute by project relation order for generateAllPoms command
TUP-30820 - Fail to create file json if Export as context at step 4
TUP-31506 - Arrow is not in the right direction when there are more than one input component
TUP-32294 - Bug in integration ActiveIfs in studio
TUP-32438 - Parameter (Component List) is empty but is required
TDI-46355 - FTP and FTPS: Adding logout before disconnect
TDI-46367 - tFTP component with "SFTP Support" does not work when HTTP proxy set
TDI-46442 - Couchbase: rename "Analytics" to "N1QL for Analytics"
TDI-46283 - [7.3.1] tAzureStoragePut Filemask issue with + in the filename
TDI-46448 - Kafka UnsupportedVersionException
TDI-46070 - tDbInput not working with dynamic type in schema in Talend Runtime
TDI-46403 - tCouchbaseInput N1QL select query triggered the primary index creation
TDI-46397 - Caused by: net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: Connection has been closed.
TDI-46279 - tFileInputParquet can't read INT96 type from hive parquet format table
TDI-46373 - Resuming logs get corrupted intermittently
TDQ-19637 - Fixed the error preventing a Job using tDqReportRun to run successfully in Talend Management Console
TDQ-19031 - tMatchGroup, VSR algorithm: Fixed the error causing unexpected results when using more than one match rule
TDQ-19233 - tDataUnmasking Spark components: fixed the error causing incorrect results
TDQ-19457 - tDataMasking Spark components: Fixed the error preventing from detecting the file defined in Generate from file/list
TDQ-19520 - ELT Job with JDBC connection as a context model: Fixed the error preventing from transferring the context value to the Integration perspective
TDQ-19561 - Redundancy analysis: Fixed the error preventing from opening the analysis editor
TDQ-14303 - Improved the basic and evolution reports to compare analyses
TDQ-19354 - tPatternMasking Spark components: Fixed the error causing the same input to have different outputs when no password has been set
APPINT-33490 - [7.3.1] ERRORMESSAGE in the TRestClient is never populated globalMap
New features in R2021-07
TBD-10185 - Support Datasets API in tMap - Spark Batch - Inner|Left Join / Match model: Unique match
TBD-12636 - Support Datasets API in tPartition
TBD-12317 - Tech preview - CDP Public Cloud AWS - Milestone 2 - configuration with wizard (Knox)
TBD-12577 - HDP 3.0 (spark 2.3.2) deprecate removals
TBD-12576 - HDInsight 3.6 (spark 2.3.1) deprecate/removals
TDI-46022 - HTTP header customization in tMicrosoftCRMOutput component -
TDI-45915 - N1QL Analytics query for couchbase components
TDI-46167 - Tech Preview - Manipulate Db Column field (case,quoting) in component schema
TDI-45914 - BigQuery : support Multiple resultsets stored Procedure executions
TDI-46349 - BigQuery : After variables for Statistics / jobId
TDI-46112 - Adding ProfileCredentialsProvider for ts3connection
TUP-23337 - Option to disable Job's screenshot creation
TUP-28580 - Replace current "Copy to branch", with "Copy from branch"
TUP-30538 - Snowflake test connection should be optional
TUP-31123 - In studio, do not store login credentials on disk for TAC and reprompt instead
TDI-45136 - improve tRunJob to support Dynamic context and EXTRA_CLASSPATH
TDI-45795 - Upgrade components to use the latest version of cxf
TDQ-19372 - SSN masking: Improved the masking and unmasking processes by checking the country
CVEs fixed in R2021-07
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.5.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Big Data Components
CVE-2017-18640 (snakeyaml-1.18.jar), impacted:
Build, publish docker images
CVE-2021-22118 (spring-web-5.2.12.RELEASE.jar), impacted:
ESB Components
CVE-2020-11987 (kie-drools-wb), impacted:
DQ Components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (oauth2-oidc-sdk-6.5.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-31684 (json-smart-2.4.2.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Data Quality Libraries
Other issues fixed in R2021-07
TBD-12510 - java.lang.RuntimeException: when tFileInputDelimited and tFileOutputParquet are linked directly
TBD-12283 - Compile error when tImpalaInput not using an existing connection
TBD-12601 - Spark Hive CDP 7.1 Appending Hive Table adds NULL values
TBD-12713 - tSqoopImport sometimes encountering error when exporting to AVRO file
TBD-12314 - Job fails when tS3Configuration component is using with activated Assume Role property
TBD-12617 - tFileInputDelimited (BD Batch) - Encounters "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError on the patch R2021-04
TUP-31531 - Studio, the changed job shows on the top of the repository browser list
TUP-31736 - Custom routine's functions are not proposed in tmap available functions
TUP-31904 - java.lang.NullPointerException at org.talend.repository.items.importexport.handlers.cache.RepositoryObjectCache.initialize
TUP-31858 - Implicit Context Load - can't find the jdbc driver class
TUP-31883 - Implicit Context Load using Snowflake - Object does not exist error
TUP-31549 - Align commons-lang3 dependency version in all components
TUP-31880 - Build job failure due to joblet relationship didn't record
TUP-31866 - Studio wont work after delete license or license is expired
TUP-31869 - Studio, TCK components: Table element issues in "Advanced settings" tab.
TUP-31626 - Studio does not keep branch name in repository.project.branch when merging another branch
TUP-31871 - Implicit contextload does not work with microsoftsql server and windows authentication + useNTLMv2=true;domain={MYDOMAIN}
TUP-31608 - Output link from one tELTMSSqlMap to another tELTMSSqlMap is not saved after we remove once
TUP-31218 - Medata for salesforce:UI show issue when enable Mutual authenticaiton
TUP-31909 - Shared mode for Talend Studio doesn't work
TUP-32015 - Guess schema datatype mapping issue in mongoDb metadata connection
TUP-31985 - Studio fails to open after applying R2021-05 patch with Talend Cloud Big Data License
TUP-31623 - No input window when connecting to Bitbucket failed with remote connection
TUP-32255 - Studio create webservices metadata fail
TDI-45770 - MongoDBOutput/CosmosOutput, the write concern is only visible once using connection is not checked
TDI-46067 - Align commons-lang3 dependency version in all components
TDI-46248 - tGS components with service account have a compile error when they checked on 'Die on error' [2]
TDI-46125 - [7.3.1] FTP Connection - Truncated server reply
TDI-45907 - Lose precision when loading BigDecimal data to MSSQL with single insert query
TDI-46165 - tBigQueryInput deletes the token properties file for OAuth2.0
TDI-46304 - Parquet output component fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException for Number datatype
TDI-46307 - Parquet output components fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException for timestamp Datatype
TDI-46081 - Oracle BLOB data not ingesting in table when using Dynamic schema
TDI-46340 - tMongoDBConnection with DB version 3.5.X and Later/Cannot properly read from MongoDB Array
TDI-46218 - tRedshiftOutput data loss when insert size matches the input size
TDI-46251 - MsSQL row named "column" results in code generation error on dynamic table create
TDI-46329 - tS3List NullPointerException in R2021-05
TDI-46393 - filter HIDDEN_TEXT type field
TDI-46396 - align net.minidev:accessors-smart and org.ow2.asm:asm:jar for studio
TDI-46321 - tFileOutputExcel outputs 1 less number in NB_LINE global varaible
TDM-8953 - job tdmtdmt260multithmapinputandtmap is failed on patch Patch20210708TDM-8933v1-7.3.1
TDM-8805 - Cobol level 88 exported as avro enum looses numericity
TDM-8865 - Remove dependency on BouncyCastle
APPINT-33196 - Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler while deploying the route.
APPINT-33209 - [7.3.1] HTTP response code cannot be retrieved using global variable tESBConsumer1HTTPRESPONSECODE with one way webservice
APPINT-32939 - ParseException
APPINT-33364 - org.talend.utils.json.JSONObject$Null cannot be cast to java.lang.String
APPINT-32340 - [tESBConsumer 7.3.1] NullPointerException if context variable is not provided
APPINT-33413 - Java 11 dependencies are not correctly resolved
TDQ-19499 - Redundancy analysis: Fixed errors coming from the "Compute only number of A rows not in B" feature
TDQ-19281 - tStandardizeRow: Fixed the error causing a null pointer exception
TDQ-19402 - tQASBatchAddressRow: Fixed the error on the path to the configuration file
TDQ-19545 - Maximal Length in analyses: Fixed the error on a delimited file containing Japanese characters
TDQ-19583 - Simple analysis on a HDFS file via a Hive table: Fixed the error causing an incorrect schema
APPINT-33444 - xpathBuildercSplitter1 cannot be resolved as a variable
New features in R2021-06
TDI-45963 - Support After variables
TDI-46092 - Add connection component for Tck/Neo4j
TDI-45794 - [7.3.1]tRabbitMQ components message headers
TDI-46094 - Add Studio connection tck for RabbitMQ
TDI-46041 - Return ok/green error message on check connection returning autorizationPermissionMismatch[403]
TDI-45797 - tS3Put Ability to set retention via Object Lock
TDI-45304 - Workday supporting WS-Security / Basic auth
TDI-45155 - Introduce expand functionality with Talend Microsoft CRM components.
TDI-45813 - Missing Additional parameters in tSAPADSOInput
TDI-45575 - Support Parquet File format for regular DI
TUP-30489 - Display a progress bar for Patch Instalation
TUP-30834 - Upgrade studio to use the latest version of axis2 / remove axis 1
TUP-31117 - Improve performances related to recursive jobs
TUP-26184 - tELTMap - Problem displaying/scrolling in the mapping phase when creating a join between 2 tables that contain many columns.
TUP-30619 - Missing Additional parameters in SAP Connection
TUP-31122 - new Data Center in AWS Australia
TUP-26268 - Tech preview - Manipulate Db Column field (case,quoting) in component schema
TUP-30343 - feature request to have the "Export Dependencies" option checked by default
TDM-8646 - Add abs,mod,true,false,count functions
TBD-12295 - AWS EMR 6.2.x on Spark 3 - GA
TBD-12339 - Support of Knox for CDP Data Hub Clusters AWS Public Cloud TECH PREVIEW
TBD-9501 - Merge files into a single file for tFileOutputParquet
CVEs fixed in R2021-06
CVE-2018-11771, CVE-2019-12402 (commons-compress-1.18.jar), impacted:
Metadata excel file
DI Components
Big Data Components
ESB Components
DQ Components
CVE-2017-12629 (lucene-queries-4.10.4.jar), impacted:
DQ Components
Big Data Components
CVE-2018-8032 (axis-1.4.jar), impacted:
Exchange, mdm connections
DI Components
DQ Components
CVE-2017-1000487 (plexus-utils-1.1.jar, plexus-utils-3.0.8.jar, plexus-utils-3.0.17.jar), impacted:
Share, download libraries
ESB Components
CVE-2018-8012 (zookeeper-3.4.5.jar,zookeeper-3.4.8.jar), impacted:
Big Data Components
CVE-2020-9492 (hdfs-client-3.2.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2021-29425 (commons-io-2.6.jar), impacted:
ESB Components
DQ Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2020-13956 (httpclient-4.5.5.jar), impacted:
Publish docker images
CVE-2018-8088 (slf4j-ext-1.7.25.jar), impacted:
Build, publish docker images
CVE-2017-18640 (snakeyaml-1.18.jar, snakeyaml-1.23.jar, snakeyaml-1.24.jar), impacted:
Build, publish docker image
CVE-2021-29505 (xstream-1.4.16.jar), impacted:
DI Components
ESB Components
DQ Libraries
CVE-2020-27218 (jetty-server-9.4.33.v20201020.jar), impacted:
DI Components
CVE-2020-9492 (hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.0.jar, hadoop-hdfs-client-3.2.1.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-06
TUP-31759 - Get error : Could not resolve dependencies for project org.example.tuplocalautotest.code:routines:jar:7.3.1: Could not find artifact org.talend.libraries:Example:jar:6.0.0-SNAPSHOT
TUP-31754 - Oracle CDC: fail to catch the changes on table
TUP-30978 - Remove CommandLineServerLauncher.java
TUP-31213 - tNetSuiteV2019Input failed to guess schema because preview subjob can't work
TUP-31227 - Studio populate UnstagedChanges for Global Routines and SQL Templates when opening a new Feature Branch
TUP-31252 - Improve the data collector for AMC
TUP-31630 - tDBInputXNB_LINE is null if more than 9 tDBInput on a joblet only
TUP-31384 - Job cannot build due to cyclic reference
TUP-31316 - Error connecting to Azure SQL database with Azure Active directory method
TUP-31159 - When use remote mode with Custom log / unlocked, have only one popup of commit
TUP-30849 - Improve build Job performance
TUP-31380 - Build fails on Routines on CI Builder
TUP-31787 - AMC perspective: fail to list data in db history and db detailed history.
TUP-31553 - Hadoop Metadata Wizard when using custom distro dialog box doesnt pop up to import dependencies
TUP-31326 - AMC main chart can't display when using redhat
TUP-31238 - Library sync with JFrog/Nexus on studio startup doesn't use proxy
TUP-31868 - Publish DemoServiceConsumer to docker image fail
TDI-45796 - Marklogic log messages are not correctly retrieved from resource files
TDI-45986 - Compile error for KafkaInput when version is
TDI-46115 - Missing snappy-java- for tKafkaInput when version is
TUP-31164 - Guess schema button on the informix tDBinput component returns zero length datatype
TUP-31228 - Netsuite tck guess schema when use existing connection and Token-based login type
TDI-46100 - Connection component support is missing for Standalone TCK connectors
TDI-45981 - NetSuite2019Input require commons-lang3.jar, after download still throw error
TDI-46152 - latest patch generate compilation Error with Die on Error Disabled in tMap
TDI-46062 - "Operation not permitted error" in TAC for jobs with tFilecopy
TDI-44917 - Check if Outline ERROR_MESSAGE is set in components
TDI-46042 - tAzureAdlsGen2Input fails with org.talend.components.adlsgen2.runtime.AdlsGen2RuntimeException) For input string: "2389668843" when file size > 2GB
TDI-46088 - tWorkdayInput can't guess schema and run job with JDK 11
TDI-46065 - tRedshiftOutputBulkExec has compile error
TDI-46297 - FCB 'EnableRegionalDisco' is disabled error when using tMicrosoftCrmInput
TDM-8827 - tHMap Caching Issue in 7.3.1
TDM-8843 - EDI ISA16 should be used for component repetition, but Talend Studio is using the default of \ instead and not picking up the mapped ':'
TDM-8856 - Remove conflicting bundle mvn:org.talend.transform/org.apache.xml.resolver
TDM-8818 - Improve performance for opening items in Mapping
TDM-8807 - org.talend.designer.runprocess.ProcessorException: java.lang.NullPointerException
TDM-8764 - Commandline import data throw FileNotFoundException, but studio is normal
TDM-8683 - Update XStream version used by TDM
TDM-8755 - Disable Message "Change Loop Specification Message" in case of loop
TDM-8747 - Fix help link on Representation Dialog
TDM-8315 - Add Online help on TDM documentation
TDM-8444 - Use the Central Link Management Service for TDM documentation
TDM-8306 - Change the heplid value for datamasking functions
TDQ-19417 - tRuleSurvivorship: New check box to support the t-Swoosh algorithm
TDQ-19484 - tMatchGroup: Fixed issues on the Multi-pass option
TDP-10118 - [Spark]tDataprepRun job returns null value for matches pattern column of preparation
TBD-12515 - tSqoopimport Advanced Setting -> Job Memory Parameter sub Component.is not visible when using CDH v6.1.1
TBD-12520 - Error: "invalid variable declaration" Multiple file in single tfileinputdelimited component in Big Data spark batch jobs
TBD-12698 - {Spark Streaming} Some fields in Spark Configuration tab are absent
APPINT-32940 - Dependency user libs are always embedded in osgi bundle
APPINT-31392 - Not able to retrieve the cookies from trestclient.
APPINT-32843 - Error while deploying a route with a subjob that uses tAzureStorageQueue (Backport)
APPINT-33124 - Issue while deploying through Snapshot - " Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException"
APPINT-29782 - Fail to install cMap route to runtime if not install tdm feature
APPINT-32851 - cSplitter with JSonPath is not working as expected (V7.3.1)
APPINT-33026 - NPE with cSplitter configured with Parallel Processing (backport)
APPINT-33231 - Create SAP metadata, click check connection will get error
New features in R2021-05
TUP-30846 - Unify studio version information & patch information in studio logs
TUP-30377 - Move the "Allow specific characters (UTF8,...)" preference setting to project setting.
TUP-30730 - Remove SAS from metadata wizard.
TUP-25494 - Feature for Branch order
TUP-30585 - Support MongoDB 4.4 API for MongoDB metadata wizard
TUP-26747 - Clickable hyperlink from Outline listed component to the job canvas
TDM-7811 - Collect Representation information in TDM and upload them to Talend
TDI-45836 - Standalone connectors support in studio
TDI-44969 - [neo4jv4] Handle multiple queries / constraints
TDI-45122 - Add Charset column or "use UTF-8" option for tFileFetch-> Post method ->Parameters
TDI-44945 - Snowflake DB Output Die on Error
TDI-45716 - tDBRow is not giving error when primary key is violated
TDI-45728 - Workday - guess schema : On RAAS Soap, use XSD to build schema
TDI-45663 - tS3List: Adds Missing File Details
TDI-45580 - Contextualize multipart threshold parameter for S3 components
TDI-45491 - Contextualized configuration properties for S3 component
TDI-41535 - scp components need to support more key algorithms
TDI-42451 - JSON format needed to tSalesforceBulkExec component
TDQ-19030 - Compare null values in Data Profiling - Cross Table Analysis
TBD-12133 - AWS EMR 6.2.x on Spark 3 - Tech preview
TBD-12453 - Tech preview - CDP PC on Azure
CVEs fixed in R2021-05
CVE-2019-12423, CVE-2020-13954 (apache-cxf-3.3.4.jar, apache-cxf-3.3.7.jar), impacted:
Studio Product
Big Data Components
DI Components
MDM Components
ESB Components
CVE-2019-10086(commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar), impacted:
Studio Product
Big Data Components
CVE-2015-1832 (derby-, impacted:
Studio Product (audit)
Big Data Components
CVE-2020-13956 (httpclient-4.5.7.jar, httpclient-4.0.1.jar, httpclient-4.2.5.jar, httpclient-4.3.1.jar, httpclient-4.5.2.jar, httpclient-4.5.12.jar), impacted:
Studio Product
Big Data Components
DI Components
CVE-2019-10172(jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.14.TALEND.jar), impacted:
Studio Product (Build, Publish docker image)
Data Mapper components (tHMap / cMap)
DI Components
CVE-2021-27568 (json-smart-2.2.1.jar,json-smart-2.3.jar)
Big Data Components
DI Components
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (maven-shared-utils-3.0.0.jar,maven-shared-utils-3.0.1.jar,maven-shared-utils-3.1.0.jar)
Studio Product
ESB Components
CVE-2020-13955 (calcite-core-1.16.0.jar)
DI Components (JDBC Component)
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (commons-codec-1.11.jar)
Studio data encrytion and decryption, build and publish docker images
Big Data Components
DI Components
CVE-2014-3643 (jersey-core-1.4.jar, jersey-core-1.9.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Big Data Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-05
TDI-46060 - tFTPFileList 7.2 is compiling ok, however on 7.3 I have errors: Duplicate local variable
TDI-45910 - tFTPTruncate fails to compile when "Filemask" is used and "Use Perl5 Regex" is unchecked
TDI-45838 - Salesforce Record mismatch
TDI-45551 - blob type doesn't work in SingleStore dynamic
TDI-45900 - Encoding doesn't work for byte[] type when tFileOutputDelimited use CSV option
TDI-45879 - tNetuite2019Input NBLine get null when the record number is 0
TDI-45898 - Netsuite/TCK: output component can't delete record from Custom Transaction record type
TDI-45899 - Netsuite/TcompV0: output component can't delete record from Custom Transaction record type
TDI-45874 - tNetsuite2019Input search condition for Date type issue
TDI-45869 - tPostgresqlCDC will fail by an error since schema name is empty when using context
TDI-46004 - For tEXist*, perhaps we need to change the maven path of ws-commons-util-1.0.2.jar
TDI-45873 - Netsuite of TCOMPV0 and TCK cannot run in the same job
TDI-45859 - tFileCopy cannot copy a file over different filesystem when enabling "Remove source file" option
TDI-46064 - SAP transport package update for 2021-05
TDI-45943 - Error details are not captured ty tLogCatcher when parallel processing enabled in job
TDI-45924 - TDI-43931 Milliseconds Truncated when Running an Independent Subjob
TDI-45913 - Enforce that only Strings, Maps and HashMaps can be loaded from the crcMap file
TDI-45753 - tKafkaInput error with lz4 compressed topics
TDI-45968 - The wrong module name for commons-codec-1.14.jar in the tGoogleDataprocManage_java.xml
TDI-45642 - tDBOutput with dataAction Update/Insert or Update/Update or Insert with every column as a key leads to confusing error
TUP-31155 - Still got many "missing jar" log in CI mode, need to find a way to tell it's from CI and avoid the log
TUP-30524 - Commandline login svn project tag fail (only SVN, GIT is OK)
TUP-31060 - CI build errors on reference project job requiring a routine
TUP-31234 - Build job fail with option "Execute tests" if any test case fail
TUP-31248 - impala metadata connection issues for Cloudera
TUP-31346 - Branch initialisation not working for a new repository after applying cumulative patch for 7.3.1 studio.
TUP-31237 - Invalid username or password when creating a Snowflake Metadata Connection with a Snowflake password that has a slash character
TUP-31096 - Could not find or load main class error on the jobs created on the Feature Branch which has #
TUP-30413 - Comma missing for tELTMap with multiple inputs, when aliases are used. (Implicit join)
TUP-30430 - Job with joblets: monitoring info in studio incomplete or not visible
TUP-30546 - Add the missing signatures on studio jobs on mass
TDM-8810 - cMAP - Output is lost if cMap is terminal
TDM-8715 - TDM items display not right on Integration perspective in main and reference project
TDM-8648 - [tHMap]HL7V2 Warnings are not shown in the Run Log when an HL7v2 transformation is used
TDM-8790 - get naming conflict compile error when run DI job with 2 thmaps
TDM-8746 - Migration from 6.3 to 7.3 and the map from nested XML to flat file get the different result
TDM-8761 - Eclipse runtime:route of main project use map refer reference project's customer bean throw warning
TDM-8758 - Multi-output Flattener creates element names that cannot be used as Studio connection names
TDM-8713 - tHMap always generate row
TDM-8571 - Can't connect to mysql db with JDK11
TDQ-19374 - tRuleSurvivorship: fix the error with t-swoosh algorithm
TDP-10109 - [Spark]tDataprepRun job fails
TBD-9502 - tAggregateRow on CDH611: inconsistency between DI and Spark Batch job
TBD-11039 - Dataproc Spark job fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
TBD-12347 - R2021-02 Complete changes Documentation (action on file migration)
TBD-12369 - Enforce that System path separator character is indeed a character
TBD-12372 - Enforce that only Strings, Maps and HashMaps can be loaded from the crcMap file
TBD-12384 - [7.3.1] CDP Impala Repository Connection issue with Drivers
TBD-12388 - Error when writing in parquet file using CDH6.3.3: Could not initialize class org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf$ConfVars
TBD-12449 - Error "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: INSTANCE" in spark job with tDataprepRun component
TBD-12516 - Spark YARN-cluster mode batch job fails with missing routines error
APPINT-32254 - "bean-validation" ignored when deployed in Runtime
APPINT-32593 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.cxf.message.Message
APPINT-32806 - tRestClient throws "The entity is not backed by an input stream" exception when processing processing HTTP 202 response with empty payload
APPINT-32189 - Backport "org.apache.camel.blueprint.BlueprintCamelContext cannot be cast to org.apache.camel.spring.SpringCamelContext"
APPINT-32338 - [7.3.1] Route with spring definition fails with "org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace "
APPINT-32898 - NPE when try to publish a job
APPINT-32855 - [CI] Joblets are not preinstalled to local maven repo during CI build
APPINT-32574 - [7.3.1 r2021-03] The fix in esb folder cannot be generated automatically if the esb folder is existing
APPINT-32905 - Issue with Rest service flow
APPINT-32776 - [7.3.1] tDbInput not working with dynamic type in schema in runtime
APPINT-32995 - [CI] beans from referenced project are not installed during CI build
APPINT-32953 - Route+routelet will not build as osgi kar file without a first run in Studio
New features in R2021-04
TUP-30047 - Need support of tRunJob with Dynamic Job option enabled on test cases / CI/CD
TUP-30381 - Support greenplum driver for Greenplum Database in studio metadata
TUP-30358 - Enhance Data Collector - Route usage details
TUP-30953 - Improve the data collector for MDM/AMC/Additional package
TUP-30382 - CI: Add the console log from commandline to the default jenkins log
TUP-21090 - Support connection component for tacokit
TUP-30291 - Add Suggestable support for Table options (List<Row>) in Studio
TUP-30537 - Routine/Bean custom jars dependency management step 2
TDI-45732 - Unchecking "Die on Error" in tmap doesn't work as expected in certain scenarios
TDI-44490 - Option to specify parent object in tSalesforceInput when PK Chunking is enabled.
TDI-43755 - Allow "include deleted records" option to be available on the tSalesforceInput component on Bulk Query mode
TDI-42478 - tFTPConnection : SSL/TLS Client Authentication does not work : no suitable certificate found - continuing without client authentication
TDM-8708 - Integration of multi-output flattening wizard in 7.3.1
TDI-45014 - Two factors authentication with SFTP components
TDI-44956 - Salesforce connection with Mutual auth for basic connection type
TDI-45533 - tSAPBAPI component - to catch the error and continue the processing
TDI-45762 - Update Snowflake driver in Studio
TDI-45323 - Support OpenID auth(AWS Web Identity Provider) for S3 connectors
TDI-45481 - Generate a connection Component in Tck/Studio
TDI-45229 - Netsuite/tck increase performance for establishing connection
TDI-43092 - Adapt the Snowflake connector to NOT rely on the region ID
TDI-44213 - Workday - Add basic authentication method for RaaS
TDQ-16801 - tBRMS: New feature - Possible to use master or custom artifacts for JBoss BRMS
TBD-12269 - Spark - tSnowflakeConfiguration - Additional JDBC parameters
TBD-12079 - Support Cluster Policy for Databricks transient clusters
TBD-11317 - Joblet - tS3Configuration component inside joblet for reading files from s3
CVEs fixed in R2021-04
CVE-2017-15708 (commons-collections-3.2.1.jar), impacted:
Big Data Components
CVE-2016-6814 (groovy 2.4.6), impacted:
ESB Components
CVE-2020-26939 (bcprov-jdk15on-1.60.jar), impacted:
Studio product
CVE-2019-12402 (commons-compress-1.8.1.jar), impacted:
Studio Product, Job and or docker image building and publishing
DI Components
Big Data Components, Spark Local with 2.4.0, and distribution HDP 2.6.0
CVE-2020-10683 (dom4j-2.1.1.jar), impacted:
Studio Product
DI Components
ESB Components
CVE-2020-25638(hibernate orm 5.3.18.Final.jar, hibernate-core-3.5.6-Final.jar), impacted:
Studio Product
Data Mapper components (tHMap / cMap)
CVE-2020-13956 (httpclient-4.5.3.jar, httpclient-4.5.6.jar), impacted:
Studio Product
Big Data Components
ESB Components
CVE-2020-28491 (jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.8.11.jar), impacted:
Studio Product, using Semantic Analysis with Elasticsearch
CVE-2019-10172 (jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Big Data Components
CVE-2020-15250(junit-4.13.jar / junit-4.12.jar / junit-4.11.jar), impacted:
Studio Product, usage of Test cases
DI Components
CVE-2021-20328 (mongo-java-driver-3.2.1.jar, mongo-java-driver-3.4.2.jar), impacted
Usage of Mongo DB (Components / Wizard)
CVE-2019-16869(netty-3.5.5.Final.jar), impacted:
Studio Product, jar was unused, only removing
CVE-2021-21350 (xstream-1.4.15.jar), impacted:
Studio Product (Data Quality: Drools / MDM)
DI Components
ESB Components / Build of OSGI jobs
SourceClear Premium (No CVE) (jersey-media-jaxb-2.26.jar), impacted:
DI Components
Other issues fixed in R2021-04
TUP-31246 - Inner routine node disappeared after refresh repository view
TUP-30203 - Performance issue when logon project / switch branch
TDI-45741 - FTPS and SFTP show if issue for tFTPFileProperties
TDI-45746 - job does not transmit global variable to independant subjob if the type of the variable is date
TDI-45742 - Shoud add tag scope for version 'testcontainers.version'
TDI-45723 - Sanitize Marklogic String command
TDI-44712 - Internal Snowflake Loader produces SQLException, when on Snowflake history query doesn't fail
TDI-45786 - tFileOutputDelimited store memory address, not value with dynamic column
TDI-45787 - Fix incorrect wording in tMongoDBInput and tCosmosDBnput components
TDI-45776 - Missing slf4j-jdk14-1.6.1.jar for bonita components when using 5.10.1+Java Client
TDI-45834 - Job Deployed to MDM server and using tFileCopy fails with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.talend.FileCopy
TDI-45595 - SAP transport package custom requirements for HQ
TDI-45712 - tAzureAdlsGen2Output fails with this exception when there is 0 records in the input stream
TDI-45779 - 7.3.1 NetSuite/TCK cannot delete JournalEntry record
TDI-45790 - 7.3.1 NetSuite/TcompV0 cannot delete JournalEntry record
TDI-45650 - tDeltaLakeOutput- not handling the updates when we are using Dynamic schema
TDI-45515 - Missing mapping for customtransactiontype in tNetsuiteV2019Input causes error on Guess schema
TDI-45577 - Job using snowflake dynamic schema fails with SchemaParseException: Illegal character in: columnname when source DB column has #, $ characters
TDI-45699 - tAzureAdlsGen2Output dynamic type for input component job fails
TUP-25417 - JDK11: run a job call a child job use twebservice meet error
TUP-30558 - Pop up error page when import zip contain pigudf
TUP-30325 - Can't pop up shell 'tMap configuration modified', can't apply my modification for tMap trace debug mode
TUP-30800 - Some conflict error shows after doing pull and merge for specific project
TUP-30685 - Mvn package job use joblet in subref project fail to run the bat file correct.
TUP-30768 - Can't reset performance_record if first patch use manual installation then the second use Software update
TUP-30429 - the job export from v6.5.1 can't be imported to v7.3.1
TUP-30625 - Job/joblet fail to generate jobscript after add custom routine jar as dependency
TUP-30216 - Commandline install patch and login project throw NPE
TUP-30615 - Schema Update Detection popping up everytime upon opening the job
TUP-30921 - Job fails with "Could not find the context Default" after migration 7.2.1 to 7.3.1 R2021-01
TUP-31013 - Jackson plugins missing some type of license on studio 7.3
TUP-30438 - Issue when updating snowflake table using tELTOutput
TUP-30731 - tELTPostgresqloutput context not work when checked "use update statement without subqueries"
TUP-30793 - TCK Datastore on studio Metadata
TUP-29284 - Duplicate code completion items in tJava
TUP-30806 - Invalid Job issues while importing in Talend 7.1 studio
TUP-29033 - Fail to run testcase in studio and CI
TUP-31027 - [performance] studio will hang when import a special job
TDM-8775 - Saxon Exception after applying R2021-03 Studio patch
TDM-8687 - Talend Data Mapper 7.3.1- Duplicate local variable drOuttHMap2
TDM-8738 - thMap with 2 inputs failing on studio
TDM-8783 - With Talend Data Management Platform License - tHMap Component is not loaded and giving error message after applying R2020-03 patch on the studio
TDM-6428 - Add limit for length field of function RemoveFirstChars
TDM-8577 - There is error about id conflict if create map from thmap(random)
TDM-8612 - Structure won't use xml which created the structure as input sample data
TDM-8690 - can't test run map with output represetation MAP
TDM-8694 - Message with single quote messes the XQuery
TDM-8711 - Provide an example of multi-output flattening map
TDM-8759 - error "Resource '/X12 HIPAA documentation' does not exist." is in error log after install X125010HIPAA
TDM-8661 - Fix label issue in function properties interface
TDQ-19243 - Fixed CWE-95 in ExpressionAction
TDQ-19274 - Fixed errors on JSON Small and Fast Parser. Upgraded to 2.4.2
TDQ-19242 - Fixed one error on jetty-http
TDQ-19255 - Fixed one error on jersey-core
TDQ-19261 - Fixed one error on XStream Core
TDQ-19017 - tDataShuffling: Fixed the error preventing from using a context in the Seed for random generator setting
TDQ-19273 - Analyses: Removed the incorrect warning on the indicator threshold
TDQ-19182 - Reports: Removed the incorrect warning on the indicator threshold
TDQ-19194 - Add a red-warning image on unsupported Spark3 components
TDQ-18959 - tDataMasking Batch/Streaming: same input should mask to same output when no password set
APPINT-32108 - Micro Service with SAP components fail on TMC (Remote Engine)
APPINT-32288 - Wrong bundle version of jobs called by Soap Service when deployed in Runtime
APPINT-32688 - R2021-03 issue with tDB* using datasource
APPINT-32416 - Importing route from a zip file, imports all the other jobs (CLONE/Backport)
APPINT-32576 - tESBConsumer - wrong header content-type (CLONE/Backport)
TBD-12354 - Spark Databricks tDeltaLakeOutput component context issue with MERGE
TBD-12333 - UI issue in tCollectAndCheck when component has input data flow
TBD-12322 - Error while encoding: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.String is not a valid external type for schema of int
TBD-12308 - Spark job happen compiler error if we selected CDH 5.13 after install Patch20210319R2021-03_v1-7.3.1.zip
TBD-12281 - tCollectAndCheck has a compile error if it's linked to tFileInputDelimited that set value for header and spark job has more than one tCollectAndCheck components
TBD-12253 - HDP 2.6.5 - Generated json is incomplete
TBD-12203 - Apply retry for all API calls in databricks launcher
TBD-12196 - Impalarow not working as expected
TBD-12194 - "Show optional Assume Role properties" checkbox does not exist in tS3Configuration component after import
TBD-12154 - SPL30x : classNotFound with multiline option in tFileInputDelimited
TBD-11885 - tBigQueryOutput truncate option leads to compile error
TBD-11878 - Compile error when run spark job using BigQuery Input components on DataProc14
TBD-11875 - NPE in tFileInput with byte array Spark Local
New features in R2021-03
TUP-29801 - Improve logon dialog loading time
TUP-26185 - Merge GIT branches - Conflict resolution - the "Compare Result" view does not display differences with a tELTMap component
TUP-30169 - adapter the tjdbc bulk components for studio and support singlestore database only with a whitelist
TUP-30338 - Data Collector improvement step 1
TUP-29014 - Only build and package beans/routines that are used in Route/Job
TDM-8545 - EDIFACT Importer
TDI-45700 - Add support to Netezza v11
TDI-45301 - UsingS3 bucket-owner-full-control option on an S3 Bucket
TDI-45487 - support bulkexec components for singlestore for studio
TDI-45590 - Support MongoDB 4.4 API for MongoDB and CosmosDB components
TDI-44106 - tCosmosDBInput : allows to select the fields to return to avoid the limit 'The reply message length 4297571 is less than the maximum message length 4194304'
TBD-11947 - MVP: CDP Public Cloud DataHub 7.x on AWS (manual configuration)
TBD-11944 - GCP: support Service Account + OAuth2 access Token Spark Batch
TBD-11943 - Support Databricks 7.3 LTS with Spark 3.x components GA
TBD-11882 - tCollectAndCheck enhancements (available in streaming job and allows file comparison)
TESB-31500 - [Dependency Management] Build and package beans that are used in Routes
CVEs fixed in R2021-03
Other issues fixed in R2021-03
TUP-30230 - Remove org.talend.libraries.apache.batik from the studio
TUP-30378 - Talend 7.3.1 tDBInput or tMSSqlInput component will not open query editor.
TUP-30044 - The job when executed against RE, doesn't finish, no exit code received
TUP-27224 - Update Daikon Crypto Utils to 1.15.0
TUP-27851 - CVE:XStream Core
TUP-28520 - CVE:UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java
TUP-30273 - tDBOutput component compilation error
TUP-30548 - Debugger does not work in 7.3 if the installation path contains space
TUP-30269 - Snowflake components having schema cannot retrieve column name in Japanese
TUP-26534 - xercesImpl:2.4.0
TUP-27791 - CVE:Apache Derby Database Engine and Embedded JDBC Driver
TUP-29586 - Change repository context variable type didn't pop up job update
TUP-30333 - tMap with Lookup model Reload at each row freezes Studio
TUP-30041 - tBigQueryInput Column Type - the Schema's db Type not correct for this components
TUP-30093 - if want to upgrade tcompv0 to 0.29.0 or higher, need to upgrade the commons-codec plugin for maintance/7.3 for studio
TUP-30250 - Not able to share snowflake connection between job and joblet
TUP-30180 - Studio slowness on merge operation
TUP-30103 - Studio sometimes hangs for 20 seconds
TUP-29719 - Update Jackson Databind to 2.11.4
TUP-30109 - [7.3.1] Log4J preferences does not save
TUP-30257 - TMAP - Java & Traces Debug preview not working
TUP-27154 - Update BeanUtils to 1.9.4
TUP-29397 - CVE on jackson-core-2.4.6.jar
TUP-30043 - Add a new option for tELTOracleMap to generate automatic column alias on selection
TUP-30142 - JasperSoft product can't install TUP patch R2020-12
TUP-30648 - Migration: tRun job cannot run if Install 731 R02 monthly patch plus R03 temp patch
TUP-30651 - Login page won't be refreshed after delete project
TDI-45593 - The component tAzureStorageGet fails with the error "The container name must be in lowercase" if the container name is in numeric
TDI-45613 - Tftpfilespropertie component only fetch first filename if md5 is selected
TDI-45702 - tELTOutput has syntax error when checked "use update statement without subqueries" and tELTMap doesn't have where clauses
TDI-45644 - tGoogleDriveGet component gives a "java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out" with a big GoogleSheets
TDI-45668 - CVE: ant-1.10.8
TDI-45418 - Update Jackson libraries to 2.11.4
TDI-45727 - Replace default IP of proxy in components
TDI-45725 - Backport MongoDBBulkLoad fix (IndexOutOfBoundsException ) into CosmosDB
TDI-45495 - Netsuite/tck: Guest Schema - Retrieve schema error for custom and standard record with Token-based auth
TDI-45637 - 7.3.1 NetSuite cannot map Other Custom Fields in Account record type
TDI-45561 - Getting Permission denied error in tFileInputExcel in Talend 7.3.1
TDI-45563 - Runtime Lineage: Compile error seen with RESPONSE_HEADERS
TDI-45436 - CVE on xstream-1.4.14.jar
TDI-45555 - [CVE] netty-codec*: Recheck if TDI-43876 and TDI-44274 has been backported
TDM-532 - There is display problem about Refresh button tooltip in Mapping
TDM-8402 - LoopIndex cannot be used as the SortKey of a SimpleLoop
TDM-8401 - Support XPath functions as Distinct parameter
TDM-8223 - [tHMap] A tHMap job with 1.5k input columns exceeds the 65535 bytes limit
TDM-8541 - XML file with DOCTYPE can not be imported
TDM-4511 - First time switch to Mapping should display "Data Mapper" panel
TDM-497 - There is error when add an element but don't add name for it and close the structure
TDM-8603 - Issue with upgrade to Studio 7.3.1
TDM-8446 - Facing memory issues with a job using TDM after migrating to 7.1,00199937
TDM-8574 - The specified value cannot be converted to the specified type. (307) (INPUT) Reason - Converting: Float (32) -> Decimal
TDM-8610 - [tHMap] Output is incorrect when "Map each row property" is enabled
TDM-8620 - [tHMap] Compiler error when 2 schema input connections are used: duplicate connectionClass variable
TDM-8605 - Need to add custom beans and routines jar automatically when test run map
TDM-8636 - Upgrade jackson version to 2.11.4
TDM-8633 - Deploy route with (routelet using cmap) to esb runtime will return error
TDM-8647 - The emit loop instance if empty doesnt work the same way in 731 as it was in v6
TDM-8632 - NullPointer Exception when calling Distinct Child Element on SimpleLoop for an input field.
TDM-8660 - EDI Reader not reporting wrong element on certain errors
TDM-8604 - Need to compile custom beans and routines jar after import project
TDM-8626 - Deploy route with ctalendjob (with map using custom jar) to esb runtime and it's failed
TDM-8723 - Loop Distinct combined with Streaming no longer works
TDM-8542 - tHMapinput run fail after whole job 'Refactor to Spark joblet'
TDM-8649 - tHMapInput can't copy&paste when there is OnSubjobOK before it
TDQ-19231 - [CVE] Removed poi and poi-ooxml jar files from Studio
TDQ-19045 - [CVE] Updated Jackson Databind to 2.11.4
TDQ-19187 - [CVE] Updated Commons Compress to 1.19
TDQ-19070 - [Security] Fixed errors on Apache Ant library
TDQ-19075 - [Security] Fixed one error on Netty/Handler library
TDQ-19200 - [Security] Fixed one error on Apache Hadoop HDFS Client
TDQ-19073 - [Security] Fixed one error on JUnit library
TDQ-19083 - tDataMasking: Fixed errors on the Extra parameter setting
TDQ-19119 - tDataUnmasking: Fixed errors when unmasking two columns
TDQ-19239 - Improved the monthly releases process
TDQ-19208 - tNaiveBayesModel, tPredict: Removed the Support of Spark 1.3
TBD-12252 - DynamoDB component has compile error on DBR7.3 (Spark)
TBD-12199 - Can't import bigdata batch job's testcase
TBD-12180 - Spark job can't run success if tAzureFSConfiguration is used with ADLS Gen2
TBD-12169 - Spark Jobs failing on databricks after recently adding a new property "modification_time"
TBD-12160 - Dynamic distribution setup with CDP missing tools-1.8.0.jar file and does not sync to local Nexus Repo for CICD build P2
TBD-12155 - Fix issue importing jobs with versions of distribution not existing anymore
TBD-12125 - Headers created in HDFS split files are not recognised by tfileInputdelimited component in spark job.
TBD-12117 - File component prepending defaultFS URI
TBD-12083 - Compiling error with tFileOutputParquet
TBD-12076 - Compilation error for migrated BD batch job on Hive output component
TBD-12065 - tWriteJsonField provides nulls when using group element
TBD-12011 - Compile error on tKafkaInput component in streaming job
TBD-12002 - Compile error on job with tFileStreamInputJSON component
TBD-11964 - Different time zone for Standard jobs and BD Batch
TBD-11960 - tKafkaOutput - Failed to generate code
TBD-11906 - Incorrect "Policy" field type in optional Assume Role properties in tS3Configuration
TESB-31554 - Update Jackson libraries to 2.11.4
TESB-29780 - Upgrade beanutils to 1.9.4
TESB-32157 - Microservice with cSOAP consumer always fails with unable to find valid certification
TESB-31465 - Studio ESB build performance improvement
New features in previous monthly releases
TDI-40364 - performance enhancement for tChangeFileEncoding component
TDI-42274 - Add Safety Switch checkbox for tSalesforceOutputBulkExec
TDI-43232 - tELTOutput:Improve productivity in the where clause
TDI-44964 - Observability: add configuration parameters
TDI-45463 - Data Lake Databricks ELT support
TDI-45542 - Redshift bulkload to support parquet format
TDQ-18999 - Several components support Spark 3.0 (local)
TDQ-19191 - tDataShuffling supports Spark 3.0 (local)
TBD-10921 - Spark 3.0.x - local mode - batch and streaming
TBD-11080 - Adding "Inherit credentials from AWS Role" to DynamoDB components in Spark jobs
TBD-11684 - Advanced configuration options for transient Databricks clusters
TBD-11990 - Support Databricks 7.3 LTS with Spark 3.x components TP
TUP-29835 - Studio will be hided if click password then click other places on Mac with BigSur
TUP-29700 - Don't share libraries during logon studio
TUP-28023 - Support shared studio
TUP-29350 - tMap Display issues with BigSur
TUP-29641 - tAdvancedFileOutputXML display issues with MacOS BigSur
TUP-29775 - TabFolder display issue with BigSur
TUP-29782 - ELTDBMap display issues on Mac with BigSur
TUP-29783 - tELTSAPMap display issues on Mac with BigSur
TUP-29784 - WebService display issues on Mac with BigSur
TUP-29845 - Remove useless "Remove" button on module view
TDI-43370 - tELTSAPMap - Allow different path reference between SAP function and FTP
TDI-45007 - [7.3.1]tGreenPlumGPLoad need to add LOGERRORS and REUSETABLE for Greenplum 5.x and above
TDI-31602 - Enhance component tGreenplumGPLoad
TDI-44641 - Talend SAP rfc server failOver
TDI-45144 - Support For GreenPlum 6.x
TDQ-18757 - SAP Hana supported in Profiling perspective for Table and View schemas
TDQ-19005 - SAP Hana supported in Profiling perspective for Calculation View schemas
TDQ-18829 - tDataMasking: Dynamic schemas are supported
TDQ-18830 - tDataUnmasking: Dynamic schemas are supported
TDQ-19081 - MacOS Big Sur supported in the Profiling perspective
TBD-5285 - tKafkaCommit component available in Spark Streaming jobs
TBD-5637 - [Kafka] Function to get key, topic and partition - Input & Output
TBD-11264 - AWS - extend STS AssumeRole field support - CDP 7.1
TBD-11265 - AWS - extend STS AssumeRole field support - Databricks
TDI-44915 - Google Cloud components ability to use just OAuth token
TUP-28013 - Be able to compare metadata connection conflicts (TCK)
TDM-5384 - Provide access to the compiled versions of routines from Mapping Perspective > Test Run feature
TUP-25346 - tELTTeradataOutput - aliases are mandatory for calculated columns
TBD-10097 - Snowflake for BigData - Key pairs authentication support
TBD-11616 - Parameterize dataset API utilization for migrated components
TUP-25235 - tELTTeradataMap : allow to rename the alias
TUP-29059 - Add project name in the studio performance log
TUP-28050 - Shared Studio: Avoid possible actions that are not supported on shared studio
TUP-28833 - Shared Studio: support custom javajet component in shared studio
TUP-29076 - support memsql in studio metadata and components
TUP-22358 - CI-Builder: setting context with "Apply Context To Children" enabled doesn't work
TUP-29126 - Github Renaming the default branch from master
TUP-28790 - Enhance detection of localhost
TDI-44910 - Add memsql support in studio
TDI-45050 - Add possibility to use UNWIND queries in Neo4jv4 output component
TDI-45038 - add "timestamp" info for component start event for studio audit log
TDI-40637 - Couchbase read only one document
TESB-29949 - Pass the data source to a job using a context variable
TESB-28330 - cConfig/Beans - Support customer groupid and artifact name (additional to custom version)
TDQ-18815 - tDataEncrypt: Dynamic data type is supported
TDQ-18816 - tDataDecrypt: Dynamic data type is supported
TDQ-18573 - More national check digits are handled in Bank account generation and Bank account masking functions
TDQ-18544 - New Bank account masking function: Mask account number and keep original country and bank code
TDQ-18614 - Generate account number and keep original country: Updated the input validation method
TDQ-18615 - More national check digits are handled in Mask account number and keep original country
TDQ-18616 - Renamed the Bank account masking functions Mask/Unmask account number and keep original country
TDQ-18735 - New Bank account unmasking function: Unmask account number and keep original country and bank code
TBD-4952 - Add button to browse Google credentials file
TBD-10086 - Spark framework does not pushdown the SQL where conditions/filters provided in the component
TBD-11035 - Support MapR 6.1 with MEP 6.1.1 Static Lightweight Distro - DI / Spark Batch / Spark Streaming
TBD-11490 - Support Spark params outside of config jar files
TBD-11237 - [Datasets] Use multiline fields in tFileInputDelimited on CSV mode
TBD-10087 - AWS - extend STS AssumeRole field support - BigData
TBD-9975 - Load external Hadoop conf jar for Spark Batch & Spark Streaming - Built-in mode
TUP-28342 - Save maven url for components with parameter MODULE_LIST
TUP-25246 - Automatically detect custom maven URI for external dependencies
TUP-28274 - Shared Studio: Can't find EMR 5.29 option in Hadoop Cluster wizard after enable shared studio mode
TUP-27765 - Shared Studio: "cosmosDB can't be deployed" Error shows after logging into a project
TUP-27762 - Shared Studio: new version of ci builder can't synchronize to m2 of multi user
TUP-28640 - Improve JDBC database support framework to load supported DBs and components automatically
TUP-28785 - Make custom maven url work in Job/Route
TDI-44718 - [7.3.1] Request feature for Talend works with PingFederate configure for Snowflake OAuth2 with grant type of username and password.
TDI-44177 - [TDP] tDatasetOutput et al. components don't support proxy at runtime
TDI-44721 - Integrate Netsuite/tck in Studio
TDM-8249 - JAVA object based transformation in cMAP
TUP-28758 - Add a warning when we login to a project and if there is migration to do
TESB-29271 - Improve debugging for Routes in Talend Studio
TDI-44950 - Oauth 2.0 support for microsoft crm 2016 on-premise
TBD-11152 - Support Databricks 6.4.0
TBD-11087 - Add Query option to tDeltaLakeInput
TBD-7402 - Support using multiple S3 buckets on Spark jobs
TBD-10642 - Support non-encrypted EMR with SSE-KMS + custom policies
TBD-10671 - Generic Extension of Sqoop capabilities
TBD-10473 - Hive input components for Dataproc distribution to work with Service account
TBD-9385 - Use s3a as default connector for S3 (aka remove s3n)
TUP-28323 - Improve the maven build time spent during login project
TDI-44755 - Upgrade AWS SDK's version for related components
TDI-44720 - AWS RedshiftManage refresh: Clusters Start/Pause and new node types
TDI-41936 - tSnowflakeOutput (and bulk) UPSERT should use schema-defined keys for matching
TDI-44730 - Update Snowflake driver in Studio
TDI-44268 - Create new tck connector Neo4j
TDI-41172 - RabbitMQ: implement in Tacokit (for Studio)
TDI-44312 - Extend RabbitMQ to support Exchange in output
TDI-44652 - Remove platform selection in tDatasetIO
TDI-39689 - Support for Multiple Schemas for Teradata Components
TUP-28432 - Upgrade AWS SDK's version
TUP-28334 - Enhance logging of performances
TUP-28322 - Improve speed for online news
TDI-44626 - Enable Dynamic columns support for TCK components
TDI-44623 - [OBSERVABILITY] : add PID and (Thread-ID OR UUID) information
TDI-44806 - [OBSERVABILITY] : Add customization for event frequency
TDI-44824 - [OBSERVABILITY] : Update daikon-audit library version
TDI-44670 - Runtime Lineage - Finalize component part
TDI-44734 - Enhance output path system for logging of runtime json
TDI-44735 - Issues with Runtime lineage with Queries
TDM-8074 - Field alignment in positional flat file structures
TDM-8163 - Add new Function FormatDateTime
TUP-28405 - Enhance Data Collector
TUP-27654 - Databricks Delta Lake - Support ELT & MERGE
TUP-28011 - Emf Compare / Git conflict - tcompv0 support
TUP-27506 - Execute custom script from jenkins task
TUP-27454 - Generate poms for projects from jenkins task
TBD-11007 - lightweight dependencies
TBD-10669 - Customizable precision for Datasets
TBD-11029 - AWS Spark S3 KMS Encryption issue (EMR 5.29)
TBD-10588 - Add the location option to Delta's Metastore
TBD-10769 - Add the Drop & Truncate option to Delta's Metastore
TBD-10774 - Add the optimize table option to Delta's Metastore
TBD-10793 - Load hadoop conf jar from a contextualized parameter - Repository / YARN-Client / Spark Batch & Spark Streaming
TBD-10908 - Upgrade httpclient to 4.5.12 & httpcore to 4.4.13
TUP-28142 - Add talendDebug for CI
TUP-28051 - Easily forward properties from cibuilder to commandline
TUP-26542 - MultiUser: readonly user can't logon remote project
TUP-27879 - Shared user can't write library index file library_data.index
TUP-28048 - MultiUser: readonly user can't update license
TUP-27679 - The preparation data aren't same as the source data when tDataPrepRun creates a new preparation with dynamic column
TUP-27862 - Add possibility to customize pattern for dates when retrieve table
TUP-25566 - All the recycle bin should not be build or executed
TUP-25103 - tELTMap - ctrl+space shortcut is not working to retrieve easily job context
TDI-44590 - Salesforce bulk v2 query (Extraction from Salesforce Object using bulk V2)- Salesforce componnets
TDI-44364 - tMongodboutput: Data insert and update with selective columns
TDI-44295 - Studio - Improve performance of SAP Streaming
TDI-42668 - tSSH replace deprecated library Ganymed with Apache mina-sshd
TDI-44045 - S3 Family component to have an option for enablePathStyleAccess() function
TDI-44630 - HA on master nodes with AWS EMR
TESB-29133 - Update dom4j to 2.1.3
TESB-29322 - Microservice monitoring - expose Camel metrics
TDQ-18438 - tStandardizePhoneNumber: new column isValidPhoneNumberForRegion
TDQ-18439 - New indicator: Valid Phone Number for Region Count
TDI-43899 - tJDBCSCDELT SCD Type 0 Field Support
TDI-44284 - Rename old tEXAxxx connectors in tExasolxxx
TDI-37016 - tVerticaOutputBulk doesn't support Dynamic schema
TDI-44039 - internaliponly for tGoogleDataprocManage component
TDI-44167 - tJDBCSCDELT component to support Databricks Delta
TUP-27633 - Update Montlhy release name in toolbar
TUP-27680 - Can't use the database "MAPPING" parameter to decide the component UI if show
TDM-7800 - Add merge option to tHConvertFile
TESB-28700 - [Password Secure] Publish to TMC
TDI-38246 - Add the ability to authenticate with Google Cloud Storage using service accounts in the tGSConnection component
TDI-44466 - BigQuery Bulk - Add service account authentication for Google Storage properties
TDI-44448 - Support AWS EMR 5.29.0
TDI-44109 - tFTP components (FTP server) to be able to connect with tsetProxy (Http)
TDI-44476 - Enhance tUnload Redshift Component to support download in parquet format
TBD-9999 - Support CDP Milestone I: Dynamic Distro for CDP Data Center 7.x
TBD-9737 - Support HDInsight 4.0 Static Distro - DI / Spark / Spark streaming
TBD-10362 - Support Databricks instance pools in Spark jobs
TUP-26669 - Adapt HDInsight wizard for HDInsight 4.0
TUP-26699 - Enhance context propagation over reference project - Resolve link conflict with Git
TUP-27259 - Change default driver to Microsoft official for MSSql in Metadata
TUP-27157 - Searchable Stitch connectors
TDI-43962 - Talend Data Preparation Support for Dynamic Schema
TDI-44214 - Change default driver to Microsoft official for MSSQL connector
TDI-43717 - Tck component CosmosDBSQLAPI for Studio
TDI-44216 - AWS Redshift Partner Tracking
TDI-44171 - Observability: Add "Component" label to component-related events
TDI-44172 - Observability: Create new "component execution" event and emit it frequently
TDI-44061 - Snowflake - External Oauth2 support
TDI-44181 - Support new authentication for ADLSgen2
TDQ-18462 - MSSQL Database: Microsoft is now the default driver
TBD-10198 - Add database/table parameters on DeltaLake components
TDM-7679 - Flattener: generate the flattening map (via New Map wizard)
TDM-7095 - Get the index of the parent Loop
TDI-43218 - Azure storage components provide connectivity through SAS Token or Account key. This feature request is to provide connectivity though AD authentication.
TBD-9991 - Support for EMR 5.29 Static Distro - DI / Spark batch / Spark streaming
TBD-10328 - Merge operation for Delta Lake in tDeltaLakeOutput
TBD-10169 - Upgrade Delta Lake connectivity
TBD-10265 - Upgrade Snowflake connectivity
TBD-9643 - Support Oracle 19c
TBD-10206 - Upgrade httpclient to align with other components
TUP-16546 - Prompt users for new password in Studio Connection when AD/LDAP credentials change in TAC
TUP-25708 - Avoid GIT Branch conflicts due to Timestamp and ID
TUP-26186 - Use the operators =, <=, <, >=, >, <> instead of EQ, LE, LT, GE, GT, NE in tELTTeradataMap
TUP-26284 - Upgrade AWS SDK for driver in metadata
TUP-26956 - Update Studio top bar to reflect monthly deliveries for better understanding
TUP-26288 - Enhance context propagation over reference project
TDI-43878 - Accessing DynamoDB GSI
TDI-43724 - Extend AWS STS assume role field for Studio
TDI-43719 - Rename tSQLDWHXXX component to tAzureSynapseXXX and support adls gen2
TDI-44179 - Support new load method with COPY statement in tSynapseBulkExec
TESB-27806 - Expose Talend Microservices Metrics in a monitoring system like Prometheus
TESB-24998 - Interpret context variables used in provider and consumer endpoints in Data Services and Routes
TMC-19740 - Delete "update corresponding task" check box from Studio publish to Cloud dialog
TDI-39575 - Support AD authentication for Azure SQL Data Warehouse with tMSSQL connectors
TDQ-17784 - DQ components (Spark Batch) support Databricks on Azure & AWS
TDQ-18049 - tMatchModel: Feature importance report can be saved on Databricks (Azure/AWS) and HDInsight (Azure)
Other issues fixed in previous monthly releases
TUP-30416 - After migrating from Studio 641 to 731, job with a lengthy pathname fails to run or build.
TUP-30083 - SharedStudio: Cannot check sap connection successfully
TUP-23477 - MAC Mojave/BigSur: the connection line on the left can't display when creating XML/Json/MDM
TUP-30360 - Add a preference option to disable the publish to nexus
TUP-28519 - Update org.talend.libraries.apache.google jars
TUP-29764 - Password field items in item file have wrong encryption value
TUP-29869 - CVE on bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar and bcprov-jdk15on-1.65.jar
TUP-29885 - ERROR: Some patches are not compatible with current product
TUP-27150 - CVE: dom4j:2.1.1
TUP-30108 - tELTMSSqlInput & tELTMSSqlMap context not recognized after migrating to 7.3.1
TUP-23738 - The couchbase icon is not correct when import
TUP-30186 - On studio ,java.lang.RuntimeException: Illegal hexadecimal character m at index 0
TUP-30067 - Dataproc Hive metadata not in sync with Hive component
TUP-30373 - Implicit Context with field separator tab "\t" doesn't work anymore
TDI-29308 - tWriteXMLField don't support schema have default value when the field is null able
TDI-32744 - Partitionning components does not work in a Joblet
TDI-45455 - Not able to create excel file (.xlsx) after migrating to 7.1 from 6.3 using tFileOutputExcel component
TDI-45526 - tSalesforceOutputBulkExec using Bulk V2 crashes when zero records
TDI-45400 - Dynamic Schema has default length of 100 even after setting to different amount
TDI-45476 - tFileOutputMSXML with several Inputs : performance degradation 7.3.1 vs 6.3.1 (x10 times slower)
TDI-45505 - "useDataSource" property is not processed by tJDBCOutput correctly
TDI-45432 - tBigQueryOutput fails when the checkbox "Create the table if it doesn't exist" is ticked
TDI-45529 - CVE Upgrade bouncy-castle to 1.68 in studio
TDI-45447 - CVE on bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar and bcprov-jdk15on-1.65.jar
TDI-45489 - Backport nimbus upgrade on 7.3
TDM-8650 - tHMap component is missing after R2021-01 Patch
TDM-8308 - Implicit Decimal Not In Output
TDM-8519 - Structure/map can't open after rename Structure/map_II
TDM-8537 - Integrate Spark local 3.x dependency in TDM bigdata components
TDM-7801 - Cleanup Database Connection and Table import options
TDM-8323 - show document for json/xml structure with UTF-8 BOM encoding will return error
TDM-8383 - Error throw in error log when structure's used by result is no objects
TDM-8391 - JSON: problem to write array of map
TDM-8394 - the space is automatically trimmed in the TestRun(to external file) for MAP, XML reps
TDM-8415 - Support Map Group as root when writing Avro datum
TDM-8440 - Exception when selecting DatabaseLookup function
TDM-8482 - JSON Writer produces wrong XML Attributes
TDM-8484 - Json with Map Group,structure can't show as csv
TDM-8509 - AgConcatFirstPresentValue Properties shows Delimiter parameter
TDM-8568 - Option to keep implied decimal on output for older maps
TDM-8580 - Job with multiple tRunJob fail with NoClassDefFoundError
TDQ-19065 - Fixed XStream Core errors
TDQ-19071 - Fixed Apache Hadoop MapReduce App errors
TDQ-19013 - CVE: Upgraded Spring Core and Spring Beans
TDQ-19156 - Database connection, ELTCONNECTIONURL: Character limit risen to 1000.
TDQ-19101 - tDataMasking, tDataUnmasking: The Generate value between two values function supports the Date data type
TESB-30766 - Error occurred when execute Microservice jar of RestServiceWithRoutineAndJoblet_Ms
TESB-31563 - Microservice: ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClientTransport
TESB-23765 - Limitation on camel S3 component
TESB-31044 - Data service's endpoint can't be updated if passed as a context variable
TESB-30931 - Dependency for camel jdbc cannot be resolved
TESB-30620 - Custom components don’t work when using route on Remote Engine / Runtime
TESB-31657 - AWS SQS not able to deploy to Runtime
TESB-31783 - Failed to get nested archive for entry BOOT-INF/lib/aws-java-sdk-1.11.848.jar Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Zip64 archives are not supported
TESB-31724 - tDB* issue using datasource
TESB-31631 - Reusing routelets fails to pass through context values
TESB-31975 - Global variable null after tRestRequest
TESB-31180 - Deprecate use of run in Local Runtime (Studio)
TESB-31916 - CVE: Upgrade Jetty version
TESB-32014 - WHEN trigger Type of cMessageRouter is empty after re-opening a route
TESB-31697 - Need select bcprov-jdk15on-1.65.jar from local which exists in .m2 while building a job that contains tRESTClient
TESB-31529 - cleanup Studio artifact sensitive parameters in contexts files during publish to Cloud [2]
TESB-32252 - Bundle is not compatible with this blueprint extender
TBD-10508 - [BUG]Compiler error if I use tPubSubOutput when I select Dataproc distirbution
TBD-11333 - snowflake table can't create if I specify a Date type
TBD-11748 - NPE when tExtractRegexFields has reject line
TBD-11760 - Compile error when I use tKinesisOuput if I select Databricks64 AWS
TBD-11821 - Compile error when enabled CSV option for tFileInputDelimited using Dataset
TBD-11883 - Hive sasl property enabled for Dataproc Hive Spark job
TBD-11936 - [7.2.1] talend tsqoop component printing password in log
TBD-11967 - resourceMap cannot be resolved with tDatapreprun after patch Patch20201023R2020-10_v1-7.3.1.zip
TBD-11971 - [7.3.1] Spark joblets keeps defaulting to HDFS even if S3 is selected
TBD-11987 - thbaseconnection configured with mapr 5.0 fails to compile with 731 R2020-12 patch
TBD-12027 - tDataprepRun - Spark local - missing json lib
TBD-12041 - BD job when executing using user impersonation fails with log4j2 permission denied
TBD-12056 - [7.3.1] Spark Databricks tDeltaLakeOutput component context issue
TBD-12068 - A mapreduce job with hbase component fails to compile after upgrading from 6.4 to 7.3
TUP-30069 - Open job with NPE and job which in folder disappeared
TDI-36042 - Component Framework :Salesforce: warning is not friendly when type in wrong userid/password/secret key
TDI-45124 - Additional blank lines inserted using tFTPPut toward a FTPS server
TDI-45322 - Values in Custom body fields in NetSuite are not return for InventoryTransfer transaction
TDI-45356 - Align httpclient and httpcore libraries in tcomp v0 components
TDI-45366 - CVE / axis jars
TDI-45385 - Update H2 to 1.4.198+
TDI-45260 - tFileInputPositional inappropriately handles CR(\r) as a row separator
TDI-45383 - tReplacelist not works well when replacing the special character of "|"
TDI-45386 - [TCK][Studio] ADLSGen2 is unable to run in the ESB runtime (OSGI Mode)
TDI-45440 - CVE on hibernate-core-3.6.10.Final.jar
TDI-45346 - tFileFetch shows error when receiving 202 response code
TDI-45355 - tSalesforceInput component fetches only batch size records for Big Objects
TDI-45265 - [7.3.1] Dynamic type with Delta lake
TDI-45404 - tFileOutputExcel component gives The maximum number of cell styles was exceeded error
TDI-45377 - [7.3.1] tGPGDecrypt issue - gpg: decryption failed: No secret key
TDI-45319 - tAzureAdlsGen2Output Get the error No FileSystem for scheme "file" when run the job on Remote Engine
TUP-29862 - CVE on hibernate-core-3.6.10.Final.jar
TUP-29548 - [7.3.1][R2020-10] dependency jar file renamed during maven build
TUP-29706 - "Ingres" "Interbase" "Informix" not support auto fill
TUP-29579 - Improvement for Saving jobs with joblets
TUP-29540 - Refreshing a Test case after modifying component on job is not taking affect automatically
TUP-29698 - Items may be reloaded during repository actions in git manual commit mode
TUP-29595 - Slow start of studio when install all additional packages
TUP-29590 - [7.3.1] R2020-11_v2 httpcore sometime not included tRunjob tHiveConnection and routine
TUP-29559 - Update H2 to 1.4.198+
TUP-29826 - When uncheck required module from Routines, routine will get compile error
TUP-29551 - Integrated Security using Windows Authentication in AMC not available
TUP-29672 - CVE / axis jars
TUP-29550 - "rename" button in the Job tab duplicates item in Pom file
TUP-30170 - [7.3.1] tHbaseInput error with R2020-11 or higher java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List
TDM-8252 - 7.2.1: Exceptions when using a bean with TDM
TDM-7556 - XML Sample importer should introspect more than one array item
TDM-8516 - Hikari DataSource and associated pool are not closed when route is stopped
TDM-8518 - TDM error - XPTY0004: An empty sequence is not allowed as the value in 'cast as' expression
TDM-6896 - Upgrade Saxon library to 9.9
TDM-8347 - Upgrade to org/codehaus/jackson 1.9.15-TALEND
TDM-8400 - Highlighting incorrect with hidden choice arrays
TDM-8423 - Security: upgrade hibernate dependency
TDM-8520 - right click/double click map doesn't work after closing all maps
TDM-8544 - Cleanup unused dependencies in com.oaklandsw.transform.runtime
TESB-31214 - Unable to utilize the Runtime datasource in DI Jobs with DB credentials blank (part 2)
TESB-31188 - LinkageError when resolving method "javax.xml.soap.SOAPPart.setContent(Ljavax/xml/transform/Source;)V"
TESB-30864 - There are errors in studio log when try to build microservice jar in route with ctalendjob + external jar
TESB-31436 - Route compilation error for missing org.apache.activemq
TESB-31293 - Some fixes in TESB-29553 cause performance issue
TESB-31231 - Workspace to be selected manually in Cloud Studio (TPS-4613)
TESB-24965 - Can't use context parameter inside cDelayer component
TESB-30685 - TRestClient call doesn't return anything when HTTP-202 and skip remaining rows
TESB-31307 - Need update guava related jars for CVE
TESB-31338 - Unable to initialize bean service org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Unable to initialize bean service (TPS-4602)
TESB-31444 - class org.apache.cxf.headers.Header cannot be cast to class org.apache.cxf.headers.Header
TESB-30030 - Config files in "esb" folder could not be patched
TESB-31068 - cRest doesn't accept value set in a bean class in the Endpoint field
TESB-31277 - After publish to cloud, job with context password fails with NullPointer exception
TDQ-19022 - Fixed errors on Axis jar
TDQ-19066 - Fixed errors on jackson-databind
TDQ-19069 - Fixed errors on jetty-http
TDQ-19072 - Fixed errors on Google Guava
TDQ-18850 - tDataMasking: Fixed error on Reject flow when masking several columns
TDQ-18919 - tDataMasking (Spark): Fixed the null pointer exception error
TDQ-18952 - Fixed error when moving a TDM resource
TBD-11377 - tBigQueryInput with source type set up as query couldn't be compiled after install patch R2020-09 of 7.3.1
TBD-11559 - Compile error on job with tRedShiftOutput using all data types
TBD-11597 - GCS Connector - used version is too old and does not work anymore since august 2020
TBD-11701 - Error when writing in parquet file snappy org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster- User class threw exception: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: ZSTD
TBD-11723 - NoClassDefFoundError when run a DI job that call a spark streaming job
TBD-11724 - Spark Job - tMap throwing java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
TBD-11757 - [Spark local 2.3 and below] "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Option 'dbtable' is required" error on 4 DBInput components
TBD-11772 - S3 component doesn't work on CDP 7.1.1
TBD-11815 - The header property in the tFileInputDelimited Component in the batch job does not get the value passed by the standard job
TBD-11818 - Two linked tMap in RDD cause compile error
TBD-11828 - Spark job fails with error java.sql.Date cannot be cast to java.sql.Timestamp
TBD-11864 - Empty code window in case of using tMap component in streaming job
TBD-11868 - CDP can not create new dynamic distributions
TBD-11683 Improve the performance of migration task UpdateRemovedHadoopVersion.java
TUP-29693 - [7.3.1] after the patch R2020-11V2 context variable in the tJDBCConfiguration stays as a string and not a context var
TUP-29366 - [bug] studio can rename alias to an existing name
TUP-29231 - Shared Studio: Check Exchange related functions after Exchange websevice issue resolved
TUP-29227 - Publish Artifact to TMC gives NPE at org.talend.core.model.context.JobContextParameter.sameAs
TUP-29359 - Error generating Audit Report: "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" when "CURSOR_SHARING" variable set to non-default value
TUP-29166 - Remove unnecessary redrawing of DecorationFigure
TUP-29072 - When renaming link (table) between teltinput and teltmap , the generated SQL query is not updated
TUP-28891 - Shared Studio: Check which functions will write data into folder "temp" of Studio installation folder from code
TUP-29358 - Performance: It takes more than 1 hour to show "Update Detection" after clicking "detect and update all jobs" icon in a special project
TUP-29090 - [7.2.1] Extra plus '+' signs in generated SQL
TUP-29130 - copy to branch not work
TUP-29157 - Cannot open job : Failed to create the part's controls / org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: null argument:Java project not found
TUP-29165 - Remove duplicated invokes of ProjectManager.isInCurrentMainProject
TUP-29011 - Improve performance of automerge conflicts analyzation
TUP-29420 - Studio crashing when selecting or opening studio git drop-down with huge tags & branches
TDI-45204 - Incorrect outline label for tFileFetch variable
TUP-29149 - Bug releate tPostgresInput
TUP-26486 - Can't quickly refresh the GUI when switch format
TUP-28314 - Talend Studio - Git Pull and Merge not showing branches
TUP-29300 - error thrown in error log when do copy to branch
TUP-29224 - [7.3.1] ELTMAP generate wrong SQL When dragging multiple columns at the same time
TUP-29383 - DBInput component miss delta lake when use TDI.license
TUP-29368 - [SingleStore]Mapping file missing for metadata when install new monthly 11 patch
TUP-29344 - Local context variables of new context envs inherited from Metadata Connection are read-only
TUP-29391 - "Save As" loses changes in the studio
TUP-28657 - Wrong behavior while Job Setting project config to choose From Database
TDI-45182 - NetSuiteV2019: Align CXF version to 3.3.7 and check missing Woodstox dependency
TDI-44989 - Broken key for error message for tDatasetInput\Output
TDI-45159 - An input box won't show up in tAzureSynapseBulkExec's advanced settings
TDI-45232 - The job fails with NoSuchFieldError: SIGNING_REGION
TDI-45224 - Review/Update tJasper* components dependencies
TDI-44244 - AzureDLSgen2 TaCoKit: make service stateless
TDI-45162 - [Studio] For the tELTPostgresql and tETLTeradata component, the JDBC driver is imported in the tELT* Otuput
TDI-45089 - [7.2.1] File excel metadata from user mode to event mode : date field doesn't work as expected
TDI-45211 - Unable to get the binary document if query type is DocumentID
TDI-45011 - More work needs to be done regarding TDI-44340 (Values in Custom body fields in NetSuite are not return)
TDI-45146 - tJDBCConnection details are not showing up in the Log even in debug level
TDI-45160 - Invalid argument exception while unzipping files with special characters using tFileunarchive
TDI-45167 - tFileDelete not working on modified Excel files
TDI-45207 - tSnowflakeBulkExec copy command option does not work with skip_header=0 statement
TDI-45228 - Demo dataset does not load correctly in DI job
TDI-45006 - [Microsoft CRM] Using "Like" in Conditions Operator of tMicrosoftCRMInput, produces a compilation error
TDI-45161 - Dynamic Schema with Parallelization enabled throwing error for tFileOutputDelimited
TDI-45193 - Dynamic schema with parallel for tFileInputPositionnal
TDI-44856 - tsalesforceoutput throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -4
TDI-45243 - Update XStream to 1.4.14
TDI-45135 - File contents are mixed when two(or more) components are trying to concurrently write into the same file.
TDI-45331 - Exit code for SSH component is not working as expected
TDI-45310 - [7.3.1] job compilation error introduced in Sep and Oct patch
TDI-45227 - talendStats_STATSProcess Error about ELTComponents and Stat&Log tables creation
TDI-45156 - tDynamoDBOutput performance slow
TDI-45147 - tGSCopy component -not copying file in correct path mentioned in target folder.
TESB-31086 - tESBConsumer behaves unusual with Cloud DI and DI license
TESB-31128 - Talend 731 Regression : VIEW with quotes give compilation error for Camel components
TESB-30734 - Ci-builder of route calling Job failing
TESB-31062 - tJDBCInput issue using datasource
TESB-31234 - context variables corresponding to TMC connections are not cleaned up in Studio during publish to Cloud
TESB-28488 - CVE: spring-webmvc:5.1.4.RELEASE
TESB-28489 - CVE: spring-web:5.1.4.RELEASE
TESB-29869 - Update Camel Swagger UI version
TESB-29870 - Update Camel Kafka version
TESB-29946 - Close streams after calling getResourceAsStream in generated code
TESB-30068 - Update MQTT client library
TESB-30096 - Update Camel AMQP Netty version to 4.1.48.Final
TESB-30158 - Update Snakeyaml to 1.26
TESB-30165 - Update Karaf jars in Studio
TESB-30792 - Upgrade maven plugins
TESB-30795 - (Studio) Update Cryptacular version
TESB-31116 - CVE on jsch-0.1.53.jar
TESB-31179 - Update XStream to 1.4.14
TDM-8479 - Not able to view the structure in data mapper from XSD
TDM-8269 - Combination of is null and is present Functions
TDM-8455 - Structure/map can't open after rename Structure/map
TDM-8253 - Improve XSD importer so that it can filter out complex elements
TDM-8338 - Beans or Routines can't be compiled immediately when you open a map at first time after importing a project
TDM-8341 - XSD Importer creates invalid element for xml:lang
TDM-8372 - XML Schema importer should not create Anonymous_Any/Any elements
TDM-8377 - Mapping:Structures under folder can't show after open close structure
TDM-8384 - Improve Show Document performance for large XSD Structures
TDM-8421 - test run map with Beans is failed in remote project-local mode after switch branch
TDM-8450 - Support duplicate member names
TDM-8469 - bigdata jobs fails with spark 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2
TDI-44873 - cve - bump olingo/odata to v4.7.1 for Microsoft CRM input/output
TBD-9090 - Different appearance for tS3Configuration in Spark Batch & Spark Streaming
TBD-10975 - Compiler error when spark stream job use tFileInputJson or tAvroInput
TBD-11038 - The distribution AMAZONEMR with the version APACHE240_EMR doesn't exist
TBD-11073 - tFileOutputDelimited with BigDecimal and Date: different output for the same input
TBD-11100 - Need to upload jar antlr4-runtime-4.7.1-6.0.0.jar to our official nexus.
TBD-11376 - Resource Manager exception during check services on MapR 6.1 MEP 6.1.1
TBD-11380 - [chore] Add latest Spark versions for Custom Spark distribution
TBD-11492 - [Spark Local 2.4, Spark Streaming] "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.disableStrictHostnameVerification()V" on File components with job using tS3Configuration component
TBD-11537 - Compile error on tTeradataOutput, tJDBCOutput, tMysqlOutput, tOracleOutput components with byte[] data type
TBD-11584 - Incorrect httpcore jar version is required by tS3Configuration component in Spark Local 2.0 - 2.2 jobs
TBD-11588 - treatConnectionForDummyMap NullPointerException
TBD-11591 - "NullPointerException" when the data contains null for the groupby column in tAggregateRow in spark batch job
TBD-11592 - spark-streaming-kafka-0-10-assembly_2.11-2.4.0.jar Maven URI is wrong
TBD-11656 - [7.3.1] Spark Streaming Job tHBaseOutput fails to compile when Kerberos used
TBD-11663 - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Level
TBD-11675 - [7.3.1] DataProc Spark Hive Job fails with error java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
TBD-11686 - ClassNotFoundException show in error log after logon studio
TBD-11687 - Cannot download AWS jars after applying patch 7.3.1-R2020-11
TBD-11703 - "No enum constant org.talend.hadoop.distribution.ESparkVersion.SPARK30" error on opening job / code generation if job contains Snowflake Input/output components
TBD-11719 - Wrong distribution version in imported jobs in tHiveConnection
TBD-11726 - [TUJ] Serialization issue with tAggregateRow
TBD-11727 - [TUJ] Missing parquet-hadoop-bundle-1.6.0.jar for parquet in streaming and local 2.1
TBD-11729 - unable to run Spark built-in after install Patch20201120R2020-11_v2-7.3.1.zip
TBD-11732 - tHiveCreateTable - Untick "Set Application Name" creates compilation error
TBD-11738 - [7.3.1] tAggregate: Error on GroupBy Null Boolean field
TBD-11743 - Compile error on tKinesisInputAvro component with Spark 2.4 (Local)
TDQ-18396 - Fixed the Jersey Media JAXB issue
TDQ-18398 - Fixed the Jodd Core issue
TDQ-18399 - Fixed the jsoup Java HTML Parser issue
TDQ-18401 - Fixed LZ4 and xxHash issues
TDQ-18962 - Fixed the XStream Core issue
TDQ-18897 - Fixed Apache HttpComponents HttpClient issues
TDQ-18874 - Upgraded and removed jars from Elasticsearch plugin
TDQ-18489 - tDataShuffling: Fixed the compile error in Apache Spark Batch Jobs
TDQ-18817 - tMatchGroup: Fixed the error on contexts support in Confidence Weight field
TDQ-18852 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the error preventing from running a Job with two analyses with different metadata
TDQ-18960 - tDqReportRun: Fixed the error preventing from running a Job when one of the analyses fails
TDQ-18976 - Fixed the error preventing from creating DI Jobs in Business rule analysis
TDQ-18799 - tPersonator: Updated the case of the setting names
TDQ-18953 - tDbInput: Encryption of null values with tDataEncrypt
TDQ-19012 - tDataMasking: Fixed the compile error preventing from using some values in Seed for random generator field
TBD-11703 - "No enum constant org.talend.hadoop.distribution.ESparkVersion.SPARK30" error on opening job / code generation if job contains Snowflake Input/output components
TESB-31177 - Compile error if configure 'Use Custom GroupId' for parent job
TUP-29360 - Missing log4j2 jar on user routines
TUP-29290 - "Detect and Update all jobs " is not identifying the changes in imported projects.
TUP-29265 - "<routine_name> cannot be resolved" error after installing latest R2020-10 patch
TUP-28852 - Keytab fields missing for impala metadata
TUP-29121 - Add a way to force maven online in commandline
TUP-29164 - Remove unnecessary invokes of checkStartNodes
TUP-29208 - Add warning in module installation dialog when can't connect to user libraries repository.
TUP-29183 - Backport TUP-26278:Metadata - Automatically renames a schema without warning (replaces "." with "_")
TUP-29170 - SWTBOT:Can't use library path to install JDBC driver
TUP-28893 - Support more types of artifact for share libs
TUP-29131 - Spark job use a jdbc component from metadata do now store jar as mvn uri in item file
TUP-29301 - Can't open compare editor for Project Settings conflict
TUP-29285 - Improve reloading logic of Custom Uri Mapping
TDQ-18826 - tDqReportRun requires to manually download a lot of jars if it's Impala report
TUP-28978 - should not show the jar name with timestamp when search remote
TUP-28979 - Routine: jar name should consistent with the custom mvn uri that you customized
TUP-28828 - Add a migration task to handle maven uri for MODULE_LIST
TUP-28846 - Export Type Dropdown is empty when publishing Big Data Batch jobs job into Artifact Repository for Talend Studio 7.2 and 7.3
TUP-28983 - Can't switch to another version on Impala connection
TUP-28945 - For Snowflake connection, the tDBConnection which is displayed in the joblet (in tDBInput) is not retained in the job from where the joblet is invoked
TUP-29039 - Studio compile error when use delta lake(context mode) schema
TUP-28904 - [7.3.1] CI/CD build for DI jobs that contain 2 different versions of httpcore and httpclient are inconsistent with Studio build
TUP-26868 - xmlMapping file are not correctly add to class path in debug mode
TUP-28934 - JDBC connection created under folder can not generate the all the components for jdbc when drag to job
TDI-44935 - Logger doesnt take the full query as single string in toraclerow component
TDI-44087 - Align XStream version for Bonita components
TDI-44747 - Unable to execute partial update on a Couchbase JSON Document if a null value is included in the incoming data
TDI-45015 - tFileInputMail retrieve attachment - very slow
TUP-28800 - Signature:MDM: Exported project containing a default MDM item without signature
TDI-45068 - Can not resolve messages for DataPrepConnectionHandler
TDI-45023 - Update tJasper* components to use Apache POI v.4.1.2
TDI-45054 - tFileOutputExcel errors when protected checkbox is checked
TDI-44941 - tFTPPut : Not able to Rename file in destination sftp server using tFtpPut by using regular expression.
TDI-44523 - CVE:c3p0:JDBC DataSources/Resource Pools
TDI-45098 - tHttpRequest shows an error when receiving HTTP response 201/202
TDI-45062 - tFileCopy changes the last modified timestamp for Unix .SH
TDI-45020 - tJIRAInput does not return data, where as the tREST does return data correctly
TDI-44997 - Redshift components has compile error for sepcial manual query
TDI-44924 - tFileFetch not validating SSL on https calls
TDI-44622 - The mvn path for talend-bonita-client is wrong
TDI-44004 - Update CXF to 3.3.7 due to CVE-2020-1954
TDI-44993 - tS3Get performance issue using multipart target to EFS/NAS
TDI-44685 - Close streams after calling getResourceAsStream in generated code
TDI-44686 - Fix potential NPE in component_begin.javajet
TDI-44985 - ObjectId data type getting inserted as string in tmongodboutput
TDI-44994 - CVE: google-oauth-client:1.27.0
TESB-30722 - Flow Count issue in Talend 7.3.1 After applying the Latest Patch (R202008 and R202009))
TESB-30649 - can't export route, NPE show in error log
TESB-30661 - Wrong artifact version of the job called by a route
TESB-30691 - Incorrect Route version in Runtime after sequential publish from Studio
TESB-29553 - Publishing a route with cTalendJob from Studio and commandline gives different results
TDM-8325 - Talend Data Mapper job not working as expect after upgrade to 7.3
TDM-8431 - tHMapInput fails with org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser for MapR 61
TDM-8365 - Studio Attempted to beginRule: R/, does not match outer scope rule for Data Mapper
TDM-8409 - tHMap with payload output of HL7V2 representation has an NPE execution error
TDM-8419 - tDatamasking component fails at runtime when tHMap is also present in the same job
TDM-8359 - Warning about overflow is incorrect for negative Cobol numbers
TDQ-18550 - The Generate account number and keep original country function supports alphabetical characters in the output
TDQ-18613 - Fixed the error on the Generate account number and keep original country function preventing it from working for some countries
TDQ-18730 - Fixed the error on the Generate account number and keep original country function preventing it from working when adding a space at the end of a US account number
TDQ-18861 - Fixed the error when running a report with many columns
TDQ-18866 - tBatchAddressRowCloud (Loqate): Fixed the error when using password with special characters
TDQ-18881 - Datamart: Improved the migration check mechanism
TDQ-18812 - tDataEncrypt/tDataDecrypt: Fixed the error on the password that was not hidden in the generated code
TDQ-18843 - Updated BeanUtils to 1.9.4
TDQ-18909 - tDataMasking: Fixed the error when using String data type in Seed for random generator
TDQ-18857 - tFirstNameMatch: Fixed the TUJ error
TDQ-17694 - Fixed the errors on Data Mapper for Jackson
TDQ-18384 - Fixed the error on Apache Ant Core
TDQ-18387 - Fixed the error on Apache FontBox
TDQ-18390 - Fixed the errors on Apache Zookeeper server
TDQ-18392 - Fixed the error on Google Guava
TDQ-18393 - Fixed the errors on HTTP Client
TDQ-18406 - Fixed the error on Xerces2 J
TBD-10922 - Compile error on spark job with several tFileOutputXML
TBD-11216 - KMS key id field should not be displayed for AES 256 encryption
TBD-11378 - tHiveInput in DI has authentication type for all distributions
TBD-11382 - Inconsistent behavior of job execution for EMR 5.29
TBD-11395 - TWriteJsonField component incorrectly converts byte[] data type into JSON structure
TBD-11399 - EMR 5.29 Sqoop job fails with Parquet file format
TBD-11446 - tFileOutputDelimited migration issue with csv options
TBD-11454 - tDBFSGet:Can't get file from dbfs to local directory
TBD-11463 - intermittent java.lang.VerifyError: Stack map does not match the one at exception handler xx
TBD-11476 - [7.3.1] Multiple Parquet files in tFileInputParquet component
TBD-11481 - After applied the 7.3.1 path log4j1 routine dependency use wrong log4j version(log4j2)
TBD-11484 - [7.3.1] After Migration from 7.0.1 to 7.3.1 Methode BigDataParseUtils.parseTo_int
TBD-11517 - Compile error on Byte[] and Char data types on Spark job with tSQLRow component
TBD-11521 - tHDFSCopy throwing compilation error when 'Copy Merge' option is checked.
TBD-11527 - Compilation error in (7.3.1 studio) with OnSubJobOk on tFileInputXml (Spark Batch)
TBD-11529 - tMap compatibility issue - tRowGenerator in Big Data Batch
TBD-11534 - Spark job fails when there is more than one character in field separator - MapR 61
TBD-11543 - spark job + tHMap produces 0 byte output - post patch R2020-10
TBD-11544 - Spark Streaming Local Spark with tKafkaInputAvro fails to compile
TBD-11549 - java.io.InvalidClassException: org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser issue still exists after applying R2020-10 patch
TBD-11560 - Failed to run spark batch job with CDH6.1 lightweight on Linux
TBD-11561 - spark job with tHMapInput component fails intermittently
TBD-11572 - tFileInputDelimited reading a field separator STX (\u0002) with default value define in schema will throw an java.lang.NullPointerException
TBD-11599 - Remove default setup to maven for spark.sql.hive.metastore.jars prop
TBD-11601 - Spark streaming job has a compile error when job design with tFileInputXML on EMR529
TBD-11623 - aws accesskey and secret key are shown as paintext when spark job use redshif and s3 components
TBD-11632 - java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.lang.Character
TBD-11663 - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Level
TBD-11674 - tOracleInput component doesn't have Query field
TBD-11486 - Merge result to a single file doesn't work on ADLSGen1 storage
TBD-11487 - Incorrect jars are requested while adding new CDH 6.1.1 metadata and click "Check Services" button
TBD-11447 - Wrong rowSeparator value when csv option is used
TBD-11440 - tHDFSConnection not works with MapR 6.1.0(YARN mode)
TBD-11388 - Compilation error with MapRDBOutput component
TBD-11369 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataInputStream
TBD-11355 - Use custom classpath is not taken into account when lightweight is used
TBD-11329 - Generated code empty with tUnite being used in Spark streaming job
TBD-11326 - "R2020-07: ""Failed to generate code"" error when Spark job uses tFileInputFullRow--OnSubjobOK--tJava"
TBD-11316 - Compilation issue in MapR 61 BD streaming job - MEP 6.1.0
TBD-11313 - "java.io.InvalidClassException: org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateParser;"
TBD-11309 - [7.3.1] Spark Batch Job HDI keeps defaulting tAzureFSConfiguration for every component even if not checked
TBD-11251 - tFileInputDelimited (BD Batch) - Context Value in Header property is ignored
TBD-11250 - "Job with tS3Component fails on HDP3.1 distribution when ""Assume role"" is chosen"
TBD-11231 - [7.3.1] Build job containing tHDFSCopy component misses httpcore and httpclient jars
TBD-11202 - Use S3 bucket policy name is displayed incorrectly in streaming job
TBD-11167 - Issue on tFileInputDelimited in Big Data Batch - Error when using context variable in Field Separator with Reject link
TBD-11154 - Issue with precision in tHiveOutput
TBD-11127 - tFileOutputDelimited output is not the same from 6.3.1 and 7.3.1
TBD-11119 - tHiveInput with DataProc 1.4 in DI: no rows retrieved
TBD-10855 - tExtractJsonFields: compile error with byte array
TBD-10072 - tHiveOutput metastore note isn't hidden after Append changed to Overwrite
TBD-9987 - ClassNotFoundException when I run tHbaseLookupInput on spark streaming job
TBD-5879 - Missing label for tDynamoDBConfiguration when selecting Use Endpoint
TBD-5167 - tBigQueryInput project label should same as tBigQueryConfiguration
TUP-28066 - MicroSoftCRMInput&Output:The system is attempting to engage a module that is not available: addressing
TUP-28612 - [TCK] Guess Schema button run the subjob instead of calling discover schema method
TUP-28903 - NPE exception when clicking on context
TUP-28659 - Change crypto-utils to use release version instead of snapshot for routines
TUP-27076 - Unable to connect to codecommit GIT after the first login.
TUP-28603 - Export item missing signature
TUP-25171 - Issue when using components inside Joblet
TUP-27601 - NPE when try to copy-paste database component inside the job
TUP-28664 - When opening the Cloud DataPreparation view within the Studio it fails
TUP-28776 - Remove logging of missing jar
TUP-27356 - Sybase/exasol/built-in display issues for tCreateTable
TUP-28778 - "java.lang.ClassCastException" thrown in error log when d&d Input/Output/Trigger Input/Trigger Output from Palette into joblet
TUP-28783 - Schema Reverts Back to Built-in from Repository in tDBSCD
TUP-28311 - Illegal argument exception while retrieving bapi in metadata and running it
TUP-28618 - [Bug] db type dont show Delta in impact page
TUP-27849 - CVE:pgdjbc Postgresql-jre7
TUP-28952 - Avoid NPE when delete items from recycle bin in product without ESB
TUP-29012 - If I open spark job before di job, on di job run tab I can see spark configuration tab
TUP-29024 - Open project setting always warn connection is updated for stat&logs.
TUP-29022 - Studio always pop up detection shell if use JDBC connection in job setting
TUP-28944 - Issue with performance tracking with french locale
TDI-44798 - Job gets stuck Intermittently - if one of the flow fails in tparallelize
TDI-44911 - Dynamic column with excel offset issue in tFileInputExcel
TDI-44726 - Missing some necessary parameters in TalendDate.isDateStrict
TDI-44771 - PreJob (in multithread mode) failing but exit code = 0 showing in studio
TDI-44568 - Update poi related jar 4.1.0 to 4.1.2 which contains fix regarding OOM for tFileOutputExcel
TDI-44883 - Capture component "ERROR_MESSAGE" when 'Die on error' is disabled
TDI-44880 - Questions related to Global variable functioning with Die on error
TDI-44868 - tGSPut unable to upload large file size more than 1GB
TDI-44962 - Job fails with Stream closed exception when executed on Job server
TDI-44937 - TalendDate.formatDateLocale()gives random value for FR country code in java 11
TDI-44825 - JDBC can't store component properties properly
TDI-44893 - tSoap components doesn't returning a fault message
TDI-44839 - CVE:pgdjbc Postgresql-jre7
TDI-44957 - [7.3.1] tSSH timeout after 600 seconds with R2020-08 or R2020-09
TDI-43985 - [TDS Components] Inconsistencies on resetting parameters when the campaign change
TDI-44866 - mscrm 2011 fails with java 11
TDI-44896 - tGreenplumGPLoad component always shows NBLINES=0
TDI-44897 - tGreenplumGPLoad: add exit code to the outline
TDI-44934 - tCosmosdbInput component throw exception with wildcard text index
TESB-29857 - Commandline issue with -g option
TESB-29516 - cRest try to unmarshall POJO array to InputStream
TESB-29825 - [7.3.1] CI build fails to build SOAP services with -pl option
TESB-30623 - Data service job bundles built via CI contain empty routines library jar
TESB-30427 - Unable to utilize the Runtime datasource in DI Jobs with DB credentials blank
TESB-30136 - "javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed;"
TESB-30713 - [7.3.1] ClassNotFoundException when deploy DemoRESTRoute to runtime
TDM-8363 - Map isn't working after R2020-09 patch installation (Error: Input to cast cannot be atomized)
TDM-8364 - TDM IO WriteURL broken
TDM-8318 - Cobol Reader should silently truncate records with VB option
TDM-8322 - Avro Export XML Attributes for primitive types
TDM-8326 - Cobol Reader stops on 0xFF values with Variable Blocked format
TDM-7780 - Result is incorrect when map attributes from xml to json
TDM-7781 - Result is incorrect when map attributes from xml to flat
TDM-8189 - Sort expression is ignored when a loop expression uses the DISTINCT property
TDM-8217 - Warning should not be issued for BTS and FTS segments
TDM-8293 - highlight is not right when show document for json with null element or invisible group
TDM-8301 - TDM doesn't work with Mysql 8
TDM-8327 - NumberFormatException when running an imported project with a Map rep on the output map element
TDM-8335 - distinct sort is not right after test run
TDQ-18824 - CVE: Upgraded the PostgreSQL JDBC driver to the latest version for tPostgresqlInvalidRows and tPostgresqlValidRows
TDQ-18748 - tDqReportRun: Fixed context issues in the Report filenames field
TDQ-18765 - tMultiPatternCheck: Fixed the issue on Date format
TDQ-18795 - tBRMS and Synonym Index: Fixed the issue when sharing the Studio
TDQ-18784 - tPersonator: Permanently enabled the Basic setting from Address Output Groups
TDQ-18844 - Updated the Apache POI related jars to 4.1.2
TBD-11144 - Compile error when spark batch job use tFileInputJson, tAvroInput, or tFileInputXML
TBD-11222 - cdh6.1.1: ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream
TBD-11184 - [CDH633] Kudu table is not created with tKuduOutput
TBD-11134 - Compiler error when spark job use tUniqRow
TBD-10463 - [BUG]Can't generate code if spark streaming job use tKafkaInputAvro
TBD-11203 - [Spark Streaming] Runtime Exception "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found" on tS3Configuration component using s3a Filesystem
TBD-11046 - Kafka spark big data streaming doesn't work well
TBD-10983 - Could not initialize class org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory while connecting to hive in http mode
TBD-11174 - Class not found Log4jFactory
TBD-10885 - [7.3.1] change between Talend 7.0.1 and 7.3.1 in the management of columns of type "DATE" in files in "parquet" format when using a tFileOutputParquet component
TBD-11103 - Spark job doesn't work under CDP7.1.x with kerberos
TBD-10845 - [7.3.1] EMR Spark job 5.29 gives error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xbean/asm6/ClassVisitor
TBD-10953 - tFixedFlowInput: NPE happens if byte[] is null
TBD-11093 - tJDBCOutput doesn't pick up context written in tJava
TBD-10291 - HDP 3.1: bad parquet package make job failed to compile
TBD-10857 - Build job get COMPILATION ERROR
TBD-11181 - [Spark Local 2.4] Runtime exception on job with tS3Configuration using s3a filesystem
TBD-11324 - Compile error on Spark Streaming job with tKafkaAvroInput component
TBD-11248 - cdh6: compile issue with tKuduInput
TBD-11274 - CDH: Can't compile job from TUJ / CI Auto te
TUP-28617 - Need download commons-codec-1.14.jar while running a job which contains tWebServiceInput
TUP-28096 - Error show when open/close jobs after 'Refactor to Spark Joblet' in MR job
TUP-27268 - I couldn't create a structure under a git child branch
TUP-28682 - Connection info missing when create dataset for tck components
TUP-28063 - Improve studio bundles reloading logic
TUP-28628 - Detection of update of project blocked in case of wrong item
TUP-28576 - Reference projects routine POM file is modified and can't be committed to GIT
TUP-28487 - Long time spent to save context links when import
TUP-28316 - Left git related issues checked with support
TUP-28258 - tETLInput and tETLMap does not show datatypes for Snowflake DB on Import Metadata
TUP-28372 - Modules Tab is not updated when switching branches
TUP-26341 - Talend Token Collector doesn't work with http/https proxy
TUP-28370 - NPE show in error log after logon if there is conflict
TUP-27820 - context group with same key causing the issue
TUP-28419 - Sync patch m2 jars should not be done after TCK server startup
TUP-28324 - Avoid pom resolution for studio artifacts
TUP-28134 - TCK Components shown as hidden by default in the palette settings
TUP-28308 - build error and joblet maven xml file has incorrect values and Couldn't parse data error message
TDI-44439 - tJDBCSCDELT with mysql: Drop table if exists and create fail when table exist already
TDI-44063 - Update xercesImpl:2.4.0
TUP-28078 - metadata folder generated under .../poms/jobs when create new connection in remote project
TUP-28331 - TDatasetInput CSRF token method follow redirection
TUP-28085 - Error while compiling a Kafka component with Big Data studio
TUP-28440 - iterate subprocess generator does not take into account test cases entirely
TDI-44889 - Can't create metadata (Wizard) if Value validation failed and ActiveIf hides property
TDI-44164 - Execution failed for tacokit component via Job Server or Remote Engine
TDI-44174 - ComponentManager is not thread safe
TDI-44387 - [CVE] Remove log4j dependency from components-dataprep
TDI-31162 - tOracleOutput components fails in DataViewer when clicking "Use datasource alias"
TDI-44748 - Error in method "add" for the component tFileOutputMSXML
TDI-44743 - Issue when using a password protected workbook
TDI-44654 - tFTPConnection data session is closed when FTPS is used
TDI-44765 - guava jar files conflict when using tBigQueryXXX component
TDI-44803 - tFileInputMail can't export attachment from a specific email
TDI-44795 - Salesforce query using toLabel() in query mode = "Bulk" fails with error
TDI-44846 - Compilation error on SSH component about port
TDI-44858 - update sap transport resource in studio
TDI-44698 - tSnowflakeBulkExec component doesn't truncate data
TDI-44691 - tSAPDataSourceReceiver doesn't work with JDK 11
TDI-44855 - SSH component appends new line to the output
TDI-44826 - tRunjob does not provide complete details in resuming logs
TDI-44759 - tTeradataTPTExec "Define Log table" option missing
TESB-30102 - API documentation bridge add wrong subdomain (Azure)
TESB-29963 - MQ Dependency issues in Runtime
TESB-29980 - Issue of tsendemail component deployed in runtime with attachment
TESB-29895 - run route with saxon component in studio returns error
TESB-29786 - Problems using groovy.json
TESB-29819 - Studio doesn't select model beans during exporting
TESB-30055 - Package jar "failureaccess-1.0.1.jar" in the build whenever guava-27.0.1-android.jar is included due to dependency
TDI-44714 - Deprecate for tPetals components
TDI-44394 - tAzureStorageGet Target Need to be Configurable
TDI-44807 - [OBSERVABILITY] : initialize moment only when necessary
TDI-44678 - tFileOutputXML produces file even tho no values are passed to it
TDI-44760 - TMomOutput not changing the value of the queue
TDI-43729 - Update Tika version to 1.24.1
TDI-44386 - [CVE] - Update Talend Proxy version
TDI-44745 - FileInputDelimited fails to properly consume CipherInputStream
TDI-44671 - [Studio] CosmosSQLAPI and AzureAdlsGen2 cannot work together with Snowflake in Java 11
TDI-44145 - Update Commons Codec to 1.13+
TDM-8225 - cMap throws classcastException and not able to map a property from java bean
TDM-8307 - High memory usage by TDMEndpoint class in Runtime
TDM-8164 - tHMap is exceeding the 65535 bytes limit,00184134
TDM-8260 - NPE when mapping to JSON with attributes
TDM-8264 - Cannot see the correct trees for Hierarchical Mapper section in Studio after importing them into a branch
TDM-8268 - Bug Data Mapper - StringLength function
TDM-8203 - add the bufferedReaderFromBOMInputSource to the csv importer
TDM-8207 - AgConcat automatic generation should not add a single index filter
TDM-8251 - Avro exporter throws AvroRuntimeException: Duplicate field Attributes
TDM-8261 - RightAlign function can't save "field max length" value when run DI job
TDM-8263 - CSV Writer fails if Structure contains XML Attributes on primitives
TDQ-18736 - Improved the migration check for 7.3 monthly releases
TDQ-18542 - tMatchGroup (t-swoosh): Fixed the computation error when using two match rules
TDQ-18623 - Profiling perspective: Fixed the error when importing a 7.2 context-based connection to 7.3
TDQ-18666 - Hive database: Fixed the error caused by switching contexts when saving the database connection
TDQ-18709 - Joblet: Fixed the error on contexts when using the Joblet in a Standard Job
TDQ-18740 - dom4j updated to 2.1.3
TDQ-18164 - Spark tDataMasking: Fixed the error that was masking values by the same value when "Seed for random generator" is enabled
TUP-26138 - Unexpected character ('<' (code 60)): was expecting double-quote to start field name
TUP-28295 - UI Problem of TCOMPV0 in 731 Release + Aug. Nightly Build Patch
TUP-28009 - Dependency is dropped on creating new version
TUP-28002 - Share Library errors show in error log after logging into remote project
TUP-27590 - Relationship.index might get really big
TUP-27814 - Talend Studio taking long time than normal for launching
TUP-27812 - CVE:Bouncy Castle JSSE provider and TLS/DTLS API
TUP-27447 - [7.2.1] Unable to build a project with a project reference
TUP-27374 - [7.2.1] Commandline doesn''t pick up the correct JVM arguments
TUP-28338 - [7.3.1]configuring Implicit tContextLoad in the job Goes on error after installing the patch 07_2020
TBD-10885 - [7.3.1] change between Talend 7.0.1 and 7.3.1 in the management of columns of type "DATE" in files in "parquet" format when using a tFileOutputParquet component
TBD-11114 - [Spark Batch] "java.lang.Boolean is not a valid external type for schema of decimal(38,18)" runtime exception on tHiveOutput component with all data types in schema
TBD-11103 - Spark job doesn't work under CDP7.1.x with kerberos
TBD-10924 - The operator != is undefined for the argument type(s) double, null
TBD-10977 - [Spark 21, HDP260] java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Cannot infer type for class org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.Vector because it is not bean-compliant
TBD-10983 - Could not initialize class org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory while connecting to hive in http mode
TBD-11040 - Unable to build BD Streaming job
TBD-11052 - Compilation error with migrated job
TBD-11078 - [7.3.1] Spark Batch Job fails to compile when using MapRDBInput component
TBD-9565 - java.lang.ClassCastException on tSqoopMerge component
TBD-10621 - ClassNotFound/NoSuchMethod on Hive components on HDP 3.1
TBD-10878 - Spark UI interface problem (org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.service)
TBD-10954 - tFileOutputDelimited applies trim operation but shouldn't
TBD-10957 - tFileInputPositional with reject flow only: correct rows are going to reject
TBD-11055 - tKuduOutput has compilation error while selecting Dynamic Distribution CDH 6.3.3
TBD-11097 - tMap:Cannot resolve column that type is designed as Long type
TBD-11016 - Disable KMS key id for emr 5.15 and s3a filesystem in spark batch
TUP-27776 - Can't build job from CI (missing jar dependency)
TUP-27926 - Invalid SQL syntax when adding CDC for a MSSQL based source table
TUP-27953 - tSalesforceInput component displays in-job tSalesforceConnection incorrectly
TUP-27609 - Maven option -Dpatch.path not working when -Dgeneration.type=local is used
TUP-28221 - CLONE - Remove linefeed character from messages_fr.properties file
TDI-43606 - JdbcInput Mysql dynamic schema throws an exception which disappearing with change component state
TDI-41286 - tSnowflakeOutput --> Custom DB type = True, but no column choosed. It will throw error "java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List"
TDI-44497 - [Snowflake]'Upsert key column' list should be from DB columns
TDI-44498 - tSnowflakeInput can't retrive data without manual query when column name is Japanese
TDI-44362 - Remove commons logging from some components
TDI-44517 - tSnowflakeBulkExec can't retrieve schema.
TDI-44400 - NPE exception with BigqueryBulkExec
TDI-44457 - JDBCSCDELT:type2 doesn't work as expected when use mysql
TDI-44538 - tSAPODPInput remove unsupported select group operator "Contains pattern"
TDI-44552 - tDBOutput(Snowflake) 7.1.1 to 7.3.1 migration issue
TDI-44481 - CVE: commons-beanutils:commons-beanutils:1.9.3
TDI-44486 - tGSPut/tGSList/tGSGet : Error if "+" in filename : SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided
TDI-44192 - Update dom4j to 2.1.3
TDI-44614 - tMongoDBOutput1Out java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.String
TDI-44512 - tMicrosoftCRMOutput validate lookup update extremely slow in 731
TDI-44643 - NPE exception on tWaitForSQLData with snowflake connection
TUP-27710 - studio with GIT autocrlf setting
TUP-27989 - Git related issues checked with support
TDM-6619 - Mapper bundles in state 'Failure' after deployment
TDM-8172 - Problem with Talend Studio 7.2.1 and WSDL + tHMap
TDM-8209 - Fail to publish runtime TDM artifacts by commandline with NPE error
TDM-8210 - Unable to MAP HL7 with CSV
TDM-8104 - Provide a way to rebuild project properties file
TDM-8157 - JSON: problem to import json file containing BOM
TDM-8173 - AgConcat imported from 6.4.1 to 7.2.1 looses Fixed loop expressions
TDM-8198 - Export more packages in org.talend.transform.saxonpe.osgi
TDM-8214 - tuj job tdmTDM7663trunjobtriggerBDjob is failed on build 20200722_1939
TESB-29645 - NPE is thrown when route with 2 cRest components one of which has service locator enabled is deployed into runtime
TESB-29613 - Many unexpected open connections at same time to AMQ
TESB-29278 - Swagger UI not getting updated
TESB-29126 - Specifying a SimpleAuthorizingFilter in a cRest component does not work anymore
TESB-29284 - Error occurred when execute a microservice jar which is built by a tresrequest job with embedded trestclient job
TESB-29285 - Error occurred when build a microservice jar which contains a tresrequest job with embedded trestclient job for the first time
TESB-29751 - Not support RPC style operations when configuring cSOAP
TESB-29866 - When using CI to build MS need to execute twice to get the correct result
TESB-29457 - the different behavior after migration when the response code is 202
TESB-29903 - ClassCastException: net.minidev.json.JSONArray
TDQ-18628 - Azure Synapse Analytics: fixed the error on schema level
TDQ-18621 - Indicator Selection dialog box: fixed the display error caused by a long column name
TDQ-18584 - dom4j updated to 2.1.3
TDQ-18661 - tMatchGroup: Fixed errors when using a PostgreSQL dababase and the tDBInput component
TDQ-18558 - Google phone number library: upgraded to the most recent versions
TESB-28271 - VMSpringDemo will not run in Runtime without activemq-camel feature installation
TESB-29957 - CI Fail to publish Microservice Route with Prometheus param to cloud
TUP-27934 - impala metadata not in sync with the impala component
TESB-29645 - NPE is thrown when route with 2 cRest components one of which has service locator enabled is deployed into runtime
TUP-27697 - Studio throw NPE error when drag json item to job
TESB-29984 - cMQConnectionFactory require incorrect jar
TESB-29935 - Default Camel dependencies is not getting updated from Talend Studio 7.2.1 to 7.3.1.
TDI-44393 - Fix support of date pattern use within snowflake connector
TESB-30009 - Missing jar in tRESTRequest component
TESB-28966 - MQTT: consume messages published before client starts up
TUP-27338 - Download jar pb with TDI license on Studio
TUP-27586 - Slow to start studio when patch was applied from local folder
TUP-27253 - Performance: studio startup takes long time because of too many invokes of file.exist()
TUP-26687 - [7.3] Studio re synchronizing jars with artifact repository every time when logged into studio
TUP-27545 - Update context var name for jdbc drivers can not be updated to job automatically.
TUP-27780 - Workbench has not Been Created Yet.
TUP-27610 - Clean up the CI version everywhere and have a common place to setup in studio.
TUP-27352 - Traces enabled by default when using Memory Run.
TDI-44234 - Check if normal and error threads are handled correctly in tMongoDBBulkLoad component.
TDI-44355 - tFileInputMail generate a NullPointerException while parsing a missing multi value field
TDI-44412 - TFTPPut doers not exit on Error even i ncase of Error
TDI-44165 - BigQueryBulkExec Component fails when DATE type column has empty fields
TDI-44384 - tBigQueryBulkExec failing load data after setting header
TDI-44413 - The tDBOutputBluk does not load date correctly
TDI-44209 - tDatasetoutput on inventory mode should not update the dataset when multiple datasets exist with the same name
TDI-44472 - NB_LINE of tDBXXX Component may not work after migration
TDI-44453 - tAdvancedFileOutputXML issue after upgrading to 7.3.1
TDI-44378 - tSybaseOutput can't create table with character column
TDI-44340 - Values in Custom body fields in SalesOrder in NetSuite are not return
TDI-44202 - Sybase 16 (SQL Anywhere) donot support tCreateTable component
TDI-44465 - Fail to load data to Snowflake table when column name is Japanese
TDI-44521 - CVE:Data Mapper for Jackson
TDI-44342 - BigQuery Datetime type ignore microseconds
TDI-44482 - CVE: org.apache.ant:ant:1.10.1
TDI-44506 - Failed to build job on TOS
TDI-44540 - not format the duration for audit log in studio, only use raw value
TDI-44324 - tCassandraInput doesn't have generation code when column is char type
TDI-44140 - Update Commons Compress to 1.19
TDI-44404 - teltsapmap throws string index out of range error if integer field has no value
TDI-44468 - tSalesforceOutput component output schema has only ID column
TUP-27594 - SVN project: after copy to branch, job can not link to context OK
TUP-27544 - Context update can not update to the first testcase if the job have more than one testcase.
TUP-27599 - Context var can not be listed in the same row when job use repository context the context both changed by two users.
TUP-27574 - When job item file is not conflict, can't merge old link file
TUP-27497 - tPreJob with tHDFSConnection with kerberized cluster fails with simple authentication error
TUP-25835 - Dynamic distribution cannot download libraries from proxy Nexus
TUP-27517 - Implicit Context is not working with the Field Separator as "~~#*#~~"
TUP-26059 - tELTPostgresqlMap lost its "DB Type" column for which the value should be "BPCHAR"
TUP-27588 - tCreateTable data types mapping in the schema editor is always Mysql after dragging and dropping from database Metadata
TUP-27070 - ELT component configuration to create an UPDATE Statement
TUP-26810 - if one jar used by two different components, it will upload to nexus with two versions
TUP-27416 - studio timeout with network is not available error when downloading additional jar through proxy
TUP-27592 - tDataPrepRun does not enforce studio proxy settings (outside a job) to connect to https://tdp.eu.cloud.talend.com
TUP-27718 - Git merge compare editor security improvement
TUP-27433 - Mvn package job with testcase fail after import in
TUP-27179 - Studio freezes on job importing/loading
TESB-29331 - Commandline 'Microservice for ESB' Build Type with tRestRequest Hangs
TESB-29503 - Bundle version does not use 'Custom Version'
TESB-29647 - Bundle version does not use 'Custom Version' for jobs
TESB-29739 - java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0-SNAPSHOT"
TESB-29321 - [CI Cloud Publishing] Fail to deploy DemoRESTRoute_ms to RE
TDI-44455 - studio component integration can't active unit tests
TDQ-18173 - Referenced project: Some changes in referenced project are now detected in main project
TDQ-18212 - Reporting tool: Updated a dialog box to recommend Jasper Studio
TDQ-18567 - tRuleSurvivorship: Fixed error when using certain data combinations
TDQ-18565 - Hive database on a Hadoop cluster: Fixed error when switching contexts
TDM-8134 - tHMap job error after upgrade to 7.3
TDM-8150 - Distinct Child Element does not work with XML attributes
TDM-8151 - Map using Structure Validation may fail when job generated using CommandLine
TDM-588 - UTF-8 XML file with a byte order mark is not handled by the XML sample importer
TDM-7820 - problem to map XML with attributes to CSV
TDM-7908 - ReadNested within CSV or HashMap Representation fails
TDM-8040 - Avoid map execution failure if cannot generate expression in avro schema
TDM-8139 - Avro Exporter issues warning when default value is set on a primitive array
TDM-8174 - Setting execution properties for tests does not work
TDM-8176 - Automatic sorting on distinct element lost when migrating from 6.4.1 to 7.2.1
TDI-44494 - duplicated variable name in tMongoDBInput
TDI-44377 - UTF-8 BOM issue in tFileInputDelimited
TDI-44300 - UTF-8 BOM issue in tFileInputPositional
TBD-10838 - "URLClassLoader cannot be resolved to a type" in tHDFSConnection after Studio patch.
TBD-10799 - HDI4 DI tHiveConnection issue
TBD-10798 - Wrong repository url / password with proxy on dynamic distribution
TBD-10787 - org.apache.spark.SparkException: Task failed while writing rows
TBD-10541 - Upgrade jackson dependencies to for MapR 6.0.1
TBD-10730 - Revert TBD-10506 from maintenance/7.3 and master
TBD-10636 - Need Test TUP-26669 Adapt HDInsight wizard for HDInsight 4.0
TBD-10695 - Deprecate Altus
TBD-10711 - Change default value for Hive Catalog
TBD-10048 - When executing a job with tHive components, warning: set mapred.job.name=xxx... Encountered: . Expected: = CAUSED BY: Exception: Syntax error
TBD-10285 - Sqoop job failing with exception Unknown dataset URI pattern
TBD-10654 - [BUG] tFileInputDelimited error
TBD-10676 - Compile error on simple Spark Streaming job
TBD-10680 - [CDH6.1] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on simple Spark Batch job
TBD-10213 - [CDH61] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on job with OracleInput component
TBD-10429 - additional double quotation is added to output file of tFileOutputDelimited
TBD-10436 - Hive component fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger
TBD-10454 - [7.3.1] DI job using tHDFSExist works from Studio to RE but not from TMC to RE
TBD-10581 - Context for Spark Streaming Job isn't updating properly
TBD-10620 - apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchDatabaseException for non-default database in HiveInput
TBD-10621 - ClassNotFound/NoSuchMethod on Hive components on HDP 3.1
TBD-10657 - Change in behavior of iterating fields using hive components
TBD-10700 - "hive-exec-shade-2.1.1-cdh6.1.1-talend.jar" not found in talend-update site for dynamic distribution.
TBD-10712 - [CDH 6.1.1]" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: resources" error on both Spark Batch and Streaming jobs
TUP-27642 - Issue when login project setup with Implicit Context Load + JDBC component
TUP-27074 - Kafka Job builds in Studio, but fails in CI Builder
TUP-26970 - [7.3.1] custom component published to nexus as .zip
TUP-26683 - "Generate Doc as HTML" Inputs label in documentation not the same as FlowDiagram
TUP-26896 - Error create a Sybase connection in metadata and cannot retrieve tables
TUP-26812 - Old plugin folders deletion failed after installed new updatesite patch
TUP-27530 - [7.3.1] After install Patch of TUP-27315, studio can't build job when first time login on
TUP-27315 - Patch installation issues for zero install CI
TUP-27533 - [7.3.1] Update ci-builder version to 7.3.2 in org.talend.designer.maven.tis
TUP-27078 - Studio upload the libraries (jar files) into the Artifactory Server at each start
TUP-27053 - Error: Could not find or load main class due to no JVM parameters configured in Studio
TUP-27072 - Unexpected behaviour occurred when context name is in Japanese
TUP-25889 - Display issue for the line between Linker source and target on Mac and Ubuntu
TUP-26476 - tELTMap Group By in Where Clause
TUP-27343 - Version is missing in Studio top bar after installing monthly patch by Nexus Update
TUP-27210 - Version isn't correct in Help->"About Talend Studio" after installing monthly patch
TUP-27403 - Wrong default values set when retrieve schema on Sybase
TUP-27394 - Missing DB Type for sybase
TDI-44038 - tSalesforceOutput file upload: byte[] or base64 encoded strings
TDI-44273 - tSalesforceOutputBulkExec reject link is providing nulls for Id
TDI-44261 - tSnowflakeOutput/tSnowflakeOutputBulkExec/tSnowflakeBulkExec Upsert invalid identifier
TDI-44247 - "Illegal operation on INFORMATION_SCHEMA" error on tBigQueryInput
TDI-30505 - Don't log 'Has inserted/update/delete x recorde(s)' when DBoutput checked 'Use an existing connection' and DBconnection doesn't check 'Auto commit'
TDI-44221 - MongoDBBulkLoad--Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
TDI-44269 - Outline ERROR_MESSAGE is null if "die on error" is not checked
TDI-44185 - Authentication Fields missing in tMongoDBBulkLoad
TDI-44196 - JDBC/MSSQL(Input) -> SqlServer(Output) Dynamic schema ERR:Colname [$] is converted to [_]
TDI-44253 - tMongoDBOutput java.util.Date cannot be cast to java.lang.String
TDI-44128 - Update axis2 dependency (CVE: axis2-kernel:1.5)
TDI-44281 - tSetProxy in "local proxy" mode failing with NoClassDefFound
TDI-44292 - tJDBCInput not converting date in expected format
TDI-43833 - tDBBulkExec bug when using PostGress driver
TDI-44166 - AzureADLSGen2Output: Blob Path starting with slash leads to unclear error
TDI-44104 - CVE: xmlrpc-common:3.1.2
TDI-44105 - CVE: xmlrpc-common:3.0
TDI-44115 - CVE: xmlrpc-client:3.1.2
TDI-44169 - CVE: xmlrpc-client:3.0
TESB-29280 - tESBConsumer component fails with NAMESPACE_ERR: An attempt is made to create or change an object in a way which is incorrect with regard to namespaces
TESB-28929 - cSOAP - Advanced Settings - Log Messages
TESB-29315 - P2 depoy failed because of missing osgihelper-maven-plugin
TESB-29150 - Context password for Microservice could not be used correctly when using Http Basic
TESB-29506 - Failed to request REST Job service + SL as microservice
TDM-8089 - Problem with camel headers when cJMS and cMap are used
TDM-8125 - DatabaseLookup creating new DataSources for each message on the ESB
TDM-8084 - Using thmap is getting an error when using a map with X125050HIPPA structure
TDM-8085 - Cannot rename a json structure during the creation process.
TDM-8088 - tHMap : read/write to COBOL representation - "Decimal" with decimal places has wrong result
TDM-8094 - Databaselookup fails on new runtime unless it is a top-level expression
TDM-8126 - Infinite loop when generating route or job if map name contains DatabaseLookup
TDM-7985 - Weird result when change CSV "skip header reading" option for special CSV
TDM-7986 - UI issue on selection changed event in Map editor
TDM-8029 - Need to regenerate projectProps when GIT pull
TDM-8076 - Importing the map form 6.2 to 7.3 is not working
TDM-8092 - XML Reader should honor encoding set in the XML Representation
TDM-8144 - TDM tuj (command line in Linux) will return error on 731 June monthly patch
TDQ-18470 - Data Quality components: updated all DQ library jars to the correct version
TDQ-18347 - tMatchGroup: fixed the difference between the Chart results and the Job results
TDQ-18491 - Importing DQ rules: fixed the item conflict
TDQ-18513 - tMSSql(In)ValidRows: fixed the version of talendDBmssqlUtil jar
TBD-10616 - Compiler error when spark streaming job use tMap that linked with tFixFlowInput,tHiveInput
TBD-10615 - Compiler error when spark streaming job use tFileInputDelimited
TBD-10613 - [BUG] tDeltaLakeOutput - SQL Merge option and time-travel corrections
TBD-10606 - [CDH 6.1 Spark Batch] Hive job fails with "Unable to instantiate SparkSession with Hive support because Hive classes are not found" error
TBD-9956 - Sqoop issue with parquet/avro format with HDP 2.6
TBD-10095 - Sqoop issue with parquet/avro format with EMR 5.15(2.8.3)
TBD-10113 - [BUG] Streaming, no output/NPE on tFileStreamInputJSON
TBD-10363 - lost data after read by tFileInputDelimited component
TBD-10374 - Cannot connect to hive against CDH 5.16.2
TBD-10401 - [7.3.1]Getting [ERROR]: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.CodeGenerator in a few job post migration to Talend 7.3.1
TBD-10442 - tFileOuputDelimited - wrong columns order
TBD-10443 - CDH - Dynamic distribution - CDH 6.X not available
TBD-10449 - NullPointerException when column is empty
TBD-10479 - [BUG] Compile error with tHiveOutput
TBD-10572 - Streaming - tExtractDelimitedFields - Compile error
TBD-9802 - Compile error in spark job with HBase on HDP 3.1
TBD-10067 - Incorrect Encoding in FileInputJSON
TBD-10153 - Compiler error for sqoop components in DI job when using java 11
TBD-10159 - (Spark Local 2.4) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on Oracle components
TBD-10337 - [Spark Streaming, CDH 6.1] Compile errors on tHiveOutput component using CDH 6.1 when all data types are used in schema
TBD-10340 - [Spark Streaming, CDH 6.1] NoClassDefFoundError on tHiveOutput component
TBD-10370 - "Hadoop configuration jar not found" when run spark job with jobserver on Windows
TBD-10436 - Hive component fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger
TBD-10454 - [7.3.1] DI job using tHDFSExist works from Studio to RE but not from TMC to RE
TBD-10476 - [CDH6.1] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError on job with Hive components
TBD-10505 - Databricks on AWS, cannot output to DBFS when S3 configured
TBD-10089 - Standardize encoding UI for I/O BD components
TBD-10470 - Wrong logo for tKinesisInput component
TUP-27262 - tAzureAdlsGen2Output component fails with class not found error
TUP-25961 - org.talend.commons.exception.CommonExceptionHandler - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
TUP-26639 - Talend Cloud studio Issue -Changes to Context Parameter Names is not reflected on the Connection for Snowflake
TUP-26870 - Incorrect sort when listing version of Jobs
TUP-26958 - Test case: possible to remove input / output node
TUP-26961 - When saving/deleting a test case, it might break the poms / CI
TUP-26990 - Possible conflict in talend project
TUP-26994 - Usage data collector: change the way Studio Unique Id is calculated
TUP-27000 - Talend Salesforce Einstein connector Repository connection issue in Talend 7.3
TUP-27003 - Should disable the Commit button of Uncommitted files found dialog when project is in MERGING state
TUP-27199 - DB version of sybase isn't hide for other database on tCreateTable
TDI-44066 - Illegal argument exception in tSAPBapi name field
TDI-44089 - Program ZTLDBI_INFOPROV not found when moving from 7.1.1 to 7.2.1
TDI-44159 - Data viewer on tSybaseInput get error in context model with sybase 16 anywhere database
TDI-43619 - Null Value Treated as <TALEND_NULL> in Subjob
TDI-44051 - tJDBCInput Dynamic Schema does not preserve special characters
TDI-44130 - UPDATEORINSERT Mode in tDBOutput for MSSQL does not display SQL
TDI-43935 - NString type for prepared statement in tMSSQLRow component
TDI-44185 - Authentication Fields missing in tMongoDBBulkLoad
TDI-43822 - tDataPrepRun Token expiration must be taken into account
TDI-44191 - Job Deployed to MDM server and using tFileCopy fails with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.talend.FileCopy
TDI-44122 - Proxy settings not being picked up in tSalesforceBulkExec API v2
TDI-43605 - tDBConnection to Snowflake exception "Not connected" when API call is made
TDI-43612 - Problem with retrieving Snowflake tables from Studio
TDI-43629 - Dynamic schema issue in tSnowflakeOutput Component
TDI-43682 - Get error when retrieving record types in tNetsuiteInput/tNetsuiteOutput
TDI-43752 - Snowflake component throw warnings
TDI-44114 - Snowflake multi statement execution error
TDI-43903 - 7.3 Enhancements to tSnowflakeBulkexec broke existing functionality in the Copy (manual) command
TBD-10507 - 7.3.1 Simple Databricks Delta Lake Job is trying to do a broadcast hash join
TBD-10520 - Files with commas get truncated by tFileInputDelimited & tFileInputFullRow Databricks / Spark 2.4
TDM-8036 - The tHMap component giving error in 7.3.1 Studio
TDM-8001 - Streaming with XML output creates extra tags
TDM-8013 - Job working in 7.2.1 fails in 7.3.1 with class org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.zip.ZipFile$1 not implementing InputStreamStatistics
TDM-8028 - Remove dependency on avro-mapred-1.7.7
TDM-8031 - Studio keeps crashing after opening the tHMap component and running the Job
TDM-7667 - Flattener: flattening structure that contains element with same label does not generate correct name
TDM-7871 - Attributes are lost when importing avro schema
TDM-7925 - Data type is changed to STRING for element with data type NONE after export to avro schema
TDM-7964 - Problem to parse JSON array having heteregeneous elements
TDM-7998 - Regression: test run will return error when using &/$ in variable name of get/set variable function
TESB-28369 - CI Publish To Cloud Error when publishing demorest job to Cloud using CI on Studio
TESB-28130 - Duplicate dependencies in POM.xml for routes lead to compile issues
TESB-28815 - tRestClient when called in a DS Job using tRunJob fails to load in the runtime
TMC-20647 - Publishing large Job to the Cloud always ends up with SocketTimeoutException even if it has been uploaded to Cloud
TDQ-18174 - Remote DQ project: Fixed Git conflict with some system and technical files
TDQ-18322 - Support the retrievial of the schema on Sybase SQL anywhere
TDQ-18091 - tSynonymOutput: Improved the error message on incorrect path parameter
TDQ-18383 - Fixed the high vulnerability on Log4j dependency
TDQ-18444 - Fixed CVE issues in Nimbus
TUP-26809 - Fix: Build job could contain jars from test cases as well. (while it should only contain jars from job)
TUP-27077 - NoClassDefFoundException when using "independent process to run subjob" and tAzureAdlsGen2Input
TUP-26596 - Proxy of libraries not working when studio have no internet access
TUP-26189 - metadata connection with proxy may not select proxy properly
TUP-26264 - tELTMap generated query has extra symbols generated when more input mapping in component
TUP-26156 - tCreateTable: change "DBType" and "Property Type" not work
TUP-26482 - Studio is very slow to build the job(the performance issue)
TUP-26212 - Share more than one car component to nexus3.19.1 will fail to generate the right index file
TUP-26213 - Compilation issue after migration to v7.2
TUP-26539 - High Memory Consumption by Studio with GIT
TUP-26793 - JDBC Redshift in context mode still asked for jars which is not required
TUP-26876 - NoClassDefFoundError when I run spark job with JobServer
TDI-43810 - fix MongoDB issue with option "Create empty element if needed"
TDI-44579 - [tRedshiftUnload] Encrypt setting is not hidden if file type is Parquet
TDM-7969 - TDM adds unencrypted passwords to error message
TDM-7957 - Studio commandLine error on Headless Linux following Git pull
TDM-7952 - Nested distinct element causes performance issues
TDM-7932 - Flatten: some value isn't mapped after flatten map
TDM-7931 - Flatten: will return error when create flatten map from JSON structure
TDM-7929 - Importer CSV need clean not supported header in Xquery,rriahi
TDM-7928 - Move "Flattening Map" option at 2nd position in New Map Wizard
TDM-7924 - merged file path is wrong after thmapfile job when "merge file path" is the same as "output folder"
TDM-7894 - CSV show sample on element only display one record
TDM-7870 - importing avro schema is failed for openAPI json
TDM-7867 - Exclude Commons Collections 3.2.1
TDM-7865 - Bad initial values and exception on the LoopIndex function dialog
TDM-7858 - IsPresent updates are not persisted
TDM-7855 - Exception thrown on drag/drop of looping element where dialog was expected
TDM-7840 - Variable names in GetVariable/SetVariable produce unfriendly errors
TDM-7839 - LoopIndex in a distinct NestedContext Simple Loop can not detect the index_of element
TDM-7836 - Distinct funtion generate a not valid xquery in the context of AgConcat
TDM-7835 - Distinct function generate NullPointer Exception in the context of root elements
TDM-7834 - Distinct function generate NullPointer Exception in case of SimpleLoop Having NestedContext
TDM-7829 - tHMapFile merge functions doesnt not check correctly the folder name
TDM-7826 - thmapFile merge option doesnt work with Hadoop 3.1
TDM-7789 - CSV reader should use the optimization done for the CSV writer
TDM-7772 - Don't include a _osdtTerminator column when importing a CSV
TDQ-18135 - tDataEncrypt cannot generate a crypto file with context variable
TDQ-17954 - tMatchIndex, tMatchIndexPredict: parameter "Nodes" and "Index" can not use context mode value
TDQ-18220 - After migrating from 6.3 to 7.2 the tMatchGroup job has compiler errors
TBD-10355 - Missing Dataset to RDD method call in a migrated spark job
TBD-10005 - HDP3.1 Compile error tHiveOutput with partitioning: hiveContexttHiveOutput1 can not be resolved
TBD-10101 - tFileOutputDelimited can not keep the format of date column
TBD-10167 - Compiler error when run spark job on Databricks with tS3configuration that use context value
TBD-10212 - [BUG] Avro dependencies cause error in databricks
TBD-9674 - tHiveOutput append action in spark big data batch job under HDP3.1
TBD-9872 - byte[] type is written to file incorrectly
TBD-9986 - user token is printed as plain text in joblog when databrick debug level log is on
TBD-10081 - Fix wrong release maven url with -SNAPSHOT in artifact id
TBD-10108 - Date conversion in tExtractJSONFields is not correct
TBD-10157 - Advanced option is not considered when using tHDFSPut in Standard jobs
TBD-10158 - Migration task can alter the pattern selected by user
TBD-10210 - Cannot load component "tFileOutputJSON"
TBD-10217 - org.apache.parquet cannot be resolved to a type
TBD-10297 - slf4j logger does not contains error(<exception>) method
TBD-10008 - Wrong timestamp in tFileOutputDelimited component
TBD-10063 - Errors on spark with Yarn Cluster with custom hadoop path on Remote Engines
TBD-10251 - Fix issues with some characters for hadoop configuration jar
TUP-26576 - Remove the warning about repository setup even if artifact repository is disabled in TMC
TUP-26751 - Fix CI issues, due to invalid test case
TUP-26165 - Fix possible missing jars when build job
TUP-26728 - Missing spark dependencies when using test cases and fix spark compilation issues
TBD-10324 - Fix compilation issue with RDD with tMap
TBD-10284 - Fix issues with custom hadoop configuration with DI jobs and Spark jobs with Yarn-Cluster setup
TDI-44074 - Insert Performance Issue on SQL components with Date columns
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