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I am using a pbuffer in OpenGL ES 1.1 to render to texture. I followed the information in this post here
http://discussion.forum.nokia.com/forum/showthread.php?159777-OpenGL-render-to-texture&p=548409&viewfull=1#post548409 .

Like the poster in that thread I have two contexts, one for the main window and one for the pbuffer. I render to the pbuffer surface and then the window surface draws a quad using the pbuffer as a texture.

What I’ve found is that to get eglBindTexImage to actually contain the pbuffer contents I had to do

// Need to set the surface to the pbuffer, but the context to the window context that // is going to use texture eglMakeCurrent(display, pbufferSurface, pbufferSurface, windowContext); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pbufferTexture); eglBindTexImage(g_display, pbufferSurface, EGL_BACK_BUFFER)) // Set the surface and context to the window ready for the actual draw eglMakeCurrent(display, windowSurface, windowSurface, windowContext);

Can someone explain to me why the the first eglMakeCurrent has to be pbufferSurface but windowContext? I would have expected windowSurface,windowContext to be the correct setting, but that creates a texture with the current contents of the windowSurface (which I find really strange).

