I'm working on a project with typescript in Angular where I'm creating a QR code which I get from the DOM and create a new pdf file with the QR Code in it. However, I need to modify an existing pdf file with several pages and insert the QR Code in every page.
I inserted the QR Code into a new PDF with this method using the jsPDF library.
public createPDF() {
const canvas: any = document.querySelector('#qr canvas');
const imgWidth = 100;
const imgHeight = (canvas?.height * imgWidth) / canvas?.width;
const contentDataURL = canvas?.toDataURL('image/png');
const pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'mm', 'a4');
pdf.addImage(contentDataURL, 'PNG', 0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight);
pdf.save('contract_' + this.contractDischarge + '.pdf');
As I discovered with pdf-lib, it's possible to modify an existing PDF and add png or jpeg image. But is it possible to insert a QR Code that I get from the html with querySelector and insert it to every page of an existing PDF and how?
I tried reproducing a method that draw text to an existing pdf, but I cannot download it to check if it works, because download does not work in the typescript method.
import { degrees, PDFDocument, rgb, StandardFonts } from 'pdf-lib';
public async modifyPdf() {
const url = 'https://pdf-lib.js.org/assets/with_update_sections.pdf'
const existingPdfBytes = await fetch(url).then(res => res.arrayBuffer())
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(existingPdfBytes)
const helveticaFont = await pdfDoc.embedFont(StandardFonts.Helvetica)
const pages = pdfDoc.getPages()
const firstPage = pages[0]
const { width, height } = firstPage.getSize()
firstPage.drawText('This text was added with JavaScript!', {
x: 5,
y: height / 2 + 300,
size: 50,
font: helveticaFont,
color: rgb(0.95, 0.1, 0.1),
rotate: degrees(-45),
const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save()
download(pdfBytes, "pdf-lib_modification_example.pdf", "application/pdf");
Therefore, how could you insert a QR Code that's got from the Html with querySelector and add it to an existing PDF file on every page? and how could you download that pdf on a class method with typescript, since dowload does not work.
Thank you very much!
So, I ended up with the solution I was looking for!
The following method converts canvas to a PNG image, then embed the image into an existing pdf and draw the image in every page of the document on the top right corner. Finally, it opens up a new tab where you can get the pdf and download it.
public async embedQrToPdf() {
const pdf = 'assets/documents/any.pdf';
const canvas: any = document.querySelector('#qr canvas');
const contentDataURL = canvas?.toDataURL('image/png');
const pngUrl = contentDataURL;
const existingPdfBytes = await fetch(pdf).then(res => res.arrayBuffer());
const pngImageBytes = await fetch(pngUrl).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer());
const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(existingPdfBytes);
const pngImage = await pdfDoc.embedPng(pngImageBytes);
const pngDims = pngImage.scale(0.250);
const pages = pdfDoc.getPages();
pages.forEach(page => {
page.drawImage(pngImage, {
x: 510,
y: 775,
width: pngDims.width,
height: pngDims.height,
const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();
let file = new Blob([pdfBytes], { type: 'application/pdf' });
let fileURL = URL.createObjectURL(file);