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The New Raw-File Version Information in PowerShell 5
Summary: Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy, talks about looking at raw-file version information by using Windows PowerShell 5.0 in Windows 10. Microsoft Scripting ...
Doctor Scripto
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Thank you for the post!

I just wanted to share the one-liner I use:

$RawNetstat=netstat -ano; $Unrefined = $RawNetstat[4..$(($RawNetstat|measure).count)] | ConvertFrom-String -PropertyNames EmptyProperty1,Proto,LocalAddress,ForeignAddress,State,PID; $NetstatResult = $Unrefined | ? {$_.Proto -eq “TCP”} | select *,@{l=”ProcessName”;e={(get-process -id $_.PID).ProcessName}} -ExcludeProperty EmptyProperty1; $NetstatResult | ft


.csv .NET .NET Core .NET Framework 2015 Holiday Series 4.0 70-410 Aaron Nelson Access.Application ACLs activation Active Directory Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Adam Bertram Adam Driscoll Adam Haynes Admin First Steps ADO.NET ADSI Advanced Functions Alan Byrne Alan Morris Alex Verboon and jobs Anders Wahlqvist Android Andy Schneider anonymous Antivirus App-V applications Array Arrays arrays hash tables arrays hash tables and dictionary objects arrays hashtables and dictionary objects ASCII Ashley McGlone Asia Gandecka ASP.NET Core associators of Attributes Audio Authors Automatic Variables Automation Azure Azure Automation AzureAD background jobs backup backup and system restore Bartek Bielawski Bash basic computer information basic hardware and firmware Basic Hardware information basic information Basics BATCHman batteries and power supplies Beginner Ben Pearce Ben Vierck Best Practice best practices Bhargav Shukla Bill Grauer Bill Stewart BitLocker BITS Bob Stevens Boe Prox breakpoint Brent Forman Brian Hitney Brian Jackett Brian Lalancette Brian Wilhite Brian Wren Bruce Payette Buck Woody Build your own cmdlet C# Certificate certificates Chad Miller change journal Chendrayan Venkatesan Chris Bellee Chris Campbell Chris Conte Chris Dent Chris Weaver Chris Wu Chrissy LeMaire Christopher Weaver CIM Classes Claudia Ferguson client-side management client-side printing Clint Huffman Clinton Knight cloud Cloud Services Color COM COM and DCOM Comma and other deliminited files Comma and other delimited files Comma separated and other delimited files comments community Compare-Object compressed files computer accounts Computers Configuration Manager Connect console Continuous Delivery Continuous Integration Corey Roth Credential Guard Cryptography CSV and other delimited files DACLS and SACLS Dan Reist Dan Sheehan Data databases DataGrid dates dates and times Dave Bishop Dave Wyatt David Moravec David O’Brien debug debugger debugging Debugging and Diagnostics Defender Dennis Whitney Deployment and Upgrade Desktop desktop management Desktop Mgmt DHCP DHCP server Dia Reeves dialog boxes directories Directory disk drives and volumes disk quotas Disks DISM displaying output DNS DNS server Docker Doctor Scripto Domain Controllers domains Don Gill Don Jones Don Walker Doug Finke downloading files ed wilson Edge editor endpoint enum Enums Eric Wright error handling event logs event logs and monitoring Eventing and Monitoring Events Events and Logging events and monitoring Excel spreadsheet Excel.Application Exchange Exchange 2010 Exchange Online Extensions F# Facebook FAST ESP 5.3 SP3 File files files and folders filesystem FileSystemObject firewall folders Formatting output functions Fundamentals Gary Jackson Gary Siepser General Management general management tasks General Mgmt Tasks Georges Maheu Gershon Levitz Get-Random getting started Glyn Clough graphical graphics Greg Lindsay Group Policy Grouping groups guest blogger GuestBlogger GUI hardware hash hash tables HashTables hashtables and dictionary objects Heath Lawson Help Hey Scripting Guy Historical Debugging History holiday 2013 Honorary Scripting Guys Hyper-V HyperV Ian Farr ignite Ignite 2015 Ignite 2016 IIS Ingo Karstein input Intellisense internet Internet Explorer Internet Explorer 7 Internet Search Invoke-RestMethod Invoke-WebRequest iOS IoT ISE ISE editing Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen James Brundage James Kehr James O’Neill Jan Egil Ring Jason Helmick Jason Hofferle Jason Morgan Jason Ryberg Jason Walker Java JD Platek Jeff Wouters Jeffery Hicks Jeremy Engel Jim Christopher jobs Joel Bennett Joel Stidley Joel Vickery John Ferringer John Slack Jon Newman Jonathan Allen Jonathan Medd Jonathan Tyler Jonathan Yong Josh Atwell Josh Gavant Json Judith Herman June Blender Justin Hall k Scripting Techniques Karl Mitschke Keith HIll Keith Mayer Ken McFerron Kendal VanDyke Kevin Kline Klaus Schulte Kory Thacher koryt Laerte Junior LINUX local account management local accounts local accounts and Windows NT 4.0 accounts local user account management Log Analytics log parser Logging and events logon sessions logs Logs and logging Logs and monitoring looping LYNC Management Marc Carter Marco Shaw Mark Morowczynski Mark Schill Mark Tabladillo masking passwords math Matt Bongiovi Matt Graeber Matt Hester Matt Hitchcock Matt Tisdale Matthew Kerfoot MCSE MDT Media Messaging & Communication messaging and communication Metadata Michael Blumenthal Michael Wells Microsoft 365 Microsoft Access Microsoft Excel Microsoft Exchange 2003 Microsoft Exchange 2007 Microsoft Exchange 2010 Microsoft Office Microsoft Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Visio Microsoft Word migration Mike F Robbins Mike Fal Mike O'Neill Mike Pfeiffer Mike Stiers Mini Scripting Games Mobile module Module Browser modules monitoring Monitoring and logs MSOMS multimedia Nano Server Network Adapter network adapters networking Nicholas Cain Nicolas Blank Niklas Goude Norman Drews Numbers Objects ODBC Office Office 365 Office 365 API Office 365 Sites Oliver Lipkau operating system Oracle other Directory Services OUs Out-GridView Output packet traces page files parameter Partners passwords Patrick Mercier Paul Greeley Paul Higinbotham Paulo Morgado Per Pedersen performance peripherals and devices permission and security permissions Pester Phil Braniff pinvoke pipeline plain-text logs Podcast ports ports and slots power management PowerCLI PowerShell PowerShell 3 powershell 3.0 PowerShell 4 PowerShell 4.0 Powershell 5 PowerShell 5.0 PowerShell best practices PowerShell Gallery PowerShell Get PowerTip PowerTip: Find Default Session Config Connection in PowerShell Summary: Find the default session configuration connection in Windows PowerShell. How can I determine what default session configuration Print print servers Print Servers Print Queues and print jobs printer ports drivers and devices Printers printing Process processes Procmon profile profiles prompt Providers PSDrives PSGallery PSGet PSProviders PSReadLine query completion server queues Ragnar Harper Raimund Andree Ravikanth Raymond Mitchell receiving input Recycle Bin Reference RegEx registry regular expressions reliability remote Remote Endpoint remoting Reporting Reports Resource Guide resource ownership retrieving input Rhys Campbell Rich Prescott Richard Diphoorn Richard Siddaway Rob Campbell Robert Robelo Rod Colledge RODC Rohn Edwards Rolf Masuch RPC RSAT RSS RSS feeds Rudolf Vesely running Runspace SAN Schedule Tasks scheduled task scheduled tasks Schema SCOM 2007 R2 Scope Scott Ge Script Analyzer Script Browser Script Center script signing Scripter Scripti9ng Techniques Scripting Scripting Games 2014 Scripting Guy! Scripting Technique scripting techniques scripting templates Scripting Wife Sean Kearney Sean McCown search Searching searching Active Directory security Select-String sending email sending mail Series Serkan Varoglu Server Applications Server-Side Management Server-Side update servers servers WSUS Service Packs and Hot Fixes service packs and hotfixes services sessions Seth Brandes Shadow Copy Shane Hoey Shane Nelson Shannon Ma shared folders and mapped drives SharePoint SharePoint 2010 SharePoint Online Shay Levy shell.application Sherif Talaat Shubert Somer Siegfried Jagott sites and subnets SkyDrive SMTP Mail Snapshot Debugger Snippets Software sorting special folders splatting SQL SQL 2012 SQL Server SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2012 startup and shutdown Stefan Roth Stefan Stranger Stephane van Gulick Steve Jeffery Steve Murawski Steven Murawski storage Streams string string manipulation Strings Susan Ferrell Susan Hill Sysinternals System Center System Restore Taylor Gibb TCP/IP Teams TechEd TechEd 2014 TechEd2012 Teresa Wilson Terminal Server Terri Donahue Test Experience Testing Text text files Text manipulation TFS The MAK Thiyagu Thomas Lee Thomas Rayner Thomas Stringer Tibor Soos Tim Bolton time sync Time Synchronization TimeSpan Timothy Warner Tips and Tricks Tobias Weltner Todd Klindt Tom Moser Tom Shinder Tome Tanasovski top 20 trace traces translation Trevor Sullivan troubleshooting Types updates Upgrade user accounts user groups users using the Internet using the web Variable Variables VB VBScript VBScript migration Version version information video video and display Videos Vinay Pamnani Virtual Machines virtual server Visual Studio Visual Studio 2017 Visual Studio App Center Visual Studio Code Visual Studio for Mac Visual Studio IDE Visual Studio Live Share Visual Studio Marketplace Visual Studio Previews Visual Studio Subscriptions Visual Studio Tools for AI Visual Studio Tools for Xamarin VMM Walid Moselhy Web pages and HTAs Web Service web services Webinar Websites Weekend Scripter Wei Hao Lim Will Anderson Will Martin Will Steele William Stanek Win32 Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows Azure Windows Explorer Windows Management Framework Windows Media Player and audio Windows NT Windows PE Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell 3.0 Windows PowerShell 4.0 Windows PowerShell 5 Windows PowerShell 5.0 Windows PowerShell ISE Windows PowerShll Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2016 Windows To Go Windows Update Windows Vista Windows Windows PowerShell WinNT WinRM WMI Word Word.Application Workflow Workflows WPF WPK writing writing scripts WshShell WSUS Xamarin XML xpath Yan Pan Yuri Diogenes Zachary Loeber Zune and other media devices