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Regression test outputs for name and enum can be replaced with generated out.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:17 AM, imagenesis(at)gmail(dot)com
<imagenesis(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> This is resolved by running dpkg-buildpackage with postgres and
> dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo with the postgresql source folder in a
> directory owned by postgres as dpkg creates a temporary folder in said
> parent directory.
> However, I am now running into the following issue:
> The reason I am compiling is because I must change #define NAMEDATALEN
> 64 to a larger value. Setting it to 256 has presumably yielded the
> following errors in the make check:
> It fails on the name and enum tests.
> I am rerunning the compilation to confirm this is a result of this
> change. Please specify how to remove the regression check from the
> dpkg build or how to resolve this (is there a max value that will not
> fail?) if this is caused by this change or by something else on the
> specified platform.