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All Bamboo knowledge base articles | Bamboo | Atlassian Documentation
8 月前
How to fix the collation and character set of a MySQL database
Improving the performance of ActiveMQ
Troubleshooting Ephemeral Agents
Bamboo Data Center job on Ephemeral agent is stuck with a pod in an error state in an OpenShift Kubernetes Cluster
Bamboo Data Center ephemeral agent refuses to start with error message "pods is forbidden"
Debugging kubectl commands in Bamboo
Reducing server resource usage on ephemeral agent startup
"Cannot run program "kubectl": error=2, No such file or directory" errors in Bamboo logs
Bamboo fails to start due to "fatal bootstrap Bamboo bootstrap failed: failed to find config at: bamboo.cfg.xml"
Bamboo database troubleshooting and reporting queries
Bamboo fails to start when JDK is patched from 1.8.0_291 to
Bamboo throws Internal Server Error while no space left on the PostgreSQL database server device
Troubleshooting Cluster
Bamboo Data Center with Cold Standby allows multiple nodes to fully start
The Bamboo Cluster standby node takes over the service and kills the active node on startup even if the active node was operational
What Bamboo URL should I use for HTTP healthchecks?
Troubleshooting Repositories
Git credential-store error when saving a Bitbucket Cloud repository
How to send Bamboo build status to GitHub via Webhook
Bamboo Source code checkout task fails with "no submodule mapping found in .gitmodules for path 'script'"
Bitbucket Server Repository Creation on Bamboo Data Center/ Bamboo Server fails with error "ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port XXXXX: error in libcrypto fatal"
Resaving a repository in Bamboo throws an error 'query did not return unique result'
Linking Bitbucket Cloud repositories with Bamboo
Unable to connect to a repository with an "Unknown option: -c" error
Repository checkout fails with "Bad server host key: Invalid key length"
How to get the credential details(user_name and app_password) to connect Bamboo to Bitbucket cloud
403 Forbidden error when creating a Gitlab repository in Bamboo
Unable to get a valid response from Github while adding an Linked repository
Empty repository caches page in Bamboo
Mercurial repositories no longer work on Bamboo 8 or newer: Cannot use this repository. Plugin is missing or disabled.
Bamboo fails to add Bitbucket Server repository: "Can't authenticate with Bitbucket Server despite successful public key storage"
Bamboo can't authenticate with Bitbucket Server and shows "New access key is required but could not be added"
Subversion repository path does not exist error message in the Bamboo logs
SSH keys for Bamboo plans
Bamboo fails to add a new repository with an "endless spinning wheel" animation
Bamboo reports HTTP 400 Bad Request with "mirrors.not.supported", "repository.stash.error.mirror.versionNotSupported" responses when interacting with Bitbucket Server
Repository Commit task fails with Error building trees
How to use commit and push task to Github Repositories under Bamboo Deployment Projects.
Where SSH keys are stored in Bitbucket Server when a new repository is linked to Bamboo
Query to retrieve Linked Repositories which aren't being used in any plans
Git operations failing due to corrupted git cache on Windows
Repositories missing from the Linked repositories page inside Bamboo
When to expect Bamboo to move to polling from event driven build detection
Troubleshooting Permissions
How to prevent Logged in and anonymous users to view the Bamboo projects created automatically by Bamboo specs
Bamboo permissions are not correctly added when a task is created via Mibex Plan DSL plugin task
If there is a slash "/" or "\" character in the group or username in Bamboo, permission assignment fails
How to enable the Restricted Admin permission
Linked Repository permissions
How to check which projects and build plans have anonymous access enabled in Bamboo
Troubleshooting Java
Bamboo service killed with exception failed with result 'oom-kill'
Maven tasks fails with error "fatal: could not read Username for https://repository-URL : No such file or directory"
"ruxit_initialized" error message when attempting to start Bamboo instance with a new Java JDK version
How to upgrade the Java version used by Bamboo
Bamboo compatibility with Java 17
Bamboo fails to start up and connect to Microsoft SQL Server when Java has TLSv1 disabled
Java reporting less CPUs than what is actually available while running in a container service such as ECS
Troubleshooting Linux
Increase Stack Size; 'ulimit -s'
Bamboo and/or agents fail with "No space left on device" when partition runs out of inodes
Login into Bamboo fails due to broken Captcha image with FontConfiguration error
How to make environment variables available for Bamboo when running it as a Linux service
Troubleshooting Docker
Creating a Docker image in Bamboo using Docker task throws "invalid reference format" exception
How to set Reverse Proxy parameters while running Bamboo in Docker
How to override the entry point of a Bamboo Docker Runner job
How to prevent agents from filling up with Docker cached images
How to automatically increment the version of a Docker image built with Bamboo
Docker Runner doesn't pull the latest image automatically
How to configure Bamboo docker container to avoid first-time-setup pages
Unable to docker push with Bamboo as the docker login command fails with exit code: 125 due to --password-stdin being an unknown flag
Installing Bamboo in Docker fails to create directories
Docker task in a job running with Docker runner
Docker task permission denied
Troubleshooting SSH
Bamboo SSH task failing with Exhausted available authentication methods
SSH command fails if it contains sudo
When Bamboo tries an ssh operation, it will fail with a NoSuchMethodError or NoClassDefFoundError
Docker Runner Fails With Permission Denied Errors in Build Log
Bamboo in Docker: Build Fails Due to a Missing Working Directory When Using Docker Runner
Bamboo Fails to Configure Embedded Database in Environments with Java update version higher than 255
Troubleshooting Bamboo Specs
How to use a Personal Access Token (PAT) to publish Bamboo Specs changes
Unable to publish Specs in Bamboo: current user is not authorised with Bitbucket Server
How to select the branch used by Linked Repositories in a Plan Branch in Bamboo via Java Specs
How to increase Bamboo Specs security
Bamboo Specs scan fails with "Could not parse yaml input: Number of aliases for non-scalar nodes exceeds the specified max=1500"
Bamboo throws Internal server error while trying to import YAML RSS plan
Bamboo repository-stored specs scan fails with "ProcessTimeoutException: process timed out"
Move or rename a Repository Stored Specs-enabled Build plan or Deployment project/Environment and keep the build history in Bamboo
Bamboo Java Specs doesn't create deployment environments after deleting and recreating the deployment projects
How to locate Build plans and Deployment projects/environments that are bound to Repository Stored Specs
Differences between using Java Specs via an IDE and Repository Stored Specs in Bamboo
How to increase Bamboo Specs detection pool size
Bamboo YAML specs unable to parse the "!include" tag at stage level
How to process Specs in Docker using a custom Docker image
How to read system environment variables from repository-stored Java Specs
Bamboo Spec scanning fails with JAVA_HOME variable is not set correctly
view_configuration error when using Bamboo configuration YAML Specs
Bamboo Specs publishing fails with a unique constraint violation.
After changing repository that manages a Bamboo Spec it cannot be changed back to the previous repository with a simple Specs scan
Unable to publish specs or create Maven project due to PKIX error
Java Specs publishing fails with a missing class message
Repository parent can not be changed or Changing repository hierarchy is not supported
Bamboo Specs scan fails with IllegalStateException
Bamboo can't recognize the decrypted variable while importing Specs
Cannot run program mvn due to Permission Denied or No such file or directory errors when performing Bamboo Specs scan
Bamboo "Specs state cleanup" process fails with NullPointerException
When publishing Bamboo Java Specs manually using the Maven Exec plugin it fails with java.lang.InterruptedException
"Couldn't start Bamboo Specs scanning" error in the UI after enabling repository Stored Specs
Bamboo Specs scans causes server to run out of resources
Could not update chain with key PROJ-* as it's being modified in another thread.
Unable to build with Bamboo Specs due to error "No compiler is provided in this environment"
Bamboo Specs scan fails with java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
Permission denied in Docker for Specs
Bamboo RSS Specs fail to download from Maven repository
Bamboo Java Specs failed when using RSS
Bamboo Specs repository scan fails with java.io.IOException: No such file or directory when Process Specs in Docker is enabled
NullPointerException when opening Bamboo Repository-Stored Specs logs
Plan import is blocked to prevent deleting your plan notifications silently with Bamboo Specs
Bamboo Recovery after Encryption Key Loss
Troubleshooting Bamboo Cloud EOL Migration
Unable to publish artifact No artifact handler found
After starting "Export to Server" Bamboo is attempting to pause but it fails after 60 minutes
Setting up your Bamboo Cloud export while making use of the EC2 Wizard for Bamboo in AWS
"Name is null" error after restoring Bamboo from backup
Relation "trusted_apps" does not exist errors after performing Bamboo Cloud to Server migration
Errors or warnings appear when importing Postgres database dump
No users can log in after migrating from Bamboo Cloud
Troubleshooting User Management
Configure Bamboo SAML SSO with Azure
How to trace failed login attempts and Captcha login challenges in Bamboo
Bamboo Server fails to start after replacing the Crowd instance with a new one
How to change Bamboo internal directory username
How to investigate missing users from Bamboo Internal directory
SAML SSO authentication fails in Bamboo and redirects to the login page
Unable to add user due to 'Cannot write to read-only GroupManager'
Can't log in to Bamboo when using Crowd as the User Directory
How to disable the SSO authentication in Bamboo from the backend database
How to identify list of active users in Bamboo
Bamboo stops authenticating Active Directory users with highestCommittedUSN error
Cannot delete an internal directory user in Bamboo with error - The user directory doesn't allow this operation.
Local group memberships in Bamboo are lost when switching to a new external directory with a read-only local group configuration
SAML SSO authentication fails in Bamboo when user is not allowed to authenticate to the application in Crowd
Bamboo users lose permissions on projects after migrating from one external directory to another
How to link Bamboo user groups to user directories in Database
Bamboo login or any page with !method.action in the URL displays custom Access Denied error
Multiple entries with same key error while syncing from external user directory
Bamboo fails to synchronize with an external user management system due to a duplicate entry
Bamboo login fails with the message "Invalid credentials for user {USER} in directory {DIRECTORY}
New users or groups added to the external user directory are not available in Bamboo
Can't add a new user using Bamboo UI
Login Loop when running Bamboo behind a reverse proxy
User repository disappeared when reordering
Captcha Image Missing - Bamboo Login Screen
Bamboo startup is taking a long time or failing at the "Reticulating splines" log entry due to Crowd Sync
How to get Bamboo users and groups when connecting to Jira/Crowd
NullPointerException in when searching for user to be added to Permission
Using Wildcards in LDAP userSearch queries
Constantly logged out of Bamboo
Bamboo lost connection to the external user directory preventing users from logging in
Troubleshooting Apps
Bamboo fails to start with "Cannot execute <...> plugin has an extra copy of <...> classes, perhaps embedded inside the target plugin"
Bamboo Plugin Installation on Windows OS is Stuck on Endless Spinning Wheel
How to start Bamboo with all or few external apps/plugins disabled
Plugin not visible in Find New Apps
Unable to add MATLAB as a capability
Bamboo Manage apps page throws "Page not found Exception"
Sonar tasks in cloned plans might behave unexpectedly
Bamboo fails to start up because it's unable to start the plugin container for plugin 'com.atlassian.analytics.analytics-client'
Unable to download plugins, and getting the error message "This version of Bamboo is unrecognized by the Atlassian Marketplace. It might be a non-standard build or be too new to appear."
Plugin does not fully uninstall, causing OSGi loading issues
Bamboo throws Timeout exceeded waiting for service when accessing the UI
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Authentication necessary
Bamboo plugins fail to start with java.lang.IllegalAccessError
service proxy has been destroyed
UPM shows Page Not Found when accessed from Navigation menu
Universal Plugin Manager hung installing add-on
Active Objects failed to initalize
An unknown error has occurred. No chart found.
UPM refuses to load and Page not found error shows up when accessing it in the UI
Plugins initialization times out with Timeout occurred before finding service dependencies on Bamboo startup
UPM Plugin shows error message when trying to install a plugin
Third party plugin causes Mercurial repository configuration to get corrupted
'How Do I...' and 'How to...' Guide to Bamboo
How to create Personal Acess Tokens(PAT) in Bamboo for a user through REST API
How to identify which repositories are using a Shared Credential
How to push a repository tag for a specific commit from Bamboo to a remote repository
How to install multiple Bamboo remote agents on Windows machine
How to configure Bamboo plans to be triggered by specific repository directories
How to migrate Bamboo users between two external user directories with different user name formats
How to link Bamboo builds with Jira issue via DB queries
How to generate report in Bamboo to get the builds and deployments where a specific global variable was used.
How to plan for Bamboo upgrades from a very old version to a newer version when the current DB is not supported on a newer version
How to fetch Bamboo agent build success percentage via DB query
How to pass credentials for username and password in the https Bitbucket Cloud repository URL for authentication via Bamboo script task
How to add users to Bamboo Internal User Directory using the REST API
How to update Bamboo deployment environment notification email address from backend database
How to use the max-results API parameter for Bamboo REST API
How to find the Server ID in Bamboo
How to view the detailed test cases inside Bamboo buildresults
How to fix message on security vulnerability scan reports that the Bamboo application allows to transmission of Cleartext Credentials
How to locate Plans with disabled Plan Branch cleanup settings in Bamboo
Running a Bamboo Server/Data Center on Google Cloud Platform
How to add members to a group in Bamboo using the REST API
How to view Bamboo previous rerun build logs
How to clone a build plan in a disable mode in Bamboo
How to retrieve all plans and deployments that reference a keyword in their tasks
Automatically run a Plan when creating a new branch in GitHub
How to configure UTF-8 encoding on Windows remote agents
How to disable opening HTML pages without downloading the entire file
How to get a list of deployments that contain a specific task or a variable in their environments from the Bamboo database
How to get a list of deployment environments that contain a specific variable from the Bamboo database
How to clear Captcha from the Bamboo database
How to configure Bamboo Agent to connect to Blackduck application through outbound proxy
How to add or remove recipient types from plan and deployment project notifications in Bamboo
How to identify when and who created a Plan or Plan Branch
How to extract list of jobs in Bamboo that have an specific task by using an SQL query
How to check which plugins are being used by Bamboo plans
How to identify the places IAM AWS access key used in Bamboo
How to avoid Docker container deletion after build completion
How to make sure detached containers are removed once the build stops
How to fetch plan owners information for a list of plans in Bamboo from the database.
How to enable Byteman in Bamboo
How to customise the "contact an administrator" message shown in the access denied page in Bamboo
How to use a custom SSL certificate on the Bamboo ActiveMQ JMS service
How to generate a new Bamboo ActiveMQ broker certificate using automatic keystore management
How to configure Event listeners for plan branch creation in Bamboo
How to get a list of plan and job results from the Bamboo database
How to set up an SSH key-pair for a Bitbucket Cloud/GitHub repository from Bamboo
How to suppress stack traces on internal server errors from pages in Bamboo
How to move the Bamboo Home location to a different place
How to find Bamboo triggered build plans in atlassian-bamboo.log
How to run a PowerShell Script task with specific user account in Bamboo
How to upgrade Apache Tomcat version used by Bamboo
How to remove 'Anonymous users' and 'Logged in users' permissions from Bamboo
How to extract last build date from all Bamboo plans from the database
What happens when the "Enable repository caching on agents" option is enabled
How to list all Bamboo plans using repository from particular server
Which directories on a Bamboo remote agent can be safely removed?
How to enable Global Variables REST API
How do Bamboo remote agents handle SSH keys from SSH and SCP tasks
How to export a remote agent capability list to bamboo-capabilities.properties format
How to get list of Bamboo builds connected to Jira
Extract Repository details from the Bamboo database
How to retrieve the revision used by the previous build in Bamboo
How to retrieve the JDK versions used across Build plans and Deployment plans
How to bulk update the "After branch inactivity in repository" setting in Bamboo
How to migrate a Bamboo instance with a large number of artifacts and build logs
Bamboo apps (plugins) usage report for build and deployment tasks
How to perform a Bamboo build based on a Git tag
Primary lock is held by another instance is logged on passive nodes in Bamboo DC
Creating multiple plans using Bamboo Java Specs linked to a single repository
How to find existing license keys for Bamboo and installed apps
How to set up NGINX Plus as the load balancer for a Bamboo Data Center cluster
How to get a list of remote agents that haven't performed any builds
How to change the default capabilities for Elastic Agent Image Configurations in Bamboo
How to exclude specific branches from being removed due to inactivity in Bamboo
How to understand the average / mean duration that a Bamboo build spends in queue?
How can the size of the Bamboo build queue be checked?
How to find the user who performed a deployment in the Bamboo database
How to generate YAML Specs for any-task configurations
How to update Bitbucket Server address / URL in Bamboo
Query the database to find details about a specific deployment task
General guidelines for improving Elastic Agent startup times
How to disable client renegotiation for Bamboo's SSL JMS listeners
How to configure an outbound proxy for a Bamboo Remote Agent
How to connect Bamboo to Cloud SQL (Google) - PostgreSQL via SSL
How to find Bamboo Permissions through REST API and SQL Queries
How to use Bamboo variables when using an existing Dockerfile in a Docker build task
How to tunnel Bamboo Server and Elastic Agent communication via a forward proxy
Find the last login date for users in Bamboo
How to query the database for build plans that have been run within X days
How to query the database for jobs that are no longer active
How to change the author name or author email that is displayed in Bamboo
Automatic Dependency Management with Maven
Create Linked Repository with Bamboo Java Specs
YAML Specs: General syntax
Prevent Bamboo from being indexed by search engines
How to start up Bamboo with build plans, deployment environments, branch detection and build status updates disabled
How to rotate catalina.out using cron job
How to configure SSH/SCP and Tomcat tasks to use SOCKS proxy server
Bamboo Upgrade - Quick Guides
Moving to a different machine and upgrade on Linux
Upgrading Bamboo on Windows and moving from an unsupported Database Version to a supported one
Upgrading Bamboo 5.0 - 5.13 to latest on Linux
Moving to a different machine and upgrade on Windows
Upgrading Bamboo on Linux and moving from an unsupported Database Version to a supported one
Upgrading Bamboo 5.0 - 5.13 to latest on Windows
Upgrading Bamboo 5.14 to latest on Linux
Upgrading Bamboo 5.14 to latest on Windows
How to Run, Install, Start, and Stop Remote Agents
How to configure the default Umask for Bamboo server and remote agents
How to disable the Docker Runner feature globally in Bamboo
How to disable queue branch detection info messages
Clone a deployment project in Bamboo
How to extend the Remote agent installation command using JVM parameters
How to enable agent dependency caching
How to setup or change log rotate in Bamboo
How to query the database for build plans that have not been run
Using Slack for Bamboo notifications
How to use Bamboo Password Variable to SSH with Script task
Bamboo Artifact Handlers - Use Case Scenarios
How to migrate existing Bamboo artifacts to an AWS S3 bucket or to an SFTP server
How to remove credentials from the mail server configuration
How to use Backslashes in Injected Variables
How to force the timezone of Bamboo Server
How to manually change the Base URL of Bamboo without access to the UI
How to find Changeset IDs included in Deployment Versions
How to create multiple SVN repositories with a single credential
How can I attribute a label to a Bamboo build result based on its outcome (success or failure)?
How to save a build log as an artifact
Invalidate all Bamboo login sessions
How to test Freemarker templates
Enable profiling and access logging to diagnose acute performance problems
How to query Plan Branch Details from the Bamboo Database
How to add Bamboo startup scripts to systemd
Configuring elastic instances to use EFS (Elastic File System)
How to review Swap space usage on a Linux server
How to change the build working directory on Bamboo Stock Image elastic agents
How to retrieve user and group access mappings / permissions from the Bamboo database
How to change Bamboo user session timeout
How to reset Bamboo plugins state through database
How to Use a Maven settings.xml from outside the local repository
How To access embedded HSQL database via command line
How to Override the Maven Local Repository setting
How to redirect logs to reduce verbosity
No agents meet this job's requirements
How to check the build queue using cURL
Securing Bamboo behind nginx using SSL
How do I work with Triggering builds
Oracle - Scheduled (v5.8+)
Oracle - Repository Polling - Scheduled (v5.8+)
Oracle - Repository Polling - Periodically (v5.8+)
Git Repository - Remote trigger
Subversion Repository - Remote Trigger
PostgreSQL - Scheduled (v5.8+)
PostgreSQL - Repository Polling - Scheduled (v5.8+)
PostgreSQL - Repository Polling - Periodically (v5.8+)
PostgreSQL - Scheduled (v5.7-)
PostgreSQL - Repository Polling - Scheduled (v5.7-)
PostgreSQL - Repository Polling - Periodically (v5.7-)
MySQL - Scheduled (v5.8+)
MySQL - Repository Polling - Scheduled (v5.8+)
MySQL - Repository Polling - Periodically (v5.8+)
MySQL - Scheduled (v5.7-)
MySQL - Repository Polling - Scheduled (v5.7-)
MySQL - Repository Polling - Periodically (v5.7-)
How to suppress AuthorizationLoggerListener Authorization failed warnings in logs
How to suppress BambooTrustedKeyServerKeyVerifier unverified RSA key warnings in logs
How to configure source code management triggers for Subversion
Labelling a build from a deployment plan
How to disable bamboo-stdout and bamboo-stderr logging on Windows
Bamboo Triggers require an IP address update for Bitbucket Cloud
Bamboo fails to remove Application Links with an"OAuth authentication is not configured for Application Link Atlassian Bamboo" message
Restricting Resource to A Specific Region
How to secure your remote agent (Bamboo Server)
How to push to repository under SSH protocol using Script task
How to perform a Git SSH checkout from a Bamboo Script Task
How to set up Bamboo behind an SSL-enabled proxy (Apache)
How to set up LDAP in Bamboo
How to commit and push to a Git repo during a build
Customizing the color of Bamboo banner
Automatically archive build artifacts to Amazon's S3 storage
Automating Bamboo backup operations
How stored Git caches speed up builds
How to secure Bamboo against Poodle by disabling SSLV3
How to Edit the Footer on Bamboo Dashboard
How to trigger a branch after successful build of another branch with a different name
Using JIRA as the external user repository for Bamboo
Setting properties other than JAVA_OPTS when running Bamboo as a Windows Service
How to change the server ID for Bamboo
Configure Bamboo to use HttpOnly and secure cookie
How to stop Bamboo from timing out
How to make Bamboo reports show historical data post upgrade
How to enable viewing or selecting default images for Elastic Bamboo
How to enable the missing Script body area when creating an inline script task
Configuring Git Repository to trigger the build in a Windows environment
Linking Jira Cloud with self-hosted Bamboo
How to change the wrong encoding in Bamboo that is causing crashes or characters to display incorrectly
Obtaining AWS Key Pair to access Amazon Elastic Instances
Find repository type and build strategy used by each plan
Find how many plans use each type of repository
How to Enable Detailed SQL Logging
Automating Bamboo operations using wget or Curl
Troubleshooting Deployments
SQL Query to extract Bamboo deployment duration details
How to delete a deployment project in Bamboo
Deployment using Bamboo Tomcat deploy and Tomcat restart task plugins causes out of memory exception
How to relate a release with deployment project, environment and build plan in Bamboo database
Database query to rename multiple deployment environments in Bamboo
Cloning a Deployment Project in Bamboo fails with 500 Internal server exception
How to implement an Approval workflow for deployments
How to find historical deployment records in Bamboo
Bamboo throws 'HHH000315: Exception executing batch' error when deleting a deployment environment
After upgrade, fail to create deployment release
Bamboo throws 'Access denied' when attempting to deploy
No successful message after clicking on Save button when adding Deployment trigger
Deployment logs in Bamboo Server
Bamboo deployment status
[PROTOCOL_ERROR] Received CHANNEL_SUCCESS on unknown channel
"Background page refresh cannot contact server." error thrown when accessing deployment projects
Resetting Variables via a REST API call and Dynamic Release versioning
Bamboo Features and Best Practices
What happens when a Bamboo license expires
Disk space hotspots and cleanup best practices in Bamboo
After upgrading to Bamboo 6.10 or later catalina.out no longer contains Bamboo application logs
Difference between Local agents and Remote Agents
Bamboo Configuration Options
How to set JAVA_HOME in Bamboo installation folder
What Bamboo licensing tier should I purchase?
How to fetch historical data through the database for Bamboo projects, plans and deployment projects
Suggestion for optimising Artifacts size/storage
How to retrieve the completion status and associated info for each task in a Bamboo deployment
Unable to create Personal Access Token: "Max number of tokens is: 0, can not create new token"
Deleting Maven (.m2) and general cache locations used by Bamboo
Things to look for when changing Bamboo URL
How to delete Bamboo projects and plans in bulk using REST API
How to fetch complete plan details in the particular Bamboo project using database queries
How to use regex pattern to match the branch name in Bamboo
How to archive Bamboo project, plans or deployment projects
Health check 'Security Vulnerabilities' fails with severity 'undefined': 'The health check was unable to complete within the timeout of 30000ms.'
Script body field is disabled for Script Tasks in Google Chrome
Uploading multiple files simultaneously to a support ticket through REST (curl) fails in Linux
How to fetch Bamboo agent utilization reports for build plans and deployments using database queries
How to find the version of bundled software in Bamboo
Bamboo SQL Query to fetch Dedicated agent details, Agent capabilities, Job requirements
How to check if capabilities are being used by plans
How to read Bamboo variables during code execution
User's password is exposed in UI for a build
Bamboo ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR message in Google Chrome
How to find all builds that poll the repository
How to find relational link between a repository commit and deployment in Bamboo
How to clean System Errors in Bamboo from command line
How to search database for Audit Logs
Remove the Can't access your account link from bamboo
Bamboo Server Process Dies Unexpectedly Due to Linux OOM-Killer
Captcha fail to load with Internal Server Error
How to identify Bamboo Release from buildNumber?
Unable to checkout Git Code from AWS Codecommit when Bamboo installed on Linux Distribution
Bamboo Starter License - Checking number of Bamboo jobs for license restrictions
Where does Bamboo store its Global Expiry configuration?
REST API calls fail due to Missing XSRF Token
Warning on encoding during Bamboo startup
How to disable "Remember my login on this computer" checkbox in Bamboo
Artifacts in Bamboo Server
Bamboo Wallboard Dissapears
Failed to parse config file: Error on line -1 of document : Premature end of file.
How to get Client IP Address in Access Logs
Bamboo dashboard icon does not load
Captcha not showing after a couple of failed attempts
Application navigator cannot be unhidden
Error in Bamboo logs when using Chrome
Bamboo doesn't import Jenkins data - No secret key file found
Page not found error thrown when accessing some pages due to incompatible plugin
Bamboo fails to start - Duplicate plugin found
Artifacts Not Transferred, Jobs Fail with 302 HTTP Status
Troubleshooting SCM Integration
Bamboo fails to fetch an HTTP Git Repository
Bamboo on Windows throws an authentication error when adding a linked repository
Bamboo Fails to Push to a Protected Branch of a Bitbucket Repository
Plans with git submodule fail in Bamboo Server/ DC with "Repository not found" or "Authentication failed" messages
Git LFS pull hangs indefinitely in Bamboo with Git LFS 2.6.0
Cannot create linked repository or plan repository
Troubleshooting Bitbucket Cloud
Unable to add or edit Bitbucket Cloud repository
Fail to create Bitbucket Cloud repository in Bamboo
403 Forbidden error when creating a Bitbucket Cloud or GitHub Repository in Bamboo
ResponseConnectTimeoutException: The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 1500 ms
How to improve source code checkout speed in Bamboo by using native Git
Troubleshooting Bitbucket Server and Data Center
Bamboo 9.1+ build status not updated in Bitbucket version older than 7.4 with warning Request to Bitbucket Server failed. Returned with 404
Bamboo does not automatically create plan branches from a cloned Bitbucket Server or Data Center instance
Could not contact Stash server. This repository might not function properly.
Unable to detect changes: Authenticating remote session failed
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 2 Too many authentication failures for git for Bamboo with Stash repo
BAMBOO-SSH-PROXY: [While connecting to [git@stash-baseURL/]: Authenticating remote session failed
Bamboo fails to check out or push to Stash - The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Bamboo fails to checkout in a Windows environment due to colons on filenames
Troubleshooting Git
Older Git and LFS versions installed in Bamboo can cause delay in build when using Automatic branch merging
Bamboo Repository Tag task fails when .git/objects does not exist
Unix-style line endings are being converted to windows-style (CRLF) line endings when Git checkout is performed on Bamboo Windows elastic agent
Bamboo customized builds fail to run with git tag rejected messages (would clobber existing tag)
Git credentials storage exception when trying to connect to a Github repository from Bamboo.
Bamboo Git SSH connections failing with PEMException
Git operation fails with error JGit implementation does not support merging or tagging
Random failure to detect new commit with 'credential-' is not a git command error
Git LFS operations fail with error "unsupported protocol scheme (...)"
Source Code Checkout Task with Git LFS leads to error "cannot feed the input to external filter true"
Git-LFS auto-merge fails with BAMBOO-SSH-PROXY: [User session has timed out idling after 120000 ms.] and/or lfs.locksverify error
Manage Caches interface is blank
Bamboo build fails with 'lfs' is not a git command
fatal: Not a git repository, GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set
Merging Git LFS repository failing due to local changes
Windows Bamboo fail to detect changes from SSH Git repository
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with GitHub in Bamboo
Bamboo build fails with a java.lang.StackOverflowError while executing Script Task
Git checkouts fail on Windows with "Filename too long error: unable to create file" errors
Command was canceled: command git failed with code -1
After moving Bamboo to another drive, Git SSH authentication stops working in Windows
sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection cannot be cast to javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection Error in Git repositories
Git fails to extract changesets and returning a stub changeset
Checkout of Git repository with submodules failed in Bamboo
Plan configured to checkout from Git repository stay queued for a long time
Getting a list of repositories from github fails
Git cache removal in Bamboo
Git repository checkout fails when using native Git executable
Native Git fails when system TMP or TEMP directories contain spaces in the path
Cannot fetch branch to source directory due to missing delta base
Git connections from Bamboo fail with certificate subject name does not match target host name
Merging and pushing to remote repository fails
Polling Git repository for changes doesn't work
Use Native Git for Automatic Branching & Merging
Special characters in the commit message causes Bamboo to crash if the file encoding is wrong
Troubleshooting Mercurial
Mercurial (HG) version capability with Bamboo
Mercurial operations fail due to mis-configured HG capability
Can't clone Mercurial for the lack of SCM Capaiblity
SSH-based Repository Authentication Fails due to MOTD (Message of the Day)
Troubleshooting Perforce
Errors getting changes for Perforce repository
Perforce builds fail due to special character in the client view
Unable to extract client root from Perforce
Multiple Repository Sync in Perforce
Troubleshooting CVS
CVS checkout Terminated with fatal signal 11
CVS Checkouts Fail When Using Tags
Troubleshooting Subversion
Bamboo build using SVN repository for plans imported via Java specs scan fails with NullPointerException
SVN checkout task failed with error "svn: E175002: SSL handshake failed"
Checkout Task fails with "svn: E200030: BUSY" message
SVN checkout takes too long after Upgrading Bamboo to 5.6 (or higher)
Bamboo build fails when checking out SVN repo - E155004
SVN checkout takes too long after Upgrading Bamboo to 4.2
Bamboo is unable to login to SVN - No valid credentials provided
How to configure Bamboo to support Subversion 1.7 Working copy format
Failed to Check out SVN after Upgrading SVN Server
This is not a valid Subversion Repository: svn: Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac svn: OPTIONS request failed on
Bamboo Fails to Checkout SVN Repository Reporting "Invalid padding"
Bamboo and SASL Authentication
Subversion Authentication fails with 'Unable to locate a login configuration'
Subversion authentication fails with 'Authentication required for'
SVN authentication fails on Windows
Subversion problems with Solaris patch level less than 137138-09
Analysing Subversion Connectivity Issues with jsvn
Authentication Failure with NTLM Subversion Authentication
IndexOutOfBound Exception With Subversion Configuration
SVN update fails with NullpointerException
Changing how Bamboo upgrades the Subversion working copy version during checkout
Troubleshooting Builds
Bamboo not able to run scheduled builds on Docker image/network
Bamboo script task remains In progress even after executing all the commands inside the script body
How to access artifacts that are only available locally on the Bamboo Agents
Bamboo is not getting build variables from path variables
Bamboo repository polling trigger does not start the build immediately
Builds using Artifactory Jfrog plugin failing after upgrading Bamboo
Builds fail with "invalid privatekey" and "Git capability is not defined. Falling back to JGit"
Build fails due to bad pack header error
PowerShell Script tasks in Bamboo will not follow the script's return code
Bamboo artifacts grayed out and not available for download
Unable to download build artifact via web request
In Bamboo Scheduled triggers the Build plan not getting triggered
Bamboo build plans with linked repositories(having Change detection options configured ) aren’t triggered occasionally for commits made on the Bitbucket Server/DC repository
'Object Directory Does Not Exist' Error in Build Logs After Migrating Bamboo Home Directory
Bamboo builds can't find the Visual Studio executable and throw "The system cannot find the path specified."
Bamboo fails with "No space left on device" due to large artifacts
Bamboo running on Docker fails to checkout code from Bitbucket due to x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Build had to be cancelled: it was marked as in progress in DB but no agents were assigned to it
PowerShell commands fail on Linux Agents with "The application to execute does not exist"
Bamboo builds fail with Error "mt.exe : general error c101008d: Failed to write the updated manifest to the resource of file"
Script fails with '\r': command not found error message
How to extract all the trigger information for plans from Bamboo database.
When a script with a Maven goal is executed, the password appears in visible clear text in the Bamboo build logs.
Builds failing in Bamboo with connection error from SVN server svn: E175002 error.
Build status showing Success even though there were failures
Bamboo is not able to stop a build
Bamboo Script tasks containing Gradle builds remain in running state
After successful build plan: Can't find triggering branch 'branch'
Repository Source Code Checkout task fails: Task was canceled
How to know which user triggered a build during execution time
Bamboo Build fails with Exception "No such file or directory"
Bamboo build fails with the error fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Build fails on Bamboo server while parsing Test.XML file
Troubleshooting "Rerun failed/incomplete jobs only" option missing from dropdown for certain failed builds in Bamboo.
Bamboo build/deployment fails to download artifacts
Bamboo plans queued for extended duration when a single Linked Repository is used by multiple plans
How Bamboo manages and displays commit authors
Bamboo build queue status is not seen in Build Activity dashboard
How to retrieve which commit hashes are included in a expired or deleted Bamboo build
SQL to show all build statuses from Bamboo
How to trigger Bamboo builds with GitHub webhook
Remote Triggers using Webhooks stop triggering Bamboo builds consistently
How to identify which repository triggered a build
Builds failing with "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"
Subversion: access to repository forbidden
Build fails to download artifact reporting a timeout
JUnit Parser task can not find JUnit results
Script task fails with command not found
Query the database for build jobs that contain a Docker Task
Conditional Tasks in Bamboo
Query the database to find details about builds
How to identify the repository information in the build logs
Bamboo SCP task fails with "java.lang.NullPointerException" error when uploading a shared artifact
Bamboo build fails with error "git: 'lfs' is not a git command"
How to bulk clear System Errors from build plans
After migrating Bamboo to a new machine all git operations stop working
How-to: Print environment variables in the Build logs
Some local refs could not be updated error while running a plan
Builds using the After Deployment Trigger for Bamboo add-on fail to Queue and Run
Build plans queued for extended duration reporting "Updating source code to latest..." inside Build activity dashboard
Trying to rerun failed or incomplete jobs result in XSRF: A mutative operation was attempted on BuildResultsSummaryImpl within a non-mutative HTTP request
Builds start falling with to Broken pipe (Write failed) messages while trying to publish artifacts.
NuGet restore fails with error MSB1009: Project file does not exist when running Bamboo agent service as LOCAL SYSTEM
Changes by [unknown] in a Git plan
Unable to find bash.exe executable when using MinGW
Artifact publish failing: "too many levels of symbolic links"
Unicode characters from a Windows console are not displayed correctly in Bamboo build logs
Long Test Class Names cause builds to fail to finish
Errors in Artifact Download task after changing Build key
How to Find how long a Build is Queued from the Logs
MSBuild jobs failing with C# Compilation errors
JUnit parser failing to find or parse test results
Source code checkout fails on Windows agents due to WinSock error
Linux Environment Variables not referenced by Bamboo
The artifact definition or subscription has probably been removed from build.
Rerun Build not appearing in Agent's Recent build history
Bamboo build plan fails to start with RepositoryDefinitionException: Task failed since repository with id does not exist
Unable to publish artifact with NoSuchFileException
How to find currently running jobs
Tasks do not run on agents due to Plugin availability errors
TestNG parser fails to find the test results
NPM task fails to run due to incorrect executable location
Variable substitution fails with NumberFormatException
Build expiry removes all logs
Devenv.exe Build silently fails to build Artifacts
Maven build fail with "No child processes"
Bamboo SCP Task failed to upload file - Received unknown response code
Artifact Download task in Bamboo 5.12.x does not handle absolute path
Build plan queued for extended duration and not showing on Build activity dashboard as queued in Bamboo
Running branch merge builds throws Merge Command Error: Runtime Exception
Build fails because the environment block used to start a process cannot be longer than X bytes
Could not save build results. ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
JUnit Parser task in Bamboo shows 'Failed to parse test result file' error when parsing test results file
Unable to publish artifact
MSBUILD : error MSB1022: Response file does not exist.
Changing the current build number in Bamboo
The license for Visual Studio has expired
Running Git command to SSH URL hangs on Windows agents
Docker containers are not removed after a build completes
Bamboo fails to connect to SVN server via SSL with an error "unrecognized_name" error
Cannot copy large Artifacts [502 Bad Gateway]
Build dependencies stop working when Stash suffers from memory issues
Branches are not showing up in Stash when using JGit Flow Maven Plugin
Property is not valid error caused by auto removal of quotes from MSBuild options
Build <key> had to be cancelled: it was marked as in progress in DB but Bamboo has no record of this build
Maven build fails with no plugin with key error message
Powershell script hangs
Bad Substitution in nested variables
Bamboo hangs when uploading artifacts from elastic agents
Wrong settings of the user language and locale causes build logs to be shown with a default time 01-Jan-1970 01:00:00
JUnit Parser - Too many levels of symbolic links
Build fails with repository exception: svn: E175002: No space left on device
CVS Checkout Does Not Get Latest Revision
Deploying artifacts to Tomcat will sometimes fail on due to file locking
Grails task fails in Bamboo build - OutOfMemoryError
ASPNETCOMPILER : error ASPRUNTIME: The specified path, file name, or both are too long
Builds cancelled due to marked as queued but not present in the queue for 720 seconds
Windows build artifacts are not copied
JUnit Parser: Test results are not found
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : mstest.exe cannot be found
Maven build fails due to NullPointerException
Script task body is empty due to corrupted file system
Bamboo Remote agent running as a Windows Service does not pick up the PATH variable correctly
Unsupported JDK`s can cause builds to stay put in an incomplete state due to problem with log parsing
TestNG parser problem
Grails build fails - StackOverflowError
Visual Studio task fails when running Bamboo as a Windows service
Build fails in Windows - The system cannot find the path specified
Script task unable to run file in Windows
Grails builder always append "-non-interactive" to commands
Error 'Can't connect to X11 window server' is reported during Server Startup
Bamboo Performance
How to test disk speed in an environment running a Bamboo process
Performance degradation due to errors while deleting artifacts stored in S3
Hibernate NotSerializableException and ArrayStoreException in Bamboo
Bamboo Server Crashes due to Segmentation Fault on BigInteger methods
Build results summary pages are slow or unresponsive
How to enable output of profiling data in Bamboo logs
Performance issue with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
OutOfMemory Errors in Bamboo server or in remote agent
CPU spike after running Bamboo server or a remote agent on a Linux box
Bamboo remote agents lose connection because of 'No space left on device' error
Restoring a Bamboo instance after a crash
APPARENT DEADLOCK creating emergency threads for unassigned pending tasks
Build execution fails due to java.lang.StackOverflowError
Troubleshooting Databases
How to identify tables which contains a particular text in Bamboo Postgres SQL DB
Bamboo crashes and fails to start with SQL exception "FATAL: could not write init file"
Bamboo throws SQL exception "Cannot find the object because it does not exist or you do not have permissions" during startup
Bamboo url not accessible after pausing server
How to reduce the size of test_case, test_case_result, test_class, test_class_result,test_error tables in Bamboo
Migrate the Bamboo configuration from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0
Bamboo Error: "Failed to load driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver from HikariConfig class classloader ParallelWebappClassLoader"
Bamboo Data Center NodeAliveWatchdog shuts down Bamboo during DB scheduled backups
Bamboo fails to start with error "Cannot open database"
Getting error message "This driver is not configured for integrated authentication" when trying to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database
Login failed for user while trying to connect Bamboo to a database
Database duplicate entry for key 'buildresultsummary.brs_key_number_unique'
Bamboo UI is inaccessible though service is up and running.
How to check all the Bamboo database table constraints
Bamboo does not install and shows error message ORA-01950
Failed to enable Rate Limiting on Bamboo - ORA-04043
H2 Database Corruption - File corrupted while reading record
Bamboo fails to start due to database connectivity issue
Queries to find encrypted values in Bamboo database
Bamboo does not start when connecting to Azure Database for MySQL
Manually upgrading the PostgreSQL version of your Amazon RDS database from 9.6 to 10
Bamboo startup fails with error "Could not create connection to database server." (using MySQL)
How to identify build results for variable that has a length greater than 4000
Bamboo fails with error "ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor"
Bamboo makes inactive sessions to the database and reached process threshold
Bamboo doesn't start up with PostgreSQL errors: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
Error when trying to insert UTF-8 into Bamboo MySQL DB. Error Code: 1366
Trying to add or edit Project permissions for a group or user fails with the message "Could not find ACL".
Bamboo fails to start with error "Bamboo bootstrap failed: Your Bamboo instance could not start because health check failed."
A Bamboo action fails with error "'bamboo.HT_DEPLOYMENT_PROJECT_ITEM' doesn't exist"
Bamboo startup or runtime error due to ORA-00257 archiver error
How to find the DDL for Bamboo tables
Manually upgrading the PostgreSQL version of your Amazon RDS database from 9.5 (and below) to 9.6
Manually upgrading the PostgreSQL version of your Amazon RDS database from 9.4 (and below) to 9.6
Bamboo fails to start after Oracle database migration - ORA-00955
Viewing a build fail with MySQL Unknown table error
Build fail with duplicate key value error for AO tables
Accessing Bamboo's H2 embedded database
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges Exception
How to connect MSSQL as DataSource in Bamboo 6.x
MySQL deadlock
Too many connections on AWS Aurora db.t2.medium database
Bamboo fails to start after PostgreSQL migration with error relation build does not exist
Active Objects tables created without Indexes or Identity Columns
Broken Build Processor Inserts fail on SQL Server when no IDENTITY column defined
Duplicate key in table, or Table not found errors in Schema Update section of Startup process
Exceeds maximum permitted number of rows per writeset
The component of the database name of the object qualifier must be the name of the current database
After database migration to Amazon Aurora Postgres, running builds throws internal server errors
Error when connecting to SQL Server
Bamboo does not start with error message ORA-12505
java.sql.SQLException: Protocol violation caught while accessing a page and Oracle DB is used
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already error in Bamboo
Bamboo upgrade fails - Task for build 51012 failed
Bamboo running as a Windows service fails to start up with 'cannot open database requested by the login'
Bamboo fails to start up - Failed to run pre-bootstrap upgrade tasks, multiple entries in the HIBERNATE_UNIQUE_KEY
Bamboo startup fails when the legacy EBS handling has a null value
Bamboo startup or backup fails when the skipped test count has a null value
Bamboo fails to start due to invalid branch keys
failed on instance of com.atlassian.bamboo.plan.PlanStatusHistoryAction
Database Corruption - Startup page not reachable - Cannot evaluate master chain
Database Corruption - Can't load default bamboo plan page
Specified key was too long errors in the logs even when Bamboo database is correctly set to InnoDB
Cannot instantiate abstract class or interface
Bamboo Database (PostgreSQL) setup wizard error - Ident authentication failed for user
Unsuccessful: create index Error in Logs Using MySQL
Bamboo HSQL Database Corruption caused by DBVisualizer
Connection to Bamboo Database is lost with error about host being blocked
Bamboo Server fails to Upgrade Plans
Bamboo Database (MySQL) setup wizard errors - Driver class can not be found in the class path
MySQL - Lock wait timeout exceeded - try restarting transaction
Bamboo Database Error - MySQL (errno: 150)
Duplicate tables in MySQL Bamboo database
MySQL Communications link failure
Database Corruption - query did not return a unique result: 2
Wrong MySQL collation causes build to fail
PostgreSQL 9.1 - Driver class cannot be found in the classpath
Database Corruption - Bamboo Import fails - AUTH_ATTEMPT_INFO
Database Corruption - Bamboo server fails to start - error 503 - clearcase plugin
Password authentication failed for user
Bamboo Database Corruption(HSQL) - "APPARENT DEADLOCK!!!"
Bamboo fails to start
Database Corruption - query did not return a unique result
Test case names over 4000 characters cause database insert failure
Bamboo Database (PostgreSQL) setup wizard errors - No fonts found
Investigating Bamboo Database Schema
Bamboo 9.4.0 Database Schema
Bamboo 9.3.3 Database Schema
Bamboo 9.2.1 Database Schema
Bamboo 9.1.0 Database Schema
Bamboo 9.0.1 Database Schema
Bamboo 8.2.5 Database Schema
Bamboo 8.1.2 Database Schema
Bamboo 8.0.6 Database Schema
Bamboo 7.2.7 Database Schema
Bamboo 7.1.4 Database Schema
Bamboo 6.6.3 Database Schema
Bamboo 6.9.2 Database Schema
Bamboo 7.0.3 Database Schema
Bamboo 5.7.2 Database Schema
Could not delete plan
Import & Export fail due to SQL Corruption.
Bamboo Server fails to Initialize Plans on Server Restart
Database Updates fail with 'Can't call commit when autocommit=true'
Connecting to HSQLDB using DBVisualizer
Unable to Save Build Results to the Database due to Error 'Packet for query is too large'
CAPABILITY and NOTIFICATIONS table access with Empty values causes (Oracle) Deadlock
Could not save the build results. Data too long for column
Troubleshooting Plans
How to locate and modify the "Clean Working Directory" Job option, or the "Clean Working Directory" Task in bulk
Bamboo plan gets stuck if the artifact download has a source plan without successful runs
Plan branches are added to disabled Bamboo Plans with Automatic branch management enabled
Bamboo plan branch build fails with an error "Failed to execute plugin 'Maven Branch Version Revert' with error: Builder label is not defined"
Bamboo is not creating a new branch plan automatically
How to control a Bamboo build based on the branch name
How to identify who deleted a plan branch
Querying the database to check whether the plan branches are set to clean up automatically or not
How to find favorited plans in Bamboo's database
Bamboo plan shows as successfully run but actually does not get executed when the job/s are in disabled state
Bamboo throws Internal Server Error when accessing a plan
Saving Repositories, SSH/SCP Tasks, Triggers and Shared Credentials hanging in Chrome and Edge
Maven is missing from Capability Type when adding a Executable and Bamboo Specs Imports fails on MavenTaskProperties
Maven task fail with Could not find or load main class
How to disable multiple plans or plan branches in batch
How to download another plan branch artifacts to the current plan
Creating a plan in Bamboo fails with Could not check if existing access key is valid: An error occurred while processing the request
How to download an artifact from a parent plan branch no a new plan
Unknown cipher data id 0 when performing certain actions in Bamboo on Windows after switching Bamboo to run as a Service
Internal Server Error at Miscellaneous tab
No application link found for Stash repository: Stash
Bamboo JavaScript error: _.omit is not a function occurs when editing a repository
java.lang.NullPointerException occurs when searching for capabilities
Can't detect branches for plan error even though the Automatic branch management is disabled
Branch names with emoji or 4 byte UTF8 characters create hundreds of plan branches in Bamboo
Cannot Save Script or SSH Task Containing chmod
Bamboo artifact definition syntax examples
Useful SQL queries
Trying to move plans from one project to another results in error
Cannot access Plan Configuration - Retrieving PROJ-PLAN threw java.lang.NullPointerException, aborting
Internal server error when saving repository
Receiving error "The directory name is invalid" when using MSTest Runner Task
Encoding problem when configuring a plan
Artifacts don't copy to the second stage if the first task is NOT a VCS checkout task
Cannot remove broken Bamboo plan - An invalid XML character
Maven executable doesn't show up in the Maven task drop down
Bamboo cannot start - An invalid XML character
Could not find or load main class org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher when running Ant builds in Bamboo
Cannot Create Plan Using Maven POM
PlanCreationException When Creating Plan From Maven POM
Why does my build runs from the command line but not in Bamboo?
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when building with msbuilder
How to enable debug properties on the Build Processes in Bamboo
Setting up Maven for Multiple Groups
Script Builder Doesn't Kill Child Processes
Bamboo cannot find build script on Windows boxes
Builds fail due to insufficient memore allocation
Troubleshooting Reporting
Location of Jira issue keys in Bamboo
How to filter Bamboo plans using a particular task type or having a particular text via DB queries
How to fetch the Bamboo project details with the plan key
Generating Bamboo Agents counts from the database
"Number of Tests" report is blank
Troubleshooting Upgrades
Bamboo fails to start when upgrading to version 9.2.7 or later with "Could not load bootstrap from environment java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot set any global DeserializationFilter filter"
Bamboo upgrade fails with "FileAlreadyExistsException" for bamboo-mail.cfg.xml
How to plan for manual Bamboo backup before planning an upgrade
Exception error java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError when starting/upgrading Bamboo with Java version 1.8.0_05
Bamboo fails to start post upgrade
Bamboo upgrade task 60803 fails with duplicate entry for key PRIMARY
Bamboo startup fails with error "Bamboo bootstrap failed: Couldn't save bamboo-shared.cfg.xml"
Bamboo upgrade fails with "Unsupported version of PostgreSQL"
Bamboo upgrade fails with SQL exception related to branch_metadata table
Bamboo upgrade failing with error "Exception starting filter license"
After updating a Windows server, Bamboo requests a license key after startup
Bamboo upgrade throwing Database exception MySQL bad SQL grammar
Bamboo Upgrade process failing with LazyReference InitializationException post Database setup stage
Bamboo fails to start up after upgrade to 8.0 or higher with upgrade task 70303 throwing FileNotFoundException
Bamboo fails to start with "More than one fragment with the name [spring_web] was found" after upgrade with Windows installer
How to speed up home folder migration during upgrade to Bamboo 8.0 or higher
Unique constraint (BAMBOO.SYS_C0011413) violated after Bamboo upgrade
Your shared Bamboo configuration version is too old comparing to local node Bamboo version
Bamboo upgrade task 60803 fails with duplicate entry for key 'cde_entity_unq'
Your Bamboo instance could not start because Bamboo home directory does not match database.
Elastic Bamboo Configuration Missing after Upgrade
Server Key Verification Fails During Upgrade From 6.10.x to 7.x with NoSuchMethod Error
Bamboo upgrade fails in UpgradeTask 70205 with error "No row with the given identifier exists".
Bamboo upgrade fails in UpgradeTask 60902 with error "The result set has no current row".
Upgrade from Bamboo 5.9 fails on UpgradeTask5914
Bamboo fail to upgrade due to duplicate constraints
Upgrade to Bamboo v6.6+ versions fail on task 60601: Property userSearchFilter does not define objectClass or objectCategory filter
Upgrade task 4408 fails with: "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-22859: invalid modification of columns"
NoSuchBeanDefinitionException while attempting to upgrade to Bamboo 6.2 or later
"Source repository" page of the branch plan throws "Internal Server Error"
Upgrade Task 51602 fails: pad block corrupted
Fail to upgrade due to java.lang.StackOverflowError
Bamboo fails to start when using MySQL after upgrading with AbstractMethodError
Bamboo Upgrade Fails on task 51306 due to empty administration.xml file
Blank login screen after upgrade - Error: Method default for action userlogin is not allowed
Bamboo does not start after upgrade due to ClassNotFoundException exception
Bamboo startup pauses with no meaningful log entries and ActiveMQ continuously restarts
Unable to start Bamboo: Bamboo DB must use InnoDB table engine
After editing bamboo.cfg.xml Bamboo won't start up
Bootstrap fails when checking bundled plugins after an upgrade
Project page layout is broken showing multiple configure buttons
Relative paths in remote agent capabilities are incorrectly referenced to agent's directory after upgrade
Build failing after upgrade due to Bamboo 5.x due to installed third party plugin
Page layout is broken after upgrading to Bamboo 5
Upgrading Atlassian Bamboo - Video Tutorial
Exceptions when viewing a plan's repository settings
Bamboo doesn't start up: Your build of Bamboo is too old to work with the data in your Bamboo home directory
Bamboo doesn't start up after upgrading - Null value was assigned to a property of primitive type
Cannot edit Source Repositories after OnDemand Bamboo upgrade
Bamboo upgrade fails due to markedForDeletion column being null
Remote Agent Classloading doesn't work on Bamboo 3.3
Plan initialization fails during start-up due to failed deletion
Installing/upgrading Bamboo with Oracle fails with a ORA-00942 SQLException
Upgrading Bamboo with MySQL database fails with "Specified key was too long" error
Upgrade to Bamboo 2.6 Fails on PostgreSQL Server due to Error 'Zero bytes may not occur in string parameters'
Troubleshooting LDAP Integration
Fallback URL for Bamboo when SAML SSO is enabled
LDAP user with pound password fail to login
Authentication dialog opens when landing on Bamboo login page
After upgrading Bamboo, connectivity to LDAP with SSL fails: No subject alternative names
Missing user profile button on the top right of the page
A mutative operation was attempted on RememberMeTokenImpl
Username updates are not showing up correctly under User Details page
Poor performance and a frozen instance due to a bug in Java
LDAP - Cannot find a userManager responsible for user [username]
CROWD or JIRA users failed to login to Bamboo
Unable to load atlassian-user configuration - LDAP
Unable to load atlassian-user.xml configuration to connect to LDAP
Authentication broken for Crowd or JIRA users
Dashboard is empty with NPE thrown in the logs
External user authentication is not working correctly for new users
LDAP - Users are intermittently unable to login
Login to Bamboo fails due to LDAP error code 49
LDAP Users Can't Log into Bamboo Due to PartialResultException
Viewing editUsers page under Administration throws Freemarker exception
Troubleshooting Networking and SSL
XSRF_FAILURE_BAD_TOKEN when trying to perform some actions in Bamboo
Possible cause of PKIX path building failure
XSRF token validation failure in EKS
How to convert a PFX certificate file to a JKS format and use in Bamboo server.xml
ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error seen on the browser while logging into Bamboo
SSLPeerUnverifiedException while connecting to marketplace.atlassian.com from Bamboo
Bamboo build gets stuck and it's not possible to stop it when trying to communicate to an endpoint
How to setup redirect from http to https port in Bamboo
How do I enable HSTS on Bamboo
How to remove the Load Balancer IP address from the Bamboo Agent authentication and approval
Unable to bind HTTPS port due to java.io.IOException: Invalid keystore format
How to bypass the server proxy on remote agent connection
Bamboo not responding due to Tomcat auto reload
Unable to create Application Link with SSL
Running Bamboo on CentOS 6.5
Error stating "SSL version range is not valid" while using Selenium
The Atlassian Marketplace server is not reachable
Bamboo throws an exception when running on Tomcat 7.x
404 page as a result of double-encoded slashes in the URL when using Apache
Unable to Connect to SSL Services due to PKIX Path Building Failed sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException
Enable AJP Support in Bamboo 2.0 and above.
Getting Bamboo 1.x to listen to AJP 1.3 requests
Troubleshooting Notifications (Email & IM)
Committers do not receive Bamboo email notifications, though notifications are configured for the plan.
IM server client failed to startup
Bamboo is unable to configure HipChat notifications and fails with the error "Notification recipient is not found"
How to configure email alerts of Bamboo errors
How to find plans and environments that send notifications to webhooks
"Ghost" notifications are being sent by Bamboo for builds that didn't happen
Bamboo unable to connect to mail server due to IPv6 issues on JVM
Notification emails not being sent with Office365 mail server
Mail server fails to send Email from Bamboo: dsn=5.6.0, stat=Data format error
After upgrading, Bamboo stop sending emails and throws 'Unknown encrypted data format' exception
Read time out error when attempting to send from Bamboo on EC2 using Amazon SES
Bamboo IM server client failed to startup
Mail server at location [java:comp/env/mail/GmailSmtpServer] is not of required type javax.mail.Session
Bamboo email notifications fail with NoClassDefFoundError errors
Unable to edit Build Plan or View Mail Server due to Corrupt Bamboo Mail Configuration
Troubleshooting Integration With Atlassian Applications
Bamboo build result summary Jira issue keys are pointing to wrong Jira instance
Bamboo shows error: "Could not obtain issue details from JIRA" in builds
How to test Application Links
Pull Requests in Bitbucket Cloud are not creating new branches in Bamboo
Failed to load data from Bitbucket. 401 Unauthorized using app password from Bitbucket cloud
Bitbucket repositories not displaying information - Plugin missing or disabled
"Something went wrong" when trying to delete application link
Bamboo fails to send build notifications to Bitbucket Server or Data Center with 401 errors
Setting up Bamboo with Crowd using SSO
Labs Feature option for the new Application Link UI not available
Delay between Bitbucket Server commit and Bamboo build
Bamboo requests an application link when creating a Bitbucket Server repository but one already exists
Bamboo throws 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/atlassian/applinks/core/util/RequestUtil' when viewing application links
Mercurial repository error while detecting branches
New access key is required but could not be added to Bitbucket Server
Bamboo build isn't triggered after upgrading Bitbucket Server
Unable to delete application link
Unable to link Test result to JIRA issue
401 Unauthorized received while attempting to store build status against Stash instance
Changing SSH Default Port for Linked Stash
Bamboo JIRA Integration fails after Bamboo upgrade
Error while opening SSH session when using putty format keys
Can't delete or create AppLink
Unable to see Bamboo build results in Stash
Troubleshooting applinks
Unable to establish an Application Link in Bamboo with additional XSRF checks failed error
Bitbucket Server and/or Data Center not able to send commit notification to Bamboo due to incorrect proxy settings
Application Link failed with "No application link found with the id" error
Bamboo build results not published to Stash and an NPE is thrown
Bamboo returns 503 error upon startup
Application Link between Bamboo and JIRA doesn't work due to oauth_problem="timestamp_refused"
Generating clover reports from builds fail if the license location is not specified in the builder configuration
Bamboo cannot authenticate with JIRA or Crowd (as a user repository)
Bamboo fails to authenticate users with JIRA (as a user repository) - HTTP Status 403 - client.forbidden.exception
Failed to change the active user repository
Error when creating an issue in JIRA from Bamboo
403 - Forbidden when attempting to connect Bamboo to JIRA as a User Server
Application Link page erroring with NullPointerException or IllegalStateException in Bamboo
Bamboo fails to connect to JIRA server
The Builds Tab in JIRA Shows 'No associated builds found'
Troubleshooting Indexing
Bamboo search bar searches not showing all results
Bamboo Builds and Deployments sections showing UI problems after upgrade
Bamboo fails to index
Bamboo failing to display JUnit tests correctly
Troubleshooting Installation
Bamboo fails to start: The system cannot open the file
Bamboo error message pop-ups in UI "An Unexpected error has occurred" while accessing plan pages
Bamboo fails to start with an "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina" error
Bamboo startup fails with error "Couldn't save bamboo-shared.cfg.xml to directory"
Bamboo fails to start and Tomcat logs show "Alias name does not identify a key entry"
Bamboo installation fails with error "Unable to create a tracker when osgi is not running" after disabling the Crowd authentication
Bamboo installation fails with "Unable to create a tracker when osgi is not running" errors
"This Bamboo site is for non-production use only" message in the Bamboo User Interface
Bamboo deployment on K8s reinitialized after any helm upgrade operation
Bamboo fails to start up due to misconfigured JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS
Bamboo Windows service doesn't start due to a logon failure
Bamboo Windows Service doesn't start and throws error code 1
Bamboo antivirus exclusions
Bamboo does not start with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: PanwHooks exception
Bamboo upgrade to 7.2 or higher will keep the c3p0 configuration for historical reference
Errors in the database setup screen during the Bamboo Wizard's setup
Bamboo fails to startup with the error - "One or more listeners failed to start. Full details will be found in the appropriate container log file"
Bamboo search bar is not working properly
Initial Azure MySQL database connection attempt fails with error null java.lang.IllegalStateException
New installation of Bamboo on Oracle database fails with org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerationException: could not read a hi value
Fixing Bamboo files and folder permission for Linux installations
Disabled the health task related to checking the database (Task 51111 failed)
PowerShell is not recognized as an internal or external command
Bamboo HikariCP properties
Local agents go offline during database backup
Bamboo does not launch: Application context refresh failed
Bamboo does not start due to java.util.EmptyStackException
"An unexpected error has occurred" pop-up while accessing certain Bamboo pages
How to configure temporary directory in Bamboo server
How to: Install Bamboo add-ons without using the UI
Installing Bamboo with MS SQL Server fails with a "No WebApplicationContext found" exception
Bamboo service does not start after restarting the system
Bamboo installation is stuck during startup when NFS mount has issues
Bamboo fails to start with NullPointerException at com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.ClassAliasingMapper.addClassAlias
New Bamboo installation fails at admin creation screen with: Failed to retrieve or create group: bamboo-admin
Bamboo fails to import with EOF exception
Bamboo does not start after License key updated in bamboo.cfg.xml
Bamboo fails to start after upgrade on Windows - Failed to scan file:/C:/Program%20Files/Bamboo/lib/jcifs.jar from classloader hierarchy
How to pass the PATH variable to Bamboo when running it as a systemd service in RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
Bamboo does not start due to empty administration.xml file
Bamboo fails to start - java.net.BindException Address already in use
Build plan fails with NullPointerException
Unable to compile Soy template in plugin module
Bamboo fails to start ands throws No Server Key Configured exception
Could not find any valid decoders for license string
Bamboo fails to start with "Error creating bean with name 'hostComponentProvider' if Artifactory Plugin is installed
Bamboo fails to start due to java.io.FileNotFoundException
Unable to run pre-bootstrap upgrade tasks as your support period has ended
Bamboo not starting due to ehcache error
Could not login admin user after admin account creation at setup
Incompatible JDK causing stack dump on Windows
Unable to create plan due to some library is unable to be loaded
Error when running Bamboo as a Windows Service
MySQL is not choosable in setup wizard
Error when starting the service
Running Bamboo as a Windows Service - Troubleshooting Guide
503 error in the UI when attempting to set up SSL
Bamboo installation fails or gets stuck at the 'Choose a Database Configuration' screen
Windows service fails to start: The process terminated unexpectedly
Bamboo server or remote agent fails to startup due to misconfigured hosts file
Cannot install Bamboo - no JDK installed
Bamboo fails to start - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Bamboo fails to start with an error 'Content is not allowed in prolog'
Bamboo fails to start: Unable to clean the Felix cache directory (Task 51404)
Configuring Bamboo to start automatically on startup on Mac OS X
Bamboo fails to start on FreeBSD
Bamboo hangs during the installation on Linux and uses all CPU - Disable SELinux
Bamboo fails to start: Unable to enable plugin
Universal Plugin Manager is Malfunctioning due to "Entry type not found for upm.auditLog.upgrade.plugin.failure"
Bamboo Indexer Fails with "Too Many Open Files" Error
User Session Times-out After One Hour
Bamboo Crashes Due to Insufficient Disk Space and Truncated bamboo.cfg.xml File
Running BambooConsole.bat fails on Windows x64 with java.io.FileNotFoundException atlassian-bamboo.log Access is denied
Installing Bamboo 3.0 fails on Window x64 with java.io.IOException "The system cannot find the path specified"
Can't create or edit plan due to temporary directory being deleted
Analyse File System Problems on Windows - MS Process Monitor
Cannot install Bamboo due to wrong JDK
Which JVM is Bamboo really using?
Cannot initialize context because there is already a root application context present
Bamboo fails to startup, due to multiple deployments
How to stop Bamboo from shutting itself down and restarting
Cannot start Bamboo due to invalid web.xml file
Moving Bamboo between machines
The start-bamboo wrapper does not work on Solaris SunOS
Adding MIME types to Bamboo Standalone
Troubleshooting Backup & Restore
Bamboo schedule backup fails with error 'Unable to find Plan'
AWS Backup windows and Bamboo
Bamboo Export process fails with error "Could not read fields for table AO_013613_ACTIVITY_SOURCE"
Bamboo import into clone instance fails with fk_qi40i74ayf29ovlos9vigoown constraint error
How to configure scheduled backups to use a nonexistent backup path
How to restore a deleted Plan in Bamboo
Bamboo export and scheduled backups fail with NullPointerException
Bamboo schedule backup fails when Expiry and Backup is scheduled at the same time
Bamboo export fails with OutOfMemoryError
Export fails with InstantiationException
Bamboo scheduled backups fail with java.io.IOException - not a file
BambooImportException: Import file is corrupted. Can't find any files to import when importing to Bamboo
Errors encountered while exporting Bamboo: null.
Internal Server Error while importing Bamboo export zip: java.lang.IllegalStateException: getAttribute: Session already invalidated
Unable to disable scheduled backups
Bamboo scheduled backup fails - Null value was assigned to a property of primitive type
Bamboo export fails with error messages related to EC2
Data import fails due to duplicate entries in either the authors or logininfos xml files
Backup is failling due to NPE in the user commits table
Artifacts with undefined size caused Bamboo export to fail
Export or Import fails with a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
VCS tagging task fails after moving the Subversion server
Null date value in the commits table causes incomplete export
Bamboo export and backup fails
Upgrade of Bamboo failing with InterruptedException errors
Bamboo Restore Fails Reporting "Unable to delete directory"
Export failing when Running Bamboo on Tomcat 7.x
Bamboo Export Fails due to Missing Build Trigger Reason
Out of Memory Error on Export Due to Coverage Plugin
Bamboo backups fail due to corrupted Kaha DB index
Troubleshooting Elastic Agents
Bamboo cannot start Elastic Agents with error "the KMS key provided is in an incorrect state"
How to setup a private mirror of Atlassian's Elastic Agents S3 Buckets
Elastic Bamboo switches to regular on-demand EC2 instances after the Spot instance fallback timeout has expired
How to customize Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and wrapper settings for your Bamboo elastic agents
How to identify a Bamboo Elastic agent details - using IP address from application logs
How to view more details on Bamboo Elastic agent history
Why are my Bamboo Elastic Agents EC2 Spot instances terminating frequently?
Bamboo Elastic Agents stuck on pending state with wire format negotiation timeout error
Builds running on Elastic agents start failing after upgrading to Bamboo 8+ versions
Bamboo elastic agent instance fails to start with the startup script
Elastic Agents can't decode user-data
Windows elastic instance in Bamboo remain in pending state on startup
Elastic agents remaining on pending state when using a custom Windows AMIs
Bamboo Elastic Agents stopped connecting to the server with The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records error
Bamboo elastic agents fail to start when there's a mismatch in the elastic agent instance id
AWS Permissions for Elastic Bamboo
Elastic Bamboo Config: AWS GovCloud region not in dropdown list
Exporting Environment Variables for Elastic Agent
Unable to start new Spot Instance in Elastic Bamboo due to validUntil time already being expired
Using Private IPs in Elastic Bamboo Setup
How to replace or regenerate the elasticbamboo.pk used for Elastic Bamboo
Fail to start Bamboo Elastic agent in Custom Windows Image: Network is unreachable or Connection timed out
Elastic Agent Instance startup script samples
Bamboo fails to lodge spot instance request since the provided credentials do not have permission to create the service-linked role
Unable to start more Spot Instances after X number
How to change log4j logging on EC2 agents
What happens when an Elastic Agent is started?
Elastic agents remain in Pending and do not connect
Elastic agent status stuck in Pending - AmazonHttpClient Unable to execute HTTP request: connect timed out
Elastic Agent status stuck in Pending
OutOfMemory Errors in Bamboo elastic agent
UnknownHostException for AWS private host results in startup failure
Error when starting a new instance (IllegalArgumentException)
Bamboo returns error when shippedWithBamboo has null values
Elastic Bamboo - The supplied AWS account credentials are either not valid or cannot be used to access EC2 services
Bamboo Fails to Start Elastic Instance
Configuring AWS S3 Storage policy permissions for Bamboo
List of Atlassian AMI IDs
Remote Desktop Connection password is not (yet) available on Bamboo EC2
Bamboo Cloud > Out of memory running Elastic Bamboo during git checkout
Existing stock images require manual update if new capabilities are needed
Automatically associating Elastic IP addresses to Elastic Agents
Use EC2 ephemeral storage as build directory even with an EBS volume attached
Cannot connect to an AWS or EC2 instance when the Bamboo application is running behind a proxy
Elastic Agent does not mount a Volume to my Elastic Instance
Elastic Agent Cannot Checkout UTF-8 Filenames From Subversion
Why can't I SSH to my Elastic Instance?
Troubleshooting Remote Agents
Bamboo Remote Agent using Systemd service fails to start due to SELinux
Bamboo Remote Agent using Linux Systemd service fails to start.
How to configure Bamboo to automatically delete offline remote agents
Builds fail due to JMS message listener failed with no converter available
"Wrapper: Not Found" error in Bamboo remote agent during startup
Bamboo Remote Agent fails to start: The version of Java specified is greater than the maximum allowed
Remote agents are disconnected due to the ActiveMQ broker blocking all queues
Bamboo Agent Start-Up Error due to Missing License in Java Service Wrapper Configuration
ActiveMQ warning messages in Bamboo Server log
Duplicate capability breaks Server capability
Best practice when shutting down a remote agent using a script
Bamboo remote agent installation on a Linux server fails with "query did not return a unique result: 3"
How to make Bamboo Agents report build status more frequently
Bamboo remote agent can't execute GIT repo operations with error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 422
Bamboo remote agent fails to connect with SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
How to configure temporary directory on a FreeBSD OS Bamboo remote agent
Bamboo remote agent on Windows running as a service with a local account still uses the SYSTEM account
How to get the list of Bamboo agents along with it's ip address and the OS on which it is running
Do I need to manually upgrade my Bamboo Agents?
Bamboo broker ActiveMQ service stopped with error: KahaDB failed to store to Journal, command of type: KAHA_ADD_MESSAGE_COMMAND java.io.IOException: Async Writer Thread Shutdown
Downloading remote agent jar in Bamboo failing with access is denied exception
Bamboo agent cannot start due to error java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to delete: C:\bamboo-agent-home\classpath\winp.x64.dll
Bamboo remote agent fails to start up due to UnknownHostException
How to identify and remove Bamboo agent dedication from the database
Remote Agent running on JDK 11 and JDK 8u341 or later fails to start with "Software caused connection abort: recv failed" message when using a secure connection (SSL)
Bamboo remote agent hostname in System Properties tab is showing an unexpected value
When installing a remote agent, the agent home value is not properly set and a different path is used
How to list approved remote agents that did not connect to Bamboo for a long time
How to migrate an existing Remote Agent to a new Bamboo instance
Controlling remote agents' logging level on Event Viewer / syslog
Agents might stop connecting to Bamboo after updating SSL self-signed certificates.
How to fix Bamboo agents with the same unique ID
Bamboo remote agent cannot connect to server with error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid connect parameters"
git can not create directory, Invalid argument, when using Windows reserved word, NUL AUX CON
Temporary folder takes a lot of space in the operating system running Bamboo remote agents
Too many open files in system errors on Bamboo or Bamboo Remote Agents hosted on Linux
How to configure the temporary directory for a Bamboo remote agent
Build job or deployment environment is not showing in the search result when dedicating an agent
Incorrect environment variables when running remote agent on macOS
How to change the user running remote agent daemon on macOS
All Remote Agent disconnecting or Transport Connection errors
When using SSL for Remote Agents in Bamboo they cannot connect with no cipher suites in common error
Bamboo agent go offline with message "Quit and let the Wrapper resynch"
Remote agents stop connecting after upgrading to Bamboo 6.9+ versions
Downloading Bamboo remote agent installer fails with ZipException: invalid entry compressed size.
AIX remote agents with SSL error: "Remote host closed connection during handshake"
Remote agent disconnected due to heartbeat timeout
Bamboo remote agents require re-approval when using a multiple instance load balancer
List of default keys for the bamboo-capabilities.properties file
Timeout has expired for waiting for tunnel to instance
Agent disconnected: "java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out"
Remote agent fails to connect to Bamboo with javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to connect to server
How to increase debug logging to investigate Agent problems
Agent remains in loading: "java.net.BindException: Address already in use"
How to change the build working directory location on a remote agent
Checkout task fails with "bbserver not available" (or another plugin/task combination) in build log
Bamboo build fails to publish artifact due to HTTP 413 Request Entity Too Large.
Remote agent fail to download artifact
Agents will not reconnect after the server hosting Bamboo ran out disk space
Bamboo remote agent fails to connect with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Registration of remote agent failed
javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: handshake alert: unrecognized_name when connecting a Remote Agent to Bamboo Server
Bamboo remote agent - WARNING - Unable to load the Wrapper's native library 'wrapper.dll'
Changing the name of a remote agent in docker
How to rename Bamboo Agent home directory
Remote Agent fails to connect to Bamboo through IIS - HTTP 500 error
Remote agent points to incorrect hostname instead of Bamboo's server IP
Remote Agent is loading on Bamboo UI never finishes
Remote agents are unable to validate the failover and connect to the server
Agent upload of artifacts fails to set Content-Length in HTTP/1.1
Bamboo (agent or server) fails to start with "not enough permissions" error
Bamboo crash while downloading the remote agent
Downloading remote agent jar hangs
Remote Agent fails to start up: HTTP status code 404 received in response to fingerprint request
Remote Agent fails to launch as it does not have a no-args constructor
Installed remote agents failing to start due to corrupt files
Bamboo remote agent fails to start - javax.servlet.ServletContext
Remote Agent fails to start up: Error creating bean with name jmsMessageConverterTarget
Remote Agent disconnecting after 10 minutes because heartbeat status is not being updated
Remote or Elastic Agents fail to start due to missing files
Agent startup fails with message "The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)"
Error when running agent java.net.SocketException Address already in use
Troubleshooting Gadgets
No Bamboo charts produced
Bamboo Gadgets Don't Show Content on Some Browsers
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