The Education Society has a Fellows Committee. However, the EdSoc's Fellows Committee does not nominate individuals for the IEEE Fellow award. The sole purpose of this committee is to receive, review, and evaluate the nomination packets it receives from the IEEE Fellows Committee.
While the Society itself does not make nominations, many Education Society Fellows are more than willing to provide references and/or make nominations for deserving individuals. The hyperlinks below provide a listing of Education Society Fellows along with their email address (if they have made it available). Many of these Fellows will be willing to support a nomination, and, many may not. Finding Fellows that will support a Fellow-candidates nomination is a great deal of hard work!
Start the process: Given the March 1st deadline and speaking from experience, it is highly recommended that this process be started in early November; given the various requirements, four months is a safe time frame assuming that a nominator works diligently.
Very important: it is critical that your Fellow nomination and your references document what the IMPACT of your work has been!
The deadline for submission of IEEE Fellow nominations, including the nomination, references, and endorsements, must be received by 7 February (11:59 p.m. ET). Please refer to the link below for forms and instructions.
IEEE Fellow Nomination Details
IEEE Education Society Fellows
A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.