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I'am having trouble using pre-commit, 1.2.2. When i try to commit i have an error
./node_modules/pre-commit/hook: line 49: : command not found

win 8, Intelij Idea 2016 (with integrated git), npm 6.1.0, node v10.6.0

I just faced the similar issue in our CI system. node is not available in the $PATH , any node command is proxied via another executable, something like cmd node script.js

I am wondering if we could do something like

if [[ $* == *--dry-run* ]]; then
  exit 1
  if [[ -z "$BINARY" ]]; then
    exit 1
  "$BINARY" "$("$BINARY" -e "console.log(require.resolve('pre-commit'))")"

instead of

if [[ $* == *--dry-run* ]]; then
  if [[ -z "$BINARY" ]]; then
    exit 1
  "$BINARY" "$("$BINARY" -e "console.log(require.resolve('pre-commit'))")"

at https://github.com/observing/pre-commit/blob/master/hook?

Please excuse my ignorance, if I am oversimplifying it.

Happy to raise a PR, if this is an accepted solution.

I just solved this problem:

Install nodejs on Windows, then add a .bashrc file in your home (C:/users/YOUR_PROFILE) dir and add PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files/nodejs. That's it.

@3rd-Eden maybe you could add this info to the readme?

I was having a similar issue trying to commit within VS Code in Ubuntu 18.04.

Just chiming in so that this helps someone else that end's up searching after having this issue

When using n for your Node Version Management, if you run into this issue, I was able to resolve it by adding PATH=$PATH:$HOME/n/bin to the first line of my .git/hooks/pre-commit file.

It now looks like this:

[ $RESULT -ne 0 ] && exit 1
exit 0

Windows10 git bash setting environment variables can solve the problem.

$ vim ~/.bashrc
# add in .bashrc
PATH=$PATH:/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/nodejs

git push origin && git push origin --tags && npm publish

.git/hooks/pre-push: line 8: dirname: command not found
.git/hooks/pre-push: line 8: /husky.sh: No such file or directory

error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:bennyn/my-repository.git'

I fixed it by adding "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd" to my %PATH% system variable (Windows 10). My Git version is: 2.24.0.windows.2

Had this issue recently and it seemed to be related to using nvm-windows

Fixed this issue by making sure the following were included in the System Variables > Path (the definitions were already present in the User Variables Path):

  • %NVM_HOME%