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  • MODSIM Webinar Series: Session 5 - Part 1: Innovating Super Cool & Connected High Tech Device Designs Innovating Super Cool and Connected High-tech Device Designs Learn how to effectively design thermally efficient devices for a full range of operating conditions with SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE Works Simulation from our recently recorded live webinar. Thank you to everyone who attended the fifth live webinar in our series, MODSIM with 3DEXPERIENCE® Works: Innovating Super Cool and Connected High-tech Device Designs. MODSIM is the unification of 3D modeling and simulation. Please continue to Each year we call out the top 10 enhancements of the year to ensure you are aware of the latest features and are taking advantage of them. How do we decide? Well, it’s not easy, with all the great, customer-driven enhancements added throughout the year, but it’s based on which enhancements give you the most productivity gains so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy- designing! Check out the top 10 new capabilities in Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS® in 2023 available now. Rich Wells, Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, USA is teaching design, engineering and analysis courses to his students. His students are using SOLIDWORKS. But early this summer, Rich and three of his colleagues put together the “Robots and Rockets” Summer Camp for kids in grades 4-8 to have fun learning about with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) projects. Campers got to work on: 1. Rich Wells, Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, USA is teaching design, engineering and analysis courses to his students. His students are using SOLIDWORKS. But early this summer, Rich and three of his colleagues put together the “Robot and Rockets” Summer Camp for kids in grades 4-8 to have fun learning about with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) projects. Campers got to work on: 1. Welcome to our on-demand webinar - With this webinar, learn how you can use injection molding simulation to quickly identify potential problems during the earliest stages of design. Eliminate costly mold rework, improve part quality and accelerate time to market. Follow us! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/solidworks/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/solidworks Twitter: https://twitter.com/solidworks LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/solidworks/ Xi Engineering Consultants accelerates technology development for its clients by applying multiphysics computer simulations. It then validates the work with physical measurements and data analysis to solve complex engineering problems. The team from Edinburgh, UK, works on projects with companies of all sizes across various sectors: building, structures, and planning; transportation; Hallo und herzlich willkommen im SOLIDWORKS Blog, Kurven sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der CAD-Modellierung und spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Erstellung komplexer und ästhetisch ansprechender Designs. In SOLIDWORKS sind Kurven von entscheidender Bedeutung, um präzise Modelle zu erstellen. In diesem Blogbeitrag werden wir uns genauer mit dem Thema „Kurven in SOLIDWORKS“ befassen und Ihnen einige wertvolle Tipps geben, wie Sie Ihre Kurven gewinnbringend einsetzen können. Want industry-grade tips on design-thinking, simulation, and virtual prototyping from a lead mechanical engineer, who works at one of the most recognizable brands in the world? Dhanachezhian Duraikannu (Lead Mechanical Engineer @ GE Healthcare) joins us on LIVE Design to educate us on what he's learned in the field when it comes to these topics, using software like SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation, which help guide important design and engineering decisions affecting many across the globe. Episode I’m always looking at fun ways of using SOLIDWORKS, 3D printing and baking, plus autumn is one of my favorite seasons, so I decided to design an autumnal themed rolling pin. The rolling pin can be used for rolling out biscuit dough or icing and should leave you with an embossed pattern. The DXF of the pattern used in this tutorial can be downloaded here. You could create your own design or theme for your rolling pin, as long as it fits the tile size I have created, you also want to make sure Behlen Mfg. Co., a world-leading metal manufacturer with over 1,100 employees, was founded in 1936 in a garage in Columbus, Nebraska. Three of Behlen’s diverse business units operate out of its fabrication, production, and assembly facility in Columbus. These include Behlen Country, the leading U.S. manufacturer of livestock equipment; In the world of design and drafting, one thing is inevitable: change. Revision cycles represent a significant part of a drawing’s lifecycle. A typical workflow includes a short narrative in the revision block of the sheet’s title block, a corresponding identity mark, usually a letter or number within a triangle (a delta), and a scalloped cloud enclosing the area of revision. DraftSight makes it easy to create and add revision clouds to your drawing.
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