  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • Debug DataBinding Issues
  • Popular Data Binding Expressions
  • Elegant way for INotifyPropertyChanged
  • How to Bind EnumValues
  • Input
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    • RoutedCommands in a ContextMenu
    • Mutli Touch
    • Localization
      • Evaluate a localization mechanism
      • Localization using a MarkupExtension
      • Styling
        • Themes
        • Styles
          • Triggers
          • Style inheritance
          • Override the default Style
          • Designtime vs. Runtime
          • Control Templates
          • Data Templates
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            • Read WPF resources from WinForms
            • MergedDictionaries
            • Set DynamicResource from Code
            • Loading BAML
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              • Behaviors
              • 2D Graphics
                • Draw excactly on physical device pixels
                • Geometry Transformer
                • Images
                • DrawRoundedRectangle
                • How to get a Bitmap from a Visual
                • 3D Graphics
                  • Introduction to WPF 3D
                  • Animation
                    • Adjust the Frame Rate
                    • Debugging Animations
                    • Multimedia
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                      • Windows 7
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                        • Glass Windows
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                          • FlowDocuments
                          • Inline Images in a FlowDocument
                          • Interoperability
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                            • App resources & WinForms Integration
                            • Performance
                              • Top 11 WPF Performance Tips
                              • Expression Blend
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                                • How to Import Photoshop Files
                                • Prototyping with SketchFlow
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                                  • UI Automation
                                  • What is a CollectionView?

                                    WPF has a powerful data binding infrastructure. It allows you to bind almost any kind of collection directly to a view. But when it comes to sorting, filtering and grouping the support of the collections is rare. That's the point where the CollectionView comes into play. A collection view is a wrapper around a collection that provides the following additional features:

                                  • Navigation
                                  • Sorting
                                  • Filtering
                                  • Grouping
                                  • How to Create and Use a CollectionView

                                    The following example shows you how to create a collection view and bind it to a ListBox <Window xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" > <ListBox ItemsSource = { Binding Customers } /> </Window > IList < Customer > customers = GetCustomers ( ) ; _customerView = CollectionViewSource. GetDefaultView ( customers ) ;


                                    The collection view adds support for selection tracking. If you set the property IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem to True on the view that the collection is bound to, it automatically synchronizes the current item of the CollectionView and the View.

                                    <ListBox ItemsSource = "{Binding Customers}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem = "True" />

                                    If you are using a MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern, you don't have to extra wire-up the SelectedItem of the control, because it's implicity available over the CollectionView.

                                    IList < Customer > customers = GetCustomers ( ) ; ICollectionView _customerView = CollectionViewSource. GetDefaultView ( customers ) ; _customerView. CurrentChanged = CustomerSelectionChanged; private CustomerSelectionChanged ( object sender, EventArgs e ) // React to the changed selection

                                    You can also manually control the selection from the ViewModel by calling the MoveCurrentToFirst() or MoveCurrentToLast() methods on the CollectionView.


                                    To filter a collection view you can define a callback method that determines if the item should be part of the view or not. That method should have the following signature: bool Filter(object item) . Now set the delegate of that method to the Filter property of the CollectionView and you're done.

                                    ICollectionView _customerView = CollectionViewSource. GetDefaultView ( customers ) ; _customerView. Filter = CustomerFilter private bool CustomerFilter ( object item ) Customer customer = item as Customer; return customer. Name . Contains ( _filterString ) ;

                                    Refresh the filter

                                    If you change the filter criteria and you want to refresh the view, you have to call Refresh() on the collection view

                                    public string FilterString get { return _filterString; } _filterString = value; NotifyPropertyChanged ( "FilterString" ) ; _customerView. Refresh ( ) ;


                                    Sorting data ascending or descending by one or multiple criterias is a common requirement for viewing data. The collection view makes it so easy to achieve this goal. Just add as many SortDescriptions as you like to the CollectionView

                                    ICollectionView _customerView = CollectionViewSource. GetDefaultView ( customers ) ; _customerView. SortDescriptions . Add ( new SortDescription ( "LastName" , ListSortDirection. Ascending ) ; _customerView. SortDescriptions . Add ( new SortDescription ( "FirstName" , ListSortDirection. Ascending ) ;

                                    Fast Sorting

                                    The sorting technique explained above is really simple, but also quite slow for a large amount of data, because it internally uses reflection. But there is an alternative, more performant way to do sorting by providing a custom sorter.

                                    ListCollectionView _customerView = CollectionViewSource. GetDefaultView ( customers ) ; as ListCollectionView; _customerView. CustomSort = new CustomerSorter ( ) ; public class CustomerSorter : IComparer public int Compare ( object x, object y ) Customer custX = x as Customer; Customer custY = y as Customer; return custX. Name . CompareTo ( custY. Name ) ;


                                    Grouping is another powerful feature of the CollectionView. You can define as many groups as you like by adding GroupDescriptions to the collection view.

                                    Note: Grouping disables virtualization! This can bring huge performance issues on large data sets. So be careful when using it.

                                    ICollectionView _customerView = CollectionViewSource. GetDefaultView ( customers ) ; _customerView. GroupDescriptions . Add ( new PropertyGroupDescription ( "Country" ) ) ;

                                    To make the grouping visible in the view you have to define a special GroupStyle on the view.

                                    <ListBox ItemsSource = "{Binding Customers}" > <ListBox .GroupStyle > <GroupStyle .HeaderTemplate > <DataTemplate > <TextBlock Text = "{Binding Path=Name}" /> </DataTemplate > </GroupStyle .HeaderTemplate > </ListBox .GroupStyle > </ListBox >

                                    How to create a CollectionView in XAML

                                    It's also possible to create a CollectionView completely in XAML

                                    <Window xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" > <Window .Resources > <CollectionViewSource Source = "{Binding}" x:Key = "customerView" > <CollectionViewSource .GroupDescriptions > <PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName = "Country" /> </CollectionViewSource .GroupDescriptions > </CollectionViewSource > </Window .Resources > <ListBox ItemSource = "{Binding Source={StaticResource customerView}}" /> </Window > Hi Thomas,
                                    the GetCustomer() is just a method on the ViewModel that returns a list of customers. I did not mentioned it in the snippet, because it's not relevant where the customers come from. It's just a data source. You can replace it by any kind of data source you like.

                                    I hope this helps.
                                    Love the layout, concept and training, keep it up!

                                    I think your snippet needs a couple of changes, adding "new EventHandler(" and the "void" return type.
                                    _customerView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(CustomerSelectionChanged);

                                    private void CustomerSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                                    // React to the changed selection

                                    Nigel "Commented on 7.January 2010
                                    But with out a definition for GetCustomers(), teh code can't be used! Its worthwhile you provide the whole code necessary when you write a tutorial for beginners so we dont get lost for hours! :)"

                                    Just write whatever function or data source you like since the only thing that matters is that it returns results in form GetCustomers() returns.
                                    please help me?
                                    this code for set group style in combo box. i can not set group style .until change combo box items then change text group!!!!

                                    //class person
                                    Public Class Person

                                    Sub New(ByVal d As Integer, ByVal fm As String)
                                    _id = d
                                    _family = fm
                                    End Sub

                                    Private _family As String
                                    Public Property Family() As String
                                    Return _family
                                    End Get
                                    Set(ByVal value As String)
                                    _family = value
                                    End Set
                                    End Property

                                    Private _id As Integer
                                    Public Property ID() As Integer
                                    Return _id
                                    End Get
                                    Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                                    _id = value
                                    End Set
                                    End Property
                                    End Class

                                    //vb.net code

                                    Dim lst As Person() = New Person() {New Person(1, "amir"), New Person(1, "ali"), New Person(2, "hasan"), New Person(3, "ahmad")}

                                    Dim p As New ListCollectionView(lst)
                                    p.Filter = AddressOf compare
                                    p.GroupDescriptions.Add(New PropertyGroupDescription("ID"))
                                    p.SortDescriptions.Add(New ComponentModel.SortDescription("ID", ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending))

                                    cmb1.DisplayMemberPath = "Family"
                                    cmb1.ItemsSource = p

                                    Dim g As New GroupStyle
                                    g.HeaderTemplate = New DataTemplate
                                    g.HeaderTemplate.VisualTree = New FrameworkElementFactory(GetType(TextBlock))
                                    With g.HeaderTemplate.VisualTree
                                    Dim b As New Binding("ID")
                                    b.Source = p
                                    .SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, b)

                                    .SetValue(TextBlock.BackgroundProperty, Brushes.Gray)
                                    .SetValue(TextBlock.HeightProperty, 25.0)
                                    .SetValue(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty, Brushes.White)
                                    End With
                                    cmb1.GroupStyle.Add(g) [color=red]Hello, dear users.[/color]
                                    My name is James. Today i was joined in your portal. There are very nice! :) I hope we will be friends.

                                    Appreciate song, please: [url=http://baseofmp3.com/?q=%CC%E0%F5%E0%E1%E1%E0%F2]&ETH;&nbsp;&Ntilde;š&ETH;&nbsp;&Acirc;&deg;&ETH;&iexcl;&acirc;€&brvbar;&ETH;&nbsp;&Acirc;&deg;&ETH;&nbsp;&Acirc;&plusmn;&ETH;&nbsp;&Acirc;&plusmn;&ETH;&nbsp;&Acirc;&deg;&ETH;&iexcl;&acirc;€š[/url]
                                    I like it.

                                    [b] John[/b].