  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
yarn add vue3-emoji-picker

Important note: If you're using TypeScript, don't forget to add declare module 'vue3-emoji-picker' in your .d.ts file


// import picker compopnent
import EmojiPicker from 'vue3-emoji-picker'
// import css
import 'vue3-emoji-picker/css'
// or import directly:
// import'node_modules/vue3-emoji-picker/dist/style.css'
// use picker component
<EmojiPicker :native="true" @select="onSelectEmoji" />
// event callback
function onSelectEmoji(emoji) {
    // result
        i: "😚", 
        n: ["kissing face"], 
        r: "1f61a", // with skin tone
        t: "neutral", // skin tone
        u: "1f61a" // without tone

Options (props)

Default Value Description Object Add additional customized groups, keys are the group names translated from snake_case group-order Array Override ordering of groups group-icons Object Override group icons by passing svg's on keys display-recent Boolean false Display Recently used emojis theme String 'light' Available options, 'light', 'dark', and 'auto'

Static text option (props['static-texts'])

Default Value Description


This event fires when an emoji gets selected/clicked.
Event callback will receive selected emoji in the first argument.

<EmojiPicker @select="onSelectEmoji" />
function onSelectEmoji(emoji) { /* do something */ }


This event fires when input text gets changed.
Event callback will receive the text in the first argument.

<EmojiPicker @update:text="onChangeText" />
function onChangeText(text) { /* do something */ }

Available groups

"smileys_people", "animals_nature", "food_drink", "activities", "travel_places", "objects", "symbols", "flags"

Default group names

"smileys_people": "Smiles & People", "animals_nature": "Animals & Nature", "food_drink": "Food & Drink", "activities": "Activities", "travel_places": "Travel places", "objects": "Objects", "symbols": "Symbols", "flags": "Flags"

Overriding group names

<picker :group-names="{ smileys_people: 'My customized group name' }" />

Overriding group icons

  <picker :group-icons="{ smileys_people: customSVG }" />
<script setup>
import customSVG from './path/to/svg'

Override group order

This will make it so flags is first and then any other non-defined group will follow.

<picker :group-order="['flags']" />

Add additional groups

To see any existing emoji's see src/data/emojis.json

    my_custom_group: [
      { n: ['grinning face', 'grinning'], u: '1f600' },
      { n: ['grinning face with smiling eyes', 'grin'], u: '1f601' },
  :group-names="{ my_custom_group: 'Frequently used' }"