  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

@look001 Yes it seems doable. You’ll probably have to save the selected document to a temporary file via an InputStream. I didn’t use this framework because I didn’t know about it. But I believe a plugin using this framework could be pretty useful in certain scenarios.

@nasos_333 I have no experience with C/C++ plugins and have only basic C++ knowledge, that repository is simply too complex for me, sorry :slight_smile:


@look001 Yes it seems doable. You’ll probably have to save the selected document to a temporary file via an InputStream. I didn’t use this framework because I didn’t know about it. But I believe a plugin using this framework could be pretty useful in certain scenarios.

@nasos_333 I have no experience with C/C++ plugins and have only basic C++ knowledge, that repository is simply too complex for me, sorry :slight_smile:

np :), just asking to see if would be something doable. I will do a try with it, though i am not experienced in this either so i dont know what to expect of it.

Hi, I’m fairly new to Unity and scripting and i’m having trouble setting up a custom name for my videos, and making them show up on my phone’s gallery. They save under the data folders but they just don’t show up on my gallery. If someone is able to take me through the steps to set up this Asset for this I would greatly appreciate it.

It should be as simple as NativeGallery.SaveVideoToGallery( videoPath, "Gallery Album Name", "Video name {0}.mp4" ); . There is also a variant of this function that takes a byte[ ] parameter. Example code may also be helpful: GitHub - yasirkula/UnityNativeGallery: A native Unity plugin to interact with Gallery/Photos on Android & iOS (save and/or load images/videos)

Just started using this asset recently, and it’s very cool!

One thing though, for some reason, on some devices gallery isn’t updated after saving the video.
I’m trying to save the video to the gallery like so:

NativeGallery.SaveVideoToGallery(path, _galleryAlbumName, Path.GetFileName(path), OnGallerySaveCallback)

I can confirm that video is actually being copied to DCIM/_galleryAlbumName/filename, but it doesn’t appear in the native gallery application. MediaSaveCallback returns no errors.

This occurs on Android 4.4.2 @ Fly IQ4516 Octa.
Also, generating screenshots and saving them to the gallery (via .SaveImageToGallery) works fine for this device. It is updated properly.

On the other two devices that I’ve tested on, this works just fine. (Android 6.0 & Android 6.0.1)
Any suggestions on how to make sure that gallery is updated properly?

Don’t know if it’s related, but I’m getting this warning when I’m pushing video to the gallery:

08-02 10:27:09.253: W/SocketClient(163): write error (Broken pipe)
08-02 10:27:10.904: W/System.err(4177): android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException
08-02 10:27:10.904: W/System.err(4177):     at android.app.ApplicationPackageManager.getPackageInfo(ApplicationPackageManager.java:84)
08-02 10:27:10.905: W/System.err(4177):     at com.estrongs.android.pop.app.b.q.c(Unknown Source)
08-02 10:27:10.905: W/System.err(4177):     at com.estrongs.android.pop.app.b.q.a(Unknown Source)
08-02 10:27:10.905: W/System.err(4177):     at com.estrongs.android.pop.app.scene.e.h$1.a(Unknown Source)
08-02 10:27:10.905: W/System.err(4177):     at com.estrongs.android.scanner.c.j$a$1.run(Unknown Source)
08-02 10:27:10.905: W/System.err(4177):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112)
08-02 10:27:10.905: W/System.err(4177):     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587)
08-02 10:27:10.905: W/System.err(4177):     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)
08-02 10:27:33.310: W/SocketClient(163): write error (Broken pipe)

Will debug further, might find something else.

Hi Yasir,
I’m trying to use your plugin and for getting videos an image the prompt will appear is there any workaround where I can get the path of all the file from devices like if I put .mp3 all the .mp3 file present in the device should be return as string list without pop up.
similarly for other extension like .jpg for image and .mp4 for videos.

Hi Yasir,

I’m having a problem on android devices where its giving me a permission denied for picking an image from the gallery while the app settings shows the permission is given. Any clue what is going on here? On iOS it works fine.
Here is the function that I use : https://hastebin.com/qanolafodo.cs

When i run it in a clean project it works… So it should be something with the runtime permissions we are using


Hi Yasir,

Is it possible to show the newest picture on the unity app, and click it to open the gallery.

and by the way to record store the video is it follow bellow ?


  • private IEnumerator SaveVideo()
  • WWW fileAccess = new WWW( System.IO.Path.Combine( Application.streamingAssetsPath, “Dewey.mp4” ) );
  • yield return fileAccess;
  • Debug.Log("Premission result: " + NativeGallery.SaveVideoToGallery( fileAccess.bytes, “CustomVideos”, “Video {0}.mp4”));
  • @VergilUa That does sound like an annoying issue but I’m not sure why media scanner is not working for some devices. You can see that it is a simple call to the MediaScannerConnection.scanFile function: