A major new upgrade to the JSBSim S-Function project will be released very soon - a trim and linearization function! The foundation for the trim and linearization script was originally part of the Aerosim blockset and was written by Marius Niculescu of U-Dynamics. He generously allowed me to incorporate it into the project.
Now when a model is selected to run in the GUI, it can be trimmed to the flight condition and control inputs that are in the GUI fields. After trimming it will be linearized with decoupled state-space matrices and eigen-values printed to the workspace. The new trimmed states and control inputs are then available for use in subsequent
There is also a win64 compiled mex file in the project ( I hope to have a Mac OS version in the near future as well.)
I am waiting on some feedback and a few documentation changes before I release the project, but it won't be long.
Best Regards,
Brian Mills
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