  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • SmartEyes Efficient remote collaboration solution
  • SmartPanel Augmented reality user interface for machine control
  • SmartGuide AR instructions and checklists for work and training
  • SmartAlert Real-time data for monitoring and controlling operations
  • SmartMarkers Accurate and robust AR markers for wearables
  • Augumenta Studio Authoring tool to customize industrial AR applications
  • SDK Interaction and AR developer tools
  • Industrial augmented reality for productivity

    Augmented reality applications and tools for smartglasses

  • Manufacturing Increase output, minimize downtime, enhance safety
  • Maintenance Speed up tasks, ensure quality, cooperate easily
  • Training Shorten learning times, learn by doing, train remotely
  • COVID-19 Supporting business continuity during COVID-19 crisis
  • Customer Use Cases Get inspired by example use cases from our customers
  • Change the way you work

    Augmented Reality and smartglasses are changing the way we control and monitor machines in digital factories and how we guide and train people at work.

  • SmartEyes Efficient remote collaboration solution
  • SmartPanel Augmented reality user interface for machine control
  • SmartGuide AR instructions and checklists for work and training
  • SmartAlert Real-time data for monitoring and controlling operations
  • SmartMarkers Accurate and robust AR markers for wearables
  • Augumenta Studio Authoring tool to customize industrial AR applications
  • SDK Interaction and AR developer tools
  • Industrial augmented reality for productivity

    Augmented reality applications and tools for smartglasses

  • Manufacturing Increase output, minimize downtime, enhance safety
  • Maintenance Speed up tasks, ensure quality, cooperate easily
  • Training Shorten learning times, learn by doing, train remotely
  • COVID-19 Supporting business continuity during COVID-19 crisis
  • Customer Use Cases Get inspired by example use cases from our customers
  • Change the way you work

    Augmented Reality and smartglasses are changing the way we control and monitor machines in digital factories and how we guide and train people at work.

    < All Topics
    • Main
    • Android Java
    • Solving "Error: Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath' "

    Solving “Error: Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ‘:classpath’ “

    After opening the Augumenta-AIP-SDK-examples-gradle-v2.5.0.zip you are getting this error:

    A problem occurred configuring root project 'EXAMPLE_PROJECT'.
    > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':classpath'.
       > Cannot resolve external dependency com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.0.1 because no repositories are defined.
         Required by:
             project :

    it is because you are missing the repositories for the buildscript in your project root build.gradle. You can fix it by adding the repositories like this:

    buildscript {
    	repositories {
    	// ...

    NOTE: This error might be caused if you tried to run the example modules as a root project. Please follow the steps from here: How to use the Android examples with Android Studio?.

    Previous Adding your Augumenta license key to your Android module Solving “Error: Plugin with id ‘com.android.application’ not found.”