  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

在使用这个库之前需要引用命名空间,打开 MainWindow.xaml 文件,添加命名空间



    public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public double A
            get => _a;
                if (value.Equals(_a)) return;
                _a = value;
        public double B
            get => _b;
                if (value.Equals(_b)) return;
                _b = value;
        public double C
            get => _c;
                if (value.Equals(_c)) return;
                _c = value;
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        private double _a = 1;
        private double _b = 2;
        private double _c;
        private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
            PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

这时在界面如果需要创建一个 TextBlock 绑定三个值 A + B + C 就可以通过下面的方法

        <TextBlock Text="{c:Binding A+B+C}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"></TextBlock>


那如果需要加上一些常量怎么做,如计算 0.5*A+B 可以怎么写?

<TextBlock Text="{c:Binding 0.5*A+B}" />


                    <Run Text="A=" />
                    <Run Text="{Binding A}" />
                    <Run Text="B=" />
                    <Run Text="{Binding B}" />
                    <Run Text="C=" />
                    <Run Text="{Binding C}" />
                <TextBlock Text="0.5*A+B" />
                <TextBlock Text="{c:Binding 0.5*A+B}" />
<TextBlock Text="{c:Binding BoolA and BoolB}" />
<TextBlock Text="{c:Binding BoolA or BoolB}" />
<TextBlock Text="{c:Binding BoolA and BoolB or BoolB}" />


                    <Run Text="A=" />
                    <Run Text="{Binding BoolA}" />
                    <Run Text="B=" />
                    <Run Text="{Binding BoolB}" />
                <TextBlock Text="A and B" />
                <TextBlock Text="{c:Binding BoolA and BoolB}" />
                <TextBlock Text="A or B" />
                <TextBlock Text="{c:Binding BoolA or BoolB}" />
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding A+B+C}"/>
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding A-B-C}"/>
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding A*(B+C)}"/>
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding 2*A-B*0.5}"/>
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding A/B, StringFormat={}{0:n2} --StringFormat is used}"/> {with string format}
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding A%B}"/>
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding '(A == 1) ? 10 : 20'}"/> {ternary operator}
<CheckBox Content="!IsChecked" IsChecked="{c:Binding !IsChecked}"/>
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding 'IsChecked and IsFull'}"/> {'and' is equvalent of '&&'}
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding '!IsChecked or (A > B)'}"/> {'or' is equvalent of '||', but you can leave '||'}
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding '(A == 1) and (B less= 5)'}"/> {'less=' is equvalent of '<='}
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding (IsChecked || !IsFull)}"/>

因为在 xaml 不能使用 && || <= 所以需要使用 and or ‘less=’ 替换

另外对于 : 之前需要添加空格,如下面代码

<TextBox Text="{c:Binding '(A == 2)?IsChecked : IsFull}"/> <!-- right -->
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding '(A == 2)?IsChecked :!IsFull}"/> <!-- right -->
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding '(A == 2) ? IsChecked :4 + IsFull}"/> <!-- right -->


<TextBox Text="{c:Binding '(A == 2)?IsChecked:IsFull}"/> <!-- wrong -->

可以绑定静态的值,静态的值的写法 xmlNamespace:Class.StaticProperty.NestedProperty 命名空间下的类的静态属性的属性

对于经常计算值这里也可以简单使用,如 Math 里面的方法

<TextBox Text="{c:Binding Math.Sin(A*Math.PI/180), StringFormat={}{0:n5} }"/>
<TextBox Text="{c:Binding A*Math.PI}" />

枚举值也可以点命名空间的枚举的值,可以用来判断 xmlNamespace:EnumClass.Value 如在 Foo 枚举里面有 A 这个值

<CheckBox IsChecked="{c:Binding 'Foo==local:Foo.A'}" />

经常会将 bool 转换为 Visibility 这个库也有简单的方法

<Button Content="TargetButton" Visibility="{c:Binding HasPrivileges, FalseToVisibility=Collapsed}"/>
or just
<Button Content="TargetButton" Visibility="{c:Binding !HasPrivileges}"/>
<Button Content="TargetButton" Visibility="{c:Binding !HasPrivileges, FalseToVisibility=Hidden}"/>

如果需要在样式使用,需要通过 RelativeSource 找到方法

<Button Content="Button" Width="100">
            <TextBox Width="{c:Binding Width+10, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent} }"/>

Alex141/CalcBinding: Advanced WPF Binding which supports expressions in Path property and other features

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