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无论您的组织处于数据旅程的哪个阶段,Altair RapidMiner 都能帮助您克服前进道路上的挑战性障碍。我们为成熟的数据分析团队提供现代化之路,也为刚刚起步的团队提供自动化之路。我们不需要您的组织从根本上改变人员、流程、计算环境或现有数据状况,帮助您实现数据目标,而无需改变您的身份或现有数据。

无论您的组织需要端到端的数据科学平台还是点解决方案,Altair RapidMiner 都能帮助您在正确的时间为不同团队提供正确的工具。


要解决复杂的问题,您需要从多个来源访问数据,包括 PDF、电子表格和文本文件等难以处理的半结构化数据。这些原始数据很少是清晰或完全准确的,因此您的团队需要对其进行转换,以便在机器学习应用中使用。

无论数据是结构化的还是非结构化的、是在企业内部还是在云中,Altair 解决方案都能自动完成准备任务,并在数秒内(而不是数小时或数天)将数据转换为清晰、准确的数据集。用增值活动取代平凡、重复和容易出错的任务,对业务产生更积极的影响。


使用 Altair RapidMiner,无论你是数据科学的新手还是经验丰富的专家,都可以通过自动化、可视化和基于代码的方法简化模型创建。Altair 的机器学习解决方案让您能够使用最新技术轻松地训练、评估、解释和部署预测性和规范性模型。



使用 Altair RapidMiner 可以在数秒内发现异常、趋势和异常值,并使用丰富、强大的仪表盘在整个组织内共享结果。Altair 的流处理和数据可视化解决方案是专为那些需要基于海量快速变化的遥测、传感器和交易数据做出快速、充分知情决策的用户而设计的。

“借助 Altair,我们可以运用 SAS 语言的丰富知识从头开始创建模型,将基于 SAS 语言的工具与 Python 和 R 构建的机器学习模型相结合,并与客户的现有流程协同工作。”

Paul Matthews,Vestigo 合伙人 | 阅览完整客户案例

“Altair 拥有优秀的数据可视化解决方案。我们从这种合作关系中获得的投资回报率是惊人的,因为这些功能,我们的客户在 FlexTrade 上也看到了明显的投资回报率。”

Paul Clarke,FlexTrade 全球战略高级副总裁 | 阅览完整客户案例

无论您是想过渡到开放源代码语言,选择适合您企业的基础架构,还是节省软件成本,已经投入多年时间使用 SAS 语言开发 IP 的企业都有自己的选择。

Altair 拥有维护和运行现有 SAS 语言程序的解决方案,无需任何第三方产品。使用完善的编程语言编写以数据为中心的应用程序,在一个程序中混合使用不同语言的语法。选择云、内部部署或混合基础设施。



Enabling Data Science at Avery Dennison

In this presentation, Karan Bedi, Senior Digital Innovation Lead at Avery Dennison, takes us through the company's Data Science journey. He discusses how Avery Dennison works with data today and what their goal is with regards to democratizing data science. He introduces RapidMiner, an end-to-end data science platform now part of Altair, and explain how they are using it.

This presentation was part of the 2nd Altair Northern UK Seminar and was filmed live in Newcastle, UK in December 2022.

Speaker : Karan Bedi, Senior Digital Innovation Lead, Avery Dennison
Duration : 18 minutes

Conference Presentations

A Human's Guide to Generative AI

In this eGuide, we’ll provide a levelheaded, easy-to-understand overview of generative AI technology – what it is, where it came from, how it works, and what it can (and can’t) do. We’ll go over the considerations and responsibilities of any enterprise implementing generative AI, including how to access it, the risks and costs involved, and critically, the tasks at which generative AI excels. We’ll compare generative AI’s strongest use cases to problems that are still better suited to other kinds of machine learning algorithms and outline why it’s important to pick the right tool for the job. Finally, we’ll break down niche use cases industry by industry, highlighting opportunities in each field.


Break Down Data Science Language Barriers

For developers of analytics and ML tools, free-to-use resources like Python, R, and SQL have redefined the landscape. And this isn't simply a matter of cost. These open-source languages offer greater productivity, flexibility, and their own specific sets of capabilities and benefits. But there's a catch. While it may no longer be the preferred choice for coders who have grown up with open source, the long-established, SAS language remains a staple of the data science ecosystem. As a result, many enterprises still rely on a host of business-critical applications that were built using SAS language.


Harnessing the Power of Big Data, AI and Simulation to Accelerate Product Innovation

In a world where everything is becoming more and more connected, Mabe, a leader in home appliances, is leveraging the convergence of big data, analytics and simulation to accelerate innovation. Martin Ortega, Senior Design Engineer at Mabe, explains how they are using Altair's AI, data analytics and simulation solutions to uncover insights, create new business opportunities, and advance product development. Learn more - click here to read how connected products deliver big ROI.

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