  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接


For small-scale targets and domain transfer problems, a method based on a continuous unsupervised domain adaptation strategy is proposed. By removing low-resolution feature maps and enhancing high-resolution feature maps, the method improves the ability of small-scale floaters to extract features. This study proposes a continuous unsupervised domain adaptation method that integrates unsupervised domain adaptation, buffering, and sample replay to reduce the constantly varying domain transfer variance in application scenarios. Meanwhile, this study combines the improved detection network with continual unsupervised domain adaption to improve model detection precision and generalization capabilities. Through the experimental verification on the data set of the floating targets, compared with the mainstream methods, the detection accuracy of the proposed method reaches 82.2%, the detection speed can reach 68.5 f/s, the computation amount of floating-point numbers reaches 3.3 billion, and the size of the model reaches 25.3 MB. This study extends the application of object detection in water surface vision.

Key words: deep learning, floating materials, object detection, unsupervised domain adaptation, continual learning


方法 渔船 水葫芦 漂浮杂草 塑料瓶 mAP/%
SSD-FT 63.2 72.3 65.8 66.3 66.9
CM-SSD 73.9 78.2 76.2 69.2 74.4
DA-FRCNN 68.1 77.4 74.1 73.8 73.4
D-adapt 79.8 80.3 76.3 76.4 78.2
CDA-SSD-FT 83.9 87.8 85.6 84.2 85.4
SSD-FT 58.3 67.5 66.8 56.3 62.2
CM-SSD 52.2 65.2 64.2 60.2 60.5
DA-FRCNN 63.5 68.3 70.4 66.6 67.2
D-adapt 59.4 72.5 72.5 72.4 69.2
CDA-SSD-FT 79.2 78.4 82.8 79.1 79.9
SSD-FT 70.2 72.5 68.3 62.5 68.4
CM-SSD 72.4 68.3 70.4 66.3 69.4
DA-FRCNN 76.9 77.2 73.9 70.5 74.6
D-adapt 71.7 75.1 76.7 72.6 74.0
CDA-SSD-FT 84.9 83.1 81.3 79.4 82.2
SSD-FT 72.3 69.2 73.5 69.3 71.0
CM-SSD 68.4 70.3 72.7 71.6 70.8
DA-FRCNN 70.2 73.6 77.5 74.7 74.0
D-adapt 74.9 71.7 74.2 75.9 74.2
CDA-SSD-FT 82.5 79.4 81.3 81.0 81.1
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