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IMPALA-8454 introduced the recursive listing of table/partition directories. It seems that it is not properly handling if we would like to intentionally disable this new behavior through the impala.disable.recursive.listing=true table property. Within the same session a refresh statement on the table flaps the behavior, see below reproduction steps.

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE subdirtest (col1 string) partitioned by (p1 string) TBLPROPERTIES ( 'impala.disable.recursive.listing' = ' true ' ); ALTER TABLE subdirtest ADD PARTITION (p1= 'A' );

then ingest some files into subdirectories

hdfs dfs -mkdir /warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/subdirtest/p1=A/00 hdfs dfs -put testdata.parq /warehouse/tablespace/external/hive/subdirtest/p1=A/00/

The "testdata.parq" matches the schema, and has two rows/records.

[coordinator.example.com:21050] default > refresh subdirtest; [coordinator.example.com:21050] default > select count(*) from subdirtest; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 0        | +----------+ [coordinator.example.com:21050] default > refresh subdirtest; [coordinator.example.com:21050] default > select count(*) from subdirtest; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 2        | +----------+ [coordinator.example.com:21050] default > refresh subdirtest; [coordinator.example.com:21050] default > select count(*) from subdirtest; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 0        | +----------+ [coordinator.example.com:21050] default > refresh subdirtest; [coordinator.example.com:21050] default > select count(*) from subdirtest; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 2        | +----------+

This can be reproduced within the same / single impala-shell session (without any other coordinators or load-balancing).


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