Ovis aries
Bos grunniens
The knowledge of forage intake of livestock and compensated growth of plant community is critical for determining the grassland carrying capacity and improving grassland management on the Tibetan Plateau. To explore the effect of grazing regime on forage intake of livestock and plant compensated growth,a manipulated grazing experiment was conducted on an alpine grassland in the Qinghai Lake basin. The results showed that,the forage intake of livestock at community level was significantly higher (
<0.05) in the treatments of Tibetan sheep grazing (SG) and mixed-livestock grazing with a ratio of yak to Tibetan sheep as 1:2 (MG 1:2). Grazing regime also affected the forage intake of livestock at functional group level,and the intake of leguminous plants by livestock were significantly higher in SG and MG 1:2. The compensation growth capacity of plants were significant higher in SG and MG 1:2 than other treatments (
<0.05). It was concluded that the forage intake by livestock was highest in SG,but the regrowth of plant was stimulated more by livestock in MG 1:2. Therefore,Tibetan sheep grazing and mixed-livestock grazing with a ratio of yak to Tibetan sheep as 1:2 are more reasonable grazing regimes based on livestock intake and plant regrowth on the alpine grassland of Qinghai Lake basin.
Key words:
Mixed grazing,
Alpine grassland on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau,
Qinghai Lake basin,
The feed intake of livestock,
Compensatory growth
张艳芬, 杨晓霞, 董全民, 张春平, 俞旸, 杨增增, 冯斌, 褚晖, 魏琳娜, 张小芳. 牦牛和藏羊混合放牧对放牧家畜采食量和植物补偿性生长的影响[J]. 草地学报, 2019, 27(6): 1607-1614.
ZHANG Yan-fen, YANG Xiao-xia, DONG Quan-min, ZHANG Chun-ping, YU Yang, YANG Zeng-zeng, FENG Bin, CHU Hui, WEI Lin-na, ZHANG Xiao-fang. Effects of Mixed Grazing of Yak and Tibetan Sheep on Feed Intake of Grazing Livestock and Plant Compensation Growth[J]. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 2019, 27(6): 1607-1614.
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