I’m trying to simulate a point source at the origin and I was trying to run this code in the examples and this is the error I get, also to specify that it’s at the origin I should include this line: openmc.stats.Point(xyz=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) )
1466×465 42.8 KB
Also I want to specify the material of the source as lithium to breed tritium, should I specify it like that, this is what I tried and I get this error:
1446×534 48.1 KB
Thank you so much for your help!
Just to try to answer about the first error “keyError : 1” it seems to be related to the tally id, you can verifiy by openning your tallies.xml file and look about ids used to identify your tally/tallies!!! or you can try [tallies.id] argument to avoir such like that error.