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英文名称: New Hongqiao American Program

成立时间: 2000年

招生年级: 高中

学费区间: 15万

所在地区: 上海 长宁区

办学类型: 民办学校

留学国家: 美国 、英国 、澳大利亚 、加拿大

上海市民办新虹桥中学是一所由新长宁集团和东展教育发展有限公司投资承办的民办高中。学校成立于2000年,是全国优秀民办学校,上海市依法治校标准校,上海市安全文明校,上海市民办中小学特色项目第二轮、第三轮创建学校,第四轮特色学校,上海市教卫系统文明单位,长宁区文明单位。 学校秉承着“面向世界,面向未来,发现挖掘学生潜能,鼓励发展个性特长;因材施教,有教无类,培养激发学习兴趣,锤炼提升个人意志”的课程理念,从2011年起先后开设加拿大OSSD、美高AP、香港HKDSE和中日课程。在继承中华优... 【详情】

Philip Massaro

Engish Literature Teacher。Philip V. Massaro comes from Western New York and is the Campus Director of NHA. Philip has been teaching at NHA since the fall of 2016.

Aneesa Jaffar

Science Teacher. Aneesa Jaffar is a registered teacher from South Africa. She has worked in both the public and private sectors with more than 15 years experience in teaching.

David Babe

English Teacher. Mr. Babe teaches grade 11 ESL at NHA. Prior to coming to China, he spent 8 years as an instructor at a national university in South Korea.

Cameron Proctor

Science Teacher. Cameron comes from Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. Combinding his experience working in the hospital and six years teaching in China.