i have a yaml pipeline which is working well when i am pushing my power app solution to git repo in the main But when i create a new branch(based on main) , say BranchABC. Is it failing with error.
I am trying to achieve a situation where each developer can checkin in their components in their own branches in Azure DevOps
On branch BranchABC
nothing to commit, working tree clean
fatal: 'BranchABC' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
fatal: could not read Username for <azure devops url> terminal prompts disabled
Right. Try specifying the local branch as well as the target branch along the lines of:
i have these set of commands in yml. I have yml on my main branch and trying to push solution to custom FeatureBranch. It works if i run pipeline from
FeatureBranch but not from main branch.