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  • 1. KC868-COL cooperates with the KC868-Hx relay controller to work as an automatic control system. KC868-COL is the AI brain and KC868-Hx is the actuator. KC868-COL uses the IFTTT command locally without the Internet.

    2. Watch all sensors data on PC in real-time and do automatic control as a user preset.

    3. Like a PLC controller, but it not need professional technology to program, it’s easy to use.

    4. It has 16 digital input, 16 analog input, and 5 temperature DS18B20 sensors.

    5. Support multiple control modes: A: relay ON, OFF, and status switch; B: send custom command by RS232 custom command auto control with third-party equipment.

    6. Automatic control all runs locally without the Internet, no need cloud server. Protect user data privacy.

    7. Support many kinds of sensors, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, light, pH value, water level, soil temperature, and humidity, ammonia, noise, air quality, human infrared, smoke, gas, door magnetic, etc.

    8. Users can create MAX 50 automatic control command save to KC868-COL.

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      Room 321, Building 6, Xixi Century Center, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
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