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玉树临风的茶壶  ·  岛左近_百度百科·  1 年前    · 
纯真的冲锋衣  ·  Alexa Prize - Amazon ...·  1 年前    · 
魁梧的单车  ·  胆结石·  1 年前    · 
乖乖的牛腩  ·  Z4(BMW)の中古車 | ...·  1 年前    · 
dovecot-fts-flatcurve-1.0.4 nur.repos.eh5.dovecot-fts-flatcurve Dovecot FTS Flatcurve plugin (Xapian) einat-0.1.2 nur.repos.eh5.einat An eBPF-based Endpoint-Independent(Full Cone) NAT fake-hwclock nur.repos.eh5.fake-hwclock Fake hardware clock kcptun-unstable-2024-05-16 nur.repos.eh5.kcptun A Stable & Secure Tunnel based on KCP with N:M multiplexing and FEC. libnftnl-1.2.6 nur.repos.eh5.libnftnl-fullcone A userspace library providing a low-level netlink API to the in-kernel nf_tables subsystem (with fullcone support) mosdns-5.3.3 nur.repos.eh5.mosdns A DNS proxy server nft-fullcone nur.repos.eh5.nft-fullcone nftables fullcone expression kernel module nftables-1.0.9 nur.repos.eh5.nftables-fullcone The project that aims to replace the existing {ip,ip6,arp,eb}tables framework (with fullcone support) nix-gfx-mesa nur.repos.eh5.nix-gfx-mesa qcef-1.1.8 nur.repos.eh5.qcef Qt5 binding of CEF rtl8152-led-ctrl-0.1.1 nur.repos.eh5.rtl8152-led-ctrl A tool to configure LEDs on RTL8152/RTL8153 series USB NICs. uboot-nanopi-r2s-rk3328_defconfig-2024.07 nur.repos.eh5.ubootNanopiR2s Boot loader for embedded systems udpspeeder-unstable-2023-07-22 nur.repos.eh5.udpspeeder A UDP Tunnel which improves your network quality on a high-latency lossy link by using forward error correction. vlmcsd-1113 nur.repos.eh5.vlmcsd KMS Emulator in C