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47 y/o male .

A n intracranial aneurysm was occasionally detected by MR for one month.

Past medical history: No HTN or DM.

Medication: -

NE: (-)






Figure 1. MRI detected a suspicious intracranial aneurysm and no enhancement was observed.

图 1. MRI示可疑颅内动脉瘤,动脉瘤壁未见明显强化。

Figure 2 GIF. Compressed left ICA. Right ICA rotational angiogram confirmed an irregular anterior communicating artery aneurysm and the left A1 segment developed well.

图 2 GIF. 左侧颈内动脉压颈。右侧颈内动脉旋转造影证实前交通不规则动脉瘤,同时左侧大脑前A1段发育良好。



  • An irregular small anterior communicating artery aneurysm with a high rupture risk should be treated.

  • Left A1 segment well developed, therefore the anterior communicating artery can be sacrificed if necessary.

  • Solitaire stent will be chosen to straighten the right anterior cerebral artery to reduce recurrence risk.

  • 前交通动脉不规则小动脉瘤,破裂风险高,建议治疗。

  • 左侧大脑前A1段发育良好,因此前交通动脉必要时可以闭塞。

  • 为降低该动脉瘤复发风险,选择Solitaire支架于右侧大脑前动脉释放,拉直右侧大脑前动脉。

Figure 3 GIF. Measurements, An size 2.21*2.29mm, An neck 2.21mm. Right A1 segment proximal diameter 1.89mm, right A2 segment diameter 1.78mm. Headway-21 microcatheter was navigated into right A2 segment. 6F Envoy DA guiding catheter was placed at right ICA petrosal segment. Solitaire 4*20mm stent was deployed from right A2 to A1 segment.

图 3 GIF. 测量,动脉瘤大小2.21*2.29mm,动脉瘤颈2.21mm。右侧A1段近端直径1.89mm,右侧A2段直径1.78mm。Headway-21微导管置于右侧大脑前动脉A2段。6F Envoy DA导引导管置于右侧颈内动脉岩骨段。Solitaire 4*20mm于右侧A2至A1段释放。

Figure 4 GIF. No bleeding was observed. Then insert 2 coils (Hypersoft 2mm*4cm, Hypersoft 1.5mm*3cm).

图 4 GIF. 复查造影未见出血。然后填入2枚弹簧圈( Hypersoft 2mm*4cm, Hypersoft 1.5mm*3cm )。

Figure 5 GIF. The aneurysm was densely packed while a branch of right M3 segment occluded. General heparinization was performed and Tirofiban 14ml was administered.

图 5 GIF. 复查造影前交通动脉瘤致密栓塞,右侧大脑中动脉上干M3段分支闭塞。行全身肝素化,经导引导管给予替罗非班14ml。

Figure 6 GIF . Echelon-10 microcatheter was advanced into the occluded branch and Tirofiban 4ml in total was administered.

图 6 GIF . Echelon-10微导管超选至闭塞分支,经微导管分次给予替罗非班4ml。

Figure 7 GIF. Right ICA angiogram showed no relapse of the aneurysm and the occluded branch recanalize partially with pial arteries compensation.

图 7 GIF. 右侧颈内动脉造影显示动脉瘤致密栓塞,闭塞分支血管部分再通,远端软膜代偿良好。

Figure 8 GIF. The aneurysm was not visible and the left anterior cerebral artery was patent from left ICA angiogram.

图 8 GIF. 复查左侧颈内动脉造影动脉瘤未见显影,左侧大脑前动脉通畅。

Figure 9 GIF. Dyna-CT did not detect any hemorrhage.

图 9 GIF. 术后即刻Dyna-CT未见出血。


Post Operation

  • NE: GCS 15, no headache, eye movement normal, bilateral muscle strength normal, bilateral Babinski negative.

  • Medication:

    Tirofiban 13ml/h maintained for 48 hours.

    Aspirin 100mg for long term and Clopidogrel 75mg for 3 months.

  • 查体:神经查体:GCS 15,无头痛,眼球各项运动正常,四肢肌力正常,双侧巴氏征阴性。

  • 药物:

