page.executeJs(" var data = {nodes:new vis.DataSet...
I then get the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: vis is not defined
I already tried window.vis, but unfortunately I get the same error. What could be the reason?
You can add a javascript that load the library and define window.vis.
Here an example with a tooltip:
and the Java class:
And the reason is:
Vaadin 14 loads your JavaScript as a JS Module, which means that it runs in strict mode. With strict mode, it’s an error to reference a variable that isn’t declared. Without strict mode, it’s treated as a global variable. When running in the browser, the top-level window object which represents the browser window (or tab) is used for storing global variables.
(from here:
I’m trying to use an online api in window scope.
I tried your solution and did the following:
window.Stripe = require("");
Sadly when starting the node server throws this error:
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : ERROR in ./src/javascript/stripe.js
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '' in 'C:\ ... \frontend\src\javascript'
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : @ ./src/javascript/stripe.js 17:16-51
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : @ ../target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js
Is there any way how i can import a framework from a web adress and declare it global?
You can load it from the Java using @Javascript annotation as it’s external file.
Then in your javascript the Stripe object should be available.
Here the example with an external js:
Thanks, that worked for the external URL (I thought i tried this earlier but back then it did not work).
Another question related back to your original answer:
I implement a JS Library in my MainLayout the following way:
@JsModule("./src/frameworks/echarts-en.min.js") //library
@JsModule("./src/javascript/echart.js") //custom code
Now in the echart.js
i want to define the libary entry point global:
window.echarts = require("echarts-en.min.js");
//some functions which need to call echart.init(...)
Node Error Messsage when starting:
2019-12-17 20:02:28.972 ERROR 20308 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : ERROR in ./src/javascript/echart.js
2019-12-17 20:02:28.972 ERROR 20308 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'echarts-en.min.js' in 'C:\ ... \frontend\src\javascript'
2019-12-17 20:02:28.972 ERROR 20308 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : @ ./src/javascript/echart.js 4:16-44
2019-12-17 20:02:28.972 ERROR 20308 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : @ ../target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js
Sadly this is not working. How do i have to define the path to get this working?
Benjamin Requardt:
I am trying to integrate vis-network (Version 6.4.7) module into Vaadin 14. For this I use the following annotations:
@NpmPackage(value = "vis-network", version = "6.4.7")
Then I try to execute Javascript from Java:
page.executeJs(" var data = {nodes:new vis.DataSet...
I then get the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: vis is not defined
I already tried window.vis, but unfortunately I get the same error. What could be the reason?
Did you ever get the visJS libary working with vaadin 14 and the @NpmPackage annotation
Because I am trying the same now with:
@NpmPackage(value = "vis-timeline", version = "7.4.2")
And getting the “(ReferenceError) : vis is not defined”
Jonas TM:
I’m trying to use an online api in window scope.
I tried your solution and did the following:
window.Stripe = require("");
Sadly when starting the node server throws this error:
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 --- [ webpack]
dev-webpack : ERROR in ./src/javascript/stripe.js
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack : Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘’ in ‘C:\ … \frontend\src\javascript’
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack : @ ./src/javascript/stripe.js 17:16-51
2019-12-16 22:21:23.321 ERROR 20724 — [ webpack]
dev-webpack : @ …/target/frontend/generated-flow-imports.js
Is there any way how i can import a framework from a web adress and declare it global?
Did you ever get stripe to work? The reason I ask is because of this: