  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Why another library?

I spent quite some time experimenting with different libraries and mixins available out there, but eventually all of them failed to do everything I needed in an elegant way. Some of them wouldn't let me mix set breakpoints with case-specific values, others wouldn't properly handle the CSS OR operator and most of them had a syntax that I found complicated and unnatural.

include-media was the result of that experience and it includes all the features I wish I had found before, whilst maintaining a simplistic and natural syntax.

I wrote an article on CSS-Tricks about this experience, where I explain in detail the problems I found with each of the solutions I experimented with. I also wrote on David Walsh's blog about the implementation details of include-media .


Flexible declaration of breakpoints

The library comes with a list of default breakpoints: phone, tablet and desktop. If you want to change them or add more, you can simply re-declare $breakpoints using the Sass map syntax.

  • $breakpoints : (phone: 320px , tablet: 768px , desktop: 1024px );
  • /* Inclusive and exclusive operators for a finer control over the intervals */
  • @include media ( ">phone" , "<=tablet" ) {
  • width: 50% ;
  • /* Use ligatured operators if you fancy a slicker declaration */
  • @include media ( "&geq;phone" , "&leq;tablet" ) {
  • line-height: 1.5 ;
  • Because they're completely dynamic, you can adopt whatever naming convention you want for the breakpoints. Not a fan of using device names? Not a problem.

  • $breakpoints : (small: 320px , medium: 768px , large: 1024px );
  • /* Inclusive and exclusive operators for a finer control over the intervals */
  • @include media ( ">medium" , "<=large" ) {
  • width: 100% ;
  • On-the-fly breakpoints

    Some elements require additional rules on intermediate breakpoints, so you can create media queries that use both global breakpoints and case-specific values, specified in the units of your preference.

  • @include media ( ">desktop", "<=1150px" ) {
  • font-size: 4.0rem ;
  • Smart support for media types

    Media types and static expressions are optional and automatically deferred. The list of media types can be modified by declaring $media-expressions .

    Expressions containing logical disjunctions, such as Chris Coyier's retina declaration , are correctly handled, even when combined with other media types or breakpoints.

  • @include media ( "retina2x", ">desktop" ) {
  • width: 100% ;
  • Support for different units

    Life isn't just about pixels. Fancy writing your media queries using em or rem units? We've got you covered.

  • $breakpoints : (phone: 20em , tablet: 48em , desktop: 64em );
  • @include media ( ">tablet" , "<=52em" ) {
  • background-color: #bad ;
  • Expression aliases

    You can create aliases for expressions that you find yourself reusing a lot, no matter how complex they are (watch out for the three dots next to the variable name in the mixin call).

  • $my-weird-bp : ">=tablet" , "<815px" , "landscape" , "retina3x" ;
  • @include media ( $my-weird-bp ...) {
  • display: inline-block ;
  • Height-based media queries

    All expressions result in a min-width expression by default, but you can explicitly use any breakpoint with min-height instead

  • $breakpoints : (small: 320px , medium: 768px , large: 1024px );
  • @include media ( "height>small" , "height<=medium" ) {
  • height: 50% ;
  • Context-specific breakpoints and expressions

    If a component has a set of breakpoints or media expressions that aren't shared with the rest of the application, you can set them to exist only within the scope of the component

  • @include media-context (('custom': 678px )) {
  • .my-component {
  • @include media ( ">phone" , "<=custom" ) {
  • border-radius: 100% ;
  • Download

    include-media is just one SCSS file that you can import into your project and start using right away.

    You can download the file manually , install via npm with npm install include-media or via Yarn with yarn add include-media .

    Finally, import the file dist/_include-media.scss into your project.


    Documentation generated with SassDoc is available here .

    The authors